
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:26 评论:0
鉴于高通胀率肆虐法定货币,人们越来越多地接受比特币。但是,当矿工每天开采新的比特币时,比特币如何保持通货紧缩呢?这就是比特币减半概念的用武之地。继续阅读以了解比特币减半及其对比特币价格的影响。Given that high inflatio...



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Given that high inflation ravages the legal currency, bitcoin is increasingly accepted. But how does bitcoin remain deflationary when miners exploit new bitcoin every day? This is where the concept of bitcoin is reduced by half.


What's half of Bitcoin?

比特币减半是指比特币网络中验证交易的区块奖励减少百分之五十 (50%) 的事件。这发生在每开采 210,000 个区块之后——考虑到比特币的平均区块创建时间为 10 分钟,大约是四年的间隔。

Half of the bitcoin is a 50% (50%) reduction in block incentives to validate transactions in the bitcoin network. This occurs after 210,000 blocks are mined - considering that the average block creation time for bitcoin is 10 minutes, approximately four years apart.


The Bitcoin mining algorithm includes a halving of block incentives to provide predictable scarcity. While many compare bitcoins with gold, because of their very similar functions, halving will vary.


Encrypted money is money -- let's use it!

您可以使用 CryptoWallet 购买、出售和交易加密货币。

You can buy, sell and trade encrypted currency using CryptoWallet.


To illustrate this, let us explore the process of bitcoin mining .

挖矿是验证交易并向比特币网络添加新区块的过程。它需要使用 ASICS(应用集成电路)等专用硬件来解决复杂的密码方程式,以保护比特币网络免受“双花”等攻击。作为回报,比特币网络会用新铸造的硬币奖励矿工的努力。

Mining is the process of verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the Bitcoin network. It uses specialized hardware such as ASICS (application of integrated circuits) to solve complex code equations to protect the Bitcoin network from attacks such as “double flowers.” In return, the Bitcoin network rewards miners’ efforts with newly forged coins.

比特币最初推出时,挖矿奖励为每个区块 50 BTC。但在经历了三个成功的减半事件后,区块奖励已经减少到 6.25 BTC。结果,新硬币进入流通的速度随着时间的推移而减慢,从而导致比特币处于通货紧缩的环境中。

When Bitcoin was first introduced, the mining incentive was 50 BTC per block. But, after three successful halving events, the block incentive has been reduced to 6.25 BTC. As a result, the pace of entry of new coins has slowed over time, resulting in Bitcoin being in a deflationary environment.


2. How does halving bitcoin affect bitcoin prices?


Historically, the earlier halved events had led to an increase in the price of bitcoin, but not immediately, as other factors also played a role in the network.


Over time, halving the price of bitcoin has led to an increase in bitcoin and has helped miners to earn considerable profits, although they have received fewer bitcoins as block rewards.

2016 年 6 月减半时,比特币的价格约为 660 美元。减半事件后继续横盘,一直到月底。但到 2017 年底,比特币的价格已经飙升至当时约 20,000 美元的历史新高。

By June 2016, the price of Bitcoin would have been about $660. After the halving, it continued to run until the end of the month. But by the end of 2017, the price of Bitcoin had soared to an all-time high of about $20,000.

在 2020 年 5 月减半事件之后,比特币的价格也从 9,000 美元左右上涨到年底的 27,000 多美元,然后在 2021 年 11 月达到近 70,000 美元。

After halving in May 2020, the price of Bitcoin also rose from around $9,000 to over $27,000 at the end of the year, and then reached nearly $70,000 in November 2021.


This does not in any way mean that the next half of the future will always lead to higher prices, because the price of Bitcoin is influenced by a number of factors. However, most Bitcoin investors believe that the next half will help to push the price of digital money up to historical heights (as in the past).


3, when was the last time Bitcoin was halved?

自 2009 年 1 月推出以来,比特币已经记录了 3 次减半事件,当时挖矿奖励为 50 BTC。减半的时间表被编程为在每创建 210,000 个总活动块之后发生,这大约是四年的间隔。如果发生攻击或网络硬分叉到具有一组新规则的新链,则此时间表或预定时间也可能发生变化。

Since its launch in January 2009, Bitcoin has recorded three halves of mining incentives of 50 BTC. The schedule for halving is programmed to take place after each of the 210,000 total activity blocks has been created, which is about four years apart. If an attack occurs or the network is hardened to a new chain with a new set of rules, the schedule or schedule may change.

第一次减半发生在 2012 年,当时区块奖励减少到 25 BTC。四年后,它被另一个替代,挖矿奖励减少到 12.5 BTC。

The first half occurred in 2012, when block incentives were reduced to 25 BTC. Four years later, they were replaced by another, and mining incentives were reduced to 12.5 BTC.

最近一次减半发生在 2020 年 5 月,标志着第三次减半,区块高度为 630,000,挖矿奖励为 6.25 BTC。

The most recent one-half occurred in May 2020, marking a third one, with a block height of 630,000 and a mining incentive of 6.25 BTC.


When will the next bitcoin be halved?

下一次比特币减半将在 2024 年 5 月 4 日或 5 日左右发生,届时区块奖励将降至 3.125 BTC。

The next halving of Bitcoin will take place on or around 4 or 5 May 2024, when block incentives will be reduced to 3.125 BTC.

预计将在比特币区块链上创建总共 840,000 个区块,这是所需数量的四的倍数。虽然考虑到采矿难度的变化,日期可能不准确,但它可能会在更接近预测的日期发生,

It is expected that a total of 840,000 blocks will be created on the Bitcoin block chain, which is a four-fold multiplier of the required number. While the date may not be accurate, given the changes in the difficulty of mining, it may occur closer to the projected date.




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