
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:20 评论:0
人特么都跌成脑震荡了。The man fell into a fucking concussion. 这是前些天币圈大地震后,绝大部分投资者的集体症状——到现在脑瓜子都嗡嗡的。These are the co...



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The man fell into a fucking concussion.


These are the collective symptoms of the majority of investors — and so far the brain is buzzing — in the wake of the previous massive earthquake in the currency ring.


No wonder, in 24 hours, Bitcoin was on the verge of collapsing over $30,000, returning overnight to the price position of January this year. Mask’s pro-kid dog-coin fell by 42% at a time, investors continued to evaporate their dream of a dollar, and the dog price fell sharply to 28 cents. Ether, one of the major coins, also fell by 27%, to $2475.


EOS, Aidaco, etc., have fallen close to 50%. Some air currency, because it is too low, even shows zero directly on the trading platform.


According to currency security data, about $1.93 billion was spent on a 24-hour market explosion on 19 days, and nearly 227,000 people were victims of the explosion.


In social media, the money-circumstance diaspora investors mourned.


You can see all kinds of tears if you can find a coin to open it.


Of course, it's nothing, but it's a five-fold ten-twenties-twenties-twenties-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty.


A lot of people want to ask in the middle of a panic, Why? Why did they fall?


A number of media outlets and so-called “professionals” have attributed their reasons to recent announcements issued by three national authorities:


The China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payment Settlement Association jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risks of virtual currency transactions.


Indeed, the announcement of the three sectors at this time did give a heavy blow to the currency circle that was already in decline.


Note, however, that this is not the main reason. Nor is it a precursor to the rumour that the country is sealing currency circles.


Because intervention at the official level is necessary and unexpected.




One of the most obvious causes is that young Asians, including China, are squeezing their currency: South Korea has one in every three young people in a currency ring, Hong Kong has the world's largest global volume of encrypted currency transactions, and Thailand has become an encrypted currency centre for all of South-East Asia.


With Asia accounting for more than 60 per cent of the world's population, it can be described as the largest global currency.


The pictures of young East Asians in the days before 519 were like this: early in the morning, they woke up from a few snail beds and found themselves cut again, and after crying and crying, tears continued to pile up.


At night, the O'Americans woke up from a 100-metre bed and looked at their cell phone, "Oh, the pickles are so exciting." And they opened a 100-fold blank list and took the chips and continued to smash the plate.


What, you made a lot of money in the last few months, and now you're putting the Chinese in there?


Capitalist sickle cut his head off. So, of course, we have to do something at the national level, which can be interpreted as a warning, or as a fuel for the impending collapse, but not as a major cause of the 519th fall.


In fact, as in the stock market, after a few months of too much profit, there's always a blowback. In the case of bitcoin, six months in a row, you've accumulated a lot of profits. And before the 19th, there was no particularly large adjustment.


At its highest point of $60 million this year, the global market value of 21 million bitcoins is about $12,000 billion, not only exceeding the US dollar debt held by China, but also ranked among Spain and Mexico in the top 15 global GDP rankings in 2020.


Since the Amsterdam Exchange at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it is not surprising that the stock market has grown on such a scale for 400 or 500 years now, but as a new financial asset, the currency circle is so strong that it is imperative to cool down.


Even more so is the fact that leverage contracts in the currency circle continue to rise and fall several dozen times, which is very unhealthy for the entire ecology of the currency ring, and that this collapse has a significant part to play because of these “wild west” leveragings.


For example, JefferyWang, head of the encrypt money financial service provider Amber Group America, said on Wednesday: “We see a lot of higher leverage positions down in a short period of time. This is a huge shock, and if markets are to continue to move up, it may be necessary to remove some bubbles from overleveraging positions.”


In a nutshell, 519 moves are both cooling and foaming. Keeping highly leveraged dogs out of the house.


By the way, when we calmly look at the news before turning around, it is easy to see that the country has never had a limit on transactions in bitcoin, but has been emphasizing risks. Financial regulation, judicial practice, recognizes digital money as a legitimate “virtual commodity” but does not have a legal status equivalent to that of money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


This attitude, supported by the multiplicity of investigations into digital currency thefts in the sector over the past two years, has spared no effort to recover losses for the victims, and the official endorsement of digital encrypted currency as a legitimate virtual asset for citizens.


Not only does the policy side recognize digital cryptographic currencies, but we can also see in the 14th Plan's broad outline the determination of new technology in the top configuration:


The 14th Five-Year Plan provides a clear direction for technological innovation, platform innovation, application of innovation, and regulation of innovation, which will further accelerate the construction of digital China and contribute to the modernization of socialism.


Now that the future direction of the State and policies has been confirmed, what is to be worried about as an investor?


With regard to this 519 drop, aside from what has been said above, it is not a good thing for the next market development.


Two years later, on 4 September 2017, the People’s Bank of China and seven other ministries issued a communiqué on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of tokens. Bitcoins fell by 11 per cent on the same day on 4 September 2017, and then continued to fall down, reaching a low of $2979 on 15 September, with the largest fall of 12 days: 35 per cent.


The trend between 14 November and 15 December 2018 was followed by a consecutive decline in Bitcoin, with a minimum of $3155 and a 51 per cent drop in about one month. But then it stabilized, gradually rebounded and reached a new height.


There was also the “312 incident” in 2020, which, under the emotional step of March 13, was a new low of $3,800, with other currencies falling. After that, however, it stabilized, gradually rebounded, and reached a new height.


A sevenfold increase in digital currency in the wake of the 94-dollar disaster, a 17-fold increase in the 312-shock fall, and a 27-fold increase in global inflation this year.


One step at a time, we're going to have to start the layout before we can enjoy the turnover.


Of course, the currency market is always anti-human thinking, and the more painful it is for you to create opportunities to make money, and the more likely it is for those who can hold on to it. So this market is more cruel than the stock market, it's 88, it's zero, the winner eats and the loser eats.


As ordinary investors, it is already painful to go to work, and of course we are not, and we want to earn as much money as we are. By contrast, soft mining is, of course, a better option.


There are four reasons for this: .


1. A 100-fold increase in the non-repatriation of a mine that has a steady income from mining;


2. The proceeds of mining are readily met in a humane manner and are available on a daily basis without waiting for the proceeds;


3. Every mine machine has a fixed daily income equivalent to that of lying down;


4. The mining machine is more valuable than it is, and the cost can be covered so as to achieve the value of the excavated currency.


As Lebitt CEO Jiangdjoll said: Human shortcomings make it difficult to earn money or to hoard it, and even lose it. There is no advantage in the market for the homeless. And 90% of the miners can almost eat the entire cow market.


Of these, Filecoin, which is already on-line in 120 exchanges, uses its unique web-based pre- or post-priming and destruction mechanisms to practice the “no fear of falling” character. The price of Filecoin on May 19 has also fallen simultaneously, but the net has grown dramatically, and the miners have not lost their enthusiasm!


In the future, as data are being stored and the amount of filtrian coins released is increasing, it will stabilize at a certain peak, more chambers of commerce will be involved, more data will be stored, and currency prices will inevitably rise, driven by market needs, which is an inexorable historical necessity.


Now, the layout of Filecoin, joining the steady process of mining, like the one in 2011 when Bitcoin was only 10 dollars, must be able to dig up the ladder to make your fortune free and class high!


Label: bitcoin




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