
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:32 评论:0



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Let us begin by learning about the block chain, which, as the central principle of Bitcoin, is that each block corresponds to a bill, links all the blocks, forming the block chain, and that when you make all transactions and transfers, you have a complete record in the block chain. It is worth mentioning that the block chain is in the network, so security is well guaranteed.


Every other point of time, the Bitcoin system generates a random code on the system node, which all computers on the Internet can search for, and who finds the code creates a block and then gets a bitcoin, which is what people often call mining. Computing the random code requires a large amount of GPU calculations, and is therefore a major reason why miners buy big cards to profit more quickly on bitcoin, which is a major reason for the recent card shortage.


So the bitcoin wouldn't be more and more, and it's not worth anything at all. The question certainly came to mind. Here's another mechanism for the bitcoin system: Bitcoin is limited in volume, with a total of 105 million BTC in the first four years, half the output every four years, 5250,000 BTC in the fourth to eighth years, and only 2625,000 BTC in the eighth to twelfth years, and so on. In the end, the total number of bitcoins produced is close to 21 million BTC. One bitcoin is currently divided into eight decimal places based on the current data structure, that is, 0.000001 BTC, and the miners dig the smallest bitcoin unit is 0.000001 BTC.


It is commonplace to say that Bitcoin is a gold mountain of 21 million gold coins, and to get it, the players need to calculate a certain set of numbers based on existing algorithms, using computer computing capabilities.

想必大家也明白了算力越强,挖出比特币的概率越大,现在中国的算力已经达到了全世界的75%,换句话说,全世界的比特币中有75% 是来自我们国家的,那具体要花费多久的时间才能挖到一个比特币呢?

I'm sure you also understand that the better the math, the more likely the bitcoin is to be found, now that China has reached 75 per cent of the world, in other words, 75 per cent of the world's bitcoins are from our country, and how long will it take to find a bitcoin?


Since the previous bitcoin was very well dug, many people have joined in mining, but with increasing numbers, mining is becoming more difficult and ordinary computers can no longer afford to dig alone. According to industry, in 2014, an average of 100 bitcoins was dug up at a cost of half a million dollars, and you are right, half a million dollars, equivalent to 5,000 dollars per piece of electricity, which has now doubled.


In 2014, the total daily calculus was 4,000 GHash/s, while the mine-mining capacity was 100 MHash/s, and a simple cut-off budget could tell that 3600 bitcoins could be dug up every 24 hours. If you don’t understand the alternative, it would amount to 100 million dice throwing numbers less than 150 million, and anyone who throws them first gets the right to bookkeeping. At this point, 150 million is the Hashi value, the dice-throwing process is called Hashi colliding, and the unit of mine-drawling power is the number of Hashi collisions per second.


Bitcoin’s full net capacity reached 236 trillion Hash collisions per second, which is equivalent to the number of droplets in more than 200,000 50-metre-long standard swimming pools. But even this size takes about 10 minutes to collide to a desired Hash value.


Since the amount of bitcoins is fixed, 80 per cent of the bitcoins have been excavated to date, approximately 16.8 million, and although only about a fifth of them remain, their value will continue to rise, which will also result in more people spending more time and effort on joining the mining army.

2010 年之前还可以用个人电脑挖挖比特币,但现在完全不可能了。其实,中本聪在设计比特币时,为区块设定了1M的容量上限,这样可以在个人电脑上就得以顺利运行整个区块链,但随着区块扩容至8M(大大增加难度系数),普通家用电脑被强制淘汰,算力的把控权中心化转移到了矿场主手中。

It is also possible to dig bitcoin with a personal computer before 2010. In fact, China has set a 1M capacity limit for blocks when designing bitcoin, so that the entire block chain can be successfully run on PCs, but with the expansion of blocks to 8M (a significant increase in the difficulty factor), ordinary PCs are forcibly phased out, and arithmetic centralization of control is transferred to mine owners.


Mining is expensive today, because it needs to be equipped with a dedicated mine machine, with six to eight cards attached to each machine, which, based on a relatively new machine with 13 Ts, operates 24 hours a day, and can dig 0.004549382 bitcoins. And if there are dozens of such machines, the amount of electricity will be 10,000 degrees a month. And what happens when a man buys two miners himself?


He used a mining machine of 1350 W, which, based on 24 hours of operation per day, was able to excavate 0.0018 bitcoins, which was successfully excavated for about 556 days. At a power rate of 1,000 watts, he used about 1 degree per hour, and the miner consumed 32.4 degrees per day. The daily cost of electricity consumption was approximately $16.8, and the cost of successfully digging into a bitcoin was about $9367.




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