Original title: How can we learn and think efficiently in the fast-changing block chain industry?
In the fast-changing block chain industry, new concepts, new models, new projects are always emerging, and there is a lot of inert and garbage information. Against this background, how do the block chain industry participants enhance their ability to learn from the block chain? How can we build a sound access to information? How can we better screen for quality information and noise reduction?
为此,链捕手采访了优证链通创始人孟岩、Primitive Ventures 创始合伙人万卉、蓝狐笔记主理人蓝狐、链闻研究总监潘致雄、以太坊爱好者主笔阿剑等5名行业资深研究者,就上述问题详细分享了他们的学习方法与思考技巧。
To this end, the chain catcher interviewed five senior researchers in the industry, Mon Iwai, the founder of the chain of excellence, the founding partner of the Primitive Ventures, the Blue Fox, the Blue Fox, the Chief of the Blue Fox Note, Pan Shio-Yo, the Director of Swords of the Itha fan, and so on, and shared in detail their learning methods and thinking skills on the above issues.
整理|Loners Liu
Let's clean up the Loners Liu.
1. Each person has to build his own core competencies, which is what he stands for, so that he can fully develop his core competencies in any new field.
My core ability is actually to bring something new to me, understand it in my own way, and then express it in my own language, which may sometimes be more specific than the original author, so that's my core strength. Whatever work I do, I always have the ability to capture my core.
2、建立所谓的第一性原理,我比较喜欢回到一些问题的本源。我不惧怕承认我自己在某个领域里的无知,就是Steve Jobs说的「stay hungry stay foolish」,因此我不会为听到一些不懂的新概念感到羞愧,而花大量的时间去阅读各种各样的文献,我想了解的是这个行业里面最大的问题是什么?最核心的根本问题是什么?
To build the so-called principle of first sex, I prefer to go back to the source of some of the problems. I am not afraid to admit my ignorance in a certain field, as Steve Jobs said, "stay hungry stayfolish," so I am not ashamed to hear some new concepts that I don't understand and spend a lot of time reading a variety of literature. What is the biggest problem in this industry? What is the fundamental question at the heart?
So, in order to solve these problems, we need to use mathematical principles and intellectual methods, and once I get back to that level, I try to think for myself, not to see what the former did. The disadvantage is that if you were in a mature field, you'd do a lot of repetitive or possibly low-level work, far less than the masters did.
In a completely new field such as DeFi, this way of thinking can move us forward faster, with emphasis on scientific thinking, such as mathematical fundamentals, logical reasoning.
I dare to express it in my own language, even if I have no idea of many issues.
This expression is often not very academic, and may result in a lack of hierarchy and depth of the issues you are dealing with. But another advantage is that I think that this approach has the advantage of being placed in a new field, because it can help you form an exchange with the outside world as soon as possible, with people around you and with open communication collisions that make it easier for you to understand a lot of things as quickly as possible.
4. In my past advisory work, there were, of course, errors in the design and judgement of the mediocre economic model, but the main reason was not the design error, but the pressures of reality, which led to unreasonable distortions in the design programme and could not be seen as such.
But there are, of course, errors in judgement, such as the economic model of projects such as YFI, whose tokens are released in a very short period of time, which is an unsustainable or poor model design in our past perspective.
But its late performance has also prompted us to reflect on why our original ideas are not in line with practice, and that reflection has also prompted us to constantly improve this theory in practice.
02Primitive Ventures 创始合伙人万卉
02PrimitiveVentures Founding Partner >/strong
1. 多看经典读物,现在网上已经有很多整理的优质学习素材,包括世界顶尖大学的公开课。譬如在比特币方面,最好的教程就是普林斯顿大学的比特币公开课。
A great deal of the classics are now available online, with a great deal of high-quality learning material, including open courses at the world's top universities. For example, in Bitcoin, the best course is the Bitcoin Open Course at Princeton University.
At the same time, it would be much more efficient for to learn with questions, such as , when watching Bitcoin's open lesson in Princeton, to list some questions like `moderate': How does bitcoin guarantee scarcity? How can it be fair for miners to dig? What is mining?
"Slow is fast." Don't think about it. It takes time and patience to build a knowledge system.
