
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:24 评论:0
在线翻译范文第1篇 海词网不仅仅是一个翻译网站,网易的有道词典搜索、腾讯的搜搜词典搜索、搜狐的搜狗词典搜索以及很多其他在线翻译工具的内容,曾经都来自海词团队的努力。It i...



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It is more than a translator web site, and its easy web search for dictionaries, search for search dictionaries, search for dog dictionaries for foxes and many other online translation tools have been drawn from the efforts of the hymn team.


“We've been doing the dictionaries OEM for the big sites for many years, but the users of these sites have so far been largely unaware of our existence.” The CEO's sword, Shanghai and Information Technology Ltd., says, “We used to lack energy and only did what we thought was the core content, and now we have to try to get our platforms right.”


Dr. Yoon's online translator.


In 2002, Fan Jianxian studied in the United States and started a career as a prolific student. When he first arrived abroad, Fan Jianxiang, like other Chinese students, faced language challenges. “When the software version was available, the school machine was unable to install software, so it was impossible to use it. Although the Internet was well developed in the United States, none of the websites offered online English-Han interpretation services.” The Fan Jing said, “I'm interested in computers, but also feels that online translation is a trend and that I have the idea of making a translation site.”


The original idea of Fan Jianxian was to set up a platform for users to work together to build the dictionary and improve the vocabulary, and the “Online Dictionary Project” was launched in 2003.


“I have been told by many users that understanding this site began with the first time that it entered the American university library - they saw many computer screens on the home page, and Chinese students were using it, while learning to check,” the Chinese swordsman said, “Our website became a necessity for many students, because it was the only online dictionary solution for Chinese students.”


However, not only does the increase in web traffic take a lot of energy, but the cost of server hosting and web bandwidth is becoming difficult to support with his scholarship. When this project is becoming a burden, it is also hesitant.

“还好,这个时候Google推出了AdSense(包括内容广告和搜索广告,自动抓取网站内容并投放与网站受众和网站内容相关的广告,网站可以通过在搜索结果页上展示Google 广告来获得收入),网站开始有了收入,我用这些收入买了更好的带宽,网站得以继续生存了下来。”范剑淼回忆道。

“Alright, at a time when Google launched AdSense (including content advertisements and search advertisements, automatic capture of website content and placement of ads related to website audience and website content, which can be earned by displaying Google advertisements on search results pages), the website began to generate income, which I used to buy better bandwidth, and the site was able to survive.” Fan Jianxun.


On the other hand, by reading literature on knowledge discovery and dictionaries, he has unwittingly grown from outside the home to an insider.


In 2007, when Dr. Fan Jianxiang graduated, he chose his own online translation platform, which he had developed and accumulated for several years. In 2008, he decided to return home and officially start working on lingua franca.


Deep-farming content develops unique advantages

范剑淼一直强调海词在原创内容方面的优势: “以前国外也有很多人在帮我做这个网站,而现在主要依靠国内的力量。我们这个网站是做得最早的在线翻译平台,也是得到用户帮助最多的,因此做得最专业。我们数据库中大部分的词条,是主要竞争对手所不具备的。”

Fan Swords have always emphasized the advantage of linguistics in original content: "There were many people abroad who were helping me to do this website, and now we rely mainly on domestic power. Our website is the first online translation platform and the most user-friendly, so it's the most professional. Most of the words in our database are not available to the main competitor."


However, it is very difficult to create original dictionaries, which can be seen in the large team of paper dictionaries and the length of the publication cycle. So how do the dictionaries do it?


“We keep our vocabulary and interpretation up to date on the basis of the old database, and this is done by reviewing a large number of user proposals.” Fan Jianxuan says, “It's kind of like Wikipedia, but we also have a professional clearance process.” The hymn network now has tens of millions of users, has a large number of hits per day, and a large number of hits come from overseas. Many users are very enthusiastic about learning English, so the website receives a wealth of professional advice.


"We set ourselves up as the next generation of dictionaries." The verse says, "We want dictionaries to outperform paper dictionaries in terms of content authority, because paper dictionaries are too long in their updating cycles and are compiled on the basis of personal accumulation of knowledge. We do a lot of language statistics, with some objectivity and accuracy. Our editors also have the corresponding expertise, many of them at sea. In contrast to paper dictionaries, we speak a living language."


Responsibility is ahead, profit is behind.


In referring to the profit model of the hymn, the sword is more cautious. “Codification of the dictionary is a social public good, and the industry is less profitable. We just want to keep this up and improve the quality of services. If the number of users is enough, the survival of the website is certainly not a problem.”

目前海词的收入主要来自两方面,一个是网站上的广告,包括Google AdSense和一些英文培训机构等的直投广告,另一块来自OEM内容使用费。

The current income from the verb comes mainly from two sources: advertisements on the website, including direct advertisements such as Google AdSense and some English-language training institutes, and user fees for OEM content.


For the future, Fan Jianxiang is more optimistic, and he believes that it is only a matter of time before a new business model can be used to build applications and ultimately profit. “Because Internet-based dictionaries are a trend that is not only efficient, but also has a wealth of expressions that are not available in other paper-based books, the number of users will grow.”


On the other hand, the verbs are also doing autonomous research and development of translation tools. Now they have developed a computer software dictcn dictionaries, and many overseas users have endorsed the dictionaries from the Apple Web application store.


“everything is based on good content, because it is about the accumulation of knowledge and learning on the part of the vast majority of the Internet.” Fan Sword said that they were also actively looking for venture investors, because the commercial potential of the linguistics had been tapped through seven years of accumulation. “We want to raise businesses to a new level through financing. This requires risk investors with a social sense of responsibility, who want to focus more on long-term returns than on rapid cash flows and see the social value of our project and its enormous impact on the Internet.”


We officially went to Shanghai Podong Software Park in October 2009. As incubators, we received a lot of help from the software park. The environment is very conducive to our focus.


- CEO Fanjiang, Shanghai Pyramid Information Technology Co. Ltd.



Many people have experience with words and sentences that they do not understand when writing their curricula vitae in English or reading their materials in English, often naturally thinking of using online translation software to help. But people who use this service can hardly help with the quality of online translation. “Sifting words is good, translating sentences is bad.” This is the experience of many who have used online translation tools.


“A website like this is suitable for a professional translator, and it is less popular.” The director-general of the Golden Mountain Online and Golden Mountain Liquor Department of Software Limited told reporters that there are now many support tools for foreign language learning and use in the market, the most traditional being the electronic dictionaries, and that there are now online translation software.


According to Le Mangung, the most helpful group of students and others now is the online English-learning community website. KIMshan’s word-and-word network is one such community site, which currently has 2.5 million registered users.


Le Man Qiang told journalists that, as a rule, one person needs to look for a word in English, the most authoritative of which is the dictionary, but the traditional English dictionary is usually updated for five years, and many new words are not included at all. When asked at this point in time in the online English-language learning community, there is often a timely response.


We all know that English training has become a big business, with training institutions like the New East, Del, etc.


In doing so, the King of Gold Hills has the advantage of obtaining a wide range of authorizations and shares of the proceeds. Such gains do not need to be marketed vigorously on their own, but simply to upgrade the translation technology.


If a user uses the terminologies and clicks on a word, it will be transferred to the Internet. Much of the traffic on this site is brought about. Journalists see that the ads on this site are mostly English-language training institutions.


With the rise of mobile phones online, the mobile version of the translation support software is popular. The Golden Phrase version has been authorized for more than 300 mobile phones, with more than 80% market access.


“According to our understanding, there are more than 300 million students currently studying English in China, and as long as we put in place our role as an auxiliary tool for learning English, there will be better prospects for development in this segment of the market.” Le Manqiang said that they are currently developing the Apple iPhone version of the Golden Mountain Phrase.


关键词:在线词典 英语翻译 网络词典

Keywords: Online Dictionary English Translation Web Dictionary


I. Status of online translation of dictionaries in the country


Existing advantages


1) Read dynamic interactions that reflect the real-time nature of language materials


The online translation software is extremely dynamic compared to the traditional paper dictionaries. The revised cycle of the traditional dictionaries is at least three to five years, and much information is out of date. The online translation software is carried out and disseminated over the Internet, making it easier to dynamically update it in a timely manner, making it easier for readers to access up-to-date knowledge and research results.


2) Diversity of search methods, reflecting ease of access


The traditional dictionaries are paper-based and rely on users to search manually. Inefficiency has a direct effect on users'motivation. When using the online translation software, readers simply need to enter the words to be consulted in the index box, they can quickly find an explanation for the purpose of the article. In addition, the online translation software provides a more humane search service, such as vague queries, word queries, word queries, word queries, etc.


3) The language library is rich in resources and reflects the high quality of the dictionary


The online translation software provides interpretive information from different web dictionaries and provides an integrated search service for multiple dictionaries resources, thus enabling readers to acquire more accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the terms. Moreover, the online translation software makes full use of multimedia technology to add fine drawings, animations, and visual files to the words. These technologies are multiple sensory incentives for viewers and contribute to the memory and understanding of words.


4) Clusters in the context of synonyms, reflecting the cognitive nature of dictionaries


Online translation software can be compiled from the cognitive patterns of the brain, organizing words in semantic terms, enabling dictionaries users to retrieve the words they want according to their meaning. Some online translation is also soft enough to provide all the information about the meaning of the word, its verb and semantic relations, syntax relations, etc. Online translation software is no longer a tool book in the simple sense of the word, but more like a comprehensive English learning tool.


