法律分析 USDT的交易合规问题

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:27 评论:0
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BTC’s prices have recently risen dramatically, breaking the $20,000 mark for the first time, and briefly rising to $24,000. Industry predicts that BTC’s market value may have reached a new historical high.


Digital currencies are also beginning to be recognized by a growing number of traditional financial institutions. However, more investors are more willing to deal with the USDT, which is less volatile than the more volatile BTC. USDT, by virtue of its own stable value, has become the world-renowned best value for money. This paper proposes to study, within the framework of Chinese law, the legal attributes of the USDT and related legal issues in the course of transactions.


I. What's a USDT?

  USDT(简称泰达币,即U币)是注册于马恩岛和香港的Tether公司于2014年11月左右推出的基于美元(USD)的稳定价值的代币Tether USD。Tether 公司承诺严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。USDT的发行初始采用的是Omni协议,之后又陆续使用ETH网络上的 ERC20协议和Tron网络的TRC-20协议发行。USDT发行和交易均基于公有链,可实现交易的不可篡改和可追溯,达到交易过程与交易结果的透明性目的。

The USDT (Tedarcoin, Ubi) is a proxy for the stable value of the United States dollar (USD), introduced around November 2014 by Tether, a company registered in the Isle of Man and Hong Kong. The Tether company undertakes to adhere strictly to the 1:1 reserve guarantee that each issue of a USDT token will have a $1 guarantee in its bank account. The USDT was initially issued using the Omni agreement, followed by the ERC20 agreement on the ETH network and the TRC-20 agreement on the Tron network.


It should be noted that BTC is an encrypted digital currency with a higher degree of decentralisation than USDT, which is not per se anchored to specific physical or value; whereas USDT is issued by a particular subject on the basis of a block chain, and the issuer undertakes to pay USD in a fixed proportion to the United States dollar.

  二、USDT 的法律属性

II, USDT legal attributes


$DT is the legal currency


Pursuant to article 19 of the revised draft People's Bank of China Law issued by the People's Bank of China on 23 October 2020,


“The renminbi includes both physical and digital forms. ”


Therefore, the renminbi, in the form of figures issued by the People’s Bank of China, is also the legal currency.


Since USDT and Libra are regulatoryly similar in many ways, neither has a state credit support or a central regulatory mechanism, and the relevant state regulatory policy is lacking to regulate them. Central bank experts Xin Xin Xing mentioned that Libra is not monetary in nature.


USDT is a dollar coupon


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the letter dated 5 July 2000 from the Office of the People's Bank of China on the determination of the nature of shopping cards (the silver letter), article 19 of the Law of the People's Bank of China, the Provisional Regulations on Cash Management and the Circular of the State Council on the Prohibition of the Printing, Sending, Purchase and Use of Bills of Purchase of Various Currency Forms, it has been determined that the following elements should normally be present:


1. A certain amount of money;


2. A certain span of time;


3. Use and circulation within a certain range, with the possibility of purchasing non-specific commodities;


4. Unnamed and unscathed.


The issuer commits the USDT to an anchor against the dollar, with a certain amount of money; the USDT is not used for a certain period of time; the USDT can be used and circulated within a certain range, with the possibility of purchasing unspecific digital currencies; and there is no missing name. But there are no relevant systems and conditions to guarantee the stability of the USDT value. Thus, in its traditional economic and financial sphere outside the digital currency sphere, the USDT does not exist as a dollar coupon.


USDT is a United States dollar foreign exchange asset


According to the Enterprise Accounting Standard 19-Foreign Currency Translation, a foreign currency is a currency other than the currency in which the business is accounted for. Domestic enterprises should normally choose the renminbi as the currency in which the account is maintained.


Foreign exchange in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Regulations of the People's Republic of China is defined as the means of payment and assets that can be used for international settlement, expressed in the following foreign currencies:


(i) Foreign currency banknotes, including banknotes, moorings;


(ii) Certificates of payment in foreign currency or instruments of payment, including notes, bank certificates, bank cards, etc.;


(iii) Foreign currency marketable securities, including bonds, equities, etc.;




(v) Other foreign exchange assets.


