Tether无限印钞USDT,币市最大的雷何时爆发? 根据Whale Alert数据显示,自3月12日以来,Tether至少对USDT进行了18次增发,平均每天增发1.1次,...

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:26 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 区块链掘金者,(https://xueqiu.com/7702656828/145796513)根据Whale Alert数据显示,自3月12日以来,Tether至少对USDT进行了18次增发,平均每天增发1.1次...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 区块链掘金者,(https://xueqiu.com/7702656828/145796513)

根据Whale Alert数据显示,自3月12日以来,Tether至少对USDT进行了18次增发,平均每天增发1.1次,其中单次增发数量以6000万枚USDT为主。Coinmarketcap的数据也显示,USDT的市值从1月初的41亿美金,增至46亿美金,并在3月份的最后几天,进一步增长至61亿美金

According to Whale Alert data, since 12 March, Tethe has had at least 18 additional releases of to USDT, an average of 1.1 per day, with a single increase of 60 million USD. Coinmarkcap data also show that the market value of USDDT increased from $4.1 billion at the beginning of January to $4.6 billion and further increased to >b>6.1 billion in the last few days of March.


Behind the rapid increase in the market value of the USDT is the opening of Tethe's unlimited currency printing mode . Compared to the Fed's unlimited QE, to free up dollar liquidity, ease the stock market and economic crisis, and for what purpose?


According to the USDT distribution mechanism, USDT is a stable currency that anchors the dollar , meaning that each USDT issue requires a deposit of one dollar or more in the bank. But in the crypto-currency market, the market prices of the USDT have been volatile, at a time of high volatility, because of varying degrees of premium or discounts in the supply-demand relationship.


Volatile fluctuations can be explained, but there are not many demand-side factors behind that increase indefinitely in a short period of time. Following the recent collapse of the BTC currency, the market trading climate has noticeably declined and investor participation has been significantly reduced. In such cases, 's artificial increase in the liquidity of the USDT cannot be justified beyond the harvest market.


In addition, it is a big question whether there are sufficient dollar assets to provide security. It is important to know that since 2018, Tether has been caught up in a “market manipulation” wave, and in 19 has changed the description of reserves, and each USDT has not had a 100% cash guarantee. Following the prosecution of Tether and Bitfinex by the New York State Attorney General's Office, Tethe also admitted that there was no 100% reserve of the dollar to ensure that the USDT was working properly.


For historical reasons, the USDT, the intermediary in the movement of de facto French currency and encrypted assets, has developed rapidly and has become the leader of the current stable currency market and has been used by investors as a flight risk when the market falls. But the crisis of trust caused by USDT will be the biggest potential mine in the encrypted currency market, and its impact and loss on the market will be unlimited if it erupts.


This limitless increase in USDT, while not causing too much heat in the market at short notice, is in itself an indication of the current dilemma in the currency market, where investor activity has fallen to an ice point, and the reality is dire. At this point, Tether’s frenzied publication of USDT to open up a pattern of robbery will undoubtedly pre-empt thunderstorms.


What is created for market reasons also needs to be regulated by the market. Last year, the White Paper Libra was launched by


Until then, with its market share, the USDT would have been able to sustain for some time, but we need to recognize the great risks that lie in it, and we need to be aware that avoids risk by swapping its hand for BTC or other regulated stable currencies, even selling them into French, rather than waiting for the avalanche to happen.


Back to the situation, BTC failed to hit $6,600 in the early hours of yesterday, and was in a narrow position of $6350-6500. This kept pace with the trend in the external stock market, which, after some bailout policies, shifted from a continuous collapse of the stock market to a downward trend, which is understandable in the BTC sector.


The brief drop of 8 a.m. in the morning, breaking the previous narrow consolidation zone, the whole movement was short-lived. But what we need to note is that the sudden drop was due to the large volume of buying and selling power released by the contract market in excess of 8 p.m. and the sudden drop of 0-axis by 8 p.m. in the contract rate, which suggests that the short-time movement of is still not in the spot market, but is dominated by the contract market.


In case of sudden movements, we need to be aware of the continuing problem of short-term behaviors because of the cost rate. After the lowest detection of $6253 in the morning, there was no further decline, but rather a consolidation of the average line of MA60 around the hour line, and the volume was shrunk simultaneously, and .


The short term, supported by $6200-6300, would go straight to the US$ 5700-6000 area and confirm the underlying support situation; if the support was not broken, it would continue to be scalded, with $6,400 as pressure, and if it could be broken, the early fall would come back, which could be viewed in a more general way, with the probability that it would continue to hit US$ 6,600 and the US$ 6900-7000 above.


At 4-hour level, the plate is actually under downward pressure and the early fall today has had a partial impact, with the Kline running from the MA60 memorized line to a pattern silenced by the MA60 memorized line. provides support and resistance to the MA60 membrane, does not allow it to break through the area, but rather the longer it spends near the memorized line, is the signal that it is blocked and weak , and the greater probability is the risk that it will continue to fall, so that the risk of movement of the circle arc must be raised and handled with caution.


Finally, at 20 p.m. tonight, I will come to the community of gold diggers in the block to answer the questions of our little partners. There are a variety of questions about the currency market that can be raised in the message area and shared at night.




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