2. 少看群,少用社交软件,并且最好不要用抖音、快手、头条这类低信噪比的应用。我自己一直都没有下这类应用,因为信息密度太低、太浪费时间(不过如果我还在做消费互联网投资的话就需要天天刷了,这个与投资对象有关),微信也是一天固定几个时间看一下回复消息。
2. Less attention, less use of social software, and better not use low-key applications such as tremors, fast hands, headlines. I have never used such applications myself, because the information density is too low, it is too wasteful (although if I am still investing in the consumer Internet, this is about the target of the investment), and wee-mails are also fixed for a few hours a day to look at the responses.
学习最好的方式是在自己有了一定的知识基础之后和人讨论,或者去回答他人的问题。了解信息最好的渠道其实还是行业内的专业人士,我基本每个领域都有几个go to person,加起来可能不到20个,但是这20个人作为你的外延大脑就足够了。
The best way to learn is to talk to people after they have a certain knowledge base, or to answer questions from others. The best way to know information is actually a professional in the industry. I have a few go to person, maybe less than 20 in each field, but these 20 people are enough as your extended brain.
我现在有两类浏览习惯,12年的时候就和湾区几个PM小伙伴讨论过两种行为模式的区别,一种叫做Search in Browse (在刷屏中搜索有用的信息),一种叫做Browse in Search (在搜索结果中寻找有用的信息) ,前者就是所有的信息流产品,譬如头条抖音快手。
I now have two types of browsing habits, and in 12 years I discussed the difference between two modes of behaviour with a few PM partners in the Bay Area, , called Search in Browne (searching useful information in screen), , the former being all information flow products, such as headline shakers.
想要高效学习是不可能通过Search in Browse完成的。所以有效学习的第一步是多做有目的的搜索,少做无目的浏览。不要成为互联网时长里的人肉电池。
It is not possible to learn efficiently through Search in Brownse. So the first step in effective learning is to do more purposeful searches and less aimless browsing. Do not become a human battery in the Internet for a long time.
The first is the building of basic knowledge to understand the world of encryption, and the first is that Bitcoin and Etheria can't bypass the two mountains.
In the course of the development of Bitcoin and Etheria, we are faced with difficulties, such as expansionary problems, cost problems, product applications and market convergence, and a lot of new things are born around the solution of these problems. In particular, DeFi’s explorations give us a lot of case and practical experience, and they bring us a lot of new ideas.
2. The biggest obstacle to early research is the ability to sink into the study, and much of the knowledge is boring and does not seem to have much to do with investment, but it does help us make decisions. As far as practical tools are concerned, there is not much, mainly following up on new projects, and there are data support tools such as coingecko, ethscan, and web browsers, and defipulse, duneanalytics, messari, etc.
The problem now is that there are too many new projects. The worthwhile projects of
A team that wants to really do something and a team that sells ideas is completely different, as can be seen in white papers, products, and public expressions. Sometimes, from the outset, it determines the future.
The most difficult part of the block chain is a complex area involving cryptography, finance, programming, etc., where the principle of first nature lies at the heart of which too many concepts may sometimes hinder understanding of the essence of the matter.
"Strange" 04 "Standard Research Director Pan Xiao Hung"
1. First, there is a need to bring (or nurture) real interest and curiosity in the field, which can create a driving force for self-learning.
More than a decade ago, I particularly liked two distributed and point-to-point file transfer products, the electric donkey and BitTorrent, which sought to make content more equally distributed, shared and mutually beneficial, followed by similar products that wanted to make the entire central Internet more open, transparent and resistant to censorship.
But there was no block chain, a basic component that could transmit value via distributed network security over the Internet, so the projects were later small in size and difficult to maintain over the long term. Since the advent of Bitcoin and Ether, the distributional networks that had preceded them had a raw monetary and proto-original computing platform, with which the Internet as a whole would be completely reshaped.
Then, with the driving force of self-learning, builds its own learning system, involving information gathering, learning, synthesizing, organizing and re-outputing.
But because there are many new terms and concepts in the crypto-currency industry, and because there is a certain understanding of computers, finance, games and games, and even widely visible terms in English (which may not yet be translated accurately into Chinese). The level of general knowledge about basic knowledge may also be a barrier in the learning block chain industry. There is a simple, but difficult, method for to insist on, learning and recording all unknowing terms, and then periodically consolidating them, and there may be no shortcuts to this.
