QBD区块链晨讯 | 李笑来将不做任何项目投资 以太坊每个区块矿工奖励减少1ETH

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:31 评论:0
今晨行情{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's this morning. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} 非小号数据显示,截止7点20分,排名前三...



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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's this morning. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


The non-nominal data show that, as of 7:20, the order of the top three currencies was as follows: BTC at $6589, with a decline of 0.59 per cent, with 24,346 million yuan in 24 hours. ETH at $232, with an increase of 4.36 per cent, with 1,496 million yuan in 24 hours. XRP at 0.57, with an increase of 5.61 per cent, with $6,918 million in 24 hours.


Industry Progress

1.以太坊发行率降低33% 每个区块矿工奖励减少1ETH

1. Reduce by 33 per cent the rate of distribution in Taiku by 1 ETH for each block miners


On the evening of 29 September, the Etheraya Core Development Conference concluded, and the developers took the following three decisions.


The first is that the developers decided to conduct an upgrade test at Popsten at the height of 4200 hours, approximately noon on 9 October. After the height of the block is 4200000, it will take three more weeks to test, and this upgrade will eventually be officially completed by early November. At present, all major clients & ldquao; Constantinople & rdquo; deployment has been completed.


The second is the decision by developers to reduce the distribution rate by 33 per cent and the incentive for miners in each block from 3ETH to 2ETH, which will help to alleviate the inflation of the network.


Third, developers have decided to delay the development of the Casper protocol by 12 months to ensure that a network transition to Pos does not easily trigger a difficult bomb. Once a difficult bomb is activated, it increases the difficulty of mining, but miners become more difficult and the cost of miners increases accordingly, leading to the departure of a large number of miners.


In short, the upgrading helped to optimize the efficiency of the network’s transactions, reduce cost costs, and reduce network inflation. At the same time, subject to this good news, ETH prices may well rise in the long run.


2. CCTV2: The digital economy is becoming a major driver of economic development


Recently, the CCTV2 " China's Finance Report " has broadcast news entitled & ldquo; the Block Chain Industry Union is today at the Hainan Free Trade Port & rdquao; the programme notes that “ the digital economy is becoming the main driver of economic development & rdquao; the block chain, as the bottom technology of the digital economy, will fall into the real economy for the next three years. Currently, several countries around the globe are further refining the regulatory and standard system of the block chain.


3. with wills > & ldquao; safe lock & rdquao; with the upper judicial block chain in the will bank of China


According to the Newjing newspaper, Chen Kai, Director of the Commission of Wills of China, recently stated that & ldquo; in the future, all electronic evidence preservation and authentication certificates, digital certificates, credible time stamp certificates will be uploaded in real time, and it will be safer to keep the will in the will bank & & rdquo;


& & ldquo; The Will Judicial Evidence Recording System & & rdquo; The integration of electronic judicial evidence with will registration, which will make will custody more judicially credible and safer. The system is an electronic evidence cloud platform for receiving data and evidentiary documents from the Chinese Institute of Big Data, uploading data and evidence files from the will bank through electronic signatures, automatically binding the credible authentication time authorized by the State-endorsed Centre, electronic forensic evidence collection and documentation through technical safeguards such as third-party cloud storage, forensics and backups, and block chain protection.

4.中央网信办:完善激励约束机制 优化数字经济政策环境

4. > Central Networking Office: improving incentives to optimize the digital economic policy environment


According to the Newjing newspaper, on 28 September, the first China Forum on Financing the Digital Economy was held in Beijing. The Deputy Director of the Central Networking Office, Yang Xiaowei, said that, as a next step, the Central Networking Office would also step up its efforts to finance institutional development in the area of Internet communications, strengthen coordination with relevant ministries, improve incentives, optimize the policy environment for the digital economy, set up a professional investment services platform, promote efficient interface between capital and projects, and promote an environment conducive to digital economic development.


5. The National Chain Transformation Mothers Fund has completed its preparatory registration


Ningbo, a partnership (limited partnership) of the Road China Equity Investment Fund, has officially completed its preparatory registration. It is known that the Fund, which consists of a national chain conversion parent fund comprising large state companies, China Corporations, and the ecology of the China Communications Industry Association’s District Chain Specialized Committee, is responsible, inter alia, for investment in block chain conversion pilot zones, investment in industrial parks, investment in block chain technology projects, and the acquisition of digital technology enterprises by listed companies, to promote quot; digital China quot; and construction and development.


