
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:39 评论:0
“在加州的内华达山脉里淘金盛行的时候,近在咫尺的中央谷地再肥沃也没有人会去安心耕种了。”谈及当下火热的区块链行业,一位互联网投资人这样向《中国经营报》记者说道。& & ldquo; when gold was fou...



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& & ldquo; when gold was found in the Nevada Mountains in California, no one would be able to grow in the near-foot central valley. & & rdquo; on the burning sector of the block chain, an Internet investor told a reporter of the China Business.


Even though authoritative media such as Xinhua, the Ministry of Trade and Communications and some sectors of the industry have repeatedly stressed that block chains are still at an early stage of development, the myth of digital money-rich, such as Bitcoin, still attracts a large number of players with violent dreams in this emerging technological field.


China Business journalists began with the industry of the block chain and the current high-heat application scene, bringing feature stories and an in-depth analysis of the & ldquao; & & rdquao; & & & & & rdquao; and & & & rdquao;


On the afternoon of 23 July, a road show on the block chain project is under way in Beijing’s 43-block courtyard. According to the head of the organizer JRR (a body that hatches and invests mainly from the block chain project), it is a & ldquo; inside the circle & & rdquo;


In the PPT, all projects and companies are named in English, the company is registered abroad, and the founders, executives, and almost all foreigners. In addition, there are four representatives of investment agencies specializing in investment block chain projects, as well as more than a dozen block chain media.


These projects are known to be in the areas of online music platforms, chips, mobile payments, etc.


At the end of the road show, China Business journalists asked each of the project leaders who had just won a lot of credit: &ldquao; and who were your competitors in the mainland China region? & & rdquao. The answers were tasting music, web-yun music, Ari's shrimp music, in addition to UNDG, micro-mail payments, payment of treasures, Silver Union, USA, VISA&helip; and …


Interestingly, when journalists questioned the location of the projects, the persons present did not answer directly, but instead asked: &ldquao; why was the traditional media involved in the activities of the individuals in the chain of blocks? & & rdquao;


In the interview, the journalist found that the somewhat mysterious & ldquao; the inner circle & ldquao; in essence, the & ldquao; and the conspiracy & rdquao;


& & ldquo; this circle is a little closed, often just a few. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


The coin ring referred to in Zhang Yiu is a large group within the block chain industry and is associated with it.


& & ldquo; chains and coin rings are an early division of the block chain, where people are thought to be mainly research technologies and commercial developments, and where the currency circles focus on investment. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; ; & & ; & & & & & ; & ;


One of the important reasons for mixing is the close relationship between the block chain and the digital currency.


Each enterprise mentions that it has issued, or is preparing to issue, a digital currency. In terms of the basic properties of the block chain, especially the public chain, which currently has the highest heat (a form in the block chain), to allow ordinary users to use the public chain designed by the developers and to dig deep into its intrinsic value, it is necessary to give users the incentives to do so, which are delivered only in the form of token, the so-called digital currency.


Token's value, on the other hand, reflects to some extent the value of this block chain network.


So far, there have been a series of attempts by such enterprises as the Thunderbolts. In a reporter’s interview with the ThunderCeo Chen in May this year, the reporter presented a blueprint for the establishment of a rapid minefield chain ecology: &ldquao; the need to build a fast-trapped block chain with a high number of high-level upper-block chain applications. & rdquao;


In the rapid-mined block chain ecology, the chain-gram is the Token in the network, where services can be purchased for upper-level applications.


& & ldquo; The richer the application scene, the more the variety, the smoother the token flow, the higher the value of the token and the chain. If the circulation scene is less or less, then the token value is zero and the air currency. & rdquo; this is the expression of the Token value by a chain-k holder, Lui Sun.


On the scene of that day, Zhang Peng, the operator of a block chain consulting firm, told journalists that token needed to circulate in an digestable setting (i.e., it could circulate in exchange for certain services or goods), so that token and even the block chain would have the backing and endorsement of real assets, and even if it entered the secondary market with a realistic reference, the bubble could be avoided to some extent.


