
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:31 评论:0
价格疲软之际,比特币或将在本周五迎来诞生十五年来的第四次“减半”。这一事件将成为币圈近期最受关注、最具影响力的头条新闻。At a time of weak prices, Bitcoin, or its fourth “half” in 1...



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At a time of weak prices, Bitcoin, or its fourth “half” in 15 years of existence this Friday, will become the most interesting and influential news in the currency world in the near future.


Those who are not familiar with the operation of the Bitcoin network may have some questions: what is “a reduction by half”, when will it happen, why is it necessary, and what impact it may have on bitcoin prices?

什么是“减半”? 有何必要?

What is “half” and what is necessary?


The so-called “50-per-cent” is the “50-percent” of the incentives that miners get through mining. Every time the Bitcoin block chain produces 210,000 blocks, the Bitcoin block incentives are halved.


At present, the miners who won in the mining competition will receive an incentive of 6.25 bitcoins, which will be reduced by half to 3.125.

比特币的创造者Satoshi Nakamoto设计比特币时就确定了固定供应量,使其有别于美元等法定货币。根据比特币协议代码中的规则,比特币总量只能有2100万个。比特币专家认为,最后一块比特币预计将在2140年前后被挖出。

Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed Bitcoins in such a way as to distinguish them from legal currencies such as the United States dollar. According to the rules in the Bitcoins protocol code, the amount of bitcoins is only 21 million. Bitcoins experts believe that the last bitcoins are expected to be dug up around 2140.


Whenever miners succeed in digging out a new block, they receive a certain amount of bitcoin incentives designed to motivate miners to provide arithmetic for the Bitcoin network.


Miners are like guardians of the Bitcoin network, not only competing for computational resources, but also bearing the burden of maintaining a stable system. Each transaction needs to be certified by the miners, and only if there is enough approval from the miners can the transaction eventually be written into the chain of blocks and become a permanent record.


In the early days of Bitcoin, miners had to run software nodes on laptops to get bitcoins. But, as competition intensified, miners now had to use powerful computers, consuming a lot of energy to remain competitive.


Bitcoin was designed to be a deflationary asset, whose value will increase over time. Thus, in order for Bitcoin to become a deflationary asset, the bitcoin incentives received by miners must be reduced over time, thus limiting the total supply of bitcoins.

FOREX.com和City Index全球研究主管Matt Weller在给MarketWatch的评论中表示:

In their comments to Marketwatch, Matt Weller, Global Research Manager for FOREX.com and City Index, said:


The main objective of “50-per-cent” is to control the supply of bitcoins and create a deflationary economic environment. By slowing the pace of production of new bitcoins, reducing them by half would help to maintain scarcity and increase the value of encrypted currencies, assuming that demand will remain stable or increase.


When does “50-50” happen?

律所Baker Botts的技术合伙人Ali Dhanani表示,没人能确切说出“减半”何时发生,但在比特币区块链的第840000个区块完成后就会发生。

According to Ali Dhanani, a technical partner in Baker Botts, no one can say exactly when the “half” occurred, but it will happen when the 840,000th block of the Bitcoin block chain is completed.


According to Blockchai.com, by the end of the week, the Bitcoin block chain had reached the 839,400th block (which is still increasing). According to Dhanani, if one block is dug up every 10 minutes, this means that “half” will occur 4.3 days after the end of the week, that is, Friday night or Saturday morning, United States East Time.


For every 210,000 blocks that have been excavated, the incentive given to miners to complete one block is “half by half”.


In the past, this took an average of about four years. The first halving took place on 26 November 2012, the second on 11 July 2016 and the third on 11 May 2020.


In addition, according to Weller, the previous “half-per-cent” occurred a few months before the start of the Bitcoin cattle cycle.


How does “50-per-cent” affect bitcoin prices?


Based on historical experience, the immediate support of halving the price of the bitcoin is limited.


According to Weller, theoretically, the impact of “half-per-cent” of the price of the bitcoin may already have been reflected, as approximate dates are known in advance.


But this time there is a new picture – never so soon after the historic high of Bitcoin. Analysts believe that this “half” could be one of the driving forces behind this year’s boom in encryption markets.


In addition, the Fed implied that the 2024 rate reduction and the introduction of the Bitcoin spot ETF earlier this year had affected the movement of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin's half, miner's gun?

相较于比特币价格,到目前为止,“减半”似乎对Marathon Digital等比特币矿商的股价影响更大。

To date, the “50-per-cent” appears to have had a greater impact on the share price of a bitcoin miner such as Marathon Digital than the Bitcoin price.

Marathon Digital股价今年以来已跌逾36%,截至周一收盘为15.15美元。

Marathon Digital's share price has fallen by more than 36 per cent since this year, with a closing of $15.15 as of Monday.

其他矿商股价年初以来也经历了暴跌,包括Riot Platforms,2024年以来跌近45%,周一收于8.57美元。

Other miners have also experienced sharp declines in stock prices since the beginning of the year, including Riot Platforms, which has fallen by almost 45 per cent since 2024 and received $8.57 on Monday.


It is well understood that “50-per-cent” directly affects mining incentives from one of the two main revenue sources of miners (the other being transaction costs), but the operating costs of miners, such as electricity, equipment, etc., will not be reduced by halving them.


This means that many miners may face profitability difficulties if Bitcoin prices and transaction costs are not substantially increased to offset the impact of the “half-per-cent” incentive.


This paper does not constitute a personal investment proposal. It does not represent a point of view. The market is at risk.


Original title: The Big Currency Circle! Halve Bitcoin, or Friday!





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