2. Existing issues


1. Inadequate language


In large online English dictionaries in the country, inadequate language is a universal problem. First, the meaning of the word is incomplete. The traditional paper dictionaries may contain as many as a dozen words, while the online dictionaries may record only ten. For example, the word "pump" is entered in the available dictionary, showing that the word is used as a verb of "smoking", "basketwashing", while ignoring other commonly used interpretations of "bringing", "sunfire" and other terms.


2) More Qualitative Errors


Another notable problem with the online English dictionary in the country is that there are more errors. This is concentrated on the soundmark errors and spelling errors in the online dictionary. There are many words in English that can be read in terms of linguistic changes, such as desert, perfect, etc. Most online English dictionaries are merely labeling one of the notes while ignoring others. When entering “ethics”, the dictionaries’ web-based interpretation shows the correct spelling of “ethics” and the erroneous spelling of “ethiks”, which can be highly misleading for beginners.


3. Lack of language specialization

国内在线英语词典还有一个问题,就是专业化程度不高。一些专业领域的专业术语很难有正确的解释。例如,对于语言学领域的两个常用术语:linguistic-relativity hypothesis,authoritarian disposition任何一部在线词典都无法给出合理解释。

There is also a problem with the online English dictionary in the country, which is less specialized. Professional terms in some areas of specialization are difficult to interpret correctly. For example, neither of the two commonly used terms in the field of linguistics: linguistic-relativity hypothesis, nor any of the online dictionaries can provide a reasonable explanation.


II. Analysis of the online translation dictionary market


1. Demand audience analysis


At present, the main demand audience for the online translation of dictionaries is divided into three categories according to demand: senior demanders, middle demanders, primary demanders. Senior demanders are represented by English scholars and teachers at all levels, English language students; middle demanders are represented by general university students, by high-education in-service workers; and primary demanders are represented by junior high school students.


2. Software quality analysis


In many subsequent revisions, 512 specialized dictionaries have been added, covering electronics, mechanics, cars, and some rare trade terms have also been translated.

有道这个基于作为国内第一个基于搜索引擎技术的互联网词典,依托强大的搜索引擎后台,开发出先进的“网页萃取”(Page Extraction)技术,在业内率先推出“网络释义”功能,在数十亿的海量网页数据中筛选出2千多万翻译语料,通过对这些翻译语料的挖掘处理,最终向用户推送最准确的翻译结果。

This Internet dictionary, based on the first search engine-based technology in the country, builds on the backstage of a powerful search engine, develops advanced “page extraction” technology, pioneers the introduction of web interpretation in the industry, filters over 20 million translations out of billions of big web data, and ultimately delivers the most accurate translation results to users by excavating these translations.


In summary, the online translation dictionary should be updated as much as possible in terms of language resources, keeping the language library up to date; in terms of the content of the dictionaries, a major effort should be made to develop the specialization of the dictionaries and to develop the research dictionary; and in terms of human interaction, a humanization should be made in accordance with the cognitive abilities of the user, with a view to making the dictionaries more user-friendly and interesting.



国内在线翻译词典经历了十几年的发展,各种在线翻译软件层出不穷,由于缺乏经验的积累与系统的分析,该行业竞争日趋激烈,金山、百度、谷歌、有道等几大公司争抢市场。尽管如此,各大公司只有积极调整自己的发展策略, 立足于英汉互译, 不断扩展语料库, 建立纠错机制, 提高词典质量, 转变发展思维, 才能在互联网中创立自己的品牌, 在给各行各业的人们带来优质服务的同时也带来在线英语词典行业的繁荣。

Domestic online translation dictionaries have evolved for more than a decade, with a variety of online translation software, which has become more competitive because of a lack of accumulated experience and systematic analysis. Nevertheless, large companies have been actively adapting their own development strategies, based on English-Hand translation, expanding the language library, creating fault mechanisms, improving the quality of the dictionaries, changing their thinking about development, creating their own brands on the Internet, and bringing quality services to people in all walks of life, as well as the prosperity of the online English dictionary industry.



[1]孟伟根. 在线词典的特点及在翻译中的应用[J]. 绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科版), 2006,(3).

[1] Mon Weigen. Features of the online dictionary and its application in translation [J]. Journal of the Schochen School of Arts and Sciences (philosophies of social sciences), 2006, (3).

[2]王馥芳, 马兰梅.语料库词典的局限性[ J] .辞书研究,2003, (3): 20- 26.

[2] Wang Yifan, The limitations of the Maramme. Dictionary of the Language Library [J]. Leaf study, 2003, (3): 20-26.

[3]俞剑.新词典新观念―――关于网络词典的思考.辞书研究, 1996, (6): 56- 66.

[3] RYU Sword. New concept of the new dictionary - Thinking about the web dictionary. A book study, 1996, (6): 56-66.


>> 冲破语言的障碍 免费在线翻译立大功 两种在线翻译工具的比较 电子词典和在线翻译在英语学习中的正反作用 在线翻译也是大生意 深耕在线翻译与检索 英语语言翻译中的文化障碍及对策 英语语言翻译中的文化障碍及解决对策 冲破“望文生畏”的围墙障碍 小活动,立大功 小猫立大功 为Safari增加在线翻译功能 俄语如何进行在线翻译操作 在线翻译―网际遨游无极限 冲破障碍 寻找自由 冲破障碍 全胜高考 拯救血压,运动立大功 金融强市:如何冲破横亘在前的障碍 李毅中:要冲破安全监管的体制障碍 冲破语言障碍,从培养阅读理解力开始 在线翻译网站英译汉排歧质量比较 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l),你可以把它们添加到你的博客或者个人网站上来增加更多丰富多彩的功能。值得一提的是,海词还提供了一种在线的拼音输入法,这样你不需要安装输入法就可以输入中文了。

& gt; & & gt; Breaking the barriers to language Breaking the barriers Breaking the barriers to language Breaking the barriers breaking the barriers to language translation Breaking the barriers to language access Breaking the barriers to language translation Breaking the barriers to language use Breaking the barriers to language use Breaking the barriers to language use Breaking the barriers to language use Breaking the barriers to language from developing reading comprehension Starting the efforts to translate online translation into online translation How the Russian language operates online Translator to limit the barriers Breaking the barriers Searching the barriers Breaking the barriers Finding the barriers Breaking the barriers Breaking the barriers Breaking the blood pressure All the high points Financial Power Breaking the barriers Breaking the barriers in front English language Translationing the barriers to language






Translation is an online, free version of the English (Shanghai) Ltd., which produces commercial software. The version provides a larger number of terms with authentic pronunciation, while searching for synonyms, verbs, typographical changes, etc. The Japanese vocabulary can also be consulted with practical columns such as the Japanese Language Hall, the English Favorite Hall, etc. The software provides three interfaces: Chinese, Chinese Literary, and English, and you can easily switch languages through three buttons at the right corner of the interface.


V. Yahoo Dictionary


(dictionary address: /)


Yahoo's word-translation is provided by the translator. The Yahoo dictionary, like the Lovers, has a vocabulary alert function, for example, when you enter unti, it immediately alerts you to all the words it starts, so that you can quickly enter them. One of the greatest benefits of the Yahoo dictionary is that it can translate the web vocabulary, and in the interconnection era, many old words in English have been newed, as in Chinese, so that you can find out what it means by using the web vocabulary.


VI. 100-degree dictionary


(dictionary address: /)


100 degrees also have English-Han translations of dictionaries online. Open the dictionary home page, type a word in English, or type a word in Chinese, watch out for more dictionaries over the search box, click on the " Dictionary " link on the result page, and get high-quality translations. The 100-degree dictionaries can translate not only ordinary English words, phrases, Chinese words, but even common scripts.


关键词: 翻译批评 在线翻译工具 比较

Keywords: translation criticism online translation tool comparison




With the growth of global economic integration, countries around the world are in great need of translators in various fields, such as culture and science. Translation is a heavy task, and translators are almost impossible to understand the full range of encyclopedia.


However, the translation tools are, after all, mechanical and no one has the wisdom, so the translation text is inevitably wrong, some grammar is wrong, and some jokes are made. I have selected four different types of text, using two different online translation tools, Google Online Translation (translate. and Yahoo Online Translation (babelfish. omitted), in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two online translation tools.


2. Theoretical background


2.1 Need for interpreters to use electronic tools to support translation

二十一世纪是信息时代,可获得的信息以滚雪球般的速度增加,跨文化交流日益频繁,加上人们的工作和生活持续网络化、虚拟化,这一切都使得翻译工作者的翻译方法发生了巨大改变(Austermuhl,2006:1)。根据一些学者的统计,未来十年需要处理的知识总量将大大超过过去2500年所累积起来的全部知识总量;世界上出版的科技刊物达165,000种,平均每天有大约20,000篇科技;每天在因特网上流通的数据量远远超过整个19世纪的全部数据总和;根据德国的一项统计,1991年科技词汇已经达到30,000,000个,预计这一数字在五年内将增加一倍(Austermuhl,2006:6-7)。这些数据表明了一个事实――“信息爆炸”(Information Explosion)。即使是最聪明的人也无法掌握当今知识的十分之一。传统的人工翻译方法已经无法满足新时代的要求,利用电脑、网络等电子工具辅助翻译已成为一种必然趋势。

The twenty-first century is an age of information, with the availability of information growing at snowball speeds, with increased cross-cultural exchanges, combined with the continuous networking and virtualization of people's work and lives, all of which have led to significant changes in the translation methods of translators (Austermuhl, 2006:1), according to some scholars, the total amount of knowledge to be processed in the next decade will be significantly larger than the total amount of knowledge accumulated in the last 2,500 years; 165,000 scientific and technical journals published in the world, with an average of about 20,000 technologies per day; the amount of data circulating on the Internet every day is far greater than the sum of all data in the entire nineteenth century; according to a German statistic, 30 million scientific and technical terms in 1991 are expected to double in five years (Austermuhl, 2006:6-7).