& ldquo; but 90% of the existing block chain projects cannot land. So most of the digital currency you see is air currency. & & & ldquo; Zhang Peng says, & ldquo; this is the result we have observed in the last few years, for a number of reasons, including user habits, commercial immaturity, mechanism design gaps, regulatory policies, etc.


However, each of the parties on the site has either issued a currency, or is preparing to conduct an ICO (first-time issue) or will be on the digital currency exchange.

移动支付项目Bizkey的负责人Scarlett Zhang便向本报记者透露,在去年完成A轮融资后,未有其他融资,也不再计划进行融资,公司正寻求登陆数字货币交易所。

Scarlett Zhang, the head of the mobile payment project Bizkey, revealed to journalists in this newspaper that, following the completion of the A round of finance last year, no other financing was available and no further financing was planned, and the company was seeking access to the digital currency exchange.


The Director of the Industrial Economic Research Institute of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, Yu Jia Ning, stated that the logic of the investment in communion equity of block-link projects was completely different from that of traditional equity financing, and that block-link projects, even if equity financing were to take place, would stop at the Angel or A wheels.


In this way, many insiders, such as Wang Xing, explain to journalists in this newspaper & & & & & & & & & & ; this is a financing path similar to that of traditional Internet companies, which often require multiple rounds of financing and end up applying for IPOs. But, after completing up to two rounds of finance, the traditional mode of financing stopped, and then started an IPO-like operation in which investors received token through ICO, and then totoken became more mobile and more expensive.


As a result, two key steps of the ICO and the Arrival Digital Currency Exchange became & ldquao; IPO & rdquao in the eyes of the investors of the Block Chain Project.


However, under the constraints of a variety of factors, a block chain project, ranging from the introduction of mechanisms to the development of networks to the ICO to the landing of a digital currency exchange, requires the approval of investors, which is not easy.


& ldquo; your fears are somewhat superfluous. In fact, there's already a mature chain of industries, they're out of the circle of traditional businesses and Internet companies, so you don't know from outside. ” one of the authors of a section of the chain media pyrotechnics says.


The Block Chain Project, Block Chain Media, Communities, Digital Currency Wallet, Digital Currency Exchange, is the prototype of the so-called Industrial Chain.


The existence of this chain was also confirmed by the presentation of the investment experience by Chen Weising, the original founder and investor of the block chain, in an interview with the journalist in this newspaper.


& ldquo; before I invest, I figured out what role the whole block chain ecological needs are, such as the need for exchanges, chips, media, wallets, rating agencies, analysis of management data, and then the best at each link. &rdquao; says Chen Weising.


& & & ldquo; now that only a very small number of projects are on the ground, and most of them in the United States, domestic projects must be funded by working with each of the following circles, with media and community helping to promote, then writing ICO's white papers, and finding ways to put token in their wallets, and finally convincing exchange reviewers. & & rdquo; the above-mentioned sector chain media authors say, & ldquo; good ecological stories are what every block chain project must do, so that people who have no doubt about the future value of the block chain or speculators can pay for it, which is common in the domestic industrial chain. & & rdquao;


At the end of the road show, Zhang Peng revealed to the newspaper's reporters the main purpose of the event: “ many of the projects on the ground have already been invested in the field, so it should be more for the media and the community to tell the story, so they prefer to be seen by influential media and wallets in the circle. So when outsiders, outside media, are present, they are surprised that the audience is not in line with their position or even excluded.


In the summer of 2017, Kim, who graduated from college, was already a winner on the start-up line.


Kim told reporters that $200,000 came from writing a white paper on ICO for the block chain project, with a remuneration of $20,000 to $30,000 each. Between 2017 and the first half of 2018, nine generations of labour fees became the first barrel of gold.


& & ldquo; it's hard to start writing white papers, because they're too professional and ingenious, and then they draw on other items, because they're very different. I don't fully understand what's written in them, but there's usually a set of ways in which models can't be written too clearly and have to be slightly understood, but technical details are very professional. ” gold novels, many of which repeat money and publish white papers.


