区块链:科普 | DeFi中的关键:智能合约是什么

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:26 评论:0



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Now our lives are almost non-contractual. Largely, work is a labor contract with a company, home purchase is a house purchase contract with a real estate company, insurance is an insurance contract with an insurance company. Smallly, Internet purchases, take-out orders, taxis, and lottery tickets are all contracts with the relevant service provider.


Even if we fight, it is a contract, but if one of the parties denies it, it becomes difficult to fulfil it. If there is a contract, the rules are established in advance, and once the relevant clause is triggered, the contract will be executed automatically, without human interference, and no one will have to deny it.


i. What's a smart contract


Intelligent contracts, an idea proposed by the cryptographer Nick Saber in the 1990s, were not applied or developed until Etheria appeared, owing to the lack of a credible implementation environment.

国务院:推进科普与区块链技术深度融合:为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于科普和科学素质建设的重要部署,依据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》、《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》制定《全民科学素质行动规划纲要(2021-2035年)》,其中要求实施智慧科普建设工程。推进科普与区块链等技术深度融合,强化需求感知、用户分层、情景应用理念,推动传播方式、组织动员、运营服务等创新升级,加强“科普中国”建设,强化科普信息落地应用,与智慧教育、智慧城市、智慧社区等深度融合。(新华社)[2021/7/10 0:40:52]

State Council: Promotion of the deep integration of technology into the block chain: In order to implement the Party's central and State Council's important deployments on science and technology development, and in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Advancement of Science and Technology and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the popularization of science and technology, the Outline Plan of Action for the Scientific Quality of the Nation (2021-2035) was drawn up, which called for the implementation of the project on the construction of the intelligent science chain. Promotion of the in-depth integration of technology such as science and technology from the block chain, the strengthening of demand perceptions, user hierarchies, the application of scenarios, the promotion of innovations such as dissemination methods, organizational mobilization, and operational services, the strengthening of the construction of the “Coptic China” and the enhancement of the application of science and technology-based information base, the deepening of the intellectual education, the intelligent city, the intelligent community, etc. (2021/7/10 0:40:52]


In other words, a smart contract is a digital version of a traditional contract that runs on a block chain network and is automatically executed by the program.

动态 | 新浪财经:官媒针对区块链的报道从科普宣传转向打假监管:据新浪财经今日消息,“1025新政”满月,一个月间,官媒对区块链的态度风向已转。据11月初的一项统计,七家党媒在新政一周内发布了65篇直接相关报道,当时文章中的关键词是数据、产业、安全、创新等,大量文章偏向于科普区块链的概念以及应用介绍,提醒警惕虚拟货币炒作的仅有3篇。近期,官媒的批评焦点则纷纷指向借区块链之名进行的虚拟货币发行和炒作行为。据统计,新华网、人民网收录转载的,以打击虚拟货币或揭露假借区块链行为主题的文章,自10月25日到11月25日午间,共28篇;其中,11月19日至11月25日的一周内就高达15篇。这些文章主要围绕三个观点展开:厘清区块链和虚拟货币的关系,说明二者概念不等;打击伪“区块链”局,或是虚拟货币局揭露;提醒民众,区块链不能成为炒作的噱头,更不是行的招牌,需警惕此类活动,理性投资。[2019/11/26]

According to a report in early November, the seven-party medium published 65 directly related reports during the week of the New Deal, the key words of which were data, industry, security, innovation, etc., in which a large number of articles were directed towards the concept and application of the Coptic block chain, alerting the virtual currency campaign to only three. In recent times, the media focused their criticism on virtual currency distribution and advertising in the name of the lending block chain.


Automatic vending machines and ATM teller machines can, to some extent, be understood as machines for the implementation of smart contracts, but these are not really smart contracts.

动态 | 央行官微旧文重发“再科普”:范一飞详解数字货币:据中国经济网消息,今日,央行官微公众号头条重新发布央行副行长范一飞在2018年1月25日题为《关于央行数字货币的几点考虑》的文章,对央行数字货币再次进行科普。同时,微信公众号第二条发布支付司副司长穆长春8月10日在第三届中国金融四十人伊春论坛上的演讲。近年来,各主要国家和地区央行及货币当局均在对发行央行数字货币开展研究,新加坡央行和瑞典央行等已经开始进行相关试验,人民银行也在组织进行积极探索和研究。[2019/8/21]

According to China’s economic network, the central bank official’s headline is today re-discussing the post of Vice-President of the central bank, Fan Yi, on January 25, 2018, entitled “Some considerations about central bank’s digital currency,” and re-discussing the central bank’s digital currency. At the same time, Mu Changchun, Deputy Director-General of the payment department released the second article, on August 10, at the third Ichun Forum, China’s finance 40 people. In recent years, central banks and monetary authorities in major countries and regions have been conducting research on the issuance of central bank’s digital currency, the Singapore Central Bank and the Swedish Central Bank, among others, have begun relevant experiments, and the People’s Bank has been actively exploring and researching.[20/19/8/21]