2.2 Criteria for translation of criticisms


For the definition of translation criticism, the encyclopedia interprets translation as follows: translation criticism refers to the evaluation of a translation under certain social conditions, following certain principles of translation and using certain methods. Such an assessment must avoid arbitrariness and blindness, eliminate critical and emotive comments, be guided by a certain theory, observe and analyse the translation process and its results in an historical, objective and systematic manner, and must be as objective, scientific and impartial as possible. Those who engage in translation criticism must have a systematic understanding of the translation itself, of its essential issues, such as its substance, feasibility, principles, methods, purpose and role.


Translation criticism should consist of two parts, namely, theoretical research and practical research, in which practice consists in specific criticisms of translation, evaluation, commentary, comparison, etc., based on the theory and methods of translation and related disciplines (Lu Jun et al. 2001:332). The type of criticism is varied and varies, with scientific criticism based on the original language as a reference and as a primary basis; emotional criticism based on translation appreciation; intellectual criticism of theoretical commentary, etc. (Lu Jun et al. 2001:345). So far, the translation community has not developed a uniform and clear standard of criticism.


3. Research on issues

3.1描述性文本(Description):Charles saw them both at the same time:a small white bird and the girl wheeling down the walk.The bird glided downward and rested in the grass;the girl directed the chair smoothly along the sunlit,shadowy1 walk.She stopped to watch the ducks on the pond and when she shoved2 the wheels again,Charles stood up.“May I push you?”he called,running across the grass to her.The white bird flew to the top of a tree.

3.1 Description: Charles saw them both at the same time: a small white bird and the girl hearing down the walk.


Reference: Charles saw them both at the same time: a white bird and a little girl who came along a small path in a wheelchair. The little bird glides down, sheltering on the grass; the girl traverses in a wheelchair and walks in the shadow of her mother in the sun. She stopped and looked at the duck in the pond, and Charles stood up when she pushed the wheelchair with her hands again. “I will push you?” He shouted, and ran towards her through the grass. The little bird flew up a tree.


Google translator: Charles saw them at the same time: a little white bird and a girl bird on foot were moving down the grass and resting, and the girl successfully directed the chair along the shadow of the sun. She stopped and watched the ducks in the pond and, when she pushed the wheels, Charles stood up. "May I squeeze you? He called you," ran across the grass to her. The white bird flew on top of the tree.


Yahoo translates: Charles saw two of them at the same time: a little white bird and a girl on foot. The bird went down and rested in the grass; the girl was shone by the sun, and Shawoy 1 successfully directed the chair. She stopped and watched the duck in the pond and, when she shoved 2 again, Charles stood up. "May I squeezed you? He screamed," ran across the grass to her. The white bird flew on top of the tree.


Comparative analysis: Descriptive text is the most common type of text in our daily scripts, but neither of the two online translation tools is as satisfactory as the translation of this type of text. The reason is that the English version of descriptive text differs considerably from the Chinese language in the order of the language. The first sentence of both translations is not too problematic. From the second sentence, both texts have translated the word “walk” into the verb: walking. The latter sentences are strikingly similar, they are word-by-word translations, and Yahoo's online translation tool continues its long-standing vice: the translation of texts contains more numerous English words.


The comparison results: both texts are less than desirable, and Yahoo is slightly superior to Google in the simple sense of English translation.

3.2记叙性文本(Narration):“Ai!This dish is not salty enough,no flavor,”she complained,after tasting a small bite.“It is too bad to eat.”This was our family’s cue to eat some and proclaim it the best she had ever made.But before we could be so diplomatic,Rich said,“You know,all it needs is a little soy sauce.”And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the china plate,right before my mother’s shocked eyes.(郑树棠,2008:71)

"It is too bad to eat." This was built to eat some and produce it the best she had ever made. But before we could be so diplomatic, Rich said, "You know, all it needs is a little small date.


The reference translation: "Ah, this dish is not salty, it doesn't taste," and she complains after a little bite. "It's too bad." The phrase means that we're having a little taste at home, and it's also said that this dish is the best for our mother. But we haven't been able to say anything as smooth as that, and Richie says, "Well, it only needs a little sauce." And then, ignoring my mother's surprise, he pours a lot of salty, black-sliding things into the dishes.


Google translator: "Ah, this food is not salty enough, it doesn't taste," she complains, and has a bite. "It's too bad to eat." This is what our family ate and declared it the best she's ever had. But Rich said to us, "You know, all it needs is a little bit of soy sauce." He then pours a shocking eye on the blackness of China's flatboards in my mother's rights.

雅虎翻译:“Ai!足够不咸这个的盘,没有味道”,她在品尝小叮咬以后抱怨。“以至于不能吃是太坏的”。 这是我们的吃一些和宣告它的家庭的暗示她做了的最好。 但是,在我们可能是那么它需要的外交,富有说之前,“您知道,所有是少许酱油”。 并且他继续倾吐riverful在瓷板材的咸黑材料,在我的母亲的震惊眼睛之前。

Yahoo translates: "Ai! It's not salty enough for the plate, it's not smelly," and she complains after she's tasted a little bite. "So much as it's too bad to eat." This is the best hint that our family ate and declared that it did.


Comparative analysis: The text of this paragraph contains five sentences, recording an interesting scene on the table. In the first sentence, Google has two language errors: “not salty enough” and “take a bite”; in the fourth sentence, Google has three language errors, “not salty enough”, “this plate” and “ting.” In the second sentence, Google has a completely wrong translation; Google has a completely wrong translation. In the third sentence, Google translation needs to adjust the order of words and add some content in order to become undivided Chinese. In the second sentence, Google translation is completely insensitive. In the fourth sentence, Google translation is not appropriate - “We can be so diplomatic”; it is confusing. In the fifth sentence, Google translation has three errors: “Saaryriverful”, “China Plain” and “Rights”; and in the second sentence, it has five language errors: “and”, “Treverful”, “Roverful”, “Slate” and “materials”.


Results of comparison: The Google version of the translation is better than the Yahoo version.

3.3说明性文本(Exposition):There are two primary ways that genes can be used to treat disease.The first is gene therapy,in which one or more genes are injected into the patient to replace those that are absent or not working properly.This approach has been used to treat rare enzyme disorders,including one known as ADA deficiency,and clinical trials have employed gene therapy against a broad range of disorders:heart disease,many forms of cancer,arthritis,AIDS,hemophilia,cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy.(谢小苑,2008:177)

3.3 narratives: There are two prime ways that people can be used to treat objects, in which one or more people are involved into the narratives that are available or not working further. This approach has been used to treat


Reference: The first is gene therapy. This method is to inject one or more genes into the patient, thereby replacing those that are missing or dysfunctional. This method can be used to treat rare enzymes, including a wide range of diseases that we know of, such as heart disease, multiple types of cancer, arthritis, AIDS, hemophilia, bladder wall fibrosis, and muscle malnutrition, for which genetic therapy has been applied in ADA deficiencies and clinical trials.


Google Translation: There are two main ways in which genes can be used to treat disease. First, gene therapy, one or more of which is injected into the patient to replace those that do not exist or are unable to work. This approach has been used to treat the enzymes of rare diseases, including ADA defects, i. Employment and clinical trials for the genetic treatment of a wide range of diseases: heart disease, cancer, arthritis, AIDS, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis and muscle malnutrition in many forms.

雅虎翻译:有两种主要方式基因可以被用于对待疾病。 第一是基因治疗,在哪个或更多基因被注射入患者替换是缺席或不适当地工作的那些。 这种方法被用于对待罕见的酵素混乱,包括叫作ADA缺乏的一个,并且临床试验使用了基因治疗反对各种各样的混乱: 心脏病、癌症的许多形式,关节炎、艾滋病、血友病、囊性纤维化和肌肉萎缩症。

The first is genetic therapy, where the replacement of any or more genes with injected patients is absent or inappropriately working. This approach is used to deal with rare enzymes, including one called ADA deficiency, and clinical trials use genetic therapy to combat all kinds of disorders: heart disease, many forms of cancer, arthritis, AIDS, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, and muscle atrophy.

比较分析:本段文本共三句话,介绍的是基因疗法。第一句话,谷歌版的译文基本正确;雅虎版的译文有一处语言错误――“对待”。第二句话,谷歌版的译文没有大问题,如能采用增词法和专业词汇就完美了;雅虎版的译文定语从句翻译得很糟糕。第三句话,谷歌版的译文和雅虎版的译文质量差不多,都没能译出专业术语“酶缺失病”和“ADA缺失症”,对于原文中“clinical trials have employed gene therapy against a broad range of disorders”这一部分的翻译,两个版本的译文都差强人意。

Comparative analysis: The text of this paragraph contains three sentences, describing gene therapy. The first sentence, the Google version, is almost correct; there is a linguistic error in the Yahoo version - “treatment”. The second sentence, the Google version, is not so problematic as to be perfect if it is accompanied by an intrascriptive method and a professional vocabulary; the Yahoo version is poorly translated. The third sentence, the Google and Yahoo versions are of similar quality and do not translate the professional terms “enzyme-deficiency” and “ADA-deficiency”, and the translation of both versions of the original part, “clinical formulas have employed gene texty against a wild range of users”, is less than satisfactory.


