
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:24 评论:0
要问最近一段时间,最火的词是什么,很多人都会第一时间脱口而出:元宇宙!Asking what the hottest...



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Asking what the hottest word of the past time was, many people would say it first: the Yuan cosmos!



How hot is Yuan cosmos?


火到Facebook连Face都不要了,也要改名布局这个领域,前不久消息也已经出来了,Facebook正式改名 ,板块内相关概念股也迎来了狂欢。

It's not even Facebook anymore, it's got to change the name layout, it's been reported recently, Facebook has officially changed its name, and the concept unit within the plate is having a party.


(Photo Source Network)


In the past, China has registered more than 4,200 trademarks and patents related to the Won cosmos, and its capital has been concentrated. First-line investment agencies, including Redwood capital, high-rise capital, and five-source capital, have now entered the Agency's Won-Cosmos track, and even Lo Young-ho has stated that the next start-up project is the Won-Cosmos.


What's a Yuan cosmos?

元宇宙( verse)这个词起源于Neal Stephenson在1992年出版的小说《雪崩》, verse的前缀“ “,意为“超越”,其后缀“verse”则是“universe”的简写,其字面意思是一个超越宇宙的世界。根据小说的描述,主人公戴上目镜和耳机,连接电脑,就能进入一个虚构空间,这是一个现实生活平行的世界,却有一套相似的运作规则——土地可以开发,做生意需要钱和许可证,人们在那个世界里有分身,可以娱乐、交易、生活。所有现实世界中的人,在这个世界中都有一个“网络分身”。

The word verse originates from the novel Avalanche, published by Neal Stephenson in 1992, which prefixes “the meaning of “exceeding”, followed by “verse” which is a short word for “univers” which literally means a world beyond the universe. According to the novel, the owner can enter a fictional space, a world parallel to life, but with a similar set of operating rules — land can be developed, business requires money and permits, and people have separate parts in the world that can entertain, trade, and live. In all real worlds, people have a “networked” in this world.


This is the concept of the meta-cosm, for example, of the whole new world built by Avanda, where Jack uses Avata as a part of the world. And the film Player Number One, which is more consistent with the description of the meta-cosmos, can be completely immersed in a virtual space called the Oasis as soon as someone in the film wears a VR helmet, wears a sensor device and steps on a motion device.


(Photo Source Network)


In fact, for ordinary people, it was more or less close to the meta-cosmos. From the first hot QQ-space, the Q-show, to the present King's glory, microblogging, shivering, shopping for treasures, as long as you have an identity on this platform, this is your little universe, because you're running your life online.


It's just a fragmented, cut digital life. The real meta-cosm is interactive , as long as there is a unique digital identity, that is, living in the virtual world as in the real world. Imagine, with your headphones and equipment, you can ignore the real world, become a virtual incarnation, spend all day doing things like going to parties on distant Aegean islands, or going upboard boats, flying on rockets, like you're rich, and you own the world at your feet.



What's the core?


游戏是大家对“元宇宙”最早的认识,也是早期比较成熟的应用,但“元宇宙”的发展,肯定不是为了打游戏。从小说、电影中描绘的场景以及它的定义来看,“元宇宙”将是社交的终极表达方式。在“元宇宙”概念里,任何公司都可以来构建一个虚拟世界,Facebook可以构建一个虚拟游戏世界,迪士尼可以构建一个虚拟游乐园 ,亚马逊可以构建一个虚拟购物世界。这些世界要能够互联互通,还要存在一套能够统一运作的社会、经济系统。

The game is one of the earliest understandings of the meta-cosmos and its earlier and more mature applications, but the development of the meta-cosmos is certainly not intended to play games. From novels, scenes described in films, and its definition, is the ultimate expression of social interaction . In the concept of the meta-cosm, any company can build a virtual world, Facebook can build a virtual world of games, Disney can build a virtual playground, and Amazonian can build a virtual world of shopping.


Quoting the encyclopedia:

元宇宙( verse)是整合多种新技术而产生的新型虚实相融的互联网应用和社会形态,它基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,基于数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,基于区块链技术搭建经济体系,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,并且允许每个用户进行内容生产和世界编辑。

The `em' meta-cosmos' is a new, bogus Internet application and social shape that combines new technologies, providing a immersion experience based on extended reality technologies, a mirror of the real world based on digital twine technologies, building economic systems based on block-chain technologies, closely integrating the virtual world with the real world in economic systems, social systems, identity systems, and allowing each user to produce content and edit the world.


