
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:57 评论:0
展开全部 tp钱包转换分两种情况。The conversion of the tp wallet is divided into two scenarios.1如果你的usdt在eth钱包,点闪兑,上面选usdt,下面选eth,...



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The conversion of the tp wallet is divided into two scenarios.


If your usdt is in the eth wallet, flash, choose usdt, then choose eth, enter the amount you want to convert by the usdt.


If your usdt is not in Eth's wallet, then create an eth's wallet on the eth's chain, then transfer usdt to Eth's wallet (to the wallet at which wedt is located, and then select usdt, and then choose usdt), and wedt's going to Eth's wallet to follow the first step.


These conversions need to be chained up, so some fees are charged.


How do you get the money from the strong?


Life in Australia has always been easy for me to exchange the BIYAPAY exchange of APPs, with a high exchange rate for platforms and lower transaction costs, and very friendly for regular money-transferrs.


Let's be brief.


BIYAPAY can make it possible to pay on-line public bills such as tuition fees, rents, utilities, etc.


It is a different option for small partners who are coming to Australia to pay their tuition fees.


The process is simple and the workday is usually 10 minutes to account.


There's a lot of concessions going on.


Operational steps:


In Microsoft, BIYAPAY should be searched for access to the network, and the first transaction to register the account will now benefit from a fee discount; the mail box will be registered on the account number, KYC certification; the full value of USDT will be converted into the United States dollar, euros, Hong Kong currency, mainstream French currency, United States dollars, euros, Hong Kong currency, etc.

BIYAPAY是一家为全球范围内的客户提供多资产交易的国际钱包,支持全球收付款和国际汇款,包含闪兑、理财以及美港股等主要投资服务。不仅支持美元、澳元、加元、欧元、英镑、港币、日元、新加坡元、韩元等全球近50种主流法币和数字货币的兑换,而且手续费超低,大额转账,不限额度,随时随地都可以在BIYAPAY app进行海外汇款。如果对我的回答

BIYAPAY is an international wallet that provides multi-asset transactions to clients around the world, supports global payments and international remittances, and includes major investment services such as flash, treasury and US Ports. Not only do it support the exchange of nearly 50 mainstream French and digital currencies, such as the United States dollar, the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar, the euro, the pound sterling, the Hong Kong dollar, the Singapore dollar, the Korean Won, etc., but it is also expensive, large transfers, no limits, and remittances can be made overseas at any time or place.


Study abroad. What are the easy ways to transfer money?

找到需要KMC的人,这个可以直接联系我,我可以高价回收你的KMC,不担心卖不出去;点击闪兑,将金元宝兑换成KMC。 注意:①在这个兑换过程中有手续费,如果只是纯玩有50%的手续费,降低手续费的方法就是推荐,推荐越多手续费越低。②在卖之前,最少要用10个金元宝兑换一次流量包,之后产生的金元宝才可以进行交易。在交易的过程中,建议最少留10个金元宝在手里,如果以后看懂了想要继续完,自己又没有金元宝,那就需要自己购买KMC来兑换成金元宝,然后用金元宝再兑换成流量包,才可以继续做任务。③如果真的不想玩了,就可以全部卖掉!金元宝和KMC可以互换,金元宝兑换成KMC需要手续费,KMC兑换成金元宝不需要手续费。第三步:将KMC转赠给购买的人。转化成为KMC之后,这个就是你的资产了,在资产的地方就可以进行转赠,只需要输入对方的手机号码就可以进行转赠。注意:在转赠的过程中要找信得过的人进行交易

When you find someone who needs KMC, you can contact me directly. I can recover your KMC at a very high price. I don't worry about selling it. In the course of the transaction, it is recommended that at least 10 pieces of gold be kept in hand, and if you see that you want to go on without it, then you need to buy KMC to convert to KMC, and then you need to convert to KMC, so that you can continue to do the job. If you really don't want to play, you can sell all of it!


海外留学生都爱的换汇神神器BIYAPAY APP。

Overseas students love the God of exchange BIYAPAY APP.


