文章来源: 财经135
Source: Finance 135
所谓区块链技术, 简称BT(Blockchain technology),也被称之为分布式账本技术,是一种互联网数据库技术,其特点是去中心化、公开透明,让每个人均可参与数据库记录。
The so-called block chain technology, known as BT (Blockchain technology), which is also known as distributed book technology, is an Internet database technology characterized by decentralisation, transparency and everyone's access to database records.
The first basic technology was Bitcoin, which is currently being studied around the world and can be widely applied in areas such as finance.
The rationale for editing the block chain is not difficult to understand. The basic concepts include:
Transactions (TransacTIon): One operation leading to a change in the status of the account book, such as the addition of a record;
Block (Block): Recording the results of transactions and status over a period of time is a common understanding of the current account-book status;
Chain (Chain): A block is linked in order of occurrence and is a log of the entire state change.
If the block chain is used as a status machine, each transaction is an attempt to change the state, and each consensual block is the participant's confirmation of the result of a change in the state of all transaction elements in the block.
Technical characteristics of block chains
Block chains are a shared distributed database technology. Although a sentence of the block chain is presented in different reports in different terms, the following four technical features are consensual.
1. 去中心化(Decentralized):图1的左侧描述了当今金融系统的中心化特征,右侧描述的是正在形成的去中心化金融系统,其没有中介机构,所有节点的权利和义务都相等,任一节点停止工作都会不影响系统整体的运作;
1. Decentralized: The left side of figure 1 describes the central features of today's financial system, the right side describes the emerging decentralized financial system, which does not have an intermediary, all nodes have equal rights and obligations, and any one stoppage does not affect the functioning of the system as a whole;
图1,出自花旗报告Digital DisrupTIon: How FinTech is Forcing Banking to a TIpping Point [4]
Figure 1, from the flag report Digital Disruption: How FinTech is Forcing Banking to a Tipping Point [4]
2. 去信任(Trustless):系统中所有节点之间无需信任也可以进行交易,因为数据库和整个系统的运作是公开透明的,在系统的规则和时间范围内,节点之间无法欺骗彼此;
2. To trust (Trustless): transactions can be made without trust between all nodes of the system, since the database and the operation of the system as a whole are open and transparent and there is no way of deceiving each other between nodes within the rules and time frames of the system;
3. 集体维护(CollecTIvely Maintain):系统是由其中所有具有维护功能的节点共同维护的,系统中所有人共同参与维护工作;
3. Collective maintenance (CollecTIvely Maintain): the system is maintained jointly by all of its nodes with maintenance functions, with the participation of all members of the system;
4. 可靠数据库(Reliable Database):系统中每一个节点都拥有最新的完整数据库拷贝,修改单个节点的数据库是无效的,因为系统会自动比较,认为最多次出现的相同数据记录为真。
4. Reliable database (Reliable Database): Each node in the system has an up-to-date complete database copy, and the modification of a single node database is invalid because the system automatically compares and considers the same data records to be true the most frequent occurrence.
图2,出自高盛报告Blockchain: Putting Theory into Practice [2]
Figure 2, from Goldman Sachs Report: Putting Theory into Practice [2]
Figure 2 shows, for simplification purposes, only six nodes for which a copy of the database is maintained; of the three transaction sequences, the data and signatures for the first two transactions were validated for all six nodes, but the location of the third transaction was not validated and the “consensus” for the other nodes was changed.
Application of block chain technology
1. Digital currency
Digital currencies have grown rapidly in recent years, with decentralized credit and frequent trading characteristics, giving them a higher tradable value and allowing them to maintain relatively stable prices through the development of hedge financial derivatives as quasi-super-sovereign currencies. Digital currencies have established a credit for digital currency transactions under sovereign currencies, with a greater volume of transactions and a stronger credit base for digital currency transactions.
2. Liquidation of payments
At this stage, payments for clearing commercial trade transactions are made through banks, and the traditional way in which transactions are carried out through intermediaries is through the depositary, counterparty, central bank, and offshore banks. In this process, each institution has its own system of accounts, needs to establish inter-agency relationships, requires lines of credit; each transaction needs to be recorded in its own bank, requires liquidation and reconciliation with its counterpart, which leads to slow and high costs. In contrast to traditional payment systems, block payments are made directly to both parties to the transaction, do not involve intermediaries, and even partial network paralysis does not affect the system as a whole.
In the case of cross-border transfers, for example, if I open a small bank in my country and send money to another small bank abroad, the following steps are required in the transfer process under the traditional SWIFT system: first, I submit an application to a small bank of which I belong; second, a small bank submits an application to a large bank of which it has exchange terms; third, a large bank wires an offshore cooperative bank; and fourth, a cooperative bank remits to a small bank abroad. At present, depending on the host country, the process will take between 10 minutes and two days.
3. Digital paper
Digital instruments are a new form of instrument presentation that combines block chain technology and paper attributes, regulations, markets, and is developed in a completely different way from the technical architecture of the existing electronic paper system. The central advantage of digital instruments is the following: first, de-intermediated transmission of paper value. In traditional paper transactions, instruments are often brokered using information differentials to achieve point-to-point transactions through block-to-point transactions. Second, they lose their role as intermediaries and reposition their identities. Second, they are effectively protected against the risks posed by the centralization of the paper market.
4. Certificate of entitlement
For the need to store permanent records, the block chain is the ideal solution, applicable to such scenarios as land ownership, equity trading, etc. In which equity has proved to be the most used area, equity owners can prove ownership of the unit by their private keys, transfer the equity through the block chain system to the next household, clear property rights and clear records. The whole process does not require the involvement of third parties.
In a keynote address at the 2015 European Trade Technology Award, held in London, Nesdak CEO BobGreifeld announced that the exchange intended to use block-chain technology to manage proxy voting systems. Proxy voting would have been an important and time-consuming exercise for a listed exchange, allowing shareholders to vote without attending company anniversary conferences, people to vote with their own mobile phones, and to keep voting records forever. Block-chain technology was seen as an advanced technology in the area of equity trading that would ensure transparent transactions in a relatively short period of time.
5. Bank letters
At present, commercial bank credit operations are carried out, whether for businesses or individuals, on the basis of the financial credit facilities available to the borrower itself. Banks upload the repayments of each borrower to the central bank’s credit centre, which needs to be consulted and downloaded from the central bank’s credit centre, subject to the authorization of the client. There are problems with incomplete information, inaccurate data, inefficient use, and high cost of use.
In short, block chains have become one of the hot spots for innovation in the financial sector, but, as a new technology, block chains also pose considerable risks. The current system of settlement based on block chain technology is very sensitive to regulatory risks, which, if participants are concerned about regulatory policy uncertainty, could lead to a collapse of payment systems due to instability.
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