In 2017, Li laughter, known as “ ” “ Bitcoin's richest & rdquo; also said the same thing. At the same time, before the ICO had been shut down by the domestic regulatory authorities, through the laughter of Li, who had received a large number of social fans from the APP platform, became a star in the chain of public opinion through the ICO, but each published white paper was obscure, and then when ICO, Li laughed to stop publishing the white paper on the grounds that & & ldquo; you didn't understand it anyway. & & rdquo;


& & ldquo; the industry as a whole is now generally distorted, and this is an incentive for wealth rather than for value creation. Most entrepreneurs may not even look at the white paper, their own white paper is not well-written, their code is not well-read, and they don't think about it, just how to get more money. & & rdquao; Chen Weising is like saying.


Chen Wei Xing has expressed his views to this newspaper reporter on the current multiplicity of block chain projects: & & ldquo; now the whole market has a capital dividend, the wealth effect is obvious, and the bubble rises; & & rdquao;


There is no doubt that starting with the ICO, and going to the Digital Currency Exchange, this is a good time to double assets. An early investor in Etherburgh who was reluctant to reveal his name told his reporter about the process of the wealth eruption: “ I had an occasional experience in the United States in early 2014, when I learned about the Etheria project, when it was less than 10 dollars, and now it's nearly 2,000 dollars, and I got more than 200 times the return.


& ldquo; The real winners of the block chain, who entered before 2016, are now more than 100-fold, or even 10,000-fold, in return, and are often very low-key since then. The returns they've received have been very vexing. &rdquao; Zhang Peng says.


Compared to mature and well-known block chain projects such as Etheria, Rapo, EOS and others, there are no block chain applications and platforms in the country that are associated with them.


But the enthusiasm of capital markets has not diminished so far, starting with the concept unit of the block chain, which has soared in the global stock market in late 2017, and going to local block chain meetings, with the vision of decentralizing and confidence-building mechanisms that many practitioners have longed for.


In addition to the road show on 23 July, journalists in the newspaper note that similar events are held almost daily in the main second-line cities throughout the country, often with reference to the company's background, the place of registration, the server and the executive team are overseas.

Scarlett Zhang在向本报记者介绍项目落地时表示:“我们的业务核心是中国大陆,现在围绕海外市场展开。”

Scarlett Zhang, introducing the reporter to the site of the project, said: & ldquao; our core business is mainland China and now revolves around overseas markets. & rdquao;


Questioning the contradictions, the journalist explained: “ the policy environment in the country is harsh, so we choose to expand our business abroad, watch quietly, and come back as soon as it matures. & rdquao;


As to how to verify the project’s reliability, this newspaper’s reporter was introduced to an assessment model called the smartchain block chain asset. The team’s credibility, technological sophistication, market dynamism, project management and strategic positioning are the main categories of identification for the tender.


With respect to the currency, it is clear that most block chain asset counterpart projects are in the early stages, that project operations pose risks, that high liquidity and rapid price changes and volatility make them vulnerable to over-exploitation, and that the anonymity of transactions may involve money-laundering risks, and that there is a general lack of a relatively sophisticated regulatory regime around the world.

“目前大部分发币项目从本质上并没有真正利用区块链技术,只是打着区块链的旗号,获得了与实际价值完全不相符的估值。有的项目的所谓创新根本不去与实体经济融合,脱离了实体经济的需求,完全是投机甚至是欺诈的行为。” 阳光七星投资集团主席兼首席执行官吴征近日在接受本报记者采访时表达了自己对行业热度的看法,“区块链和AI等技术的意义是赋能,而不是颠覆。”

& & & ldquo; Most of the current money distribution projects do not really use block chain technology in essence, but simply flag the block chain and get valuations that are totally incompatible with real values. Some of the so-called innovations are simply not integrated with the real economy, are divorced from the needs of the real economy, and are purely speculative or even fraudulent. & & rdquo; U, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sunshine Seven Investments Group, in an interview with a journalist in this newspaper, recently expressed his views on industry heat, & & ldquao; the meaning of block chain and AI technology is empowerment, not subversion. & & & rdquao;


Source: China Business Report.


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