The reason I'm studying in England to choose this app:


1. BIYAPAY is available in Chinese and it is very convenient to ask people directly for their services without knowledge, while most of the other software is English-language, frequently communicates poorly and is very inefficient.


2. The simpleness and clarity of the remittance process and the low transaction costs, which result in fewer cumbersome steps than banks to purchase and ensure full payment, as well as the fact that the treasurers who used cross-border transfers from banks know how high the cost of full access to services is.


Method of use:

1在微软必应、百 度等国内搜索引擎或BIYAPAY贴吧找到官网链接,也可网址biyagl,然后三w,+com进入BIYAPAY官网,现在注册账号首次交易还能享受手续费优惠;

(a) The official web link can be found in a domestic search engine, such as Microsoft Reciprocal, 100 degrees or BIYAPAY, or on the web site biyagl, and then threew, +com, into the BIYAPAY official network, where the first transaction with the registered account number is now subject to a fee discount;

2或者在谷歌商店搜索BIYA GLOBAL,苹果用户需要使用海外ID,在AppStore搜索“BIYA global”下载安装,邮箱注册登陆账号;

2 Or searching for BIYA GLOBAL in Google stores, where Apple users use overseas IDs, which are installed in AppStore to search for “BIYA global” downloads, and e-mail boxes are registered to account numbers;


3 Conducting KYC authentications, adding an offshore bank account, charging the USD in the bank account to BIYAPAY, clicking a flash and flashing the dollar to USDT;


I'll be there in a few minutes, very soon.

BIYAPAY支持美元、澳元、加元、欧元、英镑、港币、日元、新加坡元、韩元等全球近50种主流法币和数字货币的兑换,随时随地都可以在BIYAPAY app里兑换。?

BIYAPAY supports the exchange of nearly 50 major French and digital currencies worldwide, such as the United States dollar, Australian dollars, Canadian dollars, euros, pounds sterling, Hong Kong dollars, Japanese yen, Singapore dollars, Korean Won, etc., and can be exchanged anywhere in the BIYAPAY app.


The BIYAPAY platform, which uses online remittance instruments to send remittances, does not simply provide remittance services to Chinese migrants, school fees, immigration, investors, etc. The business area covers exchange rate inquiries, currency conversions, currency exchange, cross-border payments, and hopes that international remittances will be as easy and as easy as domestic remittances.


BIYAPAY uses digital currency conversion to French currency to make global remittances open-ended online, to support process tracking, to have multiple compliance qualifications, to have license plates in multiple countries and regions, to make remittance processes visible, to be traceable on the chain and to be tracked in real time.


The Internet-based model, whereby remittances operate on the whole flow line, also allows BIYAPAY to save off the cost of the off-line mode and to increase the speed of remittances, which have a price advantage over the traditional mode of remittances, with a fee of only 1 per cent, which can be tried out by sending the dollar home.

1手机浏览器扫描官网(在微软必应、百 度等国内搜索引擎或BIYAPAY贴吧找到官网链接,也可网址biyagl,然后三w,+com进入BIYAPAY官网)二维码,或手机搜索“BIYAglobal”(苹果用户请使用香港账号或海外地区ID)下载注册;

(b) A web-based web-scanning officer network for mobile phone browsers (in a domestic search engine such as Microsoft PB, 100 degrees or BIYAPAY, or a web-based biyagl, followed by a three-w, +com, into the BIYAPAY network of officials), or a cell-based search for “BIYAglobal” (for Apple users, please use Hong Kong accounts or overseas IDs) for downloading registrations;


2 Filling in personal information for KYC authentication (in accordance with platform rules, user-certified passport information is required for full value French currency);


Add an offshore bank account;


4 To charge the USD in the bank account to BIYAPAY;


Five clicks on the flash to use the dollar as USDT;


6 USDTs are sold on the exchange and transferred into domestic bank accounts.


We are overseas, sending the dollar home, and the safe, easy and cost of sending it home is our first consideration. While there are many ways in which the dollar can be sent home, the editor thinks that the BIYAPAY experience is best in so many ways.




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