近期,币安、Coinbase与Gemini等在美国有营运业务的交易遭SEC控告,不仅是提供中介服务的VASP(虚拟资产服务提供商)受到监管压力,多个加密货币也都被指控为未注册证券。不过,比特币忠贞的信仰者、推特创办人Jack Dorsey却在此时成为吃瓜群众:早就跟大家说别分心了。特斯拉创办人马斯克也跑出来乱。
Coinbase is accused by SEC of being an unregistered securities trading platform, and several digital assets are identified as securities, and the pledge interest rate product is illegal.
推特创办人Jack Dorsey转推一则翻出Coinbase创办人Brain Armstrong在2015年贴文,当时他还只专注在比特币上面,认为其他币种都只是让你分散注意力。
The Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, turned one out of Coinbase's founder, Brian Armstrong, in 2015, when he focused only on Bitcoin, arguing that all the other currencies were just distracting you.
Brain Armstrong表示:「Ripple(XRP)、Stellar(XLM)跟其他非比特币币种,都是在分散注意力。比特币走的更前面。我们应该聚焦在比特币与其侧链上面。」
Brian Armstrong says, "Ripple (XRP), Stellar (XLM) and other non-bitcoin currencies are distracting. Bitcoin goes ahead. We should focus on bitcoin and its side chain."
美国挖矿公司Riot的Research VP评论,要Coinbase快点回来专注在比特币上面。
The American mining company Riot's Research VP review asked Coinbase to come back soon and focus on Bitcoin.
The founder of Tesla, Muskeh, came along and said, "Long live the dog's coin."
Twitter founder: ETH is the securities
最经典的莫过于Jack Dorsey对ETH的评论。
Nothing is more classic than Jack Dorsey's comment on ETH.
People ask him: Do you think ETH is a security?
He replied: Yes.
Even if anyone objected to his statement, he asked, "You think that ETH is not a security? Prove it to me."
"Strong" will return to the stream of bitcoin? Twist founder: No, AI
Some of the supporters of Bitcoin said it was funny to see those who were buying garbage and so-called "risk investors" running back to get Bitcoin.
但Jack Dorsey也很诚实的说:「在我看来,他们都跑到AI题材去了。」
But Jack Dorsey was also honest, saying, "In my opinion, they all went to AI."
Jack Dorsey表示:「目前,在大规模上只有三种真正具有抗审查能力的技术:Tor、比特币和Nostr。目前这些技术仍然只是小众的,这表示大多数世界上的人,并不在乎审查问题。当然,这些技术目前还不易于使用或取得。但是…它们将改变!」
Jack Dorsey said, "There are currently only three technologies on a large scale that are truly resistant to censorship: Tor, Bitcoin and Nostr. These technologies are still small, which means that most people in the world do not care about censorship. Of course, they are not readily available or accessible. But & Hellip; they will change!"
有人表示,他在讲抗审查技术的时候忽略的以太坊。Jack Dorsey则坚称:「不,我没有。」
And it was said that he had ignored the Etherm when he spoke of anti-censorship techniques. And Jack Dorsey insisted, “No, I did not.”
在SEC的角度下,几乎所有加密货币都是证券。在美国,比特币则是唯一一个有被认为是商品的数字资产。 In the SEC’s perspective, almost all encrypted currencies are securities. In the United States, Bitcoin is the only digital asset that is considered a commodity. SEC此次连番执法行动,在同样标准下,也很可能将ETH视为证券。因此,不少比特币信仰者出来嘲讽其他币种。SEC主席Gary Gensler的执法,对于比特币支持者来说,可能间接推动了对比特币的专注。 The enforcement of the SEC Chairman Gary Gensler’s law enforcement may indirectly boost the attention of Bitcoin’s supporters. Beeple画作:Gensler是比特币光明会成员 Beeple: Gensler is a member of the Bitcoin Light Society 数字创作者Beeple也将Gary Gensler画成好像是类似比特币光明会成员一样,是对比特币有信仰的人,默默推动比特币。 The digital creator Beaple also painted Gary Gensler as a member of the Bitcoin Light Society, a believer in Bitcoin and a silent push for Bitcoin. 以上就是推特创始人吃瓜:早就叫你们专心比特币 以太坊就是证券的详细内容,更多关于Coinbase落难、推特前后任掌舵来闹的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章! This is what the founder of Twitter eats: I've told you to focus on bitcoin, Ether's details of the securities, more information about Coinbase's downfall and the rudder before and after Twitter.
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