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Contract transactions occurred in the currency circles in 2013, although only a small number of investors were interested at the time. With the rise of bitcoins in recent years, an increasing number of investors became interested in virtual currency, which also led to the emergence of contract transactions. Even then, most newcomers in the currency circles can say that they do not know anything about contract transactions, so what does the contract deal mean? Is the contract deal a future?


What does the contract deal mean?


As in the case of contract transactions and futures transactions, two-way transactions can be made either more or less empty, with both parties submitting an agreement before the transaction is made, and then trading at the agreed time. Whether by the time of the transaction, the digital currency has risen or dropped, and the result is profit or loss, the transaction must be conducted in accordance with the previous agreement. For example, considering that Bitcoin is on the rise in a short period of time, more than one operation is required, with a 50-fold bond to the platform, so that the money can be fully used until the price rises, the currency sells and the transaction costs are deducted.


Is the contract deal a future?


Contractual transactions include futures transactions, which can also be said to be contractual.


A contract transaction is divided into a contract of delivery and a contract of eternity. It is also understood, literally, that a “contract of delivery” has a date of delivery, that a “perpetuity contract” has no expiry date, and that there is no limit on the time to hold a warehouse.


Contracts may be divided into permanent and fixed-term contracts depending on the mode of delivery.


The main difference between the two is that there are fixed delivery days for fixed-term contracts and no permanent contracts. The fixed-term contracts are divided into three categories depending on the timing of the delivery: week contracts, week contracts and quarterly contracts.


New Handy Tutor for Contract Transactions


Take, for example, the permanent contract (https://www.huobi.fm/zh-cn/).


1. Login to find a "perpetuity contract ", click in.


2- Click on “Opening the Unopened Contract” to enter the permanent contract opening page at the time of the ejection.


3 On a permanent contract opening page, the identity of the person who has not completed the authentication is authenticated first, and the authentication is completed by clicking on " Next " to the user service agreement page. Click on " Confirm and open " after agreeing to the protocol, and then successfully open the contract transaction.


4. Upon the completion of the open-end permanent contract, account UID, account & security, rates, etc. can be viewed above the right of the navigation bar.


5. Click on the " Transfer " button. (Or click on the top of the page to navigate the " Contract asset ", enter the asset page, click on the " Transfer " button) If there are no digital assets, click on the " Buy money " button to buy in the French currency trading area.


On the popup " Transfer " page, choose to transfer from " Currency accounts " to " Permanent contract accounts ", select the currency to be transferred, then enter the amount to be transferred, and then click " OK ".


Note: Transfers between “currency accounts” and “continuing contract accounts” are currently only supported.

6、划转完成后就可以在交易页面左上方看到折合成BTC的总权益,然后就可以进行永续合约交易了 (点击小眼睛可以隐藏用户资产信息) 。

6. After the transfer has been completed, you can see the total interest of the converted BTC on the top left of the transaction page, and then you can make a permanent contract transaction (clicking on the little eye to hide the user's asset information).


Selection of the corresponding type of contract as required, such as the BTC permanent contract.


8. Sustainability contracts currently have a maximum support of 125 times, e.g. users need to read first and agree to the High Multiplier Agreement and select leverage multiples, depending on the circumstances.


When multiples are selected, a “price-limit commission” or “plan commission” may be used to open a warehouse, while a “buy-in-off” option is chosen for increases and a “sale-out-out-of-the-shelf” option is chosen.

限价委托:输入价格和数量进行下单;或选择“对手价”、“最优5档”等方式,只需输入数量即可下单。限价委托规定了用户愿意买的最高价格或愿意卖的最低价格。用户在设定限价后,市场会以达到对用户有利方向的价格优先成交。开仓和平仓都可以使用限价委托。限价委托可选择三种生效机制,“只做Maker(Post only)”、“全部成交或立即取消(FillOrKill)”、“立即成交并取消剩余(ImmediateOrCancel)”;当不选择生效机制时则限价委托默认是“一直有效”。

Price limit orders: input prices and quantities are ordered; or the choice of “opposite price”, “best five” or so on is simply to enter a quantity. Price limit orders specify the maximum price that the user is willing to buy or the minimum price that the user is willing to sell. After a price limit has been set, the market gives priority to a price that is in a user-friendly direction. Price limit orders can be used in the open and peaceful warehouse. Price limit orders can be selected for three effective mechanisms: “Past only”, “Fill Orkill”, “Immediate OrCancel” and “always remain valid” when the effective mechanism is not chosen.


It is planned to commission the order: set the trigger price and commission price and quantity, and when the trigger conditions are met for the latest market offer, the system will place the order (i.e., the price limit) at the pre-set commission price and quantity.


9. After the entry has been successful, the silo position is shown in the “Current holding” column, while the unsold portion is shown in the “Current commission” column (which can be withdrawn until the match has been made).


10/ In the case of silos, “prior-price commission” or “plan commission” is selected depending on the circumstances, multiple-head contracts are clicked on “seller” and empty-head contracts are selected for “buy-in-out”.


The mouse is moved to the navigation bar “Contract information”, where information such as “settlement records”, “risk reserves” and “fund rates” can be viewed.

12、鼠标移动到页面顶部导航“交易管理”,即可查看 “财务记录”、“历史委托”、“成交记录”等交易数据。

12. Move the mouse to the top of the page to navigation " transaction management ", where transactions data such as " financial record ", " historical commission ", " transaction record ", etc. can be viewed.


What does a contractual transaction mean? Through the above presentation, we believe that there is some understanding of what a contractual transaction means. The small editor of the currency circle reminds investors of the need to invest in virtual currency and to find a formal, large trading platform, and that the transaction must not take place frequently, especially before the big news comes out, suggesting to watch, not to gamble, so that he can be kept locked up, causing huge economic losses.




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