II. What are the characteristics of smart contracts?


Smart contracts have three main characteristics compared to traditional contracts:

金色财经独家分析 监管机构、媒体、业界提示风险 区块链科普道阻且长:新华社今日发文表示,近来“区块链”类案件频发,不法分子以“投资虚拟货币周期短、收益高、风险低”为借口,取用户信任并诱使其转账进行投资。无独有偶,同日消息,腾讯手机管家安全专家也提醒此类风险,并从技术上提出防建议。在美国,监管机构警示加密货币欺诈现象普遍承诺高收益而不披露潜在风险。金色财经独家分析,不法分子假借新技术之名进行,一方面是抓住民众趋利的心理,一方面反映出区块链科普的欠缺。区块链是新兴科技和底层技术并有改变社会生产关系的潜力,应该进行系统性的科普教育,当前,部分大学已经开始设置了区块链课程,但对于普通民众仍然有科普的需求,人们应该了解到系统和正确的知识,不仅要了解区块链的好,也要明确局限和弊端,以在高收益的诱惑下,保持清醒客观。[2018/4/11]

In the United States, regulators warn that encryption currency fraud is widely committed to high returns without disclosing potential risks. The Xinhua Society writes today that recent cases in the “block chain” category have been carried out under the guise of new technologies, and that illegal elements, on the one hand, have captured the popular spirit of profit, reflecting the lack of a regional chain of technology and bottom technologies, and have the potential to change social production relationships. There is a need for systematic science-based education. Currently, some universities have started to set up district-chain courses, but there is still a need for science-based knowledge for ordinary people. Systems and correct knowledge should be understood, not only in terms of the advantages of the chain, but also in terms of its limitations and disadvantages, in order to maintain a clear and objective incentive for high returns. [18]


1. A contract for open and transparent content is deployed on the block chain, and its contents are naturally open and transparent.


2. The content of the contract cannot be altered in the same way, as the contents of the smart contract cannot be modified because they are deployed on the block chain.


3. A smart contract that runs on the block chain permanently is also maintained by a network node on the block chain, and the smart contract lasts forever as long as the block chain is there. There is a sense of brotherhood that the chain is in the contract.


Smart contracts with three main features of the block chain have the following main advantages in relation to traditional contracts:


1, to trust.


Since smart contracts are block-based, their content is open, transparent, and not subject to tampering. Codes, i.e. laws, allow traders to deal safely and securely in an environment of mistrust, based on trust in the code.


2, economic, efficient


More often than not, disputes arise as a result of differences in the understanding of the terms of the contract; smart contracts avoid differences by calculating them in a way that hardly creates disputes, and the cost of reaching consensus is low. In the case of smart contracts, the outcome of arbitration is immediate and effective. Smart contracts therefore have an economic and efficient advantage over traditional contracts.


3, no need for third-party arbitration


If it rains tomorrow, the loser needs $100. If the loser denies it, the winner is not rewarded. To that end, it is inefficient and time-consuming to go to a third-party arbitration body.


III. Are smart contracts really smart?


It's all about the virtues of a smart contract. Is it really smart and not flawed? No, smart contracts have their flaws.


As noted above, the immutable attributes of intellectual contracts can easily build trust. But there is also a bad side to intellectual contracts that hackers can exploit for their own benefit if they are flawed.


To give a simple example, a vending machine, originally worth $5 for drinks, was inadvertently written into 50 cents, and the administrator can correct it as soon as he discovers it. If the vending machine calls for smart contracts on the block chain, the error will not be corrected until the drink inside is sold out.


On the other hand, smart contracts themselves do not have access to external information, which involves the need for external information in order to adjudicate contracts, and the need to write them in order for them to be judged. For example, smart contracts themselves do not know if it will rain tomorrow, and require information from other sources, such as central meteorological data, before smart contracts can be decided.


From the top two, smart contracts are neither perfect nor smart.


iv. Summing up


On the basis of the above, with regard to intellectual contracts, we know:


A smart contract replaces a legal language recording clause, which is automatically executed by a program, in a computer language.


Smart contracts have the advantage of trusting, being safe, efficient, and not requiring third-party arbitration, compared to traditional contracts. But smart contracts are not perfect, and are not intelligent, or they are less intelligent.


The article mentions that the enforcement of smart contracts does not require a decision by a third-party agency, but also that, when the enforcement conditions involve external information, a smart contract cannot be perceived and requires the entry of relevant information in order to trigger an intelligent contract to enforce the award. Do you find these two claims contradictory?


by Ying Wengchun


Label: digital currency:




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