
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:26 评论:0
6月4日凌晨,波场创始人、“马云最年轻的门徒”孙宇晨在其个人微博中证实此前的传闻,他以破纪录的456.7888万美元(超3100万元人民币)价格拍下巴菲特20周年慈善午宴。In the early morning hours of 4 J...



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In the early morning hours of 4 June, Sun Woo, the founder of the waves, “Maun's youngest disciple”, confirmed earlier rumours in his personal tweet that he had taken Buffett's 20th anniversary charity lunch at a record price of $4,568.88 million (over 31 million yuan).


At noon this morning, Sun Woo’s exclusive response to New King’s journalist, the most important topic of the luncheon was the desire to revise the Buffett value investment theory, which is currently biased in encrypted currency, such as Buffett bitcoin, in the hope that Buffett will be informed about block chains and encrypted currency. The charity lunch schedule currently agreed with Buffett is three quarters, initially designated as San Francisco, and is intended to bring together Uyster in Bitcoon, Lilin, V, and others.


In addition, Sun Woo-moo denied to the reporter of the New Kyoto newspaper that he had missed his bid last year, but at the same time Sun Woo-moo said that “it is impossible to change for three hours without expecting to reverse or change his views, and this luncheon is a meeting”.

巴菲特对区块链和加密货币有偏见  午餐会无法扭转他看法但希望与他达成合作

Buffett has bias against block chains and encrypted currency > & nbsp; Luncheon won't be able to change his opinion but wants to work with him


New King: When do you want to compete for Buffett's luncheon?


Sun Woo: Last year, when I saw Buffett involved in a lot of controversial issues about bitcoin and block chains, I wanted to shoot his luncheon. On the one hand, because I was a long-standing believer in Buffett's value theory, I made a lot of money by investing in stocks, and I was also a member of the chain. Moreover, I think Buffett's bias against block chains and encrypted currency is at the heart of his failure to find good practitioners to introduce him.


Because I personally understand his theory and work in the area of block chains, I think that being able to communicate face-to-face with him at lunches will certainly facilitate his interaction with encrypted money, block chain communities, traditional investors, and traditional financial institutions. So I wanted to do this last year.


New Kyoto: When was last year? Why didn't you get it last year?


Sun Woo: , probably before the opening of last year's luncheon, I wanted to go there, but the Buffett luncheon auction had to be registered at least one month in advance each year, and it was not in time, so it was moved to this year.


"Strong" News: In the early hours of the 4th day, you announced that you had a record of $4.568 million to film Warren Buffett's 20th anniversary charity luncheon. What was the original purpose of filming Buffett's lunch?


Sun Woo: I think that the area of encrypted currency and block chains has evolved very rapidly over the years, but the vast majority of people do not really understand that even the class of gents like Buffett (who have been very successful in the traditional field) do not know much about the industry.


So, it may be thought that this is just an ordinary entrepreneur taking a Buffett luncheon. But, in my view, it is more important to increase the exchange between the crypto-currency and block chain industries. So, this time, I intend to invite together more representative people in the multi-block chain industry to have lunch with Buffett, which can become an industry exchange.



Sun Woo morning: I think one of the most important topics is that Buffett is a very successful investor, and his theory of value investment has been going on for almost half a century, but there is also a problem with his “value investment” over the years. When Google Amazon Facebook emerged, Buffett began to look bad at his “value investment” theory, but at this year’s Birkhhir Hasaway Shareholder Conference, he said that he really regretted not investing in Amazon and Google’s very successful companies.


One of the most important questions I would like to ask Buffett is how we can continuously revise the theory of value investment in the light of the evolution of time and advances in science and technology, so that the greatest and leading companies of every era, and even the industries that currently exist, such as encryption money, including block chains, can include it.


