
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:24 评论:0
(图片来源于刘教链公众号) 《刘教链比特币原理》是刘教链在上一轮熊市谷底的2018年12月30日(当日比特币收盘价格:3754美元,较牛市高点19875已跌去81%)推出的...



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The principles of Liu's chain

第一章“中本聪发明比特币 互联网开启新纪元”

Chapter I, "The Inventor of Bitcoin in China, the Internet opens a new era"

第1小节“五分钟告诉你什么是比特币和区块链” 温习笔记01-1 《比特币突破5万刀,重温比特币原理》[链接] 2021/2/17

Subsection 1: “Five minutes tell you what's in Bitcoin and


Now that we have easy electronic means of payment such as Internet silver, payment treasures, micro-mail payments, Paypal, etc., we also have central bank digital money (CBDC or DCEP), why do we need bitcoin?

第2小节“比特币的特点和使用” 温习笔记01-2 《区块链投资并不难,只要做到这一点》[链接] 2021/2/19

Sub-section 2: “The characteristics and use of Bitcoin” Recital 01-2


Bitcoin has a lot of unique designs that deserve your careful attention.

第3小节“区块链在比特币中发挥的作用” 温习笔记01-3 《比特币冲破万亿美元市值!》[链接] 2021/2/20

Subsection 3 “The role of block chains in Bitcoin” Revue note 01-3


Why do people need a book of accounts?

第二章“椭圆曲线防篡改 哈希算法保平安”

, chapter II, “Alliptic curve anti-false change”

第1小节“如何保护付款信息不被篡改” 温习笔记02-1 《牛市已进入中场》[链接] 2021/2/21

Sub-section 1: “How to protect payment information from tampering” Reciprocal Note 02-1


To choose a suitable digital signature algorithm, Nakamoto has worked hard.

第2小节“曲线千万条 安全第一条” 温习笔记02-2 《特斯拉CEO马斯克:金钱不过是数据而已》[链接] 2021/2/22

Sub-section 2 “Many curves” 02-2


Nothing is easy to achieve. You think it's an accident, only because you do not understand the inevitability of it.

第3小节“私钥和地址是什么” 温习笔记02-3 《别怕,牛洗澡呢》[链接] 2021/2/23

Subsection 3 “What private key and address is” Reciprocal Note 02-3


The point is, if your address is only for money and not for expenditure, your public key is not chained!

第三章“量入为出是现金 未花输出是资产”

Chapter III, “Access to cash is an asset”

第1小节“消灭信用 只用现金” 温习笔记03-1 《鲍威尔捍卫宽松,比特币下行放量》[链接] 2021/2/24

Subsection 1: “Extermination of credit only in cash” Rev. 03-1


Bitcoin's block chain has only bitcoin in cash form.

第2小节“币是一串电子签名” 温习笔记03-2 《鲸鱼在出货,散户在出逃,机构在抄底》[链接] 2021/2/25

Subsection 2: Currency is an electronic signature 03-2; sn=1d60392dcc6b9a86ee2047ea9af620d038;chksm=a99040291de8d1428be943a7397ce15122583dda9107b99ed7712a4244d587fd3564#038; scene=21#wechat_redirect>


There are actually more than 100 million large and small digital coins (bit coins) on the block chain of Bitcoins, each of which is as physical as a gold coin.

第3小节“最难的问题是双重花费问题” 温习笔记03-3 《Fire prejudice: 巴菲特搭档芒格首度认可比特币》[链接] 2021/2/26

Sn=08f7eb35019b4d4a58&chksm=a6a9040d91d8d1b345f1771dfff70394427fc546921c2b2c796dc7fb5cb4fea68d68d47f897fd16d #038; scene=21#webhat_reddirected"


Electronic signatures alone cannot be centralized to the true transfer of ownership, but must rely on block chain technology to do so.

第四章“交易打包进区块 前后链接区块链”

, chapter IV, “Transactions packaged into blocks, links to blocks before and after”

第1小节“哈希链条” 温习笔记04-1 《全球大崩盘:超市打折你抢购,比特币打折你割肉?》[链接] 2021/2/27

Sn=3f897d9b1767b336#038; scene=21#webhat_redredict> Global crash: 6a904291ded044446bac7736d4e 18894a6162f14c43ac6218ba4d31083c62e2b7d77c336#038;


The structure of the block chain is a chain of blocks, each of which is a book of accounts. Each account book has a lock, which is the SHA-256 Hach value of the block's data.

