NFT是什麼? 入手之前必須了解的英文單字

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:19 评论:0
想了解NFT,就要先知道區塊鏈的概念,因為前陣子掀起挖礦掏金熱的比特幣、和最近崛起的NFT,都是屬於區塊鏈產業的一環喔! 區塊鏈的英文是Blockchain,可以說它是一個藉由密碼學(主要由英文...



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If you want to know about NFT, you need to know the concept of a chain, because the bitcoin, the gold-digging coin, and the recently-rise NFT, were all part of the sector chain business!
, the English language of the sector chain is Blockchain, and it can be said that it is a technology that connects and reproduces data via cryptography (mainly in English and digital) and is built on the Internet. This technique should initially be used for the development of encrypted currency, that is, the bitcoins, puppies, etc., that we have heard so much about, so that all people can record transactions through the network in this database, sort of like a large electric book. Because of its high security and anonymity, there is no need to deal with digital databases like real currency, banking, third-party financial recognition, etc., and there is no transfer rate problem.


Blockchain is viewed as a game-changer across many industries in 2009, shaking up the traditional financial industry. It makes sending money easier and faster, and it offers a simple way to use leftover foreign currency.


NFT的全名是Non-fungible token,中文是「非同質化代幣」。NFT就是在區塊鏈技術的發展洪流中,繼加密貨幣後拓展的智慧合約概念。利用程式來編寫合約,可以廣泛應用在像是智慧版權的交易、藝術商品的交易或投資商品等等上。

NFT's full name is Non-Fungible Token. The Chinese term is “non-homogeneous coins.” NFT is the concept of an intellectual contract that expands after encrypted currency in the context of the development of chain technology. The program is used to create a contract that can be widely applied to transactions like intellectual rights, trading in artistic goods or investing goods.
is different from each of those that have the same value (e.g., 50 coins we use each day, that is, coins that belong to homogenous currency, that each 50 coin represents the same value, that can be exchanged, that has a 100 dollar bill, that can be converted into two 50 coins) Each NFT has its irreplaceable and unique characteristics, and that cannot be divided into two different kinds of coins.

例如歌手黃明志就在NFT上發行販售了一首名為「GO NFT」的歌曲;這代表每個人都能在NFT上,透過加密錢包購買帶有獨一無二數位序號的NFT歌曲,這個創作到銷售的過程,省去了許多商業機構的審查和政府的干預,每個人所購買到的歌曲也是獨一無二的存在,不僅僅只是購買歌曲本身,而是同時也擁有了這首歌曲的版權和所有權,它也有了可被收藏、再交易的價值。整個過程在短短的3小時內全部售光,為黃明志賺進了將近台幣2500萬的收益,是不是很驚人呢?

For example, singer Wong Ming Zhi has sold a song on NFT called GO NFT; this means that everyone can buy an NFT song with a unique serial number on an encrypted wallet. This is a marketing process, saves scrutiny and government intervention by many business institutions, and everyone buys a song that is unique, not just buying the song itself, but also owns the rights and ownership of the song, and it has the value of being collected and re-traded. Isn't it amazing that the entire journey has been sold in three hours, and that close to $25 million worth of money has been paid for Huang Minjiang?


Jay Chou's fashion brand PHANTACi launched a Phanta Bear NFT project in 2022. The total number of 10,000 digital art collections quickly sold out within 40 minutes and made around 2.5 hundred million NT dollars. It has been the most successful NFT project of the year so far.
周杰倫的潮牌公司PHANTACi在2022年初發行了一款名為Phanta Bear的NFT。這個發行總數1萬件的數位藝術品一經發行,就在短短的40分鐘內以驚人的速度全數銷售完畢,並帶來約台幣2.5億元的收益。目前為止,它仍然是今年以來最成功的NFT交易案件。



That is, the lowest price of a NFT in a trading market; the higher the floor price, which represents the overvalue of the NFT. But since the price of each NFT in the market fluctuates according to a variety of factors, it is somewhat similar to the concept of stock market investment, in which investors can choose the low price of the bid to make a profit.


When you decide to buy a digital commodity, you need to first convert the commodity into a NFT, with an independent and indefensible certificate, a process called Mint.


When buying NFTs, because the process consumes the power of the chain, just as banks charge a transaction fee for cross-routing transactions, NFT transactions also require a surcharge, the so-called Gas. Unlike banks, however, the price of the miner’s fees is not fixed, and the larger the price of the popular NFT commodity, the greater the volume of the transaction, the higher the gas.



Do you know if you know much more about NFT? In the NFT free market, everyone can create their own work and sell it, waiting for the future or Berlet to exploit your potential and seek your chance to change. What kind of NFT would you like to launch?


Do you want to learn more about the subject at some point in time? English session , not only learn to talk about everyday life, but also teach you the most popular topics, and it is not a problem to exchange the most instant NFT information with foreigners!




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