寒亭一男子轻信“美国大兵”邮寄美金来买房 结果……

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:20 评论:0
齐鲁网潍坊6月17日讯 寒亭男子李某偶然结识一名自称...



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齐鲁网潍坊6月17日讯 寒亭男子李某偶然结识一名自称为“美国大兵”的网友,与其聊得十分投机。该网友提出希望定居寒亭,让李某张罗帮其买房,并提出将美金邮寄给李某。后来,对方称包裹被扣需要缴纳管理费,李某将钱打给对方,醒悟后报警。寒亭警方调查发现,对方并非美国人,赃款让成都男子王某购置比特币,用于躲避警方查处。

Zyru Network June 17, Jinping Man Lee accidentally met and talked to a friend of Lee, who called himself “the American soldier.” The blogger offered to settle a cold stand, let Li Zhang Lo buy his house, and offered to mail his dollar to Li. Later, the other party claimed that the parcel was seized with a management fee, and Lee called the other man to call him and call the police when he woke up. The chilling police investigation found that the other man was not an American and that the stolen money allowed the King Chengdu to buy Bitcoins to avoid police investigation.



Micro-Certificate “America soldiers”


This year, a 44-year-old man, Lee Hao, had several years of seaman experience and remained concerned about the information when he left his post. At the beginning of April, a “American soldier” calling himself “John” was suddenly added to his best friend, claiming that he had been involved in the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, etc., and had a sea experience, and that he liked Chinese culture, and that they had been very speculative.


“John” attracted Li Hiao’s experience, allowing him to worship it in the dark. However, “John” was tired of his long war-torn life and looked forward to it. To that end, Li Hiao was very proud to introduce him to the strength and stability of his country. “John” provided Li with his own videos and photographs from time to time during the exchange. In the relevant information, John was a fully armed white man, and he was more convinced of each other’s identity.


Out of curiosity, Li tried many times to chat with John, but John always refused to talk in the name of being on mission, having bad signals, and so on. John and Li were always talking in Chinese, with occasional language logic errors, claiming that they were communicating with translation software, which did not raise Li's doubts, but believed that John was more faithful to the Chinese culture than to this “good brother.”


"Friends" buy a house with money to send


In late April, John offered to be attracted to China as a beautiful country in the hope of settling in China. Because of his acquaintances with Li Hiao, and the attraction of his depiction, he decided to settle in a cold place, hoping that Li Hiao would be able to buy a house for him, and that other immigrants would settle without having to worry about Lee, and would also provide him with an “intermediate fee” to buy a house.


When you see each other as trusting themselves so much, Li started to look into the information about the building and send it to each other. After selection, “John” selected a mansion in the cold zone and offered to send it to Lee for $300,000. “John” stated that the money was his severance payments and all kinds of bonus deposits, and therefore could not be transferred directly because of his special status. This did not raise any suspicion, but rather believed that trust in “John” was very moving.


At the beginning of May, John stated that he had mailed all the cash to Li and sent information about parcels of photographs, couriers, etc. that were packed with dollars. Since the courier was a multinational company, Li had no access to relevant information, but because of his trust in his “friends,” Li had no doubts.

以海关扣押现金包裹为由 试图多次行骗


On 4 May, John contacted Li to say that when the package arrived in Japan, it needed to be trans-shipped, and that the cash was seized by customs and required $16,000 in administrative fees to cross the border. Li was hesitant about his friend's demands, but “John” said that all his property was in it, and that if it was impossible to cross, it would not only be impossible to buy a house in China, but there was a risk of nothing.


So Li went on to call the so-called customs account based on the account supplied by John, and “released” the cash parcel. However, “John” then suggested that there were other customs clearance costs to follow up, hoping that Li could help him at once. At that point, Li remembered what happened before and after John, after a few days of inverse thinking, he suspected that he had been deceived.


On 10 May, Li Xiao reported the incident to the investigating unit of the Public Security Department in Xinjin.



美国大兵”是伪造 赃款用于购买比特币

"United States soldier" is a forgery of the stolen money for the purchase of bitcoin


As the investigation went further, the police discovered that the suspect was not a “United States soldier” or even an American, and that the video and photographs sent to Li were false. Meanwhile, further investigations by the police found that Lee’s “release” costs did not reach the suspect’s account, but instead fell into the hands of Chengdu man Wang.


Initially, on the basis of experience, the CIVPOL suspected Wang and the counterfeited “United States soldier” to be part of a fraud ring. After multiple investigations, the CIVPOL discovered that Wang was 34 years old, without proper employment, and that his public identity was the owner of a network shop, where he had been engaged since the end of 2018 in reselling Bitcoin and earning a profit from the difference in virtual currency. However, bank cards had been frozen because of his unusual transactions. At the beginning of the year, Wang had purchased a large number of identity cards, installed dozens of bank cards and purchased dozens of POS machines for trading purposes.


On 21 May, after substantial evidence had been gathered, the civilian police captured Wang.


/strong >


According to Wang, starting in 2018, when he discovered that Bitcoin was a virtual currency and had a lot of profits from selling it on foreign websites, he began trading with a group of people who sold it. However, he slowly discovered that a number of customers would pay, and then people would turn around and ask if they were customs agents, and if they could unblock the cash parcel after receiving it.


At this point, one of Wang’s clients realizes that buying his own bitcoin might be a fraudster and buying bitcoin to avoid police investigation. Wang found out that he was talking to himself in English all the time, and that, because of his scientific history, English was good, it was assumed that the other was “no small” on the basis of the content of the exchange and that he would not be involved in it. So, while he knew that the other could be a fraudster, he also purchased a large number of identity cards, dozens of bank cards, and dozens of POS machines to continue to be used to trade with the other and try to avoid the police.


Then, in just a few months, Wang was able to draw a lot of $7.8 million from the current water. Thus, Wang was more than willing to give up the “business”; he did not expect the legal net to come back, and the police eventually caught him.


At present, the police have identified and investigated a suspect who pretends to be an American soldier. Wang is already in criminal custody under the law and the case is being further investigated.


Police reminder


It is not illegal to simply buy or sell bitcoin, but it is known that the cost of buying bitcoin is the proceeds of fraud, is the accomplice of fraud, and is punishable by law. & nbsp;

闪电新闻记者 于刚 通讯员 史为群 潍坊报道

"Strong" Lightning Reporter from the Congo, Correspondent History, reporting on the /strong"


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