
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:29 评论:0
本文是关于区块链的常识文章,简要分析了人们对区块链的一些可能的误解,告诉人们什么不是区块链,什么是区块链?适合初学者阅读。This paper is a common sense artic...



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This paper is a common sense article on block chains, briefly analysing some of the possible misconceptions about block chains and telling people what is not a block chain, what is a block chain?


As a fan of block chain technology, I am fascinated by this decentralised technology, especially its ability to change the way data are stored and authenticated. For the first time, any interested party can make a value transaction through digital assets (digital money) without having to pay transaction costs and third-party intervention.


In the coming years, this trusted system will be the most secure data authentication and storage mechanism in which data are secure, effectively authenticated and protected.


The world is passionate about bitcoins and other encrypted currencies and their impact on the currency markets of the coming decades. But what is more exciting is the block chain technology itself, which is far more valuable than the encrypted currency.


Enterprises or individuals can now exchange or contract in digital form, where these contracts are embedded in codes and stored in transparent, shared databases, where they are not deleted, altered or revised.


Contracts, audits, missions, payments in the future world will all be digitized with unique and secure signatures that will be permanently identified, authenticated, legalized, stored, and cannot be tampered with. The enormous potential of this wave of regional chains will certainly have far-reaching implications for the people and objects of our world.


I've dealt with a lot of questions about the principles of digital money and block chains in the past. I've discussed them before: block chains, bitcoin, Etheria, Letcoco, Ripco, smart contracts, NEO block chains, wallets. There's a lot more. But today, let's see: what's the misunderstanding about block chains?


It is well known that the core technology of Bitcoin, Ripcoin, and Lightcoin is a block chain that is open, distributed and efficient, verifiable, and permanent in recording transactions between the parties. But what you do not know is:


Bitcoin does not represent a block chain, and vice versa. In fact, bitcoin is based only on a block chain, as the Apps we use are based on a database. Similar to the data captured and stored by the Apps processing service through a database, the block chain maintains a bitcoin transaction record that can be verified.


Bitcoin is a purely digital currency that uses the block chain as a bottom technology and uses it as a database ledger.


Compared to Bitcoin, the commercial block chain gives priority to the management of digital identity and to the processing and selection of selected transactions, as evidenced by the intensive workload used by Bitcoin, which is quite resource-intensive.


As we discussed earlier, the block chain is not a bitcoin-like digital currency; it's just a database that keeps records of transactions. That's like Paypal's database technology, mangoDb, is not a currency.


Many distributed applications are being constructed on the basis of block chains, which are not in themselves applications or products.


In order to be able to replace our existing trading mechanisms, the block chain must have a number of important criteria, such as:

  • 它拥有一个被广泛接受的交易网络,该网络支持交易无缝进行并且安全。
  • 它应该能够验证分布式网络中的多个帐户。
  • 应该能够跟踪并记录是谁交易以及在哪个时间交易了多少价值。
  • 应该有能力做安全可信的交易
  • 应该保存一个真实的记录,以便在整个网络上共享以进行验证。


If all of these values and standards are met, then the technology can replace our traditional trading system, or it is too early to say that it can completely replace it.


Many applications are currently constructed on the basis of this distributed database technology, which works well without the need for a commercial network, so that the block chain, as a distributed database, can well complement the existing database technology but cannot be entirely replaced by it, as it is limited to large business scenarios.


Yes, compared to the TCP/IP web wave, the block chain has expanded too fast, but it has not gone through the gestation period and cannot be said to be fully mature and widely accepted, like the Internet wave.


For a block chain to be able to destabilize the digital arena, many challenges still need to be overcome: technology, governance, society and business must be united to make it a phenomenon.


Yes, it may take 10 to 15 years (perhaps not that long) to become a real mainstream. If it is shorter than I predicted, it will really be a game changer, and all stakeholders will be the beneficiaries of this chain revolution.


Yes, the block chain revolution has begun to make progress and will affect everyone around the globe. It is not clear when it will completely replace the traditional Internet system, but it will happen.


Now, you know what's not a block chain, so let's talk about it:


A simpler interpretation provides you with an information chart from Blockchainhub:


As the Harvard Business Review says:

“除了为区块链的采用提供了一个很好的模板外,TCP /IP很可能为它铺平了道路。 TCP / IP已经无处不在,区块链应用程序正在数字数据、通信和计算基础架构之上构建,从而降低了实验成本,并将使新的使用案例迅速出现。

“In addition to providing a good template for the use of the block chain, TCP/IP is likely to pave the way for it. TCP/IP is everywhere, and block chain applications are being constructed on the basis of digital data, communications, and computing infrastructure, thus reducing the cost of experimentation and will rapidly result in new cases of use.


In any case, it's very likely that the block chain will affect your business. The biggest question is when."


I have a feeling that in future competition, no firm can win in a changing market without accepting a block chain revolution. Yes, pre-emptive advantage will play a major role in determining winners and losers.


So the time has come to start, perhaps not on a large scale, but to invest less in your organization to try to use block chains for data management.


You can also use existing bitcoin payment mechanisms in e-commerce or games. If this does not suit your risk preferences, you should not risk building your own network of block chains now, but it would be wise to use existing block chains, i.e. services or block chains, to develop your own business solutions.


I used to say:


The least risk is to take risks, but if it is decided not to do so in time, it will certainly have a major impact on you.


原文作者:Pramod Chandrayan

This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.


Original address: codeburg.io


Translator: Jos, Blue Fox Note (micro sign: lanhubiji)

本文由 @蓝狐笔记社群“Jos(司马青衫)” 翻译发布于人人都是产品经理。未经许可,禁止转载。

This post was translated by @Blue Fox Notebook Community, “Jos” and published by everyone as a product manager.

题图来自 Pixabay,基于 CC0 协议

The title is from Pixabay, based on the CC0 protocol.




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