Comparative results: Whether Google or Yahoo, the ability to translate descriptive text is clearly better than its ability to translate descriptive text and to continue working on text, but from the translation of this paragraph, Google translates descriptive text better than Yahoo's online translation tool.

3.4 论证性文本(Argumentation):Some people think that firecrackers should not be banned because setting off firecrackers is a traditional way to celebrate happy occasions such as Spring Festival,wedding,or opening ceremony of a business.And the exciting sound will add to the happy and joyful atmosphere.What’s more,it is believed that setting off firecrackers will bring people good fortune in the coming year.(吴玮翔等,2001:74)

3.4 Argumentation: Some people think that firecrackers should not be brought because off firecrackers is a transitory way to celebrate such as Spring Festival, hearing, or hoping to communicate of a business.


Reference translation: Some people believe that firecrackers should not be banned because they are a traditional way of celebrating during spring festivals, weddings, or celebrations such as company openings. Rough voices increase the atmosphere of happiness and joy. And people believe that firecrackers will bring good luck for the coming year.


Google Translator: Some believe that firecrackers should not be banned, because firecrackers are traditional forms of celebration, such as spring festivals, weddings, or opening a business ceremony. And exciting voices will add an atmosphere of joy and joy. More importantly, they think that firecrackers will be a good luck for people in the coming year.


Yahoo Translation: Some people believe that fireworks should not be banned, because they are a traditional occasion to celebrate pleasures, such as spring festivals, weddings, or openings of events. And the sound of strangulation will grow into a happy and happy atmosphere. What is more, it is believed that the creation of fireworks will bring good luck to people in the coming year.


Comparative analysis: The text of this paragraph contains three sentences stating the author's view that firecrackers should not be banned. In the first sentence, there was one linguistic error in the Google version, namely, “opening a commercial ceremony”; in the Yahoo version, there were three errors in the language, “some people”, “incitement fire” and “opening of the business”. In the second sentence, the Google version is basically correct and only slightly adjusted; in the Yahoo version, there are two errors in the translation, “things that hold the heart” and “atmosphere”. In the third sentence, there were two errors in the translation of the Google version, “it is thought” and “good luck for the person”; in the Yahoo version, there were three errors in the translation, “what is more”, “be believed” and “incitement” respectively.


Comparative results: The Google version of the translation is more accurate and accurate than the Yahoo version.


4. Concluding remarks


On the basis of the above analysis, we can conclude that although the Yahoo version is slightly better translated than the Google version in the translation of descriptive text, overall, translation using Google Online translation is of better quality than translation using Yahoo Online translation.


However, since there are no uniform criteria for translation criticism, the author merely uses the term “honest” as a criterion for the quality of the translation and does not take into account other factors, such as culture and aesthetics. Moreover, the choice of texts is not comprehensive enough to cover other types of poetry, theatre, etc. The results of the comparative analysis are therefore merely indicative.




[1] Electronic tool for interpreters of Austermuhl, Frank. [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2006.


[2] Lujun, H.E. Young-han Interpreter [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Language Education Press, 2001.


[3] Wu Xiaoshan, Wu Xiaoxiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, with high grades in English Quote [M]. Beijing: National School of Administration Press, 2001.


[4] Thanks Xiaojun. Technical English translation skills and practices [M]. Beijing: Defence Industries Press, 2008.


关键词:在线翻译 语义排歧 英译汉

Keywords: online translation synonyms English translator


1. Machine translation and type of software

机器翻译(Machine Translation,简称MT),就是利用机器(或计算机)翻译系统能把人类语言翻译的法则,转变成电脑运算的法则,将输入的原始语言(Source Language)翻译成所需的目标语言(Target Language)。目前,机器翻译软件大致可以分为四大类[2]:①词典类翻译软件;②汉化翻译软件;③以自动翻译为核心的专业翻译系统;④在线翻译网站。

Machine translation (Machine Translation, MT), which is the law that uses machine (or computer) translation systems to translate human language translation into computer algorithms, translates the original language entered (Source Language) into the desired target language (Target Language). Currently, machine translation software can be broadly divided into four main categories [2]: a dictionary translation software; a two-shaded translation software; an automated translation as a core professional translation system; and an online translation website.


2. Universal method of semantic segregation in machine translation


No matter which machine translation software is used, the elimination of linguistic differences is the greatest challenge, which has become a bottleneck in the development of machine translation. If typographical differences cannot be resolved, the quality of machine translation cannot be qualitatively improved. The following methods of differentiation are proposed by machine translators: (1) choice of the most common meanings, which are simple and used by most translation systems, but very inefficient;2 use of typographical typologies, which effectively narrow the scope of typologies, but which can be used in conjunction with other methods when the two typologies are in the same category;3 use of typologies based on choice of typologies, which are more deeply developed at home and abroad, such as WordNetNet, developed by Princeton University, and the HowNet, established by the Central Institute, which are based on the results of studies of this method, but which are based on the synonyms of common typologies, so as to exclude as much as possible the tactical tweakity of different ts;


3. Comparison of the quality of Chinese and English translations of discrimination


In order to ensure that websites are evaluated as objectively as possible, the following examples are selected from the Oxford High Classic Dictionary and are somewhat representative: each example has at least one verb, verb, adjective, adjective, adjective, adjective, adjective, adjective and passive language test points, among which there is no shortage of analysis of the treatment of the six translated sites. While the example is simple, the following examples can be analysed to identify the main problem of semantics in the online translation of websites.


3.1 Off-line translation of web sites for the exclusion of commonly used terms

以run为例,run一般作动词,作名词时常见义项为第一义项:act or period of running on foot,即:跑、跑步、奔跑、奔跑一段时间。但在a run of bad luck中的run取第五义项,意思是period or succession or spell,即时期或者一段时间,短语的涵义为a series of misfortunes,即一连串的不幸。六个在线翻译网站中,除了华建翻译为“一连串的坏运气”,译星为“一连串坏的运气”之外,谷歌和看世界翻译为“运行的坏运气”,雅虎为“不幸奔跑”,金桥更是误译为“一坏运气的跑步”。

In the case of run, for example, verbs are commonly used in nominative terms as the first word: act or period of running on foot, i.e. running, running, running for a period of time. But in a run of bad luck, Google and World Translator are “bad luck” and Yahoo are “bad luck” and the Golden Bridge is “bad luck” in six online translation sites.

再如minute的常见词性是名词,以第一义项“分钟、片刻”使用最频,而在句子“We read through the minutes of the last meeting.”中的minute取名词的第四义项,即brief summary or record of what is said and decided at a meeting, esp.of a society or committee――会议记录,一般以复数形式出现,所以句子意为“我们从头到尾把上次会议记录看了一遍”。从六个在线翻译网站的翻译结果来看,除了译星误译为“分钟”,华建、金桥和雅虎为“记录”或“纪录”,谷歌和看世界译为“纪要”。

The usual word for Minute is a noun, which is used most frequently in the first word “minutes, moments”, and in the sentence “We read through the minutes of the last meeting.” The sentence is meant to read “We read the records of the previous meeting from the beginning to the end.” From the six online translation sites, in addition to the translation of stars into “minutes”, the translation of China, Golden Bridge and Yahoo as “records” or “records”, and the translation of Google and the world as “records”.


An analysis of the English translator's results of the same sentence shows that Hua was better than other online translator sites in terms of exclusionary choice of terms, and that there were significant gaps in the classification of the translator and the Golden Bridge, so that sometimes the translations were relevant and sometimes absurd.


3.2 Off-line translation of the web site's discriminatory effect on non-recurrent verbularity

Back常见的词性依次为名词、形容词、副词和动词,在动词第四义项中,back意为bet money on(a horse,greyhound,etc.),即下赌注于(赛马、赛狗等)。例如:The favorite horse was heavily backed.(那匹热门马被下了重注。/人们在那匹热门马上下了重注。)比照六大翻译网站的翻译结果,除了华建译为“下注”,谷歌、雅虎、译星均为“支持”,看世界为“后盾”,金桥为“使后退”,其中,谷歌和看世界的译义为名词,没有译出动词词性。

In the fourth verb, Back meant bet money on (a hose, greyhound, etc.), i.e. bet on (horse, dog racing, etc.). For example, The favorite horse was heavily reed. (The hot horse was heavily marked.) Compared to the translation of the six major translator sites, Google, Yahoo, translator were “support”, the world was “backed”, and the Golden Bridge was “backwarded”, in which Google and the translation of the world were not translated.

再举minute为例,该词一般作时间名词,由上述所说的第四义项引申出不常用的动词词条――make a note of(sth.)in an official memorandum; record(sth.)in the minutes,即将(某事)载入备忘录或会议记录。对以下句子Your suggestion will be minuted.(你的建议将记录在案。)众在线翻译网站对句中minute的处理如下:华建翻译为“你的建议将被记录”;谷歌、看世界、金桥直接在译文中保留英语单词minuted;雅虎经过排歧处理,得出“您的建议将是微小的”,误取了minute作为形容词的义项;译星仍误译为“分钟”。

By way of example, the term is generally a time term, and the verb referred to in the fourth entry above is derived from the following verb: make a note of (sth.) an unused verb - make a note of (sth.) an official memory; record (sth.) in the minutes, which is about to be included in a memorandum or meeting record. For the following sentence, your suggestion will be recorded. (Your suggestion will be recorded.) The online translation site treats Minute as follows: Chinese translation as “Your proposal will be recorded”; Google, viewing the world, and Golden Bridge keeping the English word Minuted directly in the translation; Yahoo has been treated in a discriminatory manner, and “Your proposal will be small” and mistranslated Minute as an adjective; the translator is still mistranslated as “minutes”.

