According to Xinchaincaijing.com, Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash: What's the difference between BTC and BCH?
比特币(BTC)和比特币现金(BCH )有着超越名字的相似之处。比特币是第一种被创造出来的加密货币,通常被视为数字黄金,或“黄金2.0”加密货币被视为价值存储和通胀对冲。而比特币现金是一种加密货币,旨在充当数字现金,其支持者试图确保它便宜且易于使用。BCH是通过所谓的硬叉子BTC,这意味着两种资产共享交易历史,共同的代码基础和更多。硬分叉是对比特币等加密货币区块链背后的开源软件的彻底升级。当与区块链的最新版本产生永久性分歧,并且运行网络的一些计算机不再符合共识时,就会发生这种情况。这就在区块链上产生了一个分叉,一边继续遵循旧规则,另一边遵循一套新规则。
bitcoin (BTC) and bitcoin cash (BCH) have a similarity beyond their names. Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency created, usually considered digital gold, or “gold 2.0” encrypted currency, is considered a value deposit and inflation hedge. Bitcoin cash is an encrypted currency designed to act as digital cash, and its supporters seek to ensure that it is cheap and easy to use. BCH is a so-called hard fork, which means sharing the history of two asset transactions, a common code base and more. The hard fork is a complete upgrade of the open source software behind the chain of encrypted currency blocks, such as a bitcoin. This happens when there is a permanent disagreement with the latest version of the block chain and some computers running the network no longer conform to consensus. This creates a split on the block chain, which continues to follow the old rules and a new set of rules on the other side .
since birth, there has been a circulation of questions about whether Bitcoins can be effectively scaled up and become a widely used global currency. Encrypted currency uses block chain technology, which allows it to be centralized and resistant to censorship.
for example, Visa, the paying provider, currently handles 150 million transactions per day, an average of 1,700 transactions per second. The company says it can even make it 24,000 transactions per second.
The Bitcoin block chain can handle about seven transactions every second in its current state. This difference is amazing and, as the number of network users increases, each transaction is essentially composed of data.
这些数据存储在区块链上,可以看作是一系列数据块。比特币网络上的每个区块被限制为1 MB的数据。随着网络需求的增长,大量未确认的交易开始形成。
The data are stored on the block chain and can be considered a series of data blocks. Each block on the Bitcoin network is limited to 1 MB data. As network demand increases, a large number of unconfirmed transactions begin to form.
在某些时候,积压的交易有100 000多项等待确认。网络决定哪些交易可以进行,哪些不可以进行的方式是基于每笔交易的费用。费用越高,交易处理越快。
The backlog of transactions is sometimes over 100,000 awaiting confirmation. The network determines which transactions can and cannot be done in a manner based on the cost of each transaction. The higher the cost, the faster the transaction is processed.
At a time of network congestion and increased competition for limited space, transaction costs could soar to a transaction at a cost of up to $58, excluding some users from the network.
为了解决比特币的可扩展性问题,该社区分为两个主要解决方案:一个是增加块大小,以允许更多的交易适合每个块,另一个是通过第二层解决方案保持1 MB的块大小和规模。
To address the expansion of Bitcoin, the community is divided into two main solutions: one is to increase the size of the block to allow more transactions to suit each block, and the other is to maintain the size and size of the 1 MB through the second tier of the solution.
Both solutions have a trade-off, and over time their proposals will only create more and more divisions in the community, as both sides begin to accuse each other of some form of manipulation. This debate eventually leads to a difficult split.
May 23, 2017, a closed meeting of a number of Bitcoin entrepreneurs and miners representing more than 85% of their computing capacity to secure the network was held to determine the future of BTC. So-called SegWit2x upgrades.
SegWit2x旨在通过实施隔离见证(SegWit)来帮助比特币扩展,这是一种在有限的块空间之外“隔离”一些数据并将块大小调整为2 MB的升级,将通过硬分叉来实现。该提议遭到了社区的反对,因为比特币的主要代码库没有得到代表,它被视为一种集中力量。
SegWit2x aims to help Bitcoin expand by implementing SegWit, an upgrade to “segregate” some data outside a limited space and resize the block to 2 MB, which will be achieved by hard fork. The proposal was opposed by the community, as Bitcoin's main code bank was not represented and it was considered a concentration force.
In the scale-up debate, those who support small blocks opposed increasing the size of blocks, as it would increase the size of the block chain. They argued that this would make it more difficult to hold a complete node and could centralize encryption and make it more vulnerable. On the other hand, those who support the larger block advocated faster solutions, fearing that the rising transaction costs of BTC would undermine the development of encrypted currency.
The debate eventually led to a difficult split, as those who supported the larger blocks decided to split the bitcoin block chain on August 1, 2017. The fork created bitcoin cash, an encrypted currency, and its supporters saw it as a continuation of the original vision of medium-breathing.
The difference between bitcoin and bitcoin cash over time is growing because each web developer has a different goal. The difference between the two encrypted currencies becomes so great that they are now regarded as completely different assets in the community.
strong> difficulty adjustment
A major difference between bitcoin and bitcoin cash is the inclusion of a difficulty adjustment algorithm for BCH. Because the two networks use the same SHA-256 Hash scheme, bitcoin miners can move to bitcoin cash when mining on bitcoin cash networks becomes more profitable.
means that the computing power behind the network may vary considerably, given the volatility of the market. The difficulty adjustment algorithm ensures that a stable block is generated every 10 minutes. If they lag behind the plan, the difficulty is halved, and if they are ahead of schedule, double.
