区块链早餐2.19:比特币再破10200美元 美国SEC专员提案加密安全港

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:34 评论:0
区块链大事早知道,美好的一天从信仰开始!The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!行业动态...



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The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!


Industrial Development

01 慢雾发布有关IOTA用户Trinity钱包被盗币攻击的推测

01 post a speciation about the stolen currency attack on IOTA user Trinity's wallet

IOTA 因为近期不少用户的 Trinity 钱包被盗币攻击,为了阻止攻击继续、调查与修复具体原因,主网协调器都暂停运行了。这是一个被低估的经典攻击,官方没披露具体攻击细节,但通过慢雾的分析,可以做出某些重要推测,首先可以明确的几个点:1. 不是 IOTA 区块链协议的问题,是 IOTA 的 Trinity 桌面钱包的问题(官方说的,且先相信)2. 这款桌面钱包基于 Electron(一个使用 JavaScript 为核心构建桌面应用的框架),意味着核心代码是 JavaScript 写的3. 在做该做钱包新旧版本代码的 diff 分析时,发现去除了之前内置的一个交易所功能模块 MoonPay,这其中关键点是去掉了一段可怕的代码:const script=document.createElement('script'); script.src='https://cdn.moonpay.io/moonpay-sdk.js'; document.write(script.outerHTML);如果这个第三方 JavaScript 链接主动或被黑作恶,那该桌面版钱包就可以认为是完全沦陷了。到这,慢雾很有理由相信这是个很大的定时炸弹,如果这个定时炸弹是真的炸了,那很吻合官方的一些说辞与解释,如:尽快升级新版本的 Trinity 桌面钱包,尽快改密码,尽快转移资产到安全种子里等等。且看官方的后续披露。

IOTA, because of the recent stolen currency attack on the IOTA purse of many users, has suspended operation of the main network coordinator to prevent the continuation of the attack, investigation and repair for specific reasons. This is an undervalued classic attack, with no specific details of the attack officially disclosed, but, through slow fog analysis, some important assumptions can be made, starting with several points: 1. Not the issue of the IOTA sector chain agreement, but the issue of the IOTA's Trinity desktop wallet (officially, first believed). This wallet is based on Electron (a framework using JavaScript for core desktop building applications), which means that the core code is JavaScript 3.

02 美国SEC专员:“安全港”提案是为了给合法项目提供安全前进道路

02 US EC Commissioner “Safeport” proposal to provide a safe way forward for legitimate projects

美国SEC专员、有着“加密妈妈”之称的Hester Peirce于CoinDesk发文解释了其“安全港”(即为合法加密项目提供三年安全发展时间)提案。Peirce解释了该提案最引人担忧的两个方面。第一个担忧是该提议将重新点燃类似2017年的ICO热潮。Peirce称,“安全港”的目的是为合法项目提供一条安全的前进道路,并使诈骗项目更难吸引资金。“安全港”要求披露项目和开发团队的具体信息,保留美国SEC对“安全港”代币销售的反欺诈权力,并将不良行为者排除在外。第二个担忧是,代币在三年后是否构成证券缺乏一个明确的测试标准。Peirce解释称,为了避免在安全期限结束后被定义为证券,网络必须足够去中心化,这意味着它不会受任何个体、团体或共同控制下的实体的控制及更改。或者,该网络可以是功能性的,这意味着代币持有者能以与网络效用一致的方式使用代币。

The first concern is that the proposal will rekindle an ICO trend similar to 2017. According to Peirce, the purpose of the “safe harbour” is to provide a safe way forward for legitimate projects and make fraudulent projects more difficult to attract funds. The “safe harbour” requires the disclosure of specific information about the project and development team, preserves the anti-fraud powers of the United States SEC over the sale of “safe harbours” tokens, and excludes undesirable actors. The second concern is whether in three years there is a lack of a clear test as to whether the tokens will constitute securities. In order to avoid being defined as securities after the end of the security period, Peirce explains that the network must be sufficiently centralized, meaning that it will not be controlled and modified by any individual, group or jointly controlled entity.

