
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:22 评论:0
  在走过10年之际,区块链开始从热闹的炒币“博傻游戏”,转向在一些产业和领域落地应用。After 10 years of walking, the block chain began to move away from a popular...



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After 10 years of walking, the block chain began to move away from a popular “dumb game” of coins to applications in a number of industries and fields.


As the bottom of Bitcoin’s technology, the block chain is naturally closely linked to the various digital currencies. Starting with Ben-Sung’s paper “Bitcoin: Electronic Cash” in mid-November 2008, the market for digital currencies has become popular, and the regulatory layer has burst into bubbles and the currency circle has become colder.


But, on the other hand, the application of the “chain” is gradually falling. The country’s first engineering fund management platform, based on block-chain technology, has gone from the Information and Software Services Standardization Work Point 2018, issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications, to promoting the formation of a national committee for the standardization of block chains and distributional accounting techniques.


Of course, the process of transformation is not easy. The immediate problem is how to ensure that the block chain is technologically secure for landing applications. The block chain, which targets data storage, can easily become a “hard zone” for hacker attacks, and the industry needs to establish strict safety standards.


2018: Exchange Year, Landing Application Year


Two or three years after joining the “currency ring”, Dontaine felt that most of the recent “currency circle” communities had cooled down, that several mainstream currencies had entered the ongoing bear market, that the chain of micro-messages, which used to be hundreds of messages every day, were now full of garbage ads, and that one or two people occasionally spoke out of bubbles, and that few should.


The freeze is three feet cold. Doreen believes that the recent coldness of the “currency ring” is closely linked to the overall “currency circle” environment since this year, especially the unpredictable “year of disaster” for many virtual currency exchanges.


In September 2017, a virtual currency, ICO (the first to be issued as a token), was placed under a “fail” by the domestic regulatory hierarchy, after which many virtual currencies and exchanges turned to overseas markets. Coin, OKEx, was ranked fifth in the global exchange, and exchange currency sought cooperation with countries such as Uganda and Malta, and small and medium-sized exchanges came on the line. At the beginning of 2018, many insiders once argued that, with tightly regulated boots on the ground, 2018 would become the “exchange year”.

  但随着虚拟货币大熊市的到来,众多交易所陷入币价崩盘、交易稀少的尴尬境地,有的甚至陷入纠纷。FCoin的黯然遁走,其平台币种FT(FCoin Token)崩盘,OKEx创始人徐明星不得不在上海的一家派出所内,与要求维权的数字货币投资者对峙;以德(EtherDelta)停止交易,实际控制人陈军跑路……

But with the advent of the virtual currency Big Bear, many exchanges have fallen into currency price collapses, rare trading embarrassments, or even disputes. FCoin's darkening, its platform currency, Fcoin Token crashes, and the founder of OKEx Xu Xu has had to confront digital money investors claiming rights in a police station in Shanghai; Ether Delta stopped trading and actually took control of Chen's army...


In June, the ants gold-coats announced the Chartered Bank as their core partner bank, and co-operated in the launch of cross-border remittance services based on block-chain technology. On March 20, the Quest and the China Logistics and Procurement Association launched a block supply chain alliance and cloud manifest platform.


In August, the Yuan district announced, through the official Weibo public platform, that it had recently launched its first engineering fund management platform based on block chain technology in the country and that it had been connected to a number of projects to achieve transparent management of financing, fund control and payroll, with accumulated management funds amounting to 1 billion yuan.


In March, the Ministry of Information and Communications published Work Points for the Standardization of Information and Software Services in 2018, which promoted the formation of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Information and Industrialization Integration Management, the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Block Chains and Distributed Accounts. The Director of the Joint Laboratory for Block Chains and Security Technologies of the Beijing Post and Telecommunications University, Ma Mu Fung, argued that the Block Chain, as a distributed trust technology, has an extremely broad application in distributed trust management such as digital assets, supply chain management, cross-border payments, copyright management, etc.


However, he also pointed out that block chains were complex technological systems, that commercial applications would be slow and difficult, and that, after strict regulatory and market education in recent years, block chains were gradually shifting from simple currency-stripping to complex landing applications.


block chain security standards.


While the application landscape is becoming clear, the safety of block chain technology itself has become a new concern within the industry.


At a summit forum on digital asset security held on 13 November, several experts said that block chain technology was expected to be the main development direction for future information storage, but because of a lack of security infrastructure and protection, the block chain, which targeted storage, would become a “hard zone” for hacker attacks. Many called for the establishment of strict block chain security standards.


At that forum, the head of the National Internet Emergency Response Centre Task Force on Internet Financial Regulatory Support, Wu Chien, stated that digital money was currently at risk of concentration and that, in addition to the group-based social events caused by events such as the economic loss of digital currency transactions, the technological risks of block capture, code holes, exchange theft, key theft, etc., were even more evident. “At the moment, the main risks that had occurred were concentrated on code realization and external risks.”

  作为一种新的互联网技术,区块链的安全问题并未受到应有的重视。区块链项目评分网站ICO Rating此前分析了100家24小时交易额超过100万美元的数字货币交易所,结果显示有超过54%的数字货币交易所都没有执行标准的安全措施。例如,超过41%的数字货币交易所允许创建长度小于8个字符的密码,37%的交易所允许仅使用数字或字母创建密码,5%更是无需电子邮件验证创建。

As a new Internet technology, the safety of block chains is not given the attention it deserves. The block chain project rating site ICO Rating previously analysed 100 digital currency exchanges with 24-hour transactions of more than $1 million, showing that more than 54% of digital money exchanges do not have standard security measures.


The decentralised DVP platform has also previously found that more than 600 exchanges use leaked, abandoned open-source procedures that allow the attackers to bypass the original restrictions of the exchange, alter information irregularly or delete exchange data without authorization.


The Director of the Centre for Industrial Security Studies, Bae Zhiyong, wrote that the current safety problems in the block chain include the generation and protection of private keys, the centralization of the consensus process, smart contract code gaps, arithmetic gaps in the signature process, and system achievement code gaps.


Pei Xi-Yung has analysed that the most serious threat to block chain application systems is currently posed by traditional security gaps in application systems, such as source code gaps, business logic gaps, website security gaps, and App security gaps, which often leave out the mathematical or logical security built by block chain technology itself. However, these issues have not been given sufficient attention.


Wu Chien believes that, as the scope and depth of block chain applications expands, there is a need to strengthen the development of tools to analyse and detect security threats to the block chain. According to him, the current industry standards of the Block Chain Platform Security Technical Requirements are being developed and drafted to clarify the main threats to the block chain platform and the architecture of the security system, with security technical requirements for key modules, to provide the basis and guarantee for the safe and robust operation of the block chain platform.

  中国青年报·中青在线记者 王林 来源:中国青年报

Chinese youth newspaper, Chinese youth journalist Wang Lin Source: Chinese youth newspaper




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