
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:24 评论:0
图:蒙古国现任总理呼日勒苏赫与蒙中一带一路贸促会主席潘高峰先生亲切交流Figure: Friendly exchange between the current Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mr. Hoszl...



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Figure: Friendly exchange between the current Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mr. Hoszlesukh, and the Chairman of the Trade Facilitation Committee, Mr. Ban H.P.


The Mongolian National Block Chain Digital Asset Exchange is the immediate unit of the Central Committee for Trade Development and has the Mongolian endorsement of a national exchange. The current Prime Minister of Mongolia, Hujlesukh, has expressed Mongolia’s strong support for block chain operations, while interacting with the Chairman of the Trade Facilitation Committee, Mr. Ban Feng, and will extend his congratulations to the Mongolian National Block Chain Digital Asset Exchange at the global launch ceremony. In the same period, the Director of the Central Office of Mongolia, Zandenshart, said that in the future 87% of Mongolian public services would be digitized and new Mongolia in the sector chain, and that, in the new phase of development, reform would begin with the most advanced policies and information technology, with a digital transformation that would bring new information technologies and corruption-free services to Mongolia. At the same time, Zandenshar led the establishment of the Mongolian District Chain Working Group and served as its leader.


Figure: The current President of the Mongolian Democratic Party, Eldon, expressed his strong support for MDE and will personally attend


At the end of last year, Zandenshart was known to have met with the Chinese delegation led by the Chairman of the Trade Promotion Conference, Mr. Ban Feng, all the way from Great Hural, Mongolia, to discuss economic and trade cooperation between China and China. Mr. Zandenshar will also be invited to attend and address the Global Launch of the Mongolian National Block Chain Digital Assets Exchange (MDE) on 29 March.


The exchange also entered into a partnership with the Mongolian Bogueda Bank (a representative of the Mongolian block chain of the Davos Forum) and plans to invest no more than 10% of the shares (first investment) in the Bogda Bank, which is a prominent commercial bank in Mongolia. Mr. Saruul, President of Bogda Bank, will also make a presentation at the MDE global launch ceremony and take up a key position in the MDE.


Mongolia has allocated 12,000 square metres of existing aircraft hangars near the capital airport, Genghis Khan International Airport, for the construction of the MDE self-trade zone industrial park containing digital asset excavators, while more than 12 permanent high-voltage military cables have been built underground and supplied to MDE at ultra-low prices.


New Routes in Fuzhou, First Landmarks, All the Trades in the Middle East will break down all the barriers to communication


The Committee for the Promotion of Economic and Trade Development in the Mongolian part of China was established in December 2017.


On 5 December 2017, the Chairman of the Wall Street Group of International Holdings, Mr. Ban Feng, accompanied by an elite delegation from the political, business, financial, cultural and academic communities, went to the Las Vegas — Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, on the future steppe, where he was received by the Director of the Central Office of Mongolia, Zandenshart, and a member of the Mongolian National Congress, and the Minister of Labour and Social Security of Mongolia, Chinzhirig.


Figure: Tzandenshart, Director-General of the Central Office of Mongolia, received the delegation with goodwill in Great Hural (5 December 2017)


After the talks, a consensus was reached between the two sides that the China-China Trade Promotion Committee was officially established in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Mongolia, China’s Fujian Quint County Chamber of Commerce, among others, participated in the inaugural ceremony and elected its inaugural President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, and members of the Board. The former Prime Minister of Mongolia, Erdenbat, served as Honorary Chairman of the Committee, and Mr. Ban Peng, Vice-President of the Fujien Quan County Chamber of Commerce of China, was elected Chairman of the Committee for the first time. The Mongolian Congressman, its members, and the Minister of Labour and Social Security of Mongolia, Chinchulrig, were elected Director of the Committee.


According to the information received, the Honorary Chairman of the Committee and 29th Prime Minister of Mongolia, Erdenbat, is planning to lead the Mongolian top-level political and business expedition to the city of Fukuzhou, Fujian Province, the Chinese district headquarters of the Committee for the Promotion of Trade Development, on 18 May, to participate in the 21st Century Sea Silk Road Fair and the Twentieth Cross-Strait Trade and Trade Fair (CMT), and will make an important presentation on behalf of the Central Committee of Mongolia, the China-China Committee for Trade Development.


Figure: Friendly exchange between the 29th Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mr. Erdenbat, and Mr. Ban Peng, Chairman of the Trade Facilitation Committee, on the other side of Mongolia


Also, according to central Mongolian news, the Mongolian state has arranged for the Mongolian air jet to depart in Beijing on 27 March to witness the global launch of the MDE in Ulaanbaatar, which Mongolia has temporarily deployed to support in full the planned Mongolian air route to Germany, which will also be attended by a large number of Mongolian central executives personally. Meanwhile, the Mongolian state segment digital asset exchange and all invitations from the China-China Trade Facilitation Committee will launch a special visa policy for all landings, and on 27 March Mongolia’s presidential adviser, the President of Mongolia Aviation, will personally greet the third batch of Chinese delegations of 34 provincial and municipal enterprises from China at the capital airport with a trade facilitation meeting.


A consensus was reached between the President of Mongolian Aviation, the Presidential Adviser, Ms. Zende Ayusha, and Mr. Ban Feng on landing.


In addition, the Mongolian Committee for the Promotion of Trade and Development is planning to establish Mongolia’s National Tourism Company in April, and the President of Mongolian Aviation is personally acting as Executive President to create a better service experience for trade and trade between the two countries. At the same time, the central Mongolian government has agreed to launch in the near future an international flight from the capital city of Ulaanbaatar to the threshold of the 21st century’s Sea Silk Road.




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