
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:24 评论:0
编辑:珍妮Editor: Jenny未来,AI 将在工业领域发挥更加重要的作用,推动工业行业向智能化、绿色化、服务化方向发展。In the future, AI will play a more important role in the...



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Editor: Jenny

未来,AI 将在工业领域发挥更加重要的作用,推动工业行业向智能化、绿色化、服务化方向发展。

In the future, AI will play a more important role in the industrial sector, promoting the industrial sector in the direction of intelligence, greening and servicing.


Recently, the Hebei Province Construction Leadership Group issued the Programme of Action for the Accelerated Upgrading of Manufacturing Technology in Hebei Province.

《行动方案》围绕五大行动,指出到 2027 年推动 1 万家企业技术改造,以规模以上工业企业为重点,每年滚动实施技改项目 3000 项。以先进钢铁、绿色化工、健康食品、现代轻纺、高端装备、新材料、新一代信息技术、生物医药、新能源、建材等 10 个行业为重点,推动产业链上下游企业全链条垂直改造和关键环节数据互联互通。

The Programme of Action focuses on five main actions, noting that in 2027, 10 million industrial technological improvements were carried out, focusing on industrial enterprises above scale, and that 3000 projects were being implemented on a rolling basis each year. Focusing on 10 industries, such as advanced steel, green chemicals, healthy foods, modern light spinning, high-end equipment, new materials, new-generation information technologies, biopharmaceuticals, new energy sources, building materials, etc., promoted the vertical transformation of the whole chain of enterprises up and down the industrial chain and the interconnection of critical link data.


Among them is the implementation of digital transformation initiatives.


accelerates the construction of the national hub node of the National Integration Arithmetic Network in Kyoto, and implements a number of priority projects such as the Smart Cloud Base, the Arithmetic and Efficient Movement Demonstration.

在高新区、经开区加快开展 5G 轻量化(RedCap)部署,推动 5G 网络全覆盖,组织开展双千兆示范园区创建和评价,推动万兆入园,探索建设区域人工智能数据处理中心、跨物理边界虚拟园区。

accelerates the deployment of 5G LightQuantities (RedCap) in high and open areas, promotes full coverage of the 5G network, organizes the creation and evaluation of two gigabytes of demonstration parks, promotes the introduction of megabytes, and explores the construction of regional centres for artificial intelligence data processing, a virtual cross-physical boundary park.

完成省内云服务平台、内容分发网络(CDN)、数据中心、域名解析系统的 IPv6 改造,推动终端设备 IPv6 升级。

completes the IPv6 upgrade of the provincial cloud service platform, content distribution network (CDN), data centre, domain name resolution system, and facilitates the upgrading of terminal device IPv6.


In the process of developing the industrial universe, engineering imitation technology has received growing in-house attention as one of the key technologies in which the importance of arithmetic has also increased.


In recent years, Hebei has accelerated the development of a new digital infrastructure, maintained a solid foundation for digital economic development, promoted the deep integration of digital technology with the real economy, and was a national leader in a number of indicators, such as the Arithmetic Index and the cloud of industrial equipment.

2023 年 10 月 13 日,河北人工智能计算中心在廊坊正式上线运营,总规划算力 300PFlops。一期投资 5.1 亿元,已建成算力 100PFlops,是河北省首个获批建设的国家新一代人工智能公共算力开放创新平台(筹),已纳入全国人工智能算力战略体系。

On October 13, 2023, the Hebei A.I.C. was officially launched in the gallery, with a total planning capacity of 300 PFlops. The first tranche of investment of $510 million has been completed with 100 PFlops, the first approved new generation of the National Open-Intelligent Public Arithmetic Innovation Platform in Hebei Province, which has been incorporated into the National A.I.A.A. Strategy System.

目前,北京思图场景数据科技服务有限公司等 55 家算力高校、科研机构与河北人工智能计算中心完成合作签约。

Currently 55 computing institutions, scientific institutions and the Hebei Center for Artificial Intelligent Calculators, such as the Beijing Stimulus Data Technology Service Ltd. have concluded a contract.

今年 5 月,河北省印发《关于进一步优化算力布局推动人工智能产业创新发展的意见》。到 2025 年,河北省算力规模达到 35 百亿亿次 / 秒(EFLOPS)以上,智能算力占比达到 35% 左右,新增算力基础软硬件设施自主可控比例 60% 以上。在智能制造、医疗健康等优势领域孵化一批行业应用大模型,培育典型应用场景 30 个。

In May of this year, Hebei issued an Opinion on Further Optimizing the Arithmetic Layout for Innovative Development of the Artificial Smart Industry. By 2025, Hebei's computing power had reached more than 35,10 billion times/sec (EFLOPS), accounting for about 35% of the smartness, and a self-controllable 60% of the new computing base hardware and software facilities.

此外,物联网作为工业互联网的物理基础,强调的是硬件级的对接。在此基础上,工业互联网通过嫁接一些生产级的调度,优化相关算法和软件,进而迈向工业 4.0 的发展阶段,再往上更进一步,就是构建与用户需求相关的数字模型,建立庞大的工业数字世界,通过与物理世界联动形成工业元宇宙。

Moreover, as the physical basis for the industrial Internet, the emphasis is on hardware-level interfaces. On this basis, the industrial Internet has been able to optimize the algorithms and software by marrying a number of production-level manoeuvres, leading to the industrial development phase of 4.0 and, above all, to the construction of digital models related to user needs, the creation of a large industrial digital world, and the formation of an industrial meta-cosm by connecting with the physical world.

截止到 2023 年,河北省新建 5G 应用项目 426 个,累计达 1017 个。9 个项目入选国家 5G 工厂名录。物联网终端数累计达到 8381 万,IPv6 用户数达到 8225 万。认定省级工业互联网平台 17 个,累计培育各级各类工业互联网平台 329 个,连接工业设备 1034 万台(套),服务企业 14.3 万家。

As of 2023, there were 426 new 5G applications in Hebei province, with a cumulative total of 1017 applications. 9 projects were selected for a list of 5G factories in the country. The total number of networked terminals reached 8.381 million and the number of IPv6 users reached 82.25 million. 17 provincial industrial Internet platforms were identified, cumulatively fostering 329 industrial Internet platforms at various levels, connecting 1,034,000 sets of industrial equipment and 143,000 service enterprises.

据全球咨询公司 Gartner 预测,到 2027 年,47% 的企业会主动进入工业元宇宙行列,采用大连接、大算力和数字孪生等技术。从 2021 年到 2030 年,工业元宇宙收入预计将有 10 倍增长。

According to Gartner, a global consulting firm, 47% of companies are expected to move into the universe of industrial dollars by 2027, using technologies such as large connections, great arithmetic and digital twines. From 2021 to 2030, revenues from the universe are expected to increase tenfold.



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《中国元宇宙政策研究报告 2023》

《2023 工业元宇宙白皮书》

《中国 AI 大模型创新和专利技术分析报告》

《元宇宙产业链生态发展白皮书 2023》




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