以太坊失守1500美元!Bitfinex ETH空头持仓暴涨 ETC算力创新高 Major Currency Rotation Driver is not complicated, ETH Explosion is not complicated 这是市场概要。 This is the outline of the market. 以太坊(ETH)今天的开盘价为1900美元左右,比昨天的开盘价有所下跌。目前市场整体呈现震荡格局,投资者情绪相对谨慎。以太坊在众多加密货币中相对稳定,但短期内存在压力。 The start-up price of the Tai Ho is about $1,900 today, down from yesterday’s opening price. The market as a whole is now convulsed by shock patterns, and investors are more cautious. 技术分析。 Technical analysis. 从技术面来看,以太坊日线图显示价格处于布林带中轨附近,布林带整体呈收缩趋势,短期价格波动幅度有限。MACD指标在零轴附近形成金叉,但红色动能柱有所减弱,显示短期回调需求。RSI指标在50附近,表明市场处于中性状态。 Technically, it shows prices close to the middle track of the Bryn Ribbon, the overall contractionary trend in the Bryn Ribbon, and limited short-term price volatility. The MACD indicators form gold forks near the zero axis, but the red kinetic column decreases, indicating short-term rebound demand. The RSI indicator is close to 50, indicating that the market is neutral. 就是基本面分析。 That's basic analysis. 基本面方面,以太坊的开发进展持续受到关注。以太坊基金会最近公布了包括以太坊2.0的正式推出在内的多项升级计划。这些升级计划提高了以太坊的网络性能和安全性,有望吸引更多的投资者和开发者。全球宏观经济形势不明朗,可能会对以太坊价格产生影响。 On the ground, the development progress of the Etherms continues to receive attention. The Etherm Foundation recently released several upgrading plans, including the official launch of Ether 2.0. 市场情绪。 Market sentiment. 市场气氛方面,加密货币市场整体呈现观望状态。比特币(BTC)的变动会间接影响以太坊等加密货币,投资者把握市场动向相对困难。一部分投资者以较低的价格入场,另一部分投资者则继续观望,等待市场进一步明朗。 Changes in bitcoin (BTC) may indirectly affect encrypted currencies, such as talismans, and it is relatively difficult for investors to capture market movements. Some investors enter at lower prices, while others continue to watch, waiting for the market to become clearer. 预测分析。 Forecast analysis. 综合以上分析,预计以太坊短期内仍将维持震荡走势。以太坊价格如果下跌到1800美元附近,可能会有一定程度的支撑。考虑到以太坊2.0的升级预期,如果市场气氛好转,以太坊有可能在短时间内反弹至2000美元附近。但是,市场风险依然存在,投资者应谨慎投资。 Combined with the above analysis, it is expected that the boom will continue in the near future. There may be a degree of support in the case of a decline in the price of the taupulega to around $1,800. Given the expectation of an upgrade of the taupulega 2.0, if the market climate improves, it is likely that the taupulega will rebound to around $2,000 in a short period of time. 风险提示。 Risk hint. 1.全球宏观经济形势:全球经济仍存在不确定性,可能对加密货币市场产生不利影响。 1. The global macroeconomic situation: The global economy remains uncertain and may have an adverse impact on encrypted currency markets. 2.政策风险:各国政府对加密货币的态度会发生变化,可能会对市场产生影响。 2. Policy risk: Governments'attitudes towards encrypted currencies may change and may have an impact on markets. 3.技术风险:以太坊2.0升级过程中可能会发生意外情况,对市场造成影响。 3. Technology risk: Unforeseen events may occur during the Ethio 2.0 upgrade, with market implications. 投资者在操作时应密切关注大盘走势,合理控制仓位,谨慎投资。 Investors should operate with close attention to major trends, reasonable control of positions and prudent investment. 周五(26日),美国联邦议会的杰罗姆?鲍威尔(Jerome鲍威尔)在杰克逊霍尔的年度大会上发表演讲时,强硬的鹰派言论警告提前放宽政策的危险,Fed在对抗快速通胀的斗争中不会退缩。 On Friday (26), when Jerome Powell of the United States Federal Congress spoke at Jackson Hall's annual general meeting, hard-line Eagle rhetoric warned of the danger of early liberalization, and Fed would not retreat in the fight against rapid inflation. 鲍威尔被放生后,比特币和以太坊与传统市场一同暴跌。 When Powell was released, Bitcoin and Etheria fell with the traditional market. BTC在3小时内下跌约5.9%,报20529美元。今天(27日)稍早跌破2万美元关口,报19920美元,截稿前报20147美元。 The BTC fell by about 5.9% in three hours and reported US$ 20529. Today (27 days) fell slightly by US$ 20,000, US$ 19920 and US$ 20147 before the deadline. ETH也在今天下午再次跌破1500美元,从昨晚的1,702美元跌至1,469美元,最大跌幅接近13.7%。 