再看这个例句:The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.此处的minute是形容词,意为very detailed; accurate or precise,即“极详细的、准确的、精确的”。整个句子意思是“那侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹”。华建翻译为“侦探在微小的细节里研究手印”,minute的意思翻译得较为到位,也把介宾短语的状语作用显示了出来;谷歌和看世界在译文中保留minutest;译星依然不能摆脱minute的常见涵义“分钟”;雅虎则译为“探员学习了在详细的指纹”;金桥为“侦探学习最细微详细指纹”。虽然两个句子都翻译得很别扭,毕竟还能排除大量歧义最终选择“详细、细微”这类较接近的译文。

The entire sentence means “the detective studied the fingerprints carefully.” The Chinese translation is “the handprints of the detectives in micro-details”, the meaning of Minutes is more readily translated and the style of the guest phrases is shown; Google and the world keeps the phrases in translation; the translator is still unable to escape the usual meaning of Minute's “minutes”; Yahoo translates to “the detective has studied the fingerprints in detail”; and the Golden Bridge reads “the smallest and detailed fingerprints of the detectives”.

通过大量查询结果比对发现,在线翻译网站对不常用词性的排歧效果普遍不佳,一些翻译网站如谷歌和看世界,只能束手无策地将原单词保留在译文中,而其他在线翻译网站虽然经过排歧处理,却难免误入歧途,要么选择了错误的词性,要么词性对了,词义又错了。针对该问题的排歧建议为:如果多义词以被动语态出现,如be minuted/be backed,此时排歧过程中首先排除形容词和动词以外的其他词性;如果多义词以最高级形式出现,例如minutest,则毫无疑问排除形容词外的其他词性及其词义。应该建立根据词语结构,如后缀和句子结构选择正确的词性的排歧步骤。

As a result of a large number of queries, it has been found that online translation sites have generally had a negative effect on non-used verbs, and that some translation sites, such as Google and the world, have been unable to keep their original words in translation, while others, although they have been treated in a discriminatory manner, have been bound to go astray, either by opting for the wrong verb, or by the correct word, or by the wrong word. The proposed verb is that if multiple terms appear in passive form, such as beminuted/bebacked, at which time adjectives and verbs are first excluded; if multiple verbs appear in the most advanced form, such as Minutest, there is no doubt that other verbs and their verbs should be excluded.


3.3 Differing effect of online translation of websites on terms

在短语travel by ferry“乘渡船”中,by是介词,在牛津词典关于by作为介词的词条里第九义项为indicating a means of transport or a route taken,表示运输或取道的方式,如travel by boat / plane/air/land/sea,即:乘船/乘飞机/航空/陆路/航海旅行。查询六大在线翻译网站后得出:华建翻译为“乘渡船”,雅虎为“旅行乘轮渡”(顺序颠倒),谷歌和看世界翻译为偏正结构的名词词组“旅行的渡轮”,金桥则取by作为介词的第三义项past sb经过某人/某物),翻译为“经过渡口移动”,译星译为“通过渡轮的旅行”,将by理解为第六义项的through the means of (sth/doing sth)“通过(某事物/做某事)的方式”。除了华建和雅虎,其他网站对介词by的排歧出现了很大的偏差,尤其是谷歌、看世界和金桥。

In the phrase travel by ferries, by-line/land/sea. After searching the six major online translation sites, the ninth entry in the Oxford dictionary's term by-word is "riding a means of transit or a route taken, which means transportation or access, such as shipping by boat/plane/air/land/sea, i.e. ship/air/land/navigate travel. The six online translation sites are: Chinese translation by ferry, Yahoo by-road (inverted order), Google and world translation by way of a generic group of rectangular "Travel ferrys" and Golden Bridge by way of the third terminus "past sb (via someone/sub-matter), translated by Yahoo as "Travel by-Traves" and translated by starboard, understood as "traveling by-ships" and other means of the 6th by by-ship, the 4th-th-th-th-th-th-high, and-th-th-th-high (other, and-th-th-th-high, and-th-th-high-high-high-high-high.

我们再回到句子“We read through the minutes of the last meeting.”观察介词through的排歧效果。对于read through,华建和金桥翻译为“读完”,谷歌和看世界为“读通过”,雅虎为“通过……读了”,译星为“通过……阅读”。read through有“通读”的意思,但针对会议纪要,最好翻译为“从头到尾地看了一遍”。华建和金桥译文最接近原意。through在介词词条的第二义项为from the beginning to the end of(sth.)从(某事)的开始至结束、自始至终、从头到尾,如:I’m half-way through (reading)his second novel.(他写的第二本小说我正看了一半儿。)而翻译为“通过”的各网站把through理解为第五义项past(a barrier),即通过(障碍),因为这个义项是through最常见的涵义。产生较大误差的译文是由于选择过程中没有结合共现词read排歧,而单纯地以常见意义取代。

We go back to the sentence “We read through the minutes of the last meeting.” For read through, Chinese construction and the Golden Bridge translates into “read through”, Google and the world read through, Yahoo translates from “read through” and from “read through” and from “read through” read through. Read through through, but best translates into “read through” the minutes of the proceedings. The Chinese construction and golden bridge translations are closest to the original.

其实要正确抓住介词意思也不无可能。鲁孝贤在《机器翻译语义排歧的方法》里举with为例,说明了基于词典的词义排歧。根据该介词于上下文相邻词定义间的相似度选择相似度较高的义项,准确率就会比较高,如by之后是交通工具时取“乘坐”之意。至于该法由于计算机可读词典中每个词的定义通常太短,无法为词义排歧提供足够的信息资源这一主要缺点,可以辅以“基于共现特征的词义排歧方法”,如read through翻译为“通读”或“从头至尾看过”。

Indeed, it is not impossible to catch the word correctly. Lu Xiaohyan, in his "Methods for machine-translation of synonyms", cited as an example the dictionaries based on dictionary dictions. Selecting the more similar formulas based on the similarities between the definitions of adjoining words in the context, would result in a higher rate of accuracy, such as the word "in" when followed by a vehicle. As for the law, since the definition of each word in a computer-readable dictionary is usually too short to provide sufficient information resources for synonyms, the main drawback could be supplemented by a “synonymized approach based on common features”, such as the translation of the term “read through” or “seen from the beginning to the end”.


3.4 Comparison of language analysis of online translation sites

以drive a nail home为例,牛津双解言及drive作为动词的第一词条中第二义项为take(sb)somewhere in a car,taxi,etc.(用汽车、计程车等送(某人)至某处),因此drive sb.home可为“开车送某人回家”。在第九词条(习语)中又有drive sth.home(to sb.)――make sb.realize sth.,esp by saying it often,loudly, angrily,etc.使某人充分认识或理解某事物(尤指经常地、大声地、愤怒地说),例如:I drove home to him that he must be here by ten.(我跟他说得清清楚楚:他必须十点钟以前到这里)。再看看在线翻译网络对drive a nail home的翻译结果:华建使用第一义项,翻译为“开车送一根钉子回家”;金桥用了习语的涵义――把一个钉子彻底讲清楚。这两种译文虽然不对,至少选择了基于共现特征的词义排歧,只不过没有考虑到nail的语用范畴。不似雅虎翻译为“驾驶钉子家”。

In the case of a drive a nail home, the second entry in the verb of Oxford's double speech and drive is to take (sb)somehere in a car, taxi, etc. (a car, taxi, etc.) and therefore drive sb.home can “drive someone home.” In the ninth phrase (sic) there is also a drive sex.home (to sb.) - make sb.realize sth., esp by saying it at ten, Loudly, angrily, etc. to give a person a full understanding or understanding of something (especially often, loudly and angryly), such as I dove home to him that he must be here. (I told him clearly: he must be here by ten o'clock).

drive作为动词的第五词条第一义项为force(sth.)to go in a specified direction or into a specified position迫使(某物)移动或进入某位置;打;敲;击;戳;钉。如:drive a nail into wood(把钉子钉入木中);drive a stake into the ground(把桩打进地里)。drive a nail home应该使用这一定义,即“钉钉子”。home在该短语中肯定为副词,其作为副词在第二词条的释义为to the point aimed at/as far as possible,即“正中目标”或者“尽可能地”。应对这类包含三个或三个以上多义词并涉及语用的语料,应先抓住重点分层剥落各种干扰项。仍以drive a nail home为例。建议排歧步骤为:

The fifth verb, the verb, is meant as force (sth.) to go in a specific direction or into a specific position to compel (a) to move or enter a location; to strike; to strike; to poke; to nail. e.g., to drive a nail into wood; to drive a stick into the ground; to drive a stake into the ground; to drive a nail home should use this definition, i.e., to nail a target or position; to strike; to strike; to strike; to strike; to punch; to nail; to nail; to nail.

(1)搜索固定搭配。一般先从习语入手,排除“把一个钉子彻底讲清楚”的译文,因为drive sth. home(to sb.)中的sth.只能是viewpoint/matter/reason等表示观点、事实和原因的名词或者以 that/what引导的从句。

(i) Search for a fixed combination. A translation of the phrase “dive sth. home (to sb.)” is generally excluded, since the sth. can only be a reference to views, facts and reasons such as viewpoint/matter/reason, or a sentence that is guided by that/what.