# 采集系统
# Collection system
Explore an information-gathering system that suits you. The public information that can be found on the network is stratified, so you get coverage and then, over time, get your own judgment and then delete the information that is of low value and at any time optimizes the way you organize it.
The RSS or mailbox system is recommended as a bottom protocol for information gathering because it is an open standard that can be standardized. Simply put, all source information is "RSS" or "mailed" as much as possible.
Suggested tools include Reeder, Inoreader, Feedly, IFTT, or RSS.
# 信息整理工具
# Information collation tool
The information collected needs to be collated and sorted at a time when there is a need for a personal knowledge management tool, commonly known as PKM, with a professional term. Such tools can yield significant efficiency gains, so they are generally proprietary and cost-effective.
我比较喜欢用DEVONThink,不过Keep it或Evernote也是不错的替代品。不少创业团队也在重塑这类工具,比如Roam Research、Notion以及刚出来的Craft都是不错的,我目前更喜欢第一个。
I prefer to use DevonThink, but Keep it or Evernote are good alternatives. A lot of start-ups are remaking tools like Roam Research, Notion and the new Craft, and I prefer the first.
# 脑图与制图
# Brain maps and drawings
Once the material has been collated, some ideas may emerge from certain topics, at which point it is important to use the schematics, brain charts, flow charts to help organize ideas.
If you have a white board or paper, it'll be more intuitive and iPad. If you use a computer, you can use a brain map with MindNode or Scapple, and other general charts with practical Keynote or PowerPoint are good.
For the time being,
Then we need to figure out who the most important players and influential players in this market are, even if they have been changing rapidly. Starting with the head investment agency and the head KOL, we can focus on what these people are looking at.
Or outsource this part of the access to important information by selecting Curator to help you sort out the latest sources of information, such as the media, research institutions or others with research capabilities at home and abroad, so that they become the initial materials for building your own research system.
Then you need to select some interesting topics for in-depth study. If you feel bored with your own research, you can find some like-minded friends or know some experts and ask them directly.
05 with the sword of a fan of the talisman > /strang >
对于如何减少噪音,首先你得保持对自己所偏爱主题的好奇心和敏感度。比如我非常关注Layer2,随之而来就会遇到很多信息,比如某个项目最近要上测试网、要上主网、或者谁又提出一种新的方案。但其实你并不需要那么多信息,因为它们都可以简单的分为几个大类,比如状态通道、侧链、Roll Up。
First of all, you have to be curious and sensitive about how to reduce noise. For example, I'm very concerned about Layer2, and there's a lot of information that comes up with, for example, a project that's going to be tested recently, on the main network, or who's going to come up with a new solution. But you don't really need that much information, because they can easily be divided into a few broad categories, such as state lanes, side chains, Roll Up.
So, at the first stage of learning, you need to understand every basic paradigm of the industry so that you can be more targeted when you're collating it.
The common way to get a quick understanding of this basic paradigm is to improve your reading and basic understanding.
In the second phase, you have to think a little deeper about each issue, each time you think about different angles, and then try to systematize your thinking. Each of us is doing something like this, and there is no shortcut in itself.
Of course, a lot of people will stay in the first phase, and they are too easily attracted to fashionable things, because the industry often comes up with new terms and concepts.
So it's important that you start to know one thing in detail enough to develop your own thinking skills in this process and then generate the ability and self-confidence to judge the other.
Of course, in this process, do not confine yourself to a small world, connect yourself to a vast world. When you face an issue, at least you know that there is something in the academic world that you can absorb and accept.
In other words, if you want to take this issue seriously, you'll have to go to the greater wisdom to find a solution to a small problem, not a big one in a very small world.
Finally, there are a few words that I would like to share with you: I hope that we all care more about what is right and wrong. There are many different voices that should appear in the complex world of `strung', but we must believe that there are criteria that can compare different views and differences of opinion.
But judging things themselves is always linked to the wider world of knowledge, to our cognitive capacity, and that is the only thing that we should constantly exercise.
Keeping the habit of thinking and comparing (only a comparative habit can help you get rid of your paranoia) and being vigilant about the big concept.
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