财联社 6 月 7 日讯(编辑 马兰)比特币有望在今年再次冲击历史新高。据统计,比特币 ETF 已经连续 18 天报告资金净流入,激增的需求将可能帮助比特币价格再次突破巅峰。
The June 7 newsletter (ed. Maran) by the Bitcoin is expected to hit history again this year. According to statistics, Bitcoin ETF has reported a net inflow of funds for 18 consecutive days, and the surge in demand could help Bitcoin prices reach their peak again.
仅周四当天,净流入美国 11 支比特币 ETF 的资金就达到 2.18 亿美元,而美国比特币 ETF 总资产净值则达到 623 亿美元。其中,贝莱德 ETF 以超 200 亿美元的规模荣登该类资产榜首,富达比特币 ETF 屈居第二。
On Thursday alone, the net flow to the United States of 11 bitcoin ETF amounted to $218 million, while the United States of America's net assets to the dollar amounted to $62.3 billion. Of that amount, Belaid ETF was ranked second on the asset list on a scale exceeding $20 billion, and Fudabitco was the second largest.
而这种势如破竹的趋势让不少期权市场的投机者预计,比特币将在本月涨破 3 月的历史高点 73798 美元。
This trend has led speculators in a number of options markets to predict that Bitcoin will rise to an all-time high of US$ 73798 this month in March.
Fundstrat 咨询公司数字资产策略主管 Sean Farrell 指出,大量资金流入现货比特币 ETF,加上美联储未来降息预期推动,宏观层面继续对加密货币有利。
Sean Farrell, Director of Digital Assets Strategy, Fundstrat Consulting, noted that large inflows of funds into spot bitcoin ETF, coupled with future interest-reduction expectations of the Fed, continued to favour encrypted currencies at the macro level.
截至发稿,比特币价格稳定在 71000 美元上下。而自去年年初以来,比特币价格已经上涨了三倍多。
By the time of publication, bitcoin prices were stable at $71,000. And since the beginning of last year, bitcoin prices have more than tripled.
Impact is not enough
尽管比特币价格涨势已经十分红火,但一些投资人还是嫌弃其涨得太慢并提问:在连续 18 日的 ETF 资金净流入的推动下,比特币为何仍迟迟无法突破历史高位?
Despite the fact that the price of bitcoin is already on the rise, some investors prefer to ignore the fact that it is rising too slowly and ask: Why is bitcoin still too late to reach historical heights, driven by a net inflow of ETF funds for 18 consecutive days?
Capriole Investment 创始人 Charles Edwards 指出,虽然 ETF 的流量十分之大,但仍不足以影响到整个比特币大盘。
The founder of Capriole Investment, Charles Edwards, pointed out that while ETF flows were very large, they were not enough to affect the entire Bitcoins.
据 Hold15Capital 统计,截至周四,现货比特币 ETF 在持有的比特币数量约为 103 万枚,占到全球流通供应量的 5.2%。
According to Hold15Capital, as of Thursday, the current Bitcoin ETF held approximately 1.03 million bitcoins, or 5.2 per cent of the global supply in circulation.
加密货币交易所 DODO 联合创始人 Radar Bear 表示,ETF 固然重要,但比特币价格更多是受到宏观经济因素和地缘政治事件的影响。
Radar Bear, a co-founder of the Encrypted Currency Exchange, said that while ETF was important, bitcoin prices were more influenced by macroeconomic factors and geopolitical events.
Cane Island Alternative Advisors 创始人 Timothy Peterson 则强调,英国和日本这两个主要市场仍然没有上市的现货比特币 ETF,这意味着市场还有很大的增长空间。
The founder of Cane Island Alternative Advisors, Timothy Peterson, stressed that the two major markets, the United Kingdom and Japan, were still not listed as spot bitcoins of ETF, which meant that there was still much room for market growth.
Edwards 补充道,想要出现比特币价格大幅上涨的情况至少需要满足三个条件中的其中一个:平均 ETF 购买量增加,长期持有者抛售减少,美国市场或全球市场的流动性增加。
Edwards added that one of at least three conditions would have to be met if there was to be a significant increase in bitcoin prices: an increase in the average ETF purchase volume, a decrease in sales by long-term holders and an increase in liquidity in the United States market or in the global market.
He also pointed out that sales by long-term holders were a key factor, especially those investors who had held bitcoins for more than two years, and who had a very high chance of opting for a settlement this year. This could impede further increases in bitcoin prices.
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