第2小节“时间戳服务” 温习笔记04-2 《拿住比特币就是最大的功力》[链接] 2021/2/28

Subsection 2 “Time stamping services” Rev. 04-2


China has found a way to turn the time-reverse symmetrical data structure into a time-reverse asymmetrical and to transform the block chain from a purely spatial structure into a time-based structure, thus giving it the ability to prioritize the time of the transaction, i.e., to become the time-stamp server written by China-China in the White Paper of Bitcoin.

第3小节“一道猜数字的数学题” 温习笔记04-3 《空头来势汹汹,多头节节败退》[链接] 2021/3/1

Sub-section 3 “Mathematical subject of guessing numbers” Reciprocal Note 04-3


Halve the production of bitcoin will always drive a Bitcoin cow around the next year and a half, creating a cycle of cattle and bears of around four years. This cycle is not very relevant to any other traditional asset cycle, because it is built in bitcoin itself.

第五章“工作量证明安天下 中本聪共识定乾坤”

Chapter V, “Completion of work proves that the Chinese consensus is the best of all”

第1小节“工作量证明的难度有多高” 温习笔记05-1 《绝地大反攻》[链接] 2021/3/2

Sub-section 1: “How difficult is the workload to prove” Reciprocal Note 05-1


What are the odds of finding two Hashi originals that can collide, that is, finding two different inputs that have the same Hashi values? This is less likely than reading this article that just happens to have an asteroid impact on Earth.

第2小节“能量铸就比特币价值” 温习笔记05-2 《和波动性做朋友》[链接] 2021/3/7

Subsection 2: Energy casts the value of bitcoin 05-2


Compared to the electricity consumed by the mining of Bitcoin, its utility is much greater than that consumption and, therefore, the absence of bitcoin is a net loss.

第3小节“拜占庭问题和中本聪共识” 温习笔记05-3 《春回大地,万物复苏》[链接] 2021/3/8

Sn=33d33205449b169cc198c394f332e&chksm=a6a90bd391de82c55f7165bac899a849c6e60A995bb14245bc6a8c5d085116e52ea249f892&038; scene=21#webhat_redredict"


The problem of consensus is that everyone can believe that the block chain book in their hands is the right one, the same account book as everyone else. Everyone believes in the longest workload chain of proof. That is the middle-class consensus.

第六章“账本分散人人有 按劳分配挖矿忙”

Chapter VI, “The book of accounts is spread out for everyone, according to the means of mining”

第1小节“工作量证明为自己代言” 温习笔记06-1 《比特币强劲复苏,八字诀暂停执行》[链接] 2021/3/10

Sub-section 1: “Voice to speak for oneself” Rev. 06-1 ]


It doesn't matter who tells you that the longest chain is, he may be a good person or a bad person, but you just have to verify the correctness of the workload certificate, which is self-evident.

第2小节“竞争记账和时间链” 温习笔记06-2 《你为什么不愿意慢慢变富》[链接] 2021/3/11

Sub-section 2 “Competition bookkeeping and time chain” Reciprocal notes 06-2 < a target="_blank" href=http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MjMwNjgzMA= #038; mid=22474805& idx=1& sn=a8821581970a5a5888661b80f3db46&chksm=a6a90ba091de82b665d2018ebae763ecaa3e3e451ea377c23990aaacd2a2a00b0fc7afafb24d #038; scene_21#Wechat_redret>


It can be said that the time was redefined and invented in Bitcoin, unlike another time in our atomic world.

第3小节“用激励机制打破囚徒困境” 温习笔记06-3 《机会是跌出来的》[链接] 2021/3/26

Sub-section 3 “Breaking prisoners' plight with incentive mechanisms” Reciprocal notes 06-3


Until mid-bone invented Bitcoin. For the first time, humans have acquired a unique technology that allows people scattered around the world who do not know each other or even are opposed to each other to work together voluntarily and freely for a common purpose and cause without resorting to a central authority.

第七章“减半发行有上限 交易费用付工资”

, chapter VII, “Standing by half with capped transaction costs”

第1小节“设计货币发行参数” 温习笔记07-1 《何谓风险》[链接] 2021/3/27

Subsection 1: Designing currency issue parameters 07-1

中本聪对比特币的参数进行了恰到好处的设计,符合了大多数人的期望,比特币过去十几年的成功,验证了这一设计的Produc-Market Fit(产品-市场契合度)。

The parameters of Middle Ben Bittco were well designed and met the expectations of the majority. Bitcoin's success over the past 10 years validated the design's Produc-Market Fit (product-market convergence).

