
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:23 评论:0
作者:NGA-夏野ky author: NGA-Xianoky游戏开发商Game DeveloperPictagor游戏发行商Game distributorPID Publishing发行平台Re...



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author: NGA-Xianoky


Game Developer



Game distributor

PID Publishing


Release platform



Date of issue


3 March 2021

感谢众测计划激活码 本评测想法仅代表个人。

Thank you for the program activation code, and this evaluation represents only individuals.


Foreword to


Becomes a cyber-security technical expert who fights hackers and other block chains in Cyberbunk interactive novels. The game combines tactical towers with individualized, base-building and simulation experiences.




It's a subculture game about innovation, theft, mystic creators, conspiracies, and myths in the world of the wild, cryptic currency. The game gives an educational experience to players who are not familiar with encrypted money but who are willing to learn.


This includes all kinds of education (from classic pseudo-admins to emails, malware to various currency traps, etc.), village-only Internet players. This game may be a good web-based guidebook. You can also learn about more than a dozen encrypted currencies other than Bitcoin, and some of the stories behind them, such as who is Nakaki? You want to be his assistant?




[type of game]

塔防 策略 2.5D 赛博朋克 小游戏

Tactical strategy 2.5D Sybonk little game



* A relatively sophisticated, simple pixel-style game interface with a technical sense of the Saberpenk element.


超短(1小时) 短(1天) 中等(1周) 长(1月) 无穷无尽。

Very short (1 hour) short (1 day) medium (1 week) long (1 month) endless.


* Three to six hours of playtime in an open setting, providing endless patterns for players to experience the towers on a continuous basis.


[gaming ]

学徒 助手 工匠 专家 大师

Apprentices, assistants, craftsmen, experts, masters.


:: The design of the development of plots and temporary reinforced defence tower performance plugs, as well as scene jamming mechanisms, has been added to the anti-Goutta defence system, with some innovation, but with a lack of depth in the design of the combination of defence strategies and defence towers.



植物大战僵尸1 加密货币:披荆斩棘 明日方舟 王国保卫战 千年战争 war3塔防地图。

Zombie 1 Encrypted currency: Apocalypse tomorrow Kingdom defense war millennium war war war3 map.


The difficulty of the main line level part should be low in numerical and tactical terms for the tower guard, mainly in the multiline operation of the "developing plots - collecting arithmetic - setting attack towers".


In the absence of military reinforcements, I also reached the last stage of the Boss before the war, so it is not difficult for me to see itself; from the comments of other players, most of the players consider this game to be very difficult, with a steep increase in the curve after the middle of the game.


[configuring needs]

土豆 神州 IBM 外星人 天河一号

Potatoes. IBM. Alien.


*No need


[scoffs: music]


* Players who are not familiar with the culture of the currency circle will learn a lot about the novel concept and knowledge of the currency circle, and fast-paced music is tense in the game-proof process, but with a relatively small number of tracks.


[gaming price]

植物大战僵尸1 加密货币:披荆斩棘 王国保卫战3 亿万僵尸。

Zombies of the Botanical War 1 encoded currency: the Kingdom defends the war against 300 million zombies.

原价37,折后-22%OFF% 29元。

The original price is 37, then minus - 22 per cent OFF % 29.


[sexual value]

全款购入 打折购入 平平无奇 能退就退 白送也亏。

Full buy-in, discounted buy-in, flat enough to back off, for nothing.

*折后入手的话,作为期望体验币圈文化的玩家来说相当划算, 但对于重视塔防元素的玩家,介于塔防纯度不太够,也许可以期待一个50%?

* It's a good deal for a player who wants to experience the culture of the currency, but for a player who values the tower's defence elements, it's not sufficiently pure to expect a 50%?




Core play system: tower guard


The game consists of 28 main line levels, 18 defence tower mechanisms with different characteristics, 10 defence towers reinforced plugs, 10 different types of enemy units and a BoS that will face the final level.


The encrypt currency appears to be relatively thin in size compared to the previous generation's PVZ1 and the Kingdom's guard battle, but it is also a small, small, but not simply filled-in pyramid game.


combable design


resources in the game


The game has three kinds of resources: arithmetic, French currency, and star currency; and "arithmetic (also known as Hashi rate) is the unit of measure of Bitcoin network processing capacity. That is, the speed at which the Hashi output is calculated for computers (CPUs). The primary source of computing is mine mining, which is used to deploy the consumption of defence units. "French currency" is the short term for "legal currency" or "French currency". The main source of the currency that the State has given to it in the form of a law for compulsory circulation is that the enemy unit is able to “sell” and then, by selling the defensive tower, to convert the algorithm into French currency, and at a later stage of the game it is able to unlock the unit of French currency that is produced in addition to the miner, Taylor.