03 Celsius Network与Simplex建立合作 用户可用银行卡购买加密货币

<03strong> Celsius Network and Simplex to establish cooperation between users to purchase encrypted currency using a bank card

加密借贷机构Celsius Network宣布已与付款提供商Simplex建立合作伙伴关系,其用户现在将能够通过信用卡或借记卡购买比特币和以太坊等加密货币。

The encrypted lending agency, Celsius Network, announced that it had entered into a partnership with the payment provider Simplex, whose users would now be able to purchase encrypted currency such as Bitcoin and Taiyo through credit cards or debit cards.

04 德国第二大证券交易所子公司推出加密资产托管服务

04 Introduction of Encrypted Asset Hosting Services by the Second-largest stock exchange subsidiary in Germany

德国第二大证券交易所斯图加特证券交易所的子公司 Blocknox 推出针对机构的加密资产托管服务,并表示已为斯图加特证券交易所旗下 BISON 应用程序及其数字资产交易所 BSDEX 的用户提供服务。Blocknox 表示,已经建立并部署了一个「多级安全概念」来保护托管资产。Blocknox 董事 Ulli Spankowski 表示,作为德国的加密货币托管服务的先驱,希望机构客户可以从 Blocknox 的经验中受益。同时,针对德国监管机构于 1 月初推出的加密货币服务的新规则,Blocknox 表示已将其申请许可证的意图告知监管机构,目前可临时提供托管服务。

Blocknox, a subsidiary of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, the second largest stock exchange in Germany, introduced an agency-specific encryption asset hosting service and indicated that it had provided services to users of the BISON application under the Stuttgart Stock Exchange and its digital asset exchange BSDEX. Blocknox indicated that a " multi-level security concept" had been established and deployed to protect the hosting asset. Blocknox Director Ulli Spankowski said that, as a pioneer of the German encryption currency hosting service, it was hoped that institutional clients would benefit from Blocknox’s experience.

05 韩国银行家:韩国金融机构已制定加密业务计划

05 Korean bankers: Korean financial institutions have developed encryption business plans

据Cryptonews 2月18日消息,韩国银行家表示,韩国金融机构已经制定了加密业务计划,但由于缺乏监管明确性而无法与之公开。根据韩国媒体Hangook Ilbo报告, 一家韩国银行的一位不愿透露姓名的高级官员表示,韩国的银行暂时无法透露他们的加密资产计划,目前仅将区块链技术应用于银行业务流程和应用程序。此外,另一位官员表示,金融机构正在利用区块链技术取得进步,但是由于韩国没有加密法,在商业化方面会遇到一些麻烦。此外,报告显示,韩国超过一半的银行和金融机构正在认真考虑推出与区块链相关的服务,或者已经开始开发由区块链驱动的解决方案。

According to Cryptonews, on 18 February, Korean bankers said that Korean financial institutions had developed encryption business plans, but were unable to disclose them because of lack of regulatory clarity. According to the Korean media, a senior official from a Korean bank who was reluctant to disclose his name reported that Korean banks were temporarily unable to disclose their encrypted asset plans and were currently applying block chain technology only to bank business processes and applications.

06 火信发布项目进展报告,V2.9版本正式上线

06 project progress report, version V2.9 officially online


Recently, a progress report on the project (2020.02.03.-2020.02.14) was released on the Fence Group's social products fire letter, which discloses the technology and community operations of the FLINT product. At present, the FLINT gift package has been officially launched with V2.9 version, and during the reporting period, the FLIT also conducted three live quiz analysis exercises for contractual analysts and a block chain knowledge-sharing exercise. It is understood that the FLCOM is a chat software built under the FLN flag specifically for the block chain industry, with chat sessions at its core, providing a wealth of community management and operation tools and providing easy communication platforms for block chain lovers, investors and parties.

