汇付天下与边界智能达成战略合作 共建Web3.0服务解决方案

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:22 评论:0
  2月9日,汇付天下与业内领先的区块链技术及应用创新企业边界智能达成战略合作。双方将基于彼此深厚的技术创新能力和业务发展积淀,在Web3.0赛道上共同打造“区块链+链上可编程支付”的创新解决方案,为行业带来广阔的发展空间。On 9 Fe...



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On 9 February, a transfer was made to work strategically with the industry's leading block chain technology and with innovative corporate border intelligence. The two sides will create a co-foundable solution on the Web3.0 track, based on each other's deep technological innovation capabilities and business development.


Block chains are an important infrastructure in meta-cosm economic systems, with enterprise-level applications paying particular attention to issues such as the performance, security, privacy protection, and regulatory compliance of block chains. Thus, in addition to the advantages of efficiency and security, they can meet the multi-subject collaboration of industry, open and compliant open chains of alliances, which are gradually becoming the mainstream trends in industry.

  边界智能打造的 BSN 开放联盟链“文昌链”,具有良好的合规支持及高效的应用开发支持,并正在持续深入推进智能合约的研发应用,支持分布式商业系统高效公平有序运行。此次汇付天下与边界智能达成合作,双方将用数字支付串联“数实相生”的消费场景,携手探索“区块链+链上可编程支付”的创新模式,共创、共建、共享链上经济新生态。

The BSN Open Alliance Chain, built by border intelligence, has good compliance support and efficient application development support, and is continuing to deepen the development and development of smart contracts to support the efficient, efficient and orderly operation of distributed business systems. This transfer will work with border intelligence to work together on a digital payment series of “digitally viable” consumption scenarios, exploring innovative models of “block chains plus programmable payments” to create, co-build, and share new eco-economy on the chain.


Prior to this, the bottom logic of the remittance of the country's first Web3.0 digital wallet, which was launched in 2022, followed the full set of compliance and wind control management requirements for payment accounts and ensured the safe compliance of transactions on the chain by providing smart contract calls.


The transfer chain treasures are known to be used for the APP applications under the traditional WEB 2.0 and the DAPP applications based on WEB 3.0 and to achieve asset management services along the chain of renminbi, payment of digital assets, cash withdrawal, value addition, etc. in multi-chain ecology, complementing the core competencies of border intelligence products and meeting the needs of enterprises to fast-track transactions in the chain.


Remitting CEO Mu Hae-jae stated at the signing ceremony that “as a leading domestic digital payer, web 3.0 digital wallets are being transferred to the chain of treasures, solve the problem of clearing transactions in and below the business chain, and achieve efficient management of user digital assets”.


The President of the Board of Directors of the Borders has stated that “the border intelligence is technologically driven and is based on the technical capability of the bottom of the block chain and the capacity of the multi-chain, cross-chained application service Paas platform, complemented by professional advisory capacity in the areas of finance, government, digital transformation, precision of the needs of the clients, and the creation of Web3.0 service platforms and solutions based on the Manchang chain”.


There was an agreed consensus on this strategic collaboration, which “in the future, remittances will go hand in hand with the intelligence of the border, deepening cooperation on two fronts. One, based on a broad customer base, will tap into the potential for cooperation in areas such as retailing, cross-bordering, literature, and air travel, enabling businesses to quickly transform from Web 2.0 to Web3.0, and two, based on the same technological innovation genes, will work together to develop innovative products and solutions through their strong PaaS platform capabilities in their respective fields, and will continue to deepen the development base of remittances that are resonant with border intelligence.”



about border intelligence

  边界智能创立于 2016 年,是?家专注于区块链技术及应用创新的国家高新技术企业,其核心产品包括 AVATA 多链跨链分布式应用服务平台、BSN 开放联盟链文昌链,以及支持下一代分布式商业系统的基础链 IRITA 产品系列等,长期以来与广大合作伙伴在元宇宙数字藏品、跨链服务、数字金融、跨境贸易等领域共同合作推进创新技术的落地应用,服务实体经济。

Border intelligence was created in 2016, is it? A national high-technology enterprise focusing on block chain technology and application innovation, whose core products include the AVATA multi-chain multi-chain multi-chain distributed application service platform, the BSN Open Alliance chain luminous supply chain, and the IRITA product series, which supports a generation-wide distributed business system, has long worked with a wide range of partners to promote the deployment of innovative technologies in areas such as meta-cosm digital collections, cross-chain services, digital finance and cross-border trade, and to serve the real economy.




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