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In such a market environment, not only investors, but also many companies and investment agencies have come to the fore in an attempt to divide the currency boom. Many investors do not know how to choose an investment project, but also a number of well-known investment agencies.

1.Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)

机构介绍:a16z是整个互联网投资界最为耀眼的明星之一,曾先后投资了Facebook、Twitter等知名项目。现已投资多个区块链明星项目,成为了加密货币投资的风向标。Coinbase上市后,a16z以14.8%的股份成为其第二大股东,成为了最大的外部赢家。另外,a16z还投资了Uniswap、MakerDAO、Compound、Dapper Labs、Arweave、Optimism、Solana等,这些几乎都成为了头部区块链项目。如今的a16z,加密基金规模超过30亿美金。俨然是加密世界的资本灯塔,关注度高,号召力极强。

a16z, one of the most prominent stars in the entire Internet investment community, has invested in Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Various block chain stars have been invested, and have become a signpost for investment in encrypted money. When Coinbase came on the market, a16z became its second largest external winner with 14.8% of shares. A16z has also invested in Uniswap, MakerDao, Compound, Dapper Labs, Arweave, Optimism, Solana, and so on.

2.DCG(Digitial Currency Group)


introduces the Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc., Coindesk, Grestler, an investment company focused on encryption and block chain industries with a portfolio of over 100 companies.


In terms of the dimensions of the data, DCG, as the head of an encrypted investment agency, also performed well this year, with a positive growth rate of more than 90 per cent. Nearly 30 currencies in the portfolio, after a16z, were listed. The largest increase was in SOL, 1296.6 per cent, with an increase of more than 85 per cent in 10 times, and a concentration of more than 1-10 times, or 55 per cent.


机构介绍:Paradigm是由Coinbase联合创始人、红杉前合伙人和Pan-tera Capital前员工联合创立。有消息称,此基金已经获得红杉资本和耶鲁大学注资。两位创始人的背景值得一提:Fred Ehrsam曾是Coinbase联合创始人之一。Matt Huang从麻省理工毕业后在硅谷创业,公司被Twitter收购。从2011年开始陆续做一些早期投资,有着非常奢华的投资履历,其中最成功的的无疑是今日头条。

According to , Paradigm was founded by Coinbase co-founder, former Redwood partner and former Pan-tera Capital employee. According to some sources, the fund has received funding from Redwood Capital and Yale University. The background of the two founders is worth mentioning: Fred Ehrsam was one of Coinbase's co-founders. Matt Huang started his business in Silicon Valley after graduating from MIT, and the company was tweaked.

4.Multicoin Capital


introduces an investment fund focused on encrypt currency, not only with investment in currency, but also with the support of several groups and Silicon Valley Prominent Wind Investment Corporation.

Multicoin Capital投资且已上线的项目共24个,投资正涨幅率为75%,涨幅10倍以内的占比为54%。涨幅最高的是12966%的SOL,跌幅最大的是ICP,跌幅达89%。

Multicoin Capital invests in 24 projects that are on-line, with a positive growth rate of 75 per cent, or 54 per cent within 10 times the increase. The highest increase was in SOL, 1296.6 per cent, and the largest decline was in ICP, with a decline of 89 per cent.

从项目分类来看,DeFi项目有12个,占比48%;Web3和公链均为5个,各自占比20%。Multicoin Capital的投资风格和a16z很像,侧重于DeFi和公链项目。

In terms of project classification, there are 12 DeFi projects, or 48 per cent; Web3 and 5 public chains, or 20 per cent each. Multicoin Capital's investment style is similar to that of a16z, focusing on the DeFi and public chain projects.

5.NGC Ventures

机构介绍:成立于2017年末,是由来自科技创业、传统资本市场、管理咨询等领域的成员组成的区块链技术风险投资基金。旗下有两支基金,NGC Fund I专注于区块链技术领域的投资,另一支NEO Eco Fund致力于NEO区块链的生态布局,两只基金总体规模约为5亿美元。


NGC Ventures投资且已上线的项目共19个,投资正涨幅率为73%,涨幅为50倍以内的占比为68%。涨幅最高的是12966%的SOL,跌幅最大的是WSOTE,跌幅达99%,接近归零。

The number of projects invested in and on-line by NGC Ventures was 19, with a 73 per cent increase in investment, or 68 per cent within 50 times. The largest increase was in SOL, 1296.6 per cent, and the largest decline was in WSOTE, with a 99 per cent decline, close to zero.