"Strong" New King: Buffett has publicly expressed his displeasure at Bitcoin on several occasions, and in February this year, Buffett, in an interview with the CNBC, once again “throwed” bitcoin, saying that encrypted money has no unique value at all, it's basically a fantasy, and that bitcoin attracts liars. And do you worry that Buffett won't be convinced that he still doesn't look at encrypted currency like Bitcoin?


Sun Woo morning: It's not easy, of course, that we don't want lunch to convince him to change his point of view in three hours. But, we hope this is a meeting, and Buffett can ask us a lot of questions that he's curious about, and we can give him answers. Because we will invite the best people in the world's encrypted monetary community to the scene, and I believe the answer to Buffett must be very straightforward and very real, and I think it will be a success if we do so.


"Strong" New Kyoto: Would you like some cooperation with Buffett in the area of block chains, or encryption money?


Sun Woo: of course, I hope at least I can be a very important source of Buffett's knowledge of the area of cryptography.

否认午餐会拍卖是“炒作” 将邀请吴忌寒、李林、V神等参会

denies that the luncheon auction is “false” and will invite Wu Hsien, Li Lin, V and others to attend


"Strong" New Kyoto: Since 1 June, you've been pacing on Twitter about this. Many people are questioning whether you're doing it or not?


Sun Woo: I don't think it's a prank.


New Kyoto: Why?


Sun Woo: just said, because I will turn my luncheon into a trade fair, and I hope Buffett will learn about this field.


"Strong" New Kyoto: In addition, can you tell who you're inviting to lunch with Buffett?


Sun Woo: I've been working in the block chain business for a long time, and I think this lunch with Buffett is not just my lunch with Buffett, but also an exchange between the industry and Buffett, so I think I have to invite not only my friends, but also industry representatives to this luncheon.


New Kyoto: Which representatives in the industry?

孙宇晨:因为现在这个事情发展很快,所以,还没有对他们发出邀请。但是,我自己理了一下,比如,挖矿领域最成功的比特大陆创始人吴忌寒,交易所领域最成功的币安创始人赵长鹏,国内币圈最知名的火币网创始人李林,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin(俗称“V神”),莱特币创始人Charlie Lee 。

Sun Woom: has not extended an invitation to them because of the speed with which this is going on. But, for example, the most successful founder of the Bit continent in mining, Wu typhoid, the most successful founder of the Exchange, Zhao Chang Peng, Li Lin, the founding founder of the National Currency Network, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Ether bank, and Charlie Lee, the founder of Lettkin.


"Strong" New Kyoto: What do you think the chances of their participation are if you extend an invitation to colleagues in the encrypted currency communities of Wu Xiaoxiao, Li Lin, V, etc.?


Sun Woo: I think the chances of participating are still very high, because after all I think that the best person in the traditional industry, like Buffett, everyone wants to be able to communicate with him. I think they'll be willing to participate as long as they can get out of time and their visas are free.


"Strong" New Kyoto: Is it the company's money or your own money?


Sun Woo: I personally came out.


New Kyoto: What is the cost of lunch for you? Is it cash or bitcoin?


Sun Woo: I think the cost is moderate and Buffett is paid in cash.


"Strong" New Kyoto: There's a lot of controversy about you being filmed after lunch, though it's also moderate for you, so what do you want from the input output?


Sun Woo: First of all, input is more important than output. But, at our luncheon with Buffett, I think it is more important than our social responsibility. In fact, this year, we worked with philanthropic foundations to donate $3 million for lunches for children in Africa, as well as medical facilities for children in Malta. In addition, $200,000 was donated to foundations in the United States for the rehabilitation of frozen people; 10 million yuan yuan was also donated to Lakeside University this year for the construction of school buildings; and $4.57 million was donated to the Graed Foundation, which is the Buffett Lunch Project.

已跟巴菲特团队沟通  巴菲特觉得“我很特别”地点初定旧金山

has communicated with the Buffett team > ;


"Strong" New Kyoto: Did you communicate with Buffett himself and his team after the luncheon?