The main source of star money is the killing of the enemy, and a small amount of star money can be obtained by a few small games and post-mail options after completion of the level. The props used in the game to unlock the various functional furniture in the hub are also used to enhance the capabilities of the defence towers.


Limited access, recommended priority for unlocking terminals, safes, Rambo and upgrading capabilities to reduce the difficulty of the game


Defense Unit

游戏中所有的防御单位都是现实中的加密货币,挖矿的显卡成了游戏中生产[算力]的产能单位[PVZ的太阳花];最初的原型加密货币[比特币]则定义成最基础的攻击塔;注重安全特性的加密货币[乌龟币]与[新安币]则属于挡位的防御塔。 具备免费特性的[源石币]则是无消耗的免费塔;以秋田犬为象征的[狗币]则能用24K钛合金狗眼发射具备穿透属性射线攻击。

All defence units in the game are encoded in reality, and the mine-drawling card becomes the production unit [of solar flowers of PVZ] in the game; the original prototype encrypted currency [bitcoin] is defined as the most basic attack tower; and the security-oriented encrypted currency [ustoll] and [new security currency] are the defensive towers in the back. The free-of-charge [source rocknotes] are free towers; and the Autumn dog-coded [dog-coins] can launch a 24-K titanium gold dog eye attack with penetrating properties.


Simultaneous images of pixels do not make people feel disconcerted. There will be no attack by a modern weapon by a martial arts character like that in a bad handwalk, which is truly the magic scene of a near-war attack on a tower.


bitcoin, dogbill >/strong


Enemy Unit


There are only 10 enemy units, but each has a unique identity rather than a numerical difference.
Part of this corresponds to common attacks in Internet security (bug loopholes, extortion software, hackers, fishing, wooden horses).


Extortion software that renders defense units ineffective



There are also forms of attack (51% attack, quantum, eclipse, interception, long-range) specifically targeting encrypted currency.


51% of the assault


Quantum of self-explosive properties


plugin reinforced module


The game defines a number of special tower defence mechanisms as 10 reinforced modules to be used as a special means of dealing with emergencies, similar to the martial arts of the Kingdom's guard warfare.


Lightning Net


Glacier Agreement


Unique innovations beyond the tradition of


In addition to the common systems inherent in traditional towers, developers have introduced alternative institutional innovations to traditional towers based on the concept of encrypted currency.


scene jamming mechanism


In the game, players not only face harassment from enemy units, but are also disturbed by the weather system that emerged during the millennium war.


Legal restrictions against ballistics in defence towers


Dust attack that temporarily neutralizes the defensive towers on the plot


[Development of plots - collection of resources - placement of defence towers] multi-twice operations


In traditional towers, only the sequence of the towers and the mix planning are usually involved, but the placement sites are generally all open. For the first time, in the towers game, I saw the towers that were planned from the time the plots were placed, a little bit like MC's empty island survival or rafting for Raft's survival.


Before considering how to place defence towers, it is also important to consider which plots should be developed to increase the strategic dimensions and operational difficulties of the game.


to develop the plot


central hub and arcade game


You can upgrade your central hub through star money when you complete your main line of work. And all the encrypt currency units that you get will appear in the center, and the furniture in each hub will not only be decorative, but will also add more functions, such as small games, monster mapping, and military breeding success.


custom-defined central hub


In addition to playing fatar defense at the core, the game is embedded in a number of small games (investment games that simulate bitcoin transactions, bricks and flying shooting games).


little game


is linked to actual encrypted currency systems


This game is a single machine game, but if you play it in a network environment, you can find a status bar in the game showing the real-time price of the encrypted currency and synchronizing it in real time (there will be some small delays limited to the API interface). Players can also focus on the real-time up and down of Bitcoin during the game.


If the tower's strength is affected by a real currency circle rise or fall, it may be a rather different system, and it may be triggered in the morning by the actual currency ring value strength - 20 per cent of the BUFF level, and 40 per cent of the positive BUF added to the evenings to help you clear the customs.

布道 币圈亚文化



Although the concept of encrypt currency was introduced in 2008 by China and has been developed for many years, most people’s idea of encrypt currency may still be limited to the relative surface-level knowledge of the wider bitcoin and Ether, as well as the ability of the card to dig for mining. The game takes the origins of the currency circle, the problems and difficulties encountered in the development of encrypt currency, some of the conspiracies that have occurred during the period, and some of the prospects and projections for the future of bitcoin.