07 拉卡拉:公司设立区块链实验室,加强探索区块链应用

07 Larkara: The company set up a block chain laboratory to enhance the application of the exploration block chain


According to the news of the new wave, in response to investors'questions on the interactive platform, Larkara (30073.SZ) stated that the company had a high interest in block chain technology and its applications, and had set up a block chain laboratory to enhance the application and services of core search block chain technology in areas such as regulation technology, joint wind control, privacy-based computing information security, anti-fraud, next-generation settlement systems and commodity traceability.

08 火币矿池生态交易所开通“锁仓可交易”专区 开放EOSS/USDT交易对

<08strung> >...........................................................................................................................................................................................................


According to official sources, the Exchange has recently launched a “lock-and-trade” special area. “lock-and-trade” refers to the digital assets of the Treasure Pool lock-in, which, after conversion to the corresponding pass, achieves transactional functions. The first open-ended “lock-and-trade” project is EOS-EOSS. Users choose a flexible lock-up EOS in the Treasure Pool, using 1:1 to convert into a trading-free EOSS, self-deposit EOSS, self-dealing properties and marketable transactions. EOSS/USDT deals are open today.

09 Ethhub创始人:bZx疑似再次发生攻击 或损失2388个 ETH

09 Ethhub: bZx suspected of repeated attacks or lost 2,388 ETH

以太坊爱好者、Ethhub 创始人 Eric Conner 在推特上表示,bZx 攻击疑似再次出现,如果确认的话,这一次攻击者获利 2,388 个 ETH(约 64.4 万美元)。Eric 表示,攻击者疑似借了 7500 个 ETH,换成 WETH 后,抛售换成 Synthetix 合成的 sUSD。

On Twitter, Eric Conner, a fan of Tai Hob and founder of Ethhub, said that the bZx attack appeared again and, if confirmed, the attackers benefited 2,388 ETHs (approximately $6.44 million). Eric said that the attackers suspected borrowed 7,500 ETHs and sold them for the Synthetix sUSD.

10 媒体:韩国央行正在测试区块链债券

10 media: The Central Bank of Korea is testing block chain bonds

韩国银行(该国央行)正在测试区块链债券。据业内透露,韩国银行已于去年年底选定了经营企业,并一直在开发区块链债券系统。区块链债券与当前债券的区别是,委托结算院管理的记录将被转换为分布式分类账格式,并且可通过区块链技术同时共享给多个节点。不过,距离全面引入区块链债券可能还需要很长时间。目前,该测试正处于概念验证(POC:Proof of Concept)阶段。

The Bank of Korea (the central bank) is testing block-chain bonds. According to industry, the Bank of Korea selected a business at the end of last year and has been developing a block-chain bond system.

11 Roger Ver:并没有签署12.5% BCH矿工税提案

11 < strong > Roger Ver: 12.5% BCH Miner Tax Proposal not signed

2月18日消息,BCH支持者Roger Ver近日于油管视频中表示,他和旗下的Bitcoin.com都不赞同有争议的12.5% BCH矿工税。Roger Ver表示并不同意在此前的原始比特币现金矿工税收提案中使用自己的名字。他称并没有对提案进行签名,当他的名字出现在提案中并发布出去时,提案有关讨论仍在进行中。他并不认为他的名字出现是为了让所有人满意,反而这是社区缺乏沟通的表现。此前1月29日消息,Bitcoin.com已决定不支持12.5%出块奖励开发基金提议。此外目前,Bitcoin ABC计划实施基础设施融资计划,矿工捐赠比例改为5%。

On 18 February, BCH's supporter Roger Ver recently stated in a pipeline video that he and his flag, Bitcoin.com, did not agree with the controversial 12.5% BCH mining tax. Roger Ver disagreed with the use of his name in the original Bitcoin cash miners' tax proposal. He claimed that the proposal had not been signed and that when his name appeared in the proposal and published it, the discussion was still ongoing. He did not think that his name appeared to satisfy everyone, but rather was a sign of a lack of communication in the community.