In my view, since the USDT is currently limited to digital money only, it is not directly convertible in most other areas of finance, nor can it be used as a means of payment without conditions in other countries. Therefore, the USDT is not an offshore-approved financial product that differs significantly from the traditional norm of foreign exchange and is not a foreign exchange asset, but may in the future be recognized as a United States dollar foreign exchange asset in certain specific areas of digital asset transactions.

  三、USDT 交易过程中的其他法律问题

III, USDT other legal issues in the course of transactions


is suspected of illegal business


According to article 225 of the Criminal Code, the offence of illegal business is defined as an offence against the provisions of the State and includes one of the following:


(i) Unauthorized operations of specialises, articles or other restricted items provided for in laws, administrative regulations;


(ii) Trade in export/import licences, certificates of origin for import/export, and business licences or authorization documents provided for in other laws and administrative regulations;


(iii) a person who illegally carries out securities, futures or insurance operations, or an illegal financial settlement business, without the approval of the competent national authority;


(iv) other illegal activities that disturb the order of the market, in serious circumstances.


At present, there are no specific domestic provisions on licensing or exclusive licence plates such as the USDT dealer's transaction in virtual currency, but only provisions such as the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing (prohibition of money issue financing activities), even less provisions on criminal liability and related criminal justice interpretations of the USDT dealer's transactions, and it has been found from online searches of adjudicative documents that the mere purchase and sale of USDT is generally not criminalized as an offence of illegal business.


is suspected of being a legal risk to the illicit trade in foreign currency


The offence of illegal trade in foreign currency is considered to be a serious offence committed by institutions, units or individuals in China, foreign agencies and their employees in China, and other foreigners in China, in violation of the relevant national legal provisions on foreign exchange, for the purpose of profiting from illegal interests, and for the purpose of buying or selling foreign currency in a disguised manner. At the same time, under the relevant provisions of the Supreme People's Court, the illegal trade in foreign currency amounts to more than $200,000, and the illegal sale of more than 50,000 yuan in foreign currency constitutes the offence of illegal trade in foreign currency.


On the basis of the criminal offence of illegal trade in foreign currency in practice, two main categories are summarized:

  1. 未通过外汇指定银行、外汇调剂中心而私自买卖外汇。比如机构或者个人的外汇收入,没有卖给中国银行,没有通过指定银行或外汇调剂中心进行。

1. Foreign exchange is not bought or sold privately through foreign exchange designated banks or foreign exchange transfer centres.

  2. 私自买卖外汇额度。根据我国相关法律规定,拥有外汇使用额度的单位必须在规定的范围内使用,不能将所拥有的外汇使用额度,非法买卖给他人,进而从中牟取非法利益。

2. Privately buy and sell foreign exchange amounts.


Since USDT cannot be sold directly to the designated bank and there is no USDT-related amount of foreign currency use, the purchase and sale of USDT is not considered to be the sale of foreign currency, which, according to the author, is considered to be illegal.


Other legal risks

  1. 涉嫌反洗钱、反恐怖融资。

1. Suspected of anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing.


Users often face the phenomenon of “freezing cards” in the course of USDT transactions, which may be linked to money-laundering, criminal investigation of counter-terrorist financing, or even directly constitute a criminal offence of money-laundering or terrorist financing.


2. Suspected of violations of capital controls and foreign exchange controls.


If the USDT transaction violates capital controls, foreign exchange control activities, it may trigger a violation of the criminal laws on capital controls, foreign exchange controls and even directly constitutes a corresponding offence.


3. Suspected of offences against property (e.g. fraud, theft) against the order of financial administration (e.g. unlawful collection of funds).


Since there is no relevant law regulating the USDT, user financial security is not guaranteed and fraud, theft, illegal fund-raising, etc. can occur.


Currently, the markets for encrypted money are changing rapidly, and the behaviour of large offshore institutions is uncertain, and investors should be careful to invest.


Global Block Chain Compliance Coalition


“to establish industry standards for block chains, strengthen industry self-regulation, jointly maintain good market order and industry environment, provide theoretical guidance for industry health development and promote sustainable industrial health development”.




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