(2) The possibility of the abiotic noun being used as a guest for the phrase is excluded by starting with the common feature drive...home (driving... home/motivating... home).


(3) Use dictionaries based on dictionaries. Drive and home can be computer-based terms, location adjacent, definitions similar to each other, indicating “drivers” and “headline/header pages”, which is why Google and the world translates the phrase into “drive fingernails” and “drive fingernails headlines”. But nail, whether as a “nail” or “nail” is still not applicable. Moreover, the qualifier a, and the initial letter of nail is not capitalised and cannot be a particular website name. So the term “drives the first/headline pages” is excluded.


(4) Once again, the dictionary-based dictionaries have been used, and this time, on the basis of the similarity of Drive and Nail, the meaning of Drive as a nail has been recombined with the meaning of nail as a nail.

(5)选择home用以表示程度的涵义as far as possible,译为“到头儿/到底”,则drive a nail home释义了然。

(5) The meaning used by the choice of home as far as possible is interpreted as “up to the top/to the bottom”, which is interpreted as “dive a nail home”.


Reviewing the translation of six online translation sites, the first step by the Golden Bridge, the second step by the Chinese Construction and Translation Star, the second step by the Chinese People's Republic of China, the second step by Google and the world by the end of the third step, and the fact that Yahoo has chosen only basic spellings to make translations, which are the least compatible with the requirements of intelligent translation. Of course, we also do not rule out the possibility that Google and watching the world do not use discriminatory methods, that the most commonly used meanings of Drive and Home in today's Internet information age are made basic and directly accessible, because it is not the result of bias to interpret nail instead of nails, and that searching Google and the online dictionary of viewing the world would make it clear that there is only one word - fingernails, so it is possible that niil and home could be translated unselectively as “drivers” and “principal pages” that are not the result of intellectualization.


4. Summary

机器翻译是当代科技十大难题之一,而语义排歧又是机器翻译中的重中之重、难中之难。每个多义词的词义变化规律各不相同,所以研究语义排歧只能从单词入手、因词而异地研究,不但要研究排歧方法和顺序,而且还要考虑到语用范畴,因此研究者必须充分运用缜密的逻辑思维和大量的时间、人力与精力,要让机器智能化,只能让人先机器化。尽管困难如此,现在的CAT(Computer Aided Translation,计算机辅助翻译)已经可以运用翻译记忆技术(Translation Memory Technology)在翻译的同时建立语言数据库,智能化地利用自动记忆和搜索机制。国内的雅信和文婕就是两款比较成熟的CAT软件。而本文所对比的六个在线翻译网站中的中科院华建也正从事CAT软件开发,所以较之其他在线翻译网站的水平为高。对比之下,其他五个翻译网站也有其可圈可点之处,但却时常出现词义不足、排歧方法不成熟和句子结构处理手法滞涩等问题,虽说免费在线翻译网站属于大众化的便捷使用工具,但也要多多引入权威词典的义项和例句,继续改进排歧方法,建立记忆库和搜索机制,让使用者有更多的选择决定自己需要的译文,这样才能避免众多的误导和错译。

Machine translation is one of the ten major challenges of contemporary technology, and semanticism is one of the most important and difficult challenges in machine translation. Despite these difficulties, the current CAT (Computer Aid Translation, Computer-assisted Translation) has been able to use translation memory technology (Translation Memory Technology) to create language databases while translating, not only to use automatic memory and search mechanisms, but also to take into account the scope of language. So, the researcher has to fully apply sophisticated logic and a great deal of time, manpower and energy.




[1] Lu Xiaohyun. Methods of cleavage for machine translation [J]. Chinese technical translation, 2007, (4).


[2] Man, machine and translator of Yashin and Man of the CAT myth [J]. Journal of the Eibin College, 2006, (5).


[3] Hua Jian. http://www.drawn/.


[4] Google. http://www.excuse/language_tools?hl=zh-CN.


[5] Yahoo... omitted... omitted/translate_txt.


[6] Translation. http://www.drawn/.


[7] Golden Bridge... omitted/...



Round one: interface matching


From the interface of the online translation pages, we can see how much of the translation function is consistent with your usage habits and whether the beauty of the interface directly affects the user’s mood.


In contrast, Microsoft and Google online translations are relatively poor, especially Google online translations, which are only a small entry in Google language tools. In terms of languages translated, Microsoft and Yahoo are more numerous, while Google supports relatively few languages and still has test versions. Moreover, all three tools support text translation and web-page translation, but the number of words translated is different: Microsoft up to 500 words, while Yahoo proposes to keep it within 150 words, and Google does not have a clear description. Of the three tools, only Yahoo explicitly provides a separate “copy translation” function, which appears to be more thoughtful.


Round 2: Translation of words and phrases

在基本单词的翻译中,三款工具都能正确翻译。但是微软的翻译速度不敢恭维,一个简单的词汇,需要考验你极度的耐心。看来测试版问题不少。我们再来看看常用短语的对比测试:我们以Reduced Speed Now(减速行驶)、 Handle with Care(小心轻放)为例进行测试。其中Reduced Speed Now在微软、谷歌、雅虎的翻译结果分别是:“减少的速度现在”、“降低速度,现在”、“被减少的速度现在”;而Handle with Care的翻译结果分别是:“小心把柄”、“小心处理”、“处理以关心 ”。笔者还选取了其他一些短语测试,测试结果总的来说,谷歌感觉比较符合国人的习惯;在短语和俗语、习语的测试中,有的翻译结果五花八门,看来,在线翻译的质量整体都有待提高,需要大幅度地提升才能让用户真正“敢”用、易用!(如图4-6)

Three tools can be correctly translated in the translation of basic words. But Microsoft's speed of translation, a simple word, needs to test your extreme patience. There are a lot of questions about the test version. We look at the comparison test of the usual phrases: Reduced Speed Now, Handle with Care, as an example. In Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, respectively, the results of the translation are: “Reducing Speed Now”, “Reducing Speed Now”, “Reducing Speed Now”, “Treating Now”; and Handle Care, respectively, the results of the translation are: “Careful Hand”, “Treatting”, “Treatting Care.” I have also selected a number of other phrases, the results of which, in general, are more consistent with the country's habits; in the typologies and proverbs, some of the translation results have been varied, and it seems that the quality of the online translation has to be improved as a whole and needs to be significantly improved in order for users to be truly “touch and easy to use!” (for example, figure 4-6)


Round three: paragraphs and website translations


Before we saw the translation of words and phrases, we had an initial impression of the three translation tools. Now look at the translation of the paragraphs: it's not too difficult for us to select two normal English-language readings, and the translation of the three translation tools is uneven. From the translation of the paragraphs, Microsoft and Google are superior to Yahoo in this connection, and it is clear that Yahoo's translation contains some English words that are somewhat different from Google and Microsoft. (Figures 7-9)

当然,三款工具都提供了网站翻译的功能,我们也来测试一下。首先我们以中文网站翻译成英文网站为例,我们以.cn/china/为例进行测试,三款工具都能正常翻译,其中微软翻译显得杂乱无章,完全没有办法看;谷歌翻译相对比较完善,虽然也有很多“直译”的断章取义的问题,但是至少全部翻译为了英文;而雅虎翻译中夹带不少中文。 (如图10-12)

Of course, all three of the tools provide web-translation functions, and we will test them. First, we use the Chinese site for translation into English, and then we test for example. Three of the tools can be translated properly, with Microsoft translation appearing to be messy and completely unreadable; Google translation is relatively well developed, although there are many “direct translation” descriptors, but at least all translated for English; and Yahoo has a lot of Chinese in it. (Figures 10-12)

我们还对英文网站翻译成中文进行了测试,以/为例,微软翻译、谷歌翻译和雅虎翻译都存在不同程度的问题。从以下几个图中的搜索结果看,虽然都不够准确,但谷歌相比雅虎,翻译得相对准确一些。雅虎翻译按照单个单词翻译的地方实在太多了,组合在一起,让人不知所云。 (如图13-15)

We have also tested the translation of the English site into Chinese, where, for example, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo have different levels of problems. From the search results in the following graphs, Google is relatively accurate compared to Yahoo.



On 8 May 2008, the Chairman of the Gold Mountain Software Board asked Uncle-goon to work with Google Grand China's President, Li Kai-King, to announce a strategy in Kyoto to jointly launch the free Google Mountain Thesaurus Partnership (hereinafter referred to as Google Gold Hills), the most widely used group of people, and to integrate Internet timeliness, sea quality and leading machine translation techniques in order to achieve deep sharing of resources, as well as to break down the 12-year-old Golden Hills fee-paying model.


In addition, the new product will provide 14 million words, 800,000 sentences, 300,000 real voices, and backstop the English-language learning community under the Golden Hill flag, the Entitled Network, to achieve better support for the latest language, and full text translations. In addition, it will embed Google online translations on the basis of traditional desktop translations, taking over more than 20 megagrams of “light client” desktops from more PC users.


With regard to this cooperation, the Royal Government considers that “it marks the complete transformation of the Golden Hills typists to complete the transformation of their products to the full Internet and is the last step towards the Internet” and that Li Kaiqing has given high-profile comments - “This is Google's first global joint brand, cooperation is an important milestone in the Internetization of a software enterprise and the localization of a multinational corporation, which will have a profound impact on the pattern of the search engine industry in China”.