Sun Woo: We have been talking two or three times, we have asked some questions, and they have given us some answers.


Newjing: Are you communicating with Buffett himself or with his team?


Sun Woo : Mostly communicates with his team. We have some questions, and they have given us some answers.


New Kyoto: What are their questions?


Sun Woo: is the first place for lunch. Lunches used to be in New York, and this year Buffett said that I was special, so he wanted to set a place for both, not necessarily in New York.


New Kyoto: Is the location intended?


Sun Woo morning: I'm starting to think of San Francisco. Because, on the one hand, San Francisco is our company's headquarters in the United States, and, on the other hand, the biggest difference between New York and San Francisco is Wall Street in New York, where the most traditional businesses are New York, Google in San Francisco, Facebook, and the most innovative companies, including the crypto-money community, are in San Francisco, so we actually intend to go this way.


New Kyoto: What's the lunch hour?


Sun Woo:

马云认为我有独特价值是了解区块链的窗口 否认“币圈贾跃亭” 拟约马云午餐会

"Strong" Ma Ma, who believes that I have a unique value in understanding the windows of the block chain, denies that the "coin ring" is going to be a luncheon party for Ma Ma Ma.


"Strong" Shinjing: You said you donated 10 million dollars to Lakeside University to build public buildings. Have you talked to Maun?


Sun Woo-morning: . I've been talking to Mr. Ma Huen many times about encrypted money and block chains. I think Mr. Ma Huen is very supportive of block chain technology, including ants gold suits, and I think it's still very important to promote the use of block chains and cryptographic money technology, which may have been increasing the use of payment treasures over the last two days.


My graduation paper at Lakeside University focused on block-chain technology and the industry of block-chains, which Mr. Ma Yun gave a better assessment. Mr. Ma Ma Yun argued that block-chain technology is certainly a very good one, one of the same levels as artificial intelligence, one of human infrastructure and one of the most transformative technologies.


Secondly, Mr. Maun also believes that I have a unique value as a window where Lakeside universities can observe and understand the chain of blocks, and I do this on the front line after all.


I actually donated $10 million last year, and I had a lunch with Mr. Maun, but because of all the time conflicts, I didn't make it, but maybe later this year I had a lunch with Mr. Maun.


"Strong" New King: Speaking of Lakeside University, you'll be called "Maun's youngest disciple." Besides, you've got labels like "Bigsters, Writers, Investors, Money Circles, Social APP Founders." What's your most satisfying guy? Why?


Sun Woo morning: I think I'm also the founder of the Wavefield because I think that all of our identities, including things, were born from the Founder of the Wavefield, so I think I'm still a block-chain entrepreneur if I want to get back to where I was.


"Strong" The New Kyoto newspaper: How do you respond to the controversy that led to the question that you've harvested a collection of hyenas, which has not yet returned and is also known as the "coin ring "?


Sun Woo morning: I don't agree with air coins, pickles, etc. I think the media don't really understand the industry, because our industry is so new that, like the many new technologies that we have produced in history, they are always born with controversy and lack of understanding. So, I think that's one of the important reasons why we're having lunch.


Moreover, I do not approve of what is known as the “Jiaotun of the Currency Circle”, which I returned long ago and which I spent in China between March and October of last year, and which I also attended at Lakeside University.


New Kyoto: What do you think of the future of encrypt currency like Bitcoin?


Sun Woo: I think that the development of the core depends on the technology itself, which can make a great difference in human life and in science and technology.


New Kyoto: What's your idea of the way forward?


Sun Woo morning: is still moving in the direction of encrypting the currency of the block chain.

新京报记者陈维城 张思源 张姝欣 编辑 程波 校对 刘军

The New King newspaper reporter, Chen Wei, Zhang Xigen, Zhang Xianying, editor, Xibo, Qi, Qi, Qi, Qi, Xiang, Liu Jun, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang




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