For every major level of the game, there are different numbers of emails, including regular system administrator reward mail, and fraudulent emails that imitate manager ID. If a newcomer is born, he may be the target. After all, there are still many people who do not know the difference between the steam and the steam housekeeper.


fraudulent mail


Could not close temporary folder: %s


fraudulent mail that resembles normal administrator ID


There are also common currency traps in subsequent e-mails, and if you're a recent player considering exploring currency circles, try this game and avoid most of the shallow scams (not limited to currency patterns, currency pass scams, exchange scams, wallet scams, etc.)



In the case of the first person of fragmentation, a considerable number of terms related to cybersecurity and currency circles (51% attacks, hot wallets, cold wallets, fork bitcoins, quantum computers, etc.) have been incorporated into the story of the main line of perspective, allowing players to experience, from their own perspective, a number of past cyber-security attacks in the currency circles to understand the users, operators, developers, protectors and spoilers around Bitcoin. The value of Bitcoin is viewed from multiple angles.




Although many of the advantages of the game were mentioned earlier, such as a good combination of tower and monetic elements and a number of unique innovations, in my experience, it's not funny for towering games!


In the main-line game, the enemy's attack pattern is the nature of the RUSH wave, and a light reaction to the leisure towers against the players will be clearly oppressive and will not be well adapted to the rapid rhythm of the rush.


In the multi-twice operation of `developing plots - collecting arithmetic - setting attack towers', players become particularly busy, with the illusion not of playing tactical towers, but of hitting RTs that require high APM operations, which is particularly evident at the last end of the Boss battle.


Limited to plots and very few initial Cost resources, this has led players who can get used to the operating system to find that the range of decisions that the game can make is small, single and somewhat boring.

防御塔在单局游戏内并不能如王国保卫战中和war3中那样升级和选择进化分支, 在游戏外的养成部分也仅能提升塔的HP,部署CD和COST减少,远不如在手游平台上的的一些新兴塔防游戏如千年战争和明日方舟那样通过养成大幅度提升塔的属性来降低游戏难度。

Defensive towers do not upgrade and select evolutionary branches as they did in the Kingdom’s defense battles and War3, but only upgrade their HPs outside the game, and fewer CDs and COSTs are deployed, far less difficult than some of the new towers on the handwalk platform, such as the Millennium War and Tomorrow’s Ark, by raising their properties substantially.


The game as a whole is game-proof and tactically designed in towers, with no deep development of playable content.


This has led to a game like PVZ which, in its experience, has produced a completely different experience of play, which is not so sophisticated, but rather cheap.


There is not enough experience limited to independent game developers, and there is a lack of optimization of the player's operating experience and of small bugs such as the Chinese text library anomalies in the game.


Other ancillary elements, eggs


"Our vision of the game is not only something that our block-chain fever friends appreciate, but also an educational experience for people who are not familiar with encrypted money but are willing to learn. It is hoped that the game will attract more game players to explore this exciting field." – Encrypted Currency: A Scrambled Game Developer.

与一段18位的二进制数字,有兴趣的玩家不妨尝试一些解密。( 笔者本来推测为比特币钱包地址,但似乎位数不对 )

After the main line of the game is cleared, a two-dimensional code is obtained (the original paper from Bintcocoin),
with an 18-digit binary number, and interested players may wish to try some decryption. (The pen was supposed to be the Bitcoin wallet address, but the number seems to be wrong)


Customs clearance reward


General remarks


Encrypted Currency: Scratch is a small-scale game of subcultural sermons that use towers to promote currency circles, with developers'innovative and creative points, rather than an imitation of former PVZs in a focused strategy; and a sermon that gives players a good educational experience, but not a tactical sermon.


The cultural output desired by the preachers is excellent, but the developers still have long and dangerous obstacles to play.

+ 可圈可点的与加密货币相融合的塔防元素

+ circleable tower defence elements integrated with encrypted currency

+ 在传统塔防之上的创新元素

+Innovative elements above traditional towers

+ 简洁的赛博朋克画面与干练的操作界面

+ Simple Cyberbunk image with a capable operating interface

+ 迷人的币圈文化元素

+ Fascinating cultural elements of the currency circle

- 在塔防玩法策略上欠缺开发深度

- There's a lack of depth in the tower's anti-play strategy.

- 待优化的操作手感

- To be optimized.




Objective rating of 5.5/8

主观加分1.6/ ±2

Subjective plus 1.6/ ±2


Total score: 7.1


Individual non-recommended player: recreational or hardcore player with focus on towers


Suggested Players


Player interested in encrypting currency; player that tolerates the lack of depth of game-resistant elements in towers


STEAM evaluation

steam好评率90% (22/30|2021-3-13)

90 per cent favourable rating for stepam (22/30 x 2021-3-13)


Personal scoring





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