The meta-cosmium given by Roblox, the first share of the game, contains eight elements: identity, friends, immersion, low delay, pluralism, anywhere, economic systems and civilization , which are also considered to be the foundation of the meta-cosm.


So the heart of the meta-cosmos is not a game, it's not a virtual shopping, it's a change in people's interactive patterns, it's a social form.




Why is Won-Cosmos all of a sudden a fire?


As can be seen above, the concept of the meta-cosmos is not a recent one. So why has the meta-cosmos become the hottest concept in the global investment circle this year, and it is simply the year of the meta-cosmos?



There are a few major factors in this.


is first and foremost a result of technological advances. , the meta-cosmos > involves six core technologies, namely, material networking technology, block chain technology, interactive technology, video games technology, artificial intelligence technology, networks and computing technology.


To achieve a digital mapping of the real world in the virtual world, the metacosystems provide a immersional sense that requires large amounts of data to be transmitted. It is known that the resolution is 16K and more than 120 Hz is updated so that the difference between virtual and reality cannot be discerned in the eye. To achieve this level of display, the amount of data for one second is as high as 15GB. So, at present, only the high speed, low-time delay, etc. of the 5G network can support the demands of the meta-cosm on network technology.


Virtual reality technology, as an input-output device for metacosystems, is a very important link to metacosystems. Several years have passed since the VR in 2016. Virtual reality technology has made great progress, and according to IDC data, the global VR head showed an equal increase of 52.4 per cent in volume in the first quarter of 2021, with the global market head projected to produce 8.37 million goods in 2021.


The virtual world on which is based is a substitute for the real world, which means that activities in the real world will be replicated in the form of data. To achieve a truly immersed world of metacosystems, there is also a need to ensure the security and reliability of data in the virtual world, where the chain of blocks will play an important role in the stability and security of the metacosystem.


Only at a certain stage in the development of these technologies will the meta-cosmos have the basis for its realization.



The second is the digitalization process. The `strong' epidemic has advanced the global digitalization process, with people working online, going to school, shopping, all aspects of life becoming networked, digitized, and people's attention shifting from the real world to the digital world, accelerating the advent of the meta-cosm.


Third, capital needs a new blow. has to admit that the reason why the “mass universe” is so hot is because capital is “incitement.” New concepts are shrinking. Where does capital go? All looking for a new wind that can break through. Although the “mass universe” is still a long way off, the emergence of the “mass cosmos” has undoubtedly ignited a long-silent enthusiasm for capital markets. At present, there are at least 25 related concept shares in the A market, Sino-Singbao, Gore shares, digital visualization, Internet access technology, etc.



, fourth of its kind, the warmth of celebrity. Since this year, many celebrities have begun to play the concept of the meta-cosm.

英伟达创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋在自家的厨房里做了主题演讲,什么都是假的,厨房是假的,人也是假的;Facebook改名 ,扎克伯格在自家的虚拟会议室接受了VR采访;元宇宙游戏第一股Roblox上市了,市值超过了500亿美元;知名歌手在《堡垒之夜》上发起虚拟演唱会,参与玩家超过1200万人……

The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Yvettea Wong In-hoon gave a keynote address in his kitchen. Everything was fake, the kitchen was fake, and people were fake. Facebook changed and Zuckerberg gave an interview with VR in his virtual conference room. Roblox, the first share of the Woncosmos game, was on the market, with a market value of over $50 billion.


Events such as these have drawn public attention and added fire to the “megaspace”.



And what's the relationship between the meta-cosmos and the film, what's going to change in the era of the meta-cosmos, what's going to happen in content creation, cinema shows, and how the cinema expands the AR/VR consumption scene, and we'll elaborate on it in the next post.



This post is part of our special coverage Global Voices.



1. 百度百科“元宇宙”词条

1. & nbsp; 100-degree encyclopedia of the dollar universe

2. 元宇宙为什么突然就火了?是炒作概念还是未来发展的必然趋势?文|腾讯自媒体 宙语

Why does the Yuan cosmos suddenly get on fire? Is that the idea or the inevitable trend in the future?

3. 中国式元宇宙该如何炼成  文 | ToB新人类

3. & nbsp; how the Chinese dollar cosmos should be developed into & nbsp; & nbsp; ToB New Humanity

4. 元宇宙究竟是什么?有什么核心技术 文|散户小韭菜 知乎

What exactly is the metaspace? What's the core technology?




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