6. TokenInsight Update EOS Ratings: Looking to Stable Eco-Development Acceleration


TokenInsight has recently updated its rating report for the EOS project. Since the autonomous web line, the EOS project has undergone several updates and major functionalities have been developed. While there are immature aspects to the operation of the project, such as the high RAM prices and the overspending of the CPU caused by the resource pricing model, this has to some extent affected ecological development. However, project team members and community-based organizations are growing, team risks are further reduced, and the Dapp based on EOS development is accelerating down. TokenInsight believes that, as a new generation of universal platforms, the EOS project as a whole has a better performance than other similar projects, but there is technological maturity in the operation of the project, and community governance is incomplete and controversial. Overall, TokenInsight’s rating of EOS is maintained as BBB, with a positive outlook.


7. Bandar Public Chain will be on line Dapp Game & ldquo; Institute of Magic & rdquo;


On September 29, Sun Woo, the founder of the Bounty, introduced on a live broadcast of technological advances in the Bounty, that the Academy of Magic, developed by BitGuild, would be on the line of the public chain, and that the Academy of Magic was the first of its kind of placement block chain game based on the Bounty. All of the Codes, Rules, and Values of the Academy of Magic were said to have been written in smart contracts.


8. Stable currency >. 10 million more



9.gate.io Up-to-line leverage finance


According to the official communiqué of Gateio, following the launch of the Wallet.io wallet in full currency, formal on-line leveraged financial expertise to meet the needs of users for diversified transactions. It is described that leverage funds are divided into three parts for leverage trading, leverage lending, financial lending, and that the Gate.io platform does not participate in any lending or lending as a counterweight, but only provides a combination of services for users, and all lending and lending occurs between users.


10.Binance or BitMEX may be the next regulatory subject of SEC


According to bitcoinexchangeguide, after SEC announced the closure of the encrypted currency transaction of 1 Broker, there was an intense discussion among its friends that Binance or BitMEX might be the next subject of SEC regulation, on the grounds that neither Binance nor BitMEX had been formally regulated to allow United States users to trade, that both platforms currently prohibited United States users from participating in the transaction, and that the exchange actually profited from United States users.


Big Company


1. U.S. and U.S. Finances issue White Paper on Block Chains


Recently, US and US finance published a white paper on block chains & mdash; & mdash; and a white paper on the application of block chain extension services. The white paper details features such as block chain distribution bookkeeping, non-frozen, etc., from horizontal landscape to vertical process interfaces, which can lead to significant improvements in the efficiency of service delivery from product customization to business processing to post-sale maintenance.


The former Vice-President of the China Insurance Council, Wei Yingning, noted in his participation in the White Paper that block-chain technology can reshape the integrity base of insurance, and that the insurance industry and block-chain technology have a natural combination advantage. Chen Wei, President of Finance of the United States, pointed out that block-chain technology is ultimately a bottom-up technology, the greatest value of which is to serve the economic and social development of the entity.


At present, U.S. and U.S. finance has applied block chain technology to the extended service scenario.

2.消息人士称李林或将借壳上市 火币对此不承认也不否认

2. >b> sources say Lee Lin or will borrow the shell to be on the market.


Truth, the block chain, reported that China announced its business structure on September 28, but the core digital currency exchange business was not in the structure. Several people close to the top of the currency said: “ the currency adjustment was intended to be marketed on shell, and the next move of Li Lin, founder and director of the coin, was probably & mdash; the acquisition of the currency China with a controlling stock of a company that had its own control in the port.


3. > The first & ldquo; Smart City & rdquo; Building Institute


According to the People’s Daily, China’s electric power company, China’s capital, Gyeongdong Finance, has set up the Institute of Smart Cities at Nanjing’s headquarters. The goal of Gyeongdong Business City is to promote “ smart city & rdquo; and construction and development through artificial intelligence (AI), big data and block chain technology.

4. 百度:没有成立独立公司运营“超级燃料” 将按照国家监管要求运营

4. 100 degrees: &ldquao; Superfuel & rdquao; will operate in accordance with national regulatory requirements


According to the Daily Planet, it was previously reported that 100-degree internal employees had formed a new company specializing in block chain operations. But whether the company was responsible for the operation of “ fuel & rdquo; and, for the time being, there was no precise information. In response, 100-degree official responses stated that, outside of the recent media coverage of chain companies, 100-degree companies had not been set up to operate block chain operations and 100-degree companies operated in accordance with national regulatory requirements. With regard to superfuels, it was a professional term in the area of block chain, or cloud computing services.


speech by characters

1.李笑来将不做任何项目投资 但长期看好区块链

1. > ~Li laughs will not invest in any project, but look at the chain of blocks for the long term


In the early morning hours of 30 September, Li laughter came to & & ldquo on his personal micro-credit public platform; to learn and learn again & & rdquao; and announced his withdrawal from the block chain for a turnover, but continued to look at the block chain for a long time.