第2小节“调节挖矿难度” 温习笔记07-2 《说说杠杆》[链接] 2021/3/28

Sub-section 2: “Regulating the difficulty of mining” Reciprocal Note 07-2


The difficulty of regulating mining can be seen as the ability of the Bitcoin system to automatically calibrate clocks.

第3小节“交易手续费” 温习笔记07-3 《如果电费下降,比特币的价格会下跌吗?》[链接] 2021/3/29

Sub-section 3 “Traffles fees” Rev. 07-3


The transaction fees are no longer derived from the increase in the system, but from a solid business, that is, from every user using a Bitcoin network transfer.

第八章“网络同步有延时 账本尺寸不随意”

Chapter VIII, "Network Synchronization is delayed, account books are not random"

第1小节“龟兔赛跑和51%算力攻击” 温习笔记08-1 《龟兔赛跑》[链接] 2021/3/30

Subsection 1: “Turtle rabbit race and 51% arithmetic attack” Temperature Note 08-1


There is no certainty as to the finality of the Bitcoin block chain, only the probability of the ultimateity, and there is no consistency of certainty between nodes, but rather the probability of moving towards agreement on one.

第2小节“泊松分布和6个区块确认” 温习笔记08-2 《你只要10年耐心抓住2次机会》[链接] 2021/3/31

Subsection 2: “Pockets distribution and 6 blocks confirmed” Reciprocal notes 08-2


This process is a probabilistic process, in which the Bronze has been used to model and calculate its distribution.

第3小节“为什么区块不能过大” 温习笔记08-3 《让子弹飞一会儿》[链接] 2021/4/5

Sub-section 3: “Why can't the blocks be too big” Reciprocal Note 08-3 [link]


This will lead to large fork chains and significantly reduce the security of the Bitcoin network.

第九章“轻量账本压缩百倍 快速支付不到十秒”

Chapter IX, "Little billbooks are compressed 100 times, fast payments are less than 10 seconds."

第1小节“区块头和默克尔树” 温习笔记09-1 《回马枪》[链接] 2021/4/11

Subsection 1: “Pillages and Merkel Trees” Reciprocal Note 09-1 Links


Until today, block head data from a chain of bitcoin blocks for more than a decade can be fully stored in the memory for quick search.

第2小节“简化支付验证” 温习笔记09-2 《雄关漫道真如铁》[链接] 2021/4/12

Subsection 2 “Simplified payment certification” Rev. 09-2


In terms of decentralizing the issue, Central Benz is not a fundamentalist.

第3小节“快速支付” 温习笔记09-3 《耐心是金》[链接] 2021/4/13

Subsection 3 “Quick payment” Note 09-3


A better solution could be through the so-called “second tier.” That is, to put small transactions on a network outside the chain to account, but financial security and trade security are still guaranteed by the chain of blocks of the main network.

第十章“深藏功名拂衣去 密码货币续传奇”

, chapter X, "Deeply hidden, famous, secret currency legend"

第1小节“比特币的稀缺性” 温习笔记10-1 《6万以上,皆为浮盈》[链接] 2021/4/14

Sub-section 1 “Shortness of Bitcoins” Reciprocal Note 10-1


Bitcoin, using de-centralized bookkeeping techniques, protects against the technical risks of hacking and conspiracy to attack; and de-centralized monetary policy, against the financial risks of arbitrary over-inflationary currency and inflation in centrally controlled monetary policies.

第2小节“中本聪的总结和遁世” 温习笔记10-2 《莫听穿林打叶声》[链接] 2021/4/20

Sub-section 2 “Summary and episodic summing-up of the human being in the middle”, pari passu 10-2


Investing in bitcoin is not a configuration of another alternative type of investment, but a brand-new, decentralized value, learning and learning from the brain, and the spirit and faith that passes through time and space. The right value is the most powerful intellectual weapon that guides us through the barren era of the chain of blocks.

第3小节“比特币是自我实现的预言” 温习笔记10-3 《戒急用忍》[链接] 2021/4/22

Subsection 3: “Bitcoin is a self-fulfilling prophecy” Note 10-3 Link <201/4/22>


He's an independent online product, and he's given it to the community, and the product continues to evolve, and thousands of people around the world have organized themselves into this cause voluntarily; he's set up a top-of-the-line design 10 years ago, and he's a hundred years old; he's got a dream of selfless achievement, but he's got a sense of achievement for all of humanity. He asks others to call him "medium-breathing."


Appendices: Audio class catalogue and listening access two-dimensional code




(Publicity No. Liu Cong. Knowledge Planet: Publicity Replying to Planet)


(Exemption statement: nothing in this paper constitutes an investment proposal.




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