12 《aelf经济和治理白皮书》发布 论述aelf网络经济模型和治理模式

12 < strong > > White Paper on aelf Economy and Governance > . > . >. . >. >...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................


On 17 February, aelf officially released the White Paper on aelf Economy and Governance, an authoritative statement on aelf's network economic model and governance model following the Project's White Paper. Aelf's White Paper on Economy and Governance describes the agreement of various roles and interests in aelf's ecology. Production nodes, candidate nodes, investors'rights, developers'rights and rules of collaboration, highlighting how to realize the vision of aelf using innovative multi-level primary-side structures and cross-chain technologies, exploring decentralised models of collaboration to achieve governance efficiency and value-driven bottom ecology. Aelf's economic model and governance model are innovative in seven ways.

13 香港区块链信托公会对区块链隔离账户的试点开始



The Hong Kong Block Chain Trust Board has started piloting block chain isolation accounts. It is known that the block chain foreign exchange isolation account technology, developed by the Ergen Finance Corporation in conjunction with the Hong Kong Block Chain Trust, is a block foreign exchange segregation account developed by the Deutsche Bank of Germany to ensure the financial security of users, while the technology associated with the block chain makes the accounts of users immutable, transparent, and hidden, a new financial model worthy of further study.

14 Ripple CEO:希望公司五年内能够成为加密行业的亚马逊

14 < strong > Ripple CEO: Hopes that the company will become the Amazon within five years in the encryption industry

Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse近期接受CNN采访时提到了亚马逊的惊人增长,以及它是如何从一个在线图书销售商起步,然后转向并开始主导电子商务。他预计Ripple也有类似的潜力,并表示对于Ripple而言最重要的是解决跨境支付问题。Garlinghouse补充称,“我希望在五年内,我们不仅仅是亚马逊的书,而是成为亚马逊。”很难想象五年后加密市场会是什么样子,但他看到Ripple的规模越来越大,为客户提供了真正的解决方案。Garlinghous称,Ripple公司目前持有价值超过150亿美元的XRP。仅这一数字就高于Ripple在最近一轮2亿美元的C轮融资中获得的100亿美元估值。Garlinghouse也澄清了他最近关于Ripple上市可能性的声明。他说,Ripple进行IPO是不可避免的,但时间还不清楚。

The Chief Executive Officer of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, in his recent interview with CNN, referred to the alarming growth of the Amazon, and how it started from an online book seller and turned and started to dominate e-commerce. He expected that Ripple had similar potential and said that the most important thing for Ripple was to solve cross-border payments. Garlinghouse added that “I want to be not just Amazon, but Amazon in five years.” It was hard to imagine what the encryption market would look like in five years, but he saw that Ripple was growing in size, offering real solutions to clients. Garlinghous said that Ripple now held more than $15 billion in XRPs. That figure alone was higher than the $10 billion worth of Ripple’s last round of $200 million C round finance. Garlinghouse also clarified his recent statement about the possibility of Ripple going to the market.


Level One Market

01 BitGo收购证券型代币平台Harbor

01 Bitgo Acquisition Portfolio Monet Harbor


The acquisition included Harbor’s subsidiaries, including brokers under the supervision of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority and transfer agents under the supervision of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This allowed BitGo to expand beyond its hosting services.

02 MovieBloc收购韩国区块链社区Cobak 并将和Block72达成合作

02 MovieBloc acquires Cobak, a Korean block chain community, and will enter into cooperation with Block72

据官方消息,MovieBloc宣布收购韩国区块链社区Cobak。Cobak是韩国数字货币社区,拥有领先的移动服务及韩国大量的用户和钱包。 为使Cobak成为透明、活跃的加密社区,将Cobak服务扩展到全球加密社区,为促进KYC合规方面做出贡献,并在服务中大规模应用加密货币,收购Cobak后,MovieBloc将与跨国区块链咨询公司Block72建立合作伙伴关系。Block72 的合伙人Sinhae Lee将出任MovieBloc外部董事。Block72自己的项目 STP将会积极向Cobak引入其合作伙伴项目及投资组合,并且只会将优质的项目提供给其支持者 。

To make Cobak a transparent and active encryption community, extending the Cobak service to the global encryption community, contributing to the compliance of KYC, and using encrypted currency on a large scale in the service, MovieBloc will enter into a partnership with the multinational block chain consulting firm Block72. In order to make it a transparent and dynamic community of encryption, his own project STP will actively introduce Cobak to its partner projects and portfolio, and will only provide high-quality projects to its supporters.