6.Three Arrows Capital(三箭资本)

机构介绍:在新加坡注册的对冲基金,专注于提供卓越的风险调整回报,其创始人之一Su zhu在推特非常活跃,具有一定影响力。

introduced 's hedge fund, registered in Singapore, which focused on providing excellent risk adjustment returns and one of its founders, Su Zhu, was very active and influential on Twitter.

Three Arrows Capital的投资组合数量上仅次于a16z,但在正涨幅率上远低于93%的DCG,只有69%。其投资组合中百倍币的比例是DCG的一倍,在10-50倍区间的项目数量也是DCG的三倍。

Three Arrows Capital's portfolio is second only to a16z, but it is well below 93% DCG, with only 69%. Its portfolio is twice as large as the DCG and three times the number of projects between 10 and 50 times the size of the DCG.

7.Polychain Capital


was established in 2016 with investments in a16z, Danhua Capital, etc., focusing on block chain assets, the earliest primary encrypted hedge fund, and has invested in several block chain stars projects.

Polychain Capital的投资组合正涨幅率也接近85%,十倍以下的币种占比近80%,同样也是多集中在1-10倍,占比47%,没有百倍币。涨幅最大的是3217%的AVAX,跌幅最大的是-89%的ICP。

Polychain Capital’s portfolio is also growing at close to 85 per cent, with currencies below 10 times as much as 80 per cent, and is also concentrated at 1-10 times, 47 per cent, with no 100-fold increase. The largest increase was in AVAX, 3217 per cent, and the largest drop was in ICP, 89 per cent.


In terms of project classification, there were eight DeFi, or 42.1 per cent; seven public chain projects, or 36.8 per cent, and the combined DeFi and public chain, 78.9 per cent.

8.Alameda Research

机构介绍:Alameda Research由FTX创始人兼首席执行官 Sam Bankman-Fried创办,已投资多个区块链明星项目,表现优于传统市场和长期加密基金的金融公司。

Agency Presentation: Alameda Research, founded by Sam Bankman-Fried, founder and CEO of FTX, has invested in several block chain stars projects that perform better than traditional markets and long-term encryption funds.

Alameda Research在所有机构的投资组合中正涨幅率是最低的只有48%,最大涨幅币种的也是所有机构中最低的只有398%,投资组合的涨幅集中在1-3倍占总数的40%,小于1倍的占8%。

Alameda Research has the lowest positive increase of only 48 per cent in the portfolio of all institutions, the largest increase of only 398 per cent in the currency of all institutions, and the increase in the portfolio is concentrated at one to three times 40 per cent of the total and less than one times 8 per cent.

9.Coinbase Ventures


introduces the Risk Investment Fund of attached to Coinbase, based in San Francisco, which is primarily an early investment in crypto-currency and block-link start-up companies, which tends to be open-ended financial solutions.

Coinbase Ventures的投资组合正涨幅率只有61%,有两个百倍币种(LUNA 124倍、MATIC 164倍),10倍的一个(AUDIO),1-10倍的占28%,小于1倍的占17%。涨幅最高的是16429%的MATIC,跌幅最大的是-91%的BTRST。

The investment portfolio of Coinbase Ventures is growing by only 61 per cent, with two hundred and twenty-folds (LUNA 124 times, MATIC 164 times), one tenfold (AUDIO), 28 per cent by 1-10 times, and 17 per cent by less than one. The highest increase was recorded by 16,429 per cent of MATIC, and the largest drop was by 91 per cent of BTRST.

10.Blockchain Capital

机构介绍:首个致力于比特币、区块链生态系统的风险投资基金。投资了 Coinbase、Ripple 等金融科技公司,是区块链行业顶尖的投资机构之一。

is the first venture capital fund dedicated to the Bitcoin, block-chain ecosystems.

Blockchain Capital投资组合正涨幅率是100%,没有百倍币,1-10倍的占78%,小于1倍的占33%。涨幅最高的是776%的ROSE,涨幅最低的是42%的YFI。

The Blockchain Capital portfolio is growing at a rate of 100%, no 100-fold, 78% 1-10 times and 33% less. The highest increase is 776% ROSE, and the lowest is 42% YFI.


Now that the market for encrypted money has created a very different trend, both within and outside the country, and if we look closely at the development of the market for encrypted money and the diffusion of block chains, we will find that more and more institutions and firms abroad are now entering the market, and we anticipate that a new round of global asset allocation restructuring is about to begin. It is well known that opportunities and risks always go hand in hand.


So, what are the encryption money investment agencies? The details of the rankings of the top ten encryption money investment agencies in 2023, and more information about the top ten encryption money investment agencies, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!




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