However, just one day before Golden Mountain worked with Google’s dictionaries, the Internet suddenly pre-empted a powerful Chinese-English translation that can be used directly in mailboxes, emphasizing that it already has more than 200 million registered users. Analysts thus argue that the Internet is a quick response not only to action as an expression of strong support for operations under the flag, but also to a market for gunpowder-smelling dictionaries.


The Web Dictionary has become the focus of the next competition for desktop software against the 2007 odious war precedent of search engine manufacturers on "input method"!


The reasons for the alliance


The benefits of this collaboration are evident for Google and Golden Mountain.


Google, for its first time, has created new development opportunities for its machine-translation technology in China, especially for its 30 million payers, who can't be ignored by the Golden Mountain word. Li has said, “Google is very proud of his technology, but good technology is worth finding its users, and it's good to be able to make Google technology available to the Golden Hills.”


In response, the chief consulting analyst, Lu Xin, agreed that Han Ying's translation is one of the most important value-added operations in searching the market. But since last year, although Google traffic has grown rapidly, its users have remained at about one-third of 100%, and Google is expected to further enhance its competitiveness in searching the market in China, drawing on the resources already available in Phnom Penh.


On March 27, this year, the Golden Mountain drug lords joined the 100-degree network security field to provide safe services to 200 million people in the country; on May 5, the Golden Hills invested $10 million in a network game with the alchemistry studio. On the same day, it revealed that millions of dollars would be spent to improve the compatibility of WPS with Microsoft documents. Highly, the development of the Internet industry has contributed to the Internet development model of the Golden Mountain “recreation” and “application” software dual-engine, which will increase cooperation with Internet content providers and operators in advertising and distribution, and raise the visibility of Golden Mountain in a comprehensive manner.

然而,市场分析人士却认为,与金山的合作只是谷歌本地化战略的一种尝试。目前,诸多网站的争相参与让搜索市场水涨船高,尽管谷歌的市值如日中天,但搜索引擎本身并无血肉,只有框架,在华饱受诟病的谷歌不得不放低身价,寻找可以补充的新鲜血液。 调查资料显示,2008年第一季度,中国网络广告市场规模大约为21,11亿元,份额位列前三的百度、新浪和搜狐依然呈上升发展趋势。与此同时,2007年,全球翻译市场年产值已从2004年的130亿美元(亚太地区占30%)发展到400多亿美元。其中,仅将网页上的外语译成本国语言一项就有17亿美元。虽然目前“谷歌金山词霸”里还没有出现谷歌的广告,但根据以往谷歌与其他厂商的合作规律,这只是时间上的问题。

However, market analysts argue that cooperation with Google Hill is only an attempt to localize the market. At present, many websites are involved in the search for the market, although Google’s market value is as high as mid-day, the search engine itself has no flesh and blood.


It means something.


From a single web search to a multi-classified comprehensive search platform, the current search engine has tended to desktopize the Internet. For example, it has been broken down into dozens of search classifications and provides a secure and interactive entertainment platform on the search platform.


“It is clear that more than 30 million gold mountain bill users are an important chip. Lubberborough believes that some Google and 100 degrees may be using or using more than 100 degrees of users after Google Gold Mountain is launched. At the same time, it is an important resource for other providers of dictionaries or online translation search engines, such as Google Counter-Net, search dogs.


In the case of an example of a dictionary, the Web-based CEO-Dine used to say: “The Chinese search is not ideal, but it has a dictionary with e-mail ‘marrying’. It is the beginning of a web-friendly search for different service lines in Chinese.” Currently, although in more than four months, the number of registered users of a desktop dictionary has broken out by 4 million.


It is known that 100 degrees of global market share is less than Google, and is more advanced in the Chinese market alone. But 100 degrees have no advantage in translation services.


After looking at the Golden Hill typists, who have maintained the 12-year fee pattern, it is possible to create a new Internet value by “advertisements brought by users in translation searches.” On the other hand, the phrase “the business model of the Golden Hill typologies that has been in existence for many years” in the context of his interview clearly suggests that the Golden Hills partnership is intoxicated and that analysts believe that the profits of the Golden Mountain typists are more than dependent on Google advertising, and that the huge overseas translation software market and the emergence of an emerging Chinese-learning boom will become a huge collection of gold typologies, in addition to which gold typists and large- and medium-sized enterprises will have an absolute market position in the field of mobile phone translation software, which they once again claim to be a source of wealth.


Questions remain.


Similarly to Kimsan, business-level software providers such as Golden Fluttershy and Friends have recently accelerated the advance of Internet-based software, including online sales of software, online maintenance, and online customization. According to IDC data, the global software online service market industry will reach $10.9 billion in 2009 and maintain an average annual compound growth rate of more than 21 per cent over the next three years. This suggests that the trend towards greater integration of software with the Internet is difficult to reverse, and that the Internet will become an important “stage” for future software enterprise development.


However, market analysts have pointed out that, despite Google's high-level emphasis on “translation is very important in Google's goal of “searching the world in Chinese” as a strategic product, and it also features as a first step in building up users”, Google was involved in a small team of only 10 people in this collaboration with KIMshan, and there is also a lot of talk about the lack of cooperation between the two sides. “No one can guarantee that this will not happen in the future.”


关键词: 电子词典 在线翻译 英语学习

Keywords: E-dictionary Online translation for English learning




One of the greatest inventions of mankind in the twentieth century was computers, which, with the advent of the first computer in the world in 1946, had changed dramatically in every aspect of society, and which had contributed to the advancement of science. “The idea of using computers to translate was advanced by the American W. Weaver and the British A.D. Booth as early as 1946. The first machine translation experiment at Georgetown University in the United States in 1954 confirmed to the public that machine translation was feasible, which was the first non-numeric processing of computers”.[1] But early machine translation, which was limited to the computer’s own hardware level and the influence of the language school at the time, did not produce much.


I. Computation of the positive role of linguistics in the teaching of English


The publication of Chomsky’s syntax theory in 1957 changed the direction of linguistics and also created a wide range of implications for other sciences, such as artificial intelligence, thus inducing the birth of computational linguistics. Computation linguistics also provided new perspectives and new approaches to linguistic theory, and language learners benefited greatly from it.


1. Expeditious and time-sensitive.


The extensive use of computers can replace a large number of intellectual and physical activities, while the size of the vocabulary determines the ability to understand and learn from the type of text processed by computers. In medium- and advanced-level teaching, students are mainly self-learning, and the characteristics and difficulties of this phase are also a great deal of specialized lexicon, as well as the terminology and the lexicon of various issues, if one of the most efficient generic dictionaries is to be used, and if one of the most efficient dictionaries is to be translated into more than one verse, it is “if one of them is to be translated into more than one verse, it is to be translated into more than one verse, it is to be translated into more than one verse, it is to be found that one of the most efficient verses can be read.


2. Large capacity and speed of renewal.

词典、书籍的更新速度比较慢,随着信息时代的飞速发展,每年都会出现很多新的词语和用法,旧词也往往会增加新的意义,学生在阅读报刊杂志或者浏览网页的时候很可能会出现一些不认识的词在字典上也查不到的或者查到了但是意义不符的情况,这时候在线翻译,或者一些网络翻译平台可以提供快捷简便的方式,为学习者提供最新的译文。“好翻译是查出来的,不是翻出来的。”奚德通(中国译典总编)如是说。有了网络,使得“查”译变得切实可行,目前有很多不错的英语在线词典。什么是在线词典呢?在线词典是指建立于Internet环境之上的、可为用户提供词汇实时共享查询服务的重要网上参考工具。在线词典用超文本标记语言(hyper text markup language)和某种计算机语言编写成、并上载到网上运行,有些文献将它称为电子词典(electronic dictionary),有些文献则把它叫做在线词典(on-line dictionary或者dictionary online)。直到1996年底,我国辞书研究界对“电子词典”的定义尚未统一。有人曾经用“互联网络词典”或“网络词典”来统称这类词典。也有人把电子词典(CD-ROM词典)叫做光盘词典,并以为由此形成新型的交叉科学――电子词典学。在线翻译词汇量很大,如目前网上最大的语言词典是“牛津英语在线词典”,它收录了大约6千万个英语单词,并预计将以每季度新增3000多个单词的速度发展。此外,在线翻译更新及时,因为它不再受印刷本体积和发行的限制。有的电子词典词库也没有容量限制,且内容处于动态更新中,如在非典爆发时,词库中会动态增加SARS的相关术语及词汇。

dictionaries, books are being updated at a slower pace, with many new words and usages occurring every year as the information age unfolds. Old words often add new meaning as students read journals or web pages. There are many good online dictionaries for English that are not known or found in dictionaries. The online dictionary is an important online reference tool for users to share search services in real time on the Internet.




Most electronic dictionaries use multimedia technology, with automatic pronunciation functions, and some even smart dot-reading functions. These functions not only help students to understand, but also help them to pronunciate.


Calculating the negative effects of linguistic outcomes in the teaching of English


The dictionaries are easy and fast, and many of them are very informative and interesting, attracting a lot of students. But, after all, it's a search tool, and it's not perfect in itself, and its incorrect use leads to many shortcomings.


1. The use of electronic dictionaries is not conducive to the development of students'self-learning and independent thinking skills.


In English, the memory of the word is very important, not only to remember its meaning, but also to understand its use. Some learners use the ease and speed of the electronic dictionary, to take short steps and to copy the dictionary without learning the exact meaning of the word, which is more likely to happen if it is used from an early age.


2. Electronic dictionaries or online translations do not fully show the meaning of words and affect the accuracy of language understandings.

