币圈热衷境外建群:群内人数可过万 现今逐渐成“死群”

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:22 评论:0
  每经记者 向江林 实习记者 刘永生 每经编辑 姚祥云Every journalist, to Jiang Lin, intern, Liu Yongsheng, every editor, Yao Xiangyun.   近日,监管方面...



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  每经记者 向江林 实习记者 刘永生 每经编辑 姚祥云

Every journalist, to Jiang Lin, intern, Liu Yongsheng, every editor, Yao Xiangyun.


In recent days, the regulatory authorities have fought against an encrypted currency, ICO, in the guise of the block chain. Moreover, the Internet has been slammed by a large number of powerful Internet players, who have seized the media's Twitter account, cut off the suspect's payment route, and shut down some of the price tags.


In fact, apart from communities such as barboards, QQ-groups, micro-messages and others, almost every currency projecter would set up a cable collection outside the country in order to avoid supervision.


However, a recent survey by Daily Economic News journalists found that, as the scheme continues to be uncovered, the currency community is gradually falling. Many of the constant clamours are turning into “deaths.”


Community size is expanding fast.


Whether it's a micro-mail or a micro-blogging, it's often seen that some people put out an ad on it, “Click and send 166,188 coins and invite their friends to another 88 coins,” which is the viral marketing that is common in ICO. The ICO projecters claim that the community is the foundation of the project and that, in order to create value, it is necessary to expand the size of the community and the number of its members. At home, the micro-messages, the QQ-groups, are their platform to nurture the community.


In April of this year, Daily Economic News journalists, when they took part in a block chain event, discovered that the project party announced that it would end the event and drop 2,000 “candies” into the field of micro-credits, which were about to land on an exchange, and that there would be a lot of scavenging. The project also said that, in addition to airdrops, participation in project activities could be rewarded every day, and that its activities would not be more than relaying the circle of friends, headlines, etc.


In just a few days, journalists joined the project group, which was marked by an official community of xx. Journalists were dragged into another group of project staff, xx by an official community of 38, showing the pace of the expansion of the project community.


In another encrypt currency micro-strategy, with exchange currency beating, the whole group is like a battlefield, everyone is exporting, one minute chatting records 99+, and everyone is afraid to miss any valuable information!


In the crowd, there are those who yell at “belief” when currency prices rise, and when currency prices fall, they say, “Run away”, which is the single-man, the pickle catalyst. The effect of the callers is enormous, and they are like human harvesters, filling you with “belief” and spiritual leverage, allowing you to chase and fall without thinking for yourself, and then to be harvested by the mansion.


With the bursting of the bubble of encrypted money since the beginning of the year, thousands of coins became air, the dealer took money and ran, and the Queens, the micro-constituents and the Queens, which had been built in a short period of time by numerous project players, were left dead, and even those who used to advertise were lazy to advertise.


The crowd has been silent.


Almost every ICO project has a high mark: the official cable collection.

  何为电报?电报(Telegram)是俄罗斯人Pavel Durov发明的一款即时通讯软件。宣称绝对保密,不需要实名认证,可私密聊天,不会经过服务器端,点对点加密,保证聊天的隐私。

Telegram is an instant communication software invented by the Russian Pavel Durov. Proclaims absolute confidentiality, no need for real name authentication, private chatting, no access to server end, point-to-point encryption, and privacy of chatting.

  Telegram 没有第三方监管,连政府也无法监控。同时,Telegram 还具有端对端加密、阅后即焚等功能。当用户阅读消息后,消息在指定的时间内(设置每条消息的有效时间)会自动销毁,一旦消息过期,就会从用户的设备上消失。并且,聊天内容不允许转发。

Telegram does not have third-party supervision, not even government surveillance. Telegram also has the ability to encrypt and burn after reading. When a user reads a message, it automatically destroys it within the specified time (set a valid time for each message) and disappears from the user’s device once the message has expired.


The ICO was originally a product, first in the world of extremes. The nature of the extremes is the pursuit of unlimited freedom and anarchy. Telegram's characteristics, for extremes and outlaws, are undesired. According to one-currency investors: “Now almost 60 to 70 per cent of the world's ICO is being promoted on Telegram, and market ownership is high.


A number of national ICO projects naturally chose Telegram, whether in the spirit of extreme hospitality or circumvention of national laws.


It is worth noting that the micro-message can accommodate up to 500 people, while the cable super-groups have a cap of 200 times the number of micro-message, amounting to 100,000. The Telegram community is significant for ICO projects, and these groups are a source of information for virtual money investors.


Daily Economic News journalists, after joining an official telegraph collection on a project, found that the telegraph collection had reached 53,600 people, and that the project team was sending ICO information in large numbers every day. Moreover, although the cable and the project team itself were registered abroad, the majority of its members were Chinese, and most of its chat language was Chinese.


However, as more and more moneys fall, even “zero” — and domestic regulation of offences such as the ICO is clearly being strengthened — these crowds today, with the exception of the officially installed robots, continue to publish ads and bring in new members from time to time. The community as a whole has been silent, as has been the case with the microscopic, QQQ, described earlier.




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