哪个比特币钱包更安全,选择币信靠谱吗? 尽管近年来比特币存在波动,但比特币似乎正在成为投资界一个更持久的资产。现在,更多的主流交易渠道正在支持比特币交易,普通人...

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:27 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 用户1558321396,(https://xueqiu.com/1558321396/170760347)尽管近年来比特币存在波动,但比特币似乎正在成为投资界一个更持久的资产。现在,更多的主流交易渠道正在支持比特...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 用户1558321396,(https://xueqiu.com/1558321396/170760347)


Despite the volatility of bitcoins in recent years, bitcoins seem to be becoming a more sustainable asset in the investment community. Now, more mainstream trading channels are supporting bitcoin transactions, and ordinary people are increasingly interested in the hoarding and trading of bitcoins.


With the digital money collection address generated in the wallet, you can receive digital money from someone else, and you can transfer the currency from your account to someone else. The digital money wallet address is based on an e-mail address similar to the one that you can easily produce, because you use cryptography algorithms.


Today, there are a variety of bitcoin wallets on the market. The form of bitcoin wallets has been accompanied by the evolution of industry, but the core needs of users have not changed. Many early-entry friends say, “I want to pick wallets for everyone, easy-to-hand wallets, extremely secure wallets.” Security and ease of use are key factors in measuring the merits of a bitcoin wallet.


In terms of security, the traditional Bitcoin wallet provides a solution whereby a code-based student becomes a public-private key and the user acquires control of the asset by identifying his or her identity through the private key in his or her hand.


What is a private key? Bitcoin's private key is a string of numbers, and you can get it randomly by flipping coins and recording them in pencils and paper: 256 coins, and you get a 256-digit binary number that can be used as a private key for Bitcoin wallets. Users want to prove that the funds they use are their own, and they have to use their private keys to sign the transaction.


Each digital money wallet is generated with a wallet collection address, a private key, and their relationship is like your bank card number and password. But if a traditional bank savings card or credit card is stolen, the bank can return the lost or stolen money to the account holder. Once the private key is stolen or lost, the user can only bear the loss. In a world of block chains, who has the private key represents who owns the asset to which the private key corresponds. If the Bitcoin private key is lost, the user will lose the bitcoin forever.


It is recognized that back-ups of private keys are easy to copy on computers, which makes it more difficult to copy, but that private keys are not safe to store on networked computers, and there is a risk that they will be seen by others, so there is a word-association tool.

简单点来讲,助记词是明文私钥的另一种表现形式,其目的是为了帮助用户记忆复杂的私钥 (64位的哈希值)。

Simply put, the helpword is another expression of an explicit private key, designed to help users remember complex private keys & nbsp; (64-bit Hashi value).

什么是助记词?助记词一般由12、15、18、21个单词构成,这些单词都取自一个固定词库, 其生成顺序也是按照一定算法而来,所以用户没必要担心随便输入12个单词就会生成一个地址。助记词是未经加密的私钥, 安全性并不高,任何人得到了你的助记词,可以不费吹灰之力的夺走你的资产。

What is a word? The word is usually composed of 12, 15, 18, 21 words, which are taken from a fixed vocabulary,   the order in which it is generated is also based on a certain algorithm, so users do not have to worry about entering 12 words into a single address. The word is a private unencrypted key,   it is not very secure, and anyone who gets your word, can take your assets without saying anything.


In reality, there are many examples of Bitcoin being lost because of poor private key custody. So what kind of wallet should we choose? Many of our friends recommend wallets, which means they are very safe and useful.


The wallet of the banknotes.


As a professional custodian, currency wallets protect assets from cell phone numbers, authentication codes, login passwords, payment passwords, and face recognition. Users do not have access to private keys or handwords, directly through "cipher + face recognition". Currency letters support living face recognition, with greater accuracy, and if photographs and so on, each transaction needs to be identified by face. For both buyers and sellers, strict video KYC certification raises the transaction threshold and ensures a safer transaction.


As a safe and useful block chain wallet, the currency letter has the best security team in the industry, with well-developed risk control structures, real-time monitoring of unusual data, ensuring the security of currency accounts and transactions. Technologies such as cold-hot wallet separation, multiple signatures, military-industrial hardware encryption mechanisms, etc., provide security for digital assets.


The wallet gives you more than a sense of security; it is also a collection of wallets, transactions, and social integration platforms. Within the money-mail platform, you can freely add friends, chat and socialize, and send block-chain asset packages. It can also be broadcast live in the crowd and interact with friends. In addition, the money-letters function as a currency circle, as a chain of friends of the bearers, and the dry cargo is full of your chain of knowledge.


Securely store and trade bitcoin, and the swing circle starts with downloading a wallet!




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