At the 2023 Global Conference on Digital Fashion Innovation and the Convergence of Fraternal Fashion Summit, “Time and Space Beyond, Plural Integration” — a forum on meta-coastal fashion — Zhejiang University's Media and International Cultural Institute, researcher and doctoral student mentor, Jo Yope, Director of the Centro de Investigación de Investigación y Innovación Culturale, shared the technical support and conceptual convergence of the Eurocosm at the time of the Web3.0, and developed the dynamics and market potential of the current meta-cosm challenges, but prospects for the future remain considerable.
From web1.0 to web3.0, we have been inspired and shocked. So what are we going to do in the web3.0? What are we looking for? What are our happiness indices?
In the web1.0 to web3.0, we go through a process that can read, write, participate and create. So at web3.0, at least we can see that the most widely applied industries are digital people, electric competitions, games.
If we can understand that there are portals, integrations, automation in the meta-cosmos platform, and now we can see in our eyes that everyone can consume the experience, it is its portal, the domain of the digital person.
When we look at the relationship between the digital person and the meta-cosm, the wider theory is that it's “physically transmitted.” It can be easily understood, for example, that each of us is now very dependent on mobile phones, computers, the mouse is an extension of hands, and computers are a part of the body. Together with the glasses that apples have published in the previous period, we can also see that our lives and machines are moving from being interactive to being human. So in the future, the meta-cosm, too, we can achieve sustainable presence through different digital people.
对于数字人现在有3种技术形态,分别是萌宠类、超写实类以及高保真类。那么从它具备的社会身份和应用场景来看,我把它划分为虚拟主播、虚拟偶像、虚拟员工以及其他应用。 Digital people now have three forms of technology: pets, super-writtens, and high-security. So, in terms of its social identity and application, I divide it into virtual anchors, virtual icons, virtual employees, and other applications. 这个产业链现在已经形成了相对比较完整的上中下游。在上游链,无论是从软硬设备端,它都在做很大程度的降维。以前最开始要几十万做出来的高保真类的数字人,到现在可能几十块钱就能做高保真的数字人。在这个行业发展动力当中,我们通过研究也发现,它还是离不开这三大维度。 The industrial chain has now formed a relatively complete upper-middle-down. In the upstream chain, whether from the end of a soft and hard device, it is doing a great deal of decomposition. 第一需要非常强大的动捕技术的支持;第二,粉丝文化;第三,市场潜力。那么基于这3个行业发展动力,现在数字人也产生了非常多的应用效果。 The first requires the support of very powerful technology for hunting; the second, the culture of fans; and the third, the potential of the market. So, based on the dynamics of these three industries, there are now a lot of applications from the digital population. 总体而言,数字人的行业从目前来看,我们可以说是处在了认知图谱的阶段,包括现在的自然语言处理,知识图谱、知识推理,都可以赋能我们未来数字人做更多人机交互的一些行为。比如说现在的数字人可以看到很多时候还是通过提前预录的形式做一些形象展示。但是在AIGC,尤其是ChatGPT出现之后,我们可以看到数字人可以做更多带有拟人化、人机交互,有情感共鸣的应用场景。 In general, the digital industry is currently at a stage of cognitive mapping, including the current natural language processing, knowledge mapping, intellectual reasoning, which can empower us to do more human interactions with future digitals. For example, the digital population can see more often than not a visual presentation in the form of pre-recorded recordings. But, after the appearance of AIGC, especially ChatGPT, we can see that digital individuals can do more applications with intuitive, interactive and emotional resonance.
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