
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:29 评论:0



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It was only last night that Coindisk announced that the Swiss headquarters of the ETA Foundation was being investigated by “a national agency” and that the records had been recorded in the Github database, which was revealed by anonymous sources today (21) and, as it is assumed from outside, the ETA Foundation was the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


According to Wealth, SEC is investigating the Swiss-based Etheria Foundation and has issued subpoenas to at least three companies asking them to provide more documentation and financial records on all aspects of their dealings with the Etheraya Foundation, a non-profit organization responsible for overseeing the governance and development of the Etheraya regional chain.


An American company that received a summons indicated that SEC appeared to be initiating a positive legal action to classify the second largest encrypted currency, ETH, as a “securities” regulated by the SEC.


According to a recent anonymous source from a company that received a subpoena request, the SEC investigation into the Etherbe Foundation was merged in September 2022, and moved from the PoW Workload Certification Mechanism to the Pos “Certificate of Interests” network shortly after.

另一家收到传票的公司称其调查范围狭窄,主要针对以太坊基金会,并表示他们在过去几周内收到了传票。来自收到传票的三家不同公司的消息人士要求保持匿名,因担心SEC主席Gary Gensler进行报复,有人称Gensler有报复心理。

Another company that received a summons stated that its investigation was narrow in scope, targeting mainly the Etherbe Foundation, and that they had received a summons in the past few weeks. Sources from three different companies that received a summons asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, some of whom claimed that Gensler had suffered reprisals.

针对此消息,以太坊基金会和SEC皆不予置评,SEC表示「不会对是否存在可能的调查发表评论」。加密货币律师Gabriel Shapiro向DLNews评论称,他认为SEC将以太坊归类为证券的决定获得美国法院的支持,否则其影响对现实世界有限。

In response to this information, neither the Taiwan Foundation nor the SEC stated that the SEC "will not comment on the existence of a possible investigation." The encryption money lawyer Gabriel Shapiro commented to DLNews that he believed that the SEC’s decision to classify Taihu as a security was supported by United States courts, otherwise its impact would be limited to the real world.


& ldquo; the only thing that matters is whether the SEC can obtain a final, binding judgement from a competent court, and even so, I believe it is difficult for them to enforce the judgement in any practical way, except by charging the Ethio Foundation with a fine. This may give them an excuse not to approve the ETH spot ETF, which may be their biggest target; and & rdquo;


The news that SEC intends to categorize the taupulega as a security has greatly hit the hopes that the Etheraya spot ETFs of financial institutions such as Belede and Fuda will be marketed in May this year.

彭博ETF高级分析师Eric Balchunas昨晚在推特表示,他们目前预估以太坊现货ETF五月获批的机率仅有25%,现已几乎证实了ETH在Gensler心中被认定为证券这一点。

Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst in Bloomberg, stated on Twitter last night that they now estimate that only 25 per cent of ETF approvals in May are available in Taiku, and that it has now almost been confirmed that ETH has been identified as a security in Gensler's mind.

值得一提的是,SEC主席Gary Gensler对以太坊是否为证券的说词反复已受到加密货币业界和国会的质疑,他此前曾被抓包在2018年曾称比特币和以太坊等代币「皆非证券」,尽管后来他上任后一直拒绝直接回答有关ETH是否是「证券」的问题。

It is worth mentioning that SEEC President Gary Gensler's repeated statements as to whether or not Ether is a security have been questioned by both the crypto-currency industry and Congress, and that he had been arrested in 2018 when he called the coins of Bitcoin and Etheria “no security”, despite his subsequent refusal to respond directly to questions about whether or not ETH is a “securities”.


But Gensler warned that PoS’s encrypted currency could be regulated by securities law as soon as it was converted into a PoS mechanism. Moreover, when SEEC postponed its application for an ETA spot ETF for the second time this month, it also advised the public whether the Etai PoS mechanism raised "unique doubts about Etai’s vulnerability to fraud and manipulation" and demonstrated whether PoS was the key offensive point for SEC’s classification of Taipa as a “securities.”


After ETA Foundation was being investigated by SEC, ETH fell to $3140 in the middle of the night and has now stood back at $3549, an increase of almost 10 per cent in the last 24 hours.


This is the details of the SEC survey of the Taiwan Foundation, which is considered to be a security issue! The spot ETF clearance rate has been downgraded. More information on the SEC survey began shortly after the merger of the PoS chain with Etheria, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!




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