
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:23 评论:0
  作者:余继超 Author: Surplus & nbsp;   在美联储加息背景下,美元升值对风险资产贬值压力加大,虚拟币价格下跌是必然的,成交量、流动性下滑也是必然的。 In the context of the...



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Author: Surplus & nbsp;


In the context of the Fed’s interest increase, the appreciation of the United States dollar has increased its pressure on the depreciation of risky assets, and the fall in virtual currency prices is inevitable, as is the decline in turnover and liquidity. & nbsp;


The virtual currency, represented by bitcoin and by the Tails, is itself a risky asset, and in the larger context of the Fed’s interest increase, the appreciation of the dollar has increased its pressure on the depreciation of the risk asset, so that the fall in the price of the virtual currency is inevitable, as is the decline in turnover and liquidity. & nbsp;


Virtual currency drops again! At 1747 hours on 13 June, Bitcoin (BTC) fell by $240 million, and in the Taiwan (ETH) by $1,300, with a 24-hour drop of 12.97% and 16.56%, respectively. With BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, XRP, SOL (Solana), DOGE, and so on, the 24-hour fall was over 10%. & nbsp;


(Video Production: Your Majesty) & nbsp;


With regard to the collapse of the virtual currency in the current round, it is widely believed that the appreciation of the United States dollar and related assets has a crushing effect on the virtual currency in the larger context of the US Federal Reserve interest increase, and that it is likely that the virtual currency will be sold as a high-risk asset on a priority basis. “If inflation data in the United States continue to exceed expectations this year, causing the Fed to further accelerate the pace of austerity, the virtual currency will remain more likely to weaken for some time to come.” & nbsp


Virtual currency prices fell again & nbsp;


“This morning, Bitcoin fell over $26,000, and in the afternoon it fell over $25,000, and in the evening it fell over $240 million, which is a real fall!” A currency-circumstancer lamented to an international finance journalist. & nbsp;


In recent days, the dominant tone of the currency circle has been “fall and fall.” According to British financial data, at 1747 hours on 13 June, BTC had fallen by $240 million, at $23978.6, at 12.97 per cent in 24 hours and 23.15 per cent in 7 days; the ETH had fallen by $1,300, at $1223.96, at 16.56 per cent in 24 hours, and 35.45 per cent in 7 days, at a low rate of 35.45 per cent in the year.


With the collapse of mainstream virtual currencies like Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., other virtual currencies were not spared. Among them, several virtual currencies, such as BNB, Aida, XRP, Solana, Doge, TRX, fell by more than 10% in 24 hours and by more than 23% in 7 days.


Journalists noted that the virtual currency also fell sharply last February. As of February 24, Beijing time, at 1647 hours, the mainstream virtual currency of Bitcoin and Etheria fell by 7.46 per cent in 24 hours, 12.45 per cent in 24 hours and 11.43 per cent in 24 hours in 24 hours.


In fact, the fall in the virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, was not new. At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin had touched $43,000 a day down, with a 6.16% drop. Between 23 January and 11 January 21, Bitcoin fell from $43,325.2 to $38,465.3 and $4,859.9 in 12 hours.


By midday, 4 December 2021, Bitcoin had fallen short of $42,000, or by more than 20% in 24 hours. By 2000 that day, there had been 417,000 blasts in the last 24 hours, with a virtual full-currency contract explosion amounting to $2,584 million, of which Bitcoins had exploded more than $1 billion in 24 hours.


The Fed's interest increase is the main cause?


In the case of the collapse of the virtual currency wheel, it is widely believed that the appreciation of the United States dollar and related assets has had a crushing effect on high-risk targets such as the virtual currency, which has been thrown out and has fallen sharply in the wider context of the US Federal Reserve interest increase. & nbsp;


The co-director of the Center for Research on Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the United Business School of Zhejiang University and Lin, in their analysis of International Journal of Finance journalists, pointed out that the fall in Bitcoin and Ether was due to the fact that the virtual currency itself was a risky asset and that, in the context of the Fed’s high interest rate, the appreciation of the dollar had increased its pressure on the depreciation of the risky asset, so the virtual currency was in a downward spiral. During the Fed’s interest increase, the decline in the encrypt currency was inevitable, as was the decline in turnover and liquidity.


The US benchmark interest rates that affect global asset pricing are likely to change in direction in 2022. Investors find that the Fed’s language is more falconic, causing the market to worry about the faster pace of Taper (reduced asset purchases), higher interest rates, and earlier interest times.


“In terms of some indicators, there is a short-term collapse in the market, and Bitcoin’s probability of shocks in current prices is high. But, if inflation data in the United States continue to outpace expectations this year, triggering further tightening by the Fed, the virtual currency will still have a greater probability of further weakening for some time to come.” & nbsp states;


In the case of virtual currency exchanges, the risk is not only the risk of devaluation, but also that the virtual currency that is traded is a non-existent code. & nbsp;


It was suggested that the State should adopt a clear regulatory approach to the red line of “financial institutions should not provide account opening, transfer of funds and clearing services for virtual currency-related operations”; in the case of individual virtual currency transactions that are difficult to regulate, the law should make clear that secondary market transactions are not protected and provide participants with a regulatory attitude. & nbsp;




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