He said, “ from now on, Li laughs that he will not invest in any project (whether block chains or not early). So, if you see Lee laughs again and stand up (and before that, they were numerous, 99% were in fact not excessive), you simply ignore them. I'm going to spend time making a serious shift. I'm not thinking about what to do next. And, bullshit, I'm still looking at block chains for a long time.

2.2018 胡润 30×30 创业领袖名单公布,区块链企业高管及创始人入选

2.2018 < b> Hu Yun 30× 30 List of Entrepreneurs and Directors and Founders of Block Chain Enterprises are elected

9 月 27 日,胡润研究院发布了《2018 胡润 30×30 创业领袖》名单,旨在寻找中国 30 岁以下创业领袖。区块链企业中,Ruff 首席营销官荆天为,APEX Network、APEX 科技创始人兼首席执行官 Jimmy Hu,量子链创始人及 CEO 帅初等入选。

On September 27, the Hu Yun Institute published a list of " 2018 Huun 30× 30 Entrepreneurs ", aimed at finding entrepreneurial leaders under 30 years of age in China. Ruff's Chief Marketing Officer, APEX Network, APEX Science and Technology Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jimmy Hu, Quantum Subchain Founder and CEO First Class, was elected.

3.中国信通院闵栋:区块链将推动 “互联网 + 医疗健康” 发展

3. > > > > > < > & &dquo > ; Internet + medical health & rdquo > ; and development >.

中国信通院云大所智慧健康部主任闵栋透露,中国信息通信研究院将在国家相关部委的指导下,积极推进 “互联网 + 医疗健康” 工作。其中,区块链技术可以应用于医疗敏感信息加密、药品回溯与防伪、医疗从业人员身份认证等领域,大大提高医疗健康相关数据的安全性和可靠性。

China’s Information and Communication Institute, under the guidance of the relevant ministries and departments, will actively promote & ldquo; Internet + Medical Health & rdquo; and work. In this regard, block chain technology can be applied in areas such as encryption of sensitive medical information, drug traceability and forgery prevention, and identification of medical practitioners, which greatly enhances the safety and reliability of health-related data.

4.火币中国 CEO 袁煜明:2020 年前区块链基础设施将成熟

4. > Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo

9月29日,火币中国 CEO 袁煜明接受专访时表示,目前火币亦处于区块链 2.0 阶段,即现在推各种应用的阶段。火币有很大的生态体系,也在做各种服务的平台。

On September 29, China’s CEO, who was interviewed by China’s CEO, said that it was in the zone chain of 2.0, that is, in the application phase. There was a large ecological system and a platform for services.

在 2020 年前,区块链行业的基础设施已成熟,而 2020 年至 2023 年,则是应用不断推网落地的状态。袁煜明表示,现在全球区块链用户数达约是几千万量级,规模尚小,相对较难出现一个很大规模的应用。只有用户渗透率提高,才能做很多应用的完善,并进一步推广应用落地。

By 2020, the infrastructure of the block chain industry had matured, and between 2020 and 2023, it was a state of continuous push. It is clear that the number of users of the global block chain now stands at about tens of millions of magnitudes and is small in size, making it relatively difficult to produce a large-scale application. It is only by increasing user penetration that many applications can be refined and further promoted.

5.Coinbase 首席执行官:Coinbase 将在互联网 3.0 时代成为加密行业的谷歌

5. CEO Coinbase : Coinbase will become Google for the encryption industry in the 3.0 era of the Internet

Coinbase 首席执行官 Brian Armstrong 表示,互联网 2.0 时代关注在互联网上的互动以及进行消息传递和数据共享,谷歌真正起飞也是在 2.0 时代。他认为互联网 3.0 将涉及互联网上的价值转移,Coinbase 在互联网 3.0 时代可以成为加密行业的谷歌,成为世界领先的公司。

Coinbase Chief Executive Officer Brian Armstrong said that the Internet 2.0 era was about interaction on the Internet and the transmission of messages and data sharing, and that Google really took off in 2.0. He believed that the Internet 3.0 would involve a transfer of value on the Internet, and Coinbase could become the Google of the encryption industry in 3.0 times and a leading company in the world.


6. Zhao Chang Peng: BNB as a platform for Gas trading platform under preparation


On 29 September, Générale de la CEO issued a tweet stating that it was preparing to decentralize the trading platform, which would use BNB as a platform, Gas, and would not control the funds of users, and was to be launched in late 2018 or early 2019.

QBD编辑 | 南柯






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