语言学家利奇在他著名的《语义论》中把词汇的语义归为七类:概念意义(conceptual meaning)、内涵意义(connotative meaning)、社会意义(social meaning)、情感意义(affective meaning)、联想意义(reflective meaning)、搭配意义(collocative meaning)、主题意义(thematic meaning)。[4]电子词典能够反映的语义是有局限性的,好的电子词典可能会包含概念意义、情感意义、内涵意义、搭配意义,但是不能全部反映语义的所有方面,因此词汇的学习要兼顾到文化和社会知识。情感意义一般是通过概念意义、内涵意义和社会意义来表达的。学生只有在阅读中通过联系上下文,才能体会到词汇的情感意义,并且借助于词汇表达自己的感情。因此单纯的依靠电子词典本身就是对词语的不完全信息的掌握,因而在理解的准确性上,难免会不尽如人意。

Lich, a linguist in his famous semantics, classifies the semantics of the vocabulary into seven categories: conceptual meaning (conceptual meaning), implicit meaning (connotative meaning), social meaning (social meaning), emotional meaning (affective meaning), associated meaning, combined meaning (collocutory meaning), thematic meaning (thematic meaning) [4], which can be reflected in an electronic dictionary, which may contain conceptual meaning, emotional meaning, inner meaning, matching meaning, but which does not fully reflect all aspects of semantics, so that emotional meaning is generally expressed through conceptual meaning, inner meaning, and social meaning. Students can only read in the context of the context and express their feelings by using the vocabulary.


3. The overuse of electronic dictionaries has led students to ignore the development of other learning strategies.


To fully understand and apply the complex semantics of the vocabulary, students must use the vocabulary to learn the classification strategy, context strategy, dictionary strategy, guessy strategy, linkage strategy, mix strategy, practice strategy, etc., as well as self-assessment in the original cognitive strategy, conscious application strategy, etc. The extensive use of electronic dictionaries and online translations has led students to rely on the strategy of dictionaries, while ignoring the development of other strategies, especially guessy strategies. In learning foreign languages, one of the learners always has the authority to learn a term, while the dictionaries provide them with a quick and authoritative explanation, so they usually omit a process of speculation, and rarely understand it through context.


4. The learning memory process has been influenced by electronic dictionaries or online translation search strategies.

电子技术检索速度固然很快,但是检索过的生词很快就会忘记。Eric Keller(1986)的研究表明,第一语言对第二语言词汇迁移与词汇出现的频率呈正相关。因此充足的输入非常重要,最好的途径是进行大量的阅读。电子技术提供的只是检索工具,它能够缩短获取信息的时间,但是并不能够加深记忆的深度。库克(Cook,2000)曾经说过:人们对于输入信息的存储取决于大脑对信息的加工深度。[5]而许多学习者在使用电子词典或在线翻译时,仅记住字形、字音、字义。这是低层次的加工,记忆效果不好。能够在语篇的框架内运用词汇,这是最深层次的加工,所获得的记忆效果是最好的。因此学生的词汇学习应该从最低层次的孤立记忆走向最高层次的运用实践,学生必须形成相应的信息加工策略,如上下文、猜测、练习、联系策略等。

Electronic technology provides only a search tool that shortens access to information, but it does not deepen memory depth. Cook, 2000, once said, people's storage of input depends on the depth of the brain's processing of information.[5] And many learners, when using electronic dictionaries or online translation, remember only typographical, typographical, typographical, typographical and typographical features. This is a low-level process, which is not very effective.


Concluding remarks


One of the important achievements in calculating the development of linguistics is the use of MT, a humanistic dialogue, the ideal of which is that computers understand and produce natural languages as much as people do, but the current level is far below that goal. Learning in foreign languages must not rely on e-technology, and science and technology can only complement learning rather than substitute for learning itself. Teachers should actively guide students to enjoy the benefits of science while not losing sight of human development itself; maintain a people-centred education policy and develop student language literacy and learning strategies; and focus on the development of student attitudes and learning methods.




[1] Liu Ying. Calculating Linguistics. [M] Beijing: Qinghua University Press, 2002:5.


[2] Kim Jun. Assemble Natural Language Understanding of Computers [J]. Zhejiang School of Medicine Journal, 2005.05, vol. 29, (3): 71-73.


[3] Sun Trelan. Brief discussion on linguistics and foreign language teaching [J]. Adult education in China, 2002.08:64.

[4]Geoffrey Leech.Semantics [M].Harmondsworth:Penguin,1981 xii,383p:19cm.


【关键词】互联网 外文信息资源 语言文字翻译 在线翻译

[keywords] Internet, foreign language information resources, language and text translation, online translation.


Fund Project: China Petroleum Education Society 2014 Scientific Research Project Researching the Use of Information Resources in Foreign Languages through Chinese (Chinese Oil Education Institute (2014] B033)


I. Browser techniques and methods for the use of foreign language information resources through Chinese


(i) Status of online translation


Based on the current state of progress and development of online translation technology, Internet browsers with online translation features can be divided into several systems. The Google Translation System, currently most commonly used for translation of 81 language scripts (based on the information integrity of the quality of translations, terminology norms, authentic originals and standards for the harmonization of scripts, the parameters of which are above all), the mandatory translation system for translation of 44 language scripts, the 100-degree translation system for translation of 12 language scripts, the access system for translation of seven language scripts, the access system for translation of seven language scripts, as well as a system for translation of five and three language scripts, can be translated from a candy and a swipe browser.


(ii) Online translation of Google


The 81 languages of the Google translation system are: Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Irish, Estonian, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Polish, Bosnian, Persian, Danish, German, Russian, French, Finnish, Georgian, Gugarati, Haitian, Korean, Hausa, Dutch, Hermon, Galician, Catalan, Cambodian, Czech, Kanada, Croatian, Latin, Latvian, Lao, Lithuanian, Romanian, Maltese, Maratón, Maratón, Macedonian, Maori, Mongolian, Bangla, Afrika, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian and Russian.


(iii) Online translation of languages in other systems


The 45 languages in question are Arabic, Estonian, Shimong, Bulgarian, Polish, Persian, Korean, Danish, German, Russian, French, Chinese, Finnish, Haitian Creole, Dutch, Catalon, Chinese, Czech, Klingon, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Maltese, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Swedish, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Turkish, Welsh, Urdu, Ukrainian, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Hindi, Indonesian, English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Russian, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, and Russian.


(iv) Use of browser-specific translation techniques and methods


In the case of Google Browsers, which currently automatically translate language scripts online to a maximum of 81 types, there will be two options available to users: a web site that selects the original language, and a web page that opens for the first time, with an indication in Chinese that “You want to translate the page?” followed by the “Translation” and “No” options. If you choose the original page, you can translate it into Chinese, and when you have “translation” from English to Chinese, thus achieving the purpose of using external information resources in Chinese; then you can click on the “Retrieve” site, which will be used for the first time, and the “Book” page, which will be used for the first time, and the “Book” page, which will be used for the second time.


II. Online translation techniques and methods using foreign language information resources through the search engine in Chinese


Using a web search engine with a specific online translation function on the Internet, the correct translation rate can be achieved in a timely manner. The online translation of such a web search engine, which includes Google, should be 100%, have access to foreign language information resources, is now available in up to 85 different languages, including the translation of words, phrases, and instantaneous online translation of the entire documentary information resource. The online translation of the search engine is characterized by the timely updating of content, the large number of translated languages, the efficiency of translation, and the translation of online translations of some search engines.


III. Translation software techniques and methodologies for the use of foreign language information resources through Chinese


The use of specific web-based software with translation functions can also achieve the purpose of using foreign language information resources in Chinese. The use of translation software such as “foreign language web browsers”, “visit translator” and “goo translator” in 81 different languages around the world can achieve the purpose of translating multiple foreign language information resources into Chinese. The “foreign language web browser” is a software that can be translated from one language to another, using “test language” in “source language” for the purpose of using the online translation of foreign language information resources through Google search engines.




With many external information resources available for download, often in some form that cannot be translated directly, either the purpose of using the web browser, the web search engine, or the translation software is not directly realized. In such cases, the use of the online translation feature of the web search engine can be resolved by using a document format that converts the original text first to the original language [7]. When a document format is converted, it can be copied, pasted to the file format used by the external language information resource or txt text file, followed by an online search engine, which can be translated online if it is not allowed to copy or paste the search file file file format, then the online translation function of the web search engine can be used for Chinese.




[1] Xu Seng Man. Quality assessment of translations from the online translation website [J]. Journal of Chengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management: Social Sciences, 2012, 31 (2): 124-126.


[2] Google translator [EB/OL]. [2014-06-30]. http://.


[3] It should be translated online [EB/OL]. [2014-06-30].

[4]天涯衰草.将浏览器搜索变成翻译软件[J]. 电脑迷,2014(2):82.

[4] Abyssmal loss. Turn browser search into translation software [J]. Computer fan, 2014(2):82.

[5]郭义,滕景华.谈网络在翻译学习中的作用:以搜索引擎谷歌为例[J]. 赤峰学院学报:自然科学版,2012,28(21):27-29.

[5] Guo Yi, Tang Xinghua. Talk about the role of the network in translation learning: using Google, a search engine, as an example [J]. Journal of the Akashi Academy: Natural Sciences, 2012, 28(21): 27-29.

[6]于新国.现代文献信息检索使用教程:第二版.北京:石油工业出版社,2012. 156-164.

[6] Tutor of modern literature retrieval in the New Kingdom: 2nd ed. Beijing: Oil Industry Publishing House, 2012.156-164.




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