The ETH also fell again this afternoon by $1,500, from $1,702 last night to $1,469, the largest drop being close to 13.7 per cent. ETH在合并的利好因素的推动下,本月中旬一度突破2,000美元,但之后由于Fed干部接连调高,以及合并前夕的抛售传闻等原因,ETH一路下滑,近两周跌幅达23.6%。变成了。 ETH, driven by the benefits of the merger, had a breakthrough of $2,000 in the middle of the year, but then, as a result of the successive upswings of Fed cadres and rumours of sales on the eve of the merger, it fell all the way, reaching a drop of 23.6 per cent in the last two weeks. ETH的价格走势。 ETH price trends. Bitfinex ETH空头头寸在最近24小时内增加了37%。 Bitfinex ETH's empty position has increased by 37 per cent in the last 24 hours. 以太坊的行情怎么样?">以太坊的行情怎么样? 以太坊的市价目前为570美元,表现良好。 How's Ether's behavior? 近两日,主要货币轮番上涨,莱特币在前一天领涨,单日涨幅超过4%,带动其他主要货币突破区间。 In the last two days, major currencies have increased, and the day before, Letco has risen by more than 4 per cent a day, driving other major currencies to break through the zone. 今天以太坊(ETH)接力上涨,单日涨幅超过7%,触及260美元关口,创3月以来新高,为其他主要货币抛售上涨动能。 Today, the ETH connection rose by more than 7 per cent a single day, reaching the 260-dollar threshold, reaching a new high since March and selling uplifting power for other major currencies. 关于以太坊价格上涨的原因,市场上有各种各样的解释。 There are various explanations in the market about the reasons for the price increase in the Etherms. 以下是对三大原因的分析。 The following is an analysis of the three main causes. 1.中国国家支持的区块链?服务?网络BSN由包括以太坊在内的6个主要公用?与连锁店合作,数据?提供存储和带宽服务。这将促进全球用户通过跨链结构获取中国的企业链和财务数据。 1. China's state-supported block chains? Services? Network BSN is operated by six major public users, including Ether? Working with chains, data? Providing storage and bandwidth services. This will facilitate global user access to Chinese business chains and financial data across chains. 2. DeFi在夏季热潮期间,很多投资者关注ETH。因为DeFi项目几乎都建立在以太坊的公开链上。 2. During the summer boom, many investors focused on ETH, as the DeFi project was almost always based on the open chain of Etheria. 虽然比特币价格低迷可能会对市场造成压力,但ETH的潜在价值并没有被忽视。 The potential value of ETH has not been overlooked, although the low price of Bitcoin may put pressure on the market. 3以太坊2.0的最终测试网络将于8月4日开始,主网有可能于11月4日推出。 The final testing network of EP 2.0 will begin on 4 August and the main network is likely to be launched on 4 November. 由于比特币减半,DeFi、Filecoin、Polkadot、ec2.0都受到了市场的关注。 Due to the halving of Bitcoin, DeFi, Filecoin, Polkadot, ec2.0 have received market attention. 尽管市场的波动性在提高,投资者还是应该慎重。因为比特币的价格位置并不足以支撑“牛市”的主张。 Despite the increased volatility of the market, investors should be cautious. The price position of Bitcoin is not enough to support the idea of a “cow market”. 目前,资金流向主要货币的趋势增强,但仍需警惕市场回调的可能性。 Current trends in financial flows to major currencies have increased, but the possibility of market repatriation remains to be warned. 从技术上看,ETH价格虽然创出了新高,但交易量仍赶不上中正先生。 Technically, the prices of ETH were newly high, but the volume of transactions fell short of that of Mr. Nakaru. 小线的走势与预期一致,表示价格有进一步上涨的可能性。 The direction of the small line was consistent with expectations, suggesting that there was a potential for further price increases. 但是,投资者要注意回调风险,庄家可能会砸盘。 Investors, however, need to be aware of the risk of repatriation, and the dealer may smash the plate. 策略是,对于已经持币的投资者,可以适当减仓锁定利润,同时设置止损,等待机会加仓。 The strategy is that, for investors already in possession of the currency, lock-in profits can be appropriately reduced, while losses can be put in place to wait for opportunities to build up. 对于新入市的投资者,应耐心等待,待市场稳定后再做决定,同时确保止损措施到位。 For new entrants, patiently wait until the market stabilizes, while ensuring that damage-mitigating measures are in place.
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