03 欧洲航天局资助创企Hypervine利用区块链技术助力采掘业

03 European Space Agency (ESA) funding the creative Hypervine extractive industries using block chain technology


Hypervine, a start-up company in Glasgow, Scotland, announced on 17 February the launch of a joint ESA-funded project aimed at using space data development services to improve the efficiency of extractive industries. Specifically, Hypervine, through its block-chain ledger, enables information from satellites to be accurate, so quarrying companies can better monitor its operations by using space assets (e.g. topography, liquids, minerals and density readings).


Secondary Market

01 BTC突破10200美元

01 BTC Breaks $10,200


In the early days of the day, BTC made another breakthrough of $10,200, up to $10250, which is now stable around $10,100. There are more volatile movements, so take risk control.

02 Tokenomica为大型交易商提供OTC加密货币交易

02Tokenomica provides OTC encrypted currency transactions for large traders


Tokenomia, Malta’s encrypted asset exchange, has announced that it has made available OTC-encrypted currency transactions to large traders. Participants can trade BTC in euros instead of using the order book of the exchange.

03 FCoin社区委员会:已与张健深度沟通,或将重启FCoin

03 FCoin Community Council: communicated with Jang depth or will restart FCoin

据FCoin社委会成员透露,目前,在多方协调下,FCoin第三届社区委员会已与FCoin创始人张健针对 FCoin(含FMex,FCoinJP等)目前的问题进行了深度沟通,并与张健就交易所重启事宜达成了初步共识,已正在逐步推进和落实,若有进一步消息,社委会将第一时间以公告形式告知。

According to the members of the FCoin Social Council, the third Community Council of F Coin, in coordination with multiple parties, has now engaged in in-depth communication with the founder of F Coin, Zhang Ken, including FMex, FCoinJP, on current issues, and has reached a preliminary consensus with Zhang Jian on the re-opening of the Exchange, which is being gradually advanced and implemented, and if further information becomes available, the Social Council will inform the Committee of the first time in the form of an announcement.

04 MXC抹茶宣布向FCoin事件受损做市商的支援政策

04 MXC teaskin announces a market-based support policy for the FCoin incident


According to the MXC official tweet @MXC poured tea, MXC poured tea, stating that in view of the recent FCOin incident, which caused damage to many people in the industry, MXC provided financial support to market vendors for the damaged FCOin incident, including, but not limited to, financial rescue services such as interest-free lending.

05 库币现已支持日元 (JPY)购买数字资产

05 banknotes that now support the purchase of digital assets by the Japanese yen (JPY)

据库币KuCoin交易所消息,库币宣布新增日元 (JPY)法币入金渠道,用户可通过Simplex将付款币种选择为日元 (JPY),即可直接使用该种法定货币购买数字货币。库币目前支持通过Simplex、Banxa、OTC平台三个渠道进行法币交易,支持的法币包括美元(USD)、欧元(EUR)、英镑(GBP)、卢布(RUB)、澳元(AUD)、韩元(KRW)、日元(JPY)、新土耳其里拉(TRY)、越南盾(VND)、印尼盾(IDR)。

According to the KuCoin exchange, the bank currency announces a new channel for the entry of Japanese yen (JPY) in French currency, which users can directly use by selecting the currency of payment as the Japanese yen (JPY) through Simplex. The bank currency currently supports transactions in French currency through the three channels of Simplex, Banxa, OTC platforms, including the United States dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), the pound sterling (GBP), the Lubb (RUB), the Australian dollar (AUD), the Korean Won (KRW), the Japanese yen (JPY), the New Turkey Lira (TRY), the Viet Nam Shield (VND) and the Indonesian Shield (IDR).

