
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:25 评论:0
智能合约能够完全颠覆现有商业逻辑。目前,区块链技术和加密货币引起了广泛讨论,然而在区块链上可自动执行的智能合约却时常被忽视或甚至被误解。Smart contracts can completely subvert existing busi...



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Smart contracts can completely subvert existing business logic. At present, block chain technology and encrypted currency are widely discussed, yet smart contracts that can be automatically executed on block chains are often ignored or even misunderstood.


The Internet has completely subverted the way people handle information and connectivity, and, similarly, intelligent contracts will fundamentally change the way individuals and organizations agree and fulfil their commitments.


Large-scale applications of strong and reliable smart contracts will be the cornerstone of ensuring the smooth functioning of society. Everything in our lives, including jobs, entertainment, financial agreements, trade terms, etc., depends on the fulfilment of commitments.


This paper discusses the difference between smart contracts and traditional ones, and how smart contracts bring about fundamental social change.


What's a smart contract?


Smart contracts are highly determinative, tamper-proof and reliable digitized agreements that operate on decentralized block chains.


There are two main advantages to intellectual contracts that are relatively standardized in traditional contracts.


First, the records in smart contracts are credible and shared. Because the contents of smart contracts are very secure, parties do not even have to back up, which would be of great value to modern businesses, which often have multiple sectors that conflict with work processes due to a lack of a single credible record.


In other words, smart contracts are highly certain. Traditional contracts sometimes cannot be executed as agreed because of mistakes or the unwillingness of one of the parties to perform.


How does a smart contract run in the backstage?


Most exchanges today require a credible third party to deal with counter-party risks posed by the inability of a party to a transaction to perform. Direct dealings with strangers can be risky and inefficient.


The block chain is decentralized to remove middlemen from transactions and to safeguard the trust of both parties. The block chain replaces a credible third party with a more open and secure agreement, which both parties trust, but cannot influence or control. The block chain replaces a centralized server with a decentralised computer network, runs the same software, processes and records transactions in the network in a shared ledger. The distribution calculation guarantees the accuracy of the books, while the decentralized network guarantees the security of the books.


Smart contracts are a script language on the block chain, with an if/then condition added to the script that allows transactions on the block chain to mirror contracts in the real world. For example, if the asset price reaches a certain price on a given date, the payment to the counterparty is done.


For example, data entry into a smart contract can be an asset’s market price at a given point in time, while data output can be an operation in a real world triggered by a smart contract. Data output covers a wide range of issues, including payments, data transmission, account balance updates, access rights, etc.


For such smart contracts, Chainlink is a decentralised network that reliably connects smart contracts to anti-fouling APIs using prophecies. Once decentralised block chains and prophecies are combined, smart contracts can achieve a high degree of certainty and anti-fouling throughout the implementation of the contracts.


What's the value of smart contracts?


Traditional contracts are based on probability, while smart contracts have certainty. Once placed in a block chain, smart contracts are executed strictly by code. Because smart contracts are self-executing, both parties cannot change terms or break agreements.


In a world of probability, many companies deliberately or unwittingly fail to fulfil their contracts. To resolve disputes arising from failure to perform, companies employ a large number of lawyers, accountants, and customers to draft contracts, track payments and deal with complaints from their counterparts.


Auto-execution: Smart contracts automatically execute back-end processes, including hosting, maintenance, triggering and settlement, using decentralised network structures. Once the contract code is completed and sent to block chains, the contract is executed strictly in accordance with the code, and human intervention is impossible. Therefore, the company’s associated operating costs are significantly reduced throughout the life cycle of the contract.


Reliability: Smart contracts are highly autonomous, so they are much more reliable than trading through intermediaries. Since there are no middlemen, they cannot bribe middlemen or attack them, nor will there be server downtimes.


Efficientness: Smart contracts are extremely efficient compared to digital agreements executed through third parties. Both parties do not need to manually enter data and wait for the other party to handle the transaction, nor do they need an intermediary to handle the transaction.


Which industries are best suited to apply smart contracts?


As Chainlink’s White Paper states, smart contracts are initially best suited to three areas, namely insurance, financial derivatives, and trade finance. In these three sectors, trust is essential, and trust is precisely what smart contracts solve.




Insurance products allow people to engage in high-risk economic activities that would otherwise have been avoided. But because of the lack of trust in the insurance system, people do not even want to buy insurance.


Smart contracts will reshape the relationship of trust between insurance companies and customers, using decentralised networks and artificial interventions in automating replacements.


For example, many industrial equipment has been equipped with a material-networked sensor. Sensors detect equipment failures and automatically trigger insurance contracts, which are automatically enforced and paid directly to the company’s insurance clients.


Smart contracts can also be used to calculate premium discounts automatically, for example for health insurance based on bioindicators, or for car insurance based on vehicle driving data. Complex premium models take more time to develop, while simple premium models such as tourism insurance have been developed (e.g. Fizzy, developed by Ansein).


Financial derivatives:


The financial derivatives sector can also use smart contracts to build confidence. The derivatives market is so large that it is expected to be between $10 trillion and $1 trillion. The high value but low level of trust in the financial derivatives industry may delay payment or direct non-payment by the parties to the transaction.


Smart contracts guarantee timely payment and automate most of the back-end processing of contracts. At the same time, they simplify operations by eliminating intermediaries and manual processes.


Smart contracts are expected to reduce individual lending costs by $480-960, and to reduce individual lending costs in the United States and Europe by a total of $3-110 billion. If we had smart contracts in 2008, we would achieve greater transparency in information and reduce the impact of the subprime crisis.


All types of financial institutions (banks, hedge funds and financial enterprises) package millions of loans, cut them and sell them back as investment products. These loans are neither transparent nor reliable.


If a smart contract is used, each loan applicant will have a separate record that is readily accessible.


If smart contracts were applied before the 2008 financial crisis, would financial institutions also abuse credit default swaps (CDS) derivatives?


Trade finance:


Finally, the trade finance industry suffers from inefficiencies and high rates of error due to outdated systems. Most agreements still exist in the form of paper-based contracts, so that the process is extremely slow and likely to result in human error.


What's next?


Smart contracts will bring about dramatic changes in numerous industries, including identity management, banking/payment, currency stabilization, supply chains, real estate/property records, gambling, intellectual property rights and health-care records.


While the development of smart contracts is still in its early stages, their real value is obvious. In the real world, competition is strong, so all firms will pursue more cost-effective contracts. The key issue is not whether these firms “ &rdquao; applied smart contracts; & & & & & & quo; will apply. Usually, when new technologies emerge, one or two companies may try to create several successful applications, and then the entire market will follow suit in order to maintain a competitive advantage.


The Chainlink team believes that it is only a matter of time before smart contracts become industry standards. However, if smart contracts become the main form of digital contracts, they must be decentralized, tamper-proof, and reliable throughout the process.




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