主要区别与每个网络的块大小有关。虽然比特币保持1 MB的块大小,但随着比特币现金的出现,块大小已经增长到32 MB。这意味着现在在BCH上的交易成本不到一便士,每秒钟可以处理多达200笔交易。
The main difference relates to the size of a block in each network. Although Bitcoin maintains a block size of 1 MB, the size of the block has grown to 32 MB with the emergence of bitcoin cash. This means that now the transaction costs less than a penny on BCH, and up to 200 transactions can be processed every second.
由于比特币现金没有处理足够多的交易来填充其额外的块空间,区块链的规模没有像预测的那样呈指数增长。比特币SV(巴-斯-沃三氏综合征)——一种通过比特币现金分叉创造的加密货币——正在寻求将其块大小提高到1 TB,其区块链的大小现在比比特币的大得多。
The size of the block chain has not increased exponentially as projected because bitcoin cash does not handle enough transactions to fill its extra space. BitcoinSV (B-S-V-O-III syndrome) - an encrypted currency created through bitcoin cash splits - is seeking to raise its block size to 1 TB, and its block chain is now much larger than Bitcoin.
bitcoin does not support smart contracts, although work is under way to help build a fragmented financial system, as Chief Executive Jack Dossy revealed. Meanwhile, bitcoin cash has started to use smart contract language like Cashscript to achieve more complex functions.
Cashscript aims to introduce DeFi into Bitcoin cash to help it with Bitcoin and Etheria (Ethiopia).... Some of the tools that have been developed include CashSuffle and CashFusion, aimed at improving Internet privacy.
为了在比特币区块链之上发行代币,项目必须使用Omni layer,这是一个“用于创建和交易定制数字资产和货币”的平台Omni交易是具有“下一代功能”的比特币交易,但该层的采用主要集中在stablecoins上。
In order to issue a token on the Bitcoin block chain, the project has to use Omnilayer, a platform for creating and trading customized digital assets and currencies, Omni transactions are Bitcoins transactions with “next-generation functions”.
, on the other hand, Bitcoin cash creates a simple account book agreement (SLP). The agreement allows developers to issue tokens on the BCH, similar to those issued on the Taiwan block chain.
a number of assets have been issued on the Omni level and as SLP tokens. The existence of different block chains makes it easier for users to choose the network they like. However, both solutions are somewhat unsatisfied.
SLP协议还支持不可伪造的令牌(NFT ),这些令牌是可以相互区分的。然而,与它们在以太坊或其他区块链上的使用相比,它们在BCH上的使用受到了限制。
SLP also supports non-false tokens (NFTs), which can be distinguished from each other. However, their use on BCH is restricted compared to their use in the chain of Etheria or other blocks.
Replacement at Cost (RBF) is a function of the Bitcoin network that allows a person to obtain an unprocessed transaction that is “cuffed” and replaces an unconfirmed transaction with a different version with higher transaction costs.
RBF can be used when a transaction needs to be processed as soon as possible, but its critics claim that this may make it easier for malicious actors to spend the same money twice. They believe that the attackers can send a transaction at a very small cost as a payment for goods or services using the RBF. If recipients do not wait for sufficient confirmation on the network, they can send the same transaction to their wallets under their control, but at a higher cost.
net will first confirm the second transaction and discard the transaction that pays the merchants for their goods or services. Most versions of the RBF require that the transaction contain all the same output to prevent this. And if the recipient waits for several networks to confirm it, the RBF becomes impossible because the transaction has been confirmed.
, however, Bitcoin cash has abandoned this function, making unconfirmed transactions irreversible on its network. Given its higher volume of transaction throughput, double spending with the RBF will become more difficult, as transactions are confirmed faster.
strong> different visions, same monetary policy
比特币现金在硬分叉的时候是以8 MB的块大小创建的,此后翻了两番。该网络公开接受新的硬分叉,并采取措施尽可能多地进行创新,以增加其可用性并被用作现金。
bitcoin's cash was created in the size of 8 MB at the hard fork, and has quadrupled since then. The network openly accepts new hard fork and takes measures to innovate as much as possible to increase its availability and use it as cash.
, on the other hand, Bitcoin was more cautious when introducing the upgrade and was more likely to be seen as an inflation hedge and a value storage tool. Its expansion plan witnessed the implementation of SegWit and the creation of a lightning network.
The lightning network essentially creates an additional layer above the block chain of encrypted currency, where transactions are fast and very cheap. This layer is made up of user-generated payment channels. It is estimated that it can handle 15 million transactions per second, but its adoption is relatively slow.
bitcoin also tries to protect the user's pseudonyms by upgrading such as Taproot, so that complex transactions, including timelock versions or multi-signature components, can be considered simple transactions.
bitcoin's supporters value decentralisation and rejection of censorship more than higher transactional tossage. Bitcoin's role as a value storage tool depends on its ability to resist any conceivable physical attack.
bitcoin's vision as point-to-point e-cash depends on its low transaction costs and faster speed. Some projects based on the BCH, including social media platforms, each post is posted on the block chain and is not feasible in bitcoin.
the privacy of bitcoin cash is protected by a different method: a coin mix. A coin combination sees many BCH users tied together to conceal the origin of the user's coin. This is a controversial practice that is considered to help cybercriminals hide their whereabouts.
the monetary policy of the two networks remains unchanged. Only 21 million coins are created on each block chain, halving the issuance of new coins every 210,000 blocks or about every four years. The final BTC and BCH are expected to be mined in 2140.
In general, the above explains the difference between bitcoin and bitcoin cash, and I'm sure you'll see the difference clearly. Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency created, while bitcoin cash is an encrypted currency designed to serve as digital cash, and its supporters try to ensure that it is cheap and easy to use.
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