06 Coinbase 收取 Tezos 用户25%的抵押奖励佣金

06 Coinbase charges a 25% mortgage incentive commission for Tezos users

加密交易平台 Coinbase 向在其平台上投资 Tezos (XTZ) 的用户收取 25% 的费用,这让许多用户感到愤怒,要求一个合理的解释。

Encrypted trading platforms Coinbase charge 25 per cent of the cost to users who invest in Tezos (XTZ) on their platforms, which angers many users and requires a reasonable explanation.

07 FCoin比特币冷钱包地址已清空 峰值曾达11509BTC

07 FCoinbitco's cold wallet address has been cleared and peaked at 11509 BTC

就FCoin事件,北京链安Chainsmap监测系统分析发现,从其冷钱包中BTC总额来看,在2018年7月22日达到顶峰的11509枚BTC,此后整体呈现下降趋势,主要转账操作为以数百枚BTC规模提取到FCoin相关热钱包地址后再进一步进行提币业务。另外,据统计,该地址历史上累积接收到186934562.8枚OMNI USDT,多来自于其热钱包归集转账。在今年2月14日,冷钱包地址剩余近55枚BTC已经转账到363sZd开头地址,相关OMNI USDT也转移到该地址,目前看该地址偶有数百到数万USDT的提币操作。

With regard to the FCoin incident, an analysis of the Beijing chain's Chainsmap monitoring system found that, from the total amount of BTC in its cold wallet, which peaked on 22 July 2018, there was an overall downward trend, with the main transfer operation being the extraction of hundreds of BTC-sized hot wallets from FCoin-related addresses before further currency withdrawals. Moreover, the address had accumulated 186934568 OMNI USDTs in history, mostly from the transfer of its hot wallets. On 14 February this year, nearly 55 BTCs remaining had been transferred to the opening address of 363s Zd, and the related OMINI USDTs had been transferred to that address, which now appears to have hundreds to tens of USDTs.

08 AEX决定将再启透明计划 搭建可信的查询系统

08 AEX decided to reboot the transparency plan with a credible query system


In a tweet, the AEX Exchange stated that “A net AEX's vision is to build a 100-year-old shop, currently operating for nearly seven years, a trading platform with a 100-per-cent reserve system and an open cold wallet address, and AEX decided to reboot the transparency plan: 1, build a credible query system and gradually disclose our cold wallet address to ensure that users can see 100 per cent of the platform's reserve ratio. 2 All business data are transparent, such as all business data such as transactions, treasury management, mortgages and cloud computing are made public. 3 and a management position is established to undertake the above work.

09 尽管DEX交易量飙升,但BzX漏洞事件凸显行业隐忧

09 > despite the surge in DEX transactions, BzX leaks highlight industry concerns

去年,以太坊上的DEX交易额超过23亿美元,而2020年有望轻松超越。根据Dune Analytics的数据,以太坊DEX过去7天的交易额达到1.19亿美元,同比增长71%。与此同时,为了满足不断增长的需求,新的DEX也在不断涌现。尽管如此,DEX行业依然存在隐忧。2月15日发生的DeFi贷款协议BzX漏洞事件引发了激烈的争论,争论的焦点是去中心化的交易协议是否真的是去中心化的,还是一个“紧急开关”的存在会使所有这些声明无效。此前,BzX的一个合约被操纵,损失了约35万美元的ETH,而后该合约被关闭。注:BzX是第七大DeFi协议,锁定了超过1800万美元的资金。

Last year, the DEX deal was worth more than $2.3 billion in the Tai shop, and it is expected to be easily exceeded by 2020. According to Dune Analytics, DEX's transactions for the past seven days amounted to $119 million, an increase of 71%.




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