疯狂的比特币场外交易:日交易额上亿元 暗藏巨大犯罪风险

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:20 评论:0
  “比特币线上交易平台肯定要关。” 比特币知名投资人赵东称。9月11日,记者以比特币小白玩家的身份向赵东咨询个人在平台上的比特币后续如何处置等问题时,这位比特币圈知名人士“东哥”给出了“平台肯定要关”、 “可以来场外交易”的回复。“Th...



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  “比特币线上交易平台肯定要关。” 比特币知名投资人赵东称。9月11日,记者以比特币小白玩家的身份向赵东咨询个人在平台上的比特币后续如何处置等问题时,这位比特币圈知名人士“东哥”给出了“平台肯定要关”、 “可以来场外交易”的回复。

“The Bitcoin online trading platform must be closed.” According to Jo Dong, a well-known investor in Bitcoin. On September 11, when journalists consulted Zhao Dong as a bitco’s little white player on how to follow up on Bitco’s actions on the platform, the prominent Bitcounian figure, “The Platform must be closed” and “Can come to an out-of-town transaction.”

  场外市场比特币 日交易额上亿元

  据记者了解,在比特币行业里,场外交易(over-the-counter, OTC)的主要渠道有机构自营的信息中介平台,机构自营和许可加入的信息中介联盟以及个人、微型团队主导的微信群、QQ群。根据提供服务的模式可分为B2C、C2C两类。文章开始提到的“东哥”,就是C2C模式的代表人物。

According to journalists, in the Bitcoin industry, the main channels for off-site transactions (over-the-counter, OTC) are institutionally owned information brokering platforms, self-employed and licensed information intermediaries alliances, and individual, micro-team-led micro-messages, QQ-groups. The modes of service delivery can be divided into the B2C and C2C categories.

  “How To Buy Bitcoins”网站显示,包括场外交易在内,全球用户可购买比特币的途径超过31种。在B2C模式中,覆盖范围最广的比特币场外交易平台LocalBitcoins.com,已为245个国家、超过1.4万个城市的用户提供购买比特币的服务,其中也包括人民币用户。据coin.dance第三方数据平台的资料,LocalBitcoins平台上人民币兑换比特币的交易高峰期曾出现在2017年2月,这个特殊的时间节点,正是中国监管层对中国境内的比特币交易平台进行现场监管时。当时各交易平台由于升级反洗钱系统的原因,暂停了比特币的提币服务。中国场内交易平台的这一业务调整直接促使LocalBitcoins网站的人民币交易量翻了42倍。按2017年2月的比特币市场平均价格计算,当月该场外交易平台的月人民币交易额超过4亿元人民币。

“How To Buy Bitcoins” shows that worldwide users can buy bitcoins more than 31 ways, including off-site transactions. In the B2C model, the most extensive Bitcoins off-site platform in China, Local Bitcoins.com, provided services for the purchase of bitcoins to users in 245 countries and more than 14,000 cities, including renminbi users. According to the Coin.dance third-party data platform, the People’s Currency Exchange peak on the Local Bitcoins platform appeared in February 2017, a special time node, when China’s regulatory hierarchy monitored Bitcoins on-site.


The settlement of each off-site transaction is the responsibility of the parties to the transaction, and the participants in the transaction are limited to high-credit users. How, then, is there a demand for the transaction and, in reality, there is no basis for mutual trust between the parties to the transaction?


Special transaction needs give rise to a microscopic transaction. The prominent figure in the Bitcoin Circle, referred to in the opening of the article, is one of the most well-known of the off-site microscopic microscopics. Such transactions are extremely flexible and covert. Usually, users, through their acquaintances, join the microscopics of intermediaries, freely trade with other users in the group or engage in secured transactions through intermediaries. In the case of secured transactions, intermediaries charge fees ranging from 1 to 5 per cent.


It is said that there is a statement in the Bitcoin Circle — whether it is a small white player or a senior player — who, without knowing Zhao Dong, is ashamed to say that he is a member of the family.


On July 26, Zhao Dong opened up his business in his microfiche circle. Only six days later, on August 3, Zhao Dong made another sound in his circle of friends, saying, "A thousand bitcoins." What is the concept of 1,000 bitcoins? According to the price of the domestic Bitcoin trading platform on August 3th, the price of 1,000 bitcoins is approximately 20 million yuan. The data show that at present, the country's largest Bitcoin trading platform averages about 14,000 bitcoins per month. This is just the amount of bitcoins that Zhao Dong has made public in his circle of friends.


According to Zhao Tung Weibo, “the purchase and sale of large bitcoin was officially launched, amounting to RMB 600,000 and $100,000, using the VWAP algorithm, and using robotics to split up small sheets and sell them according to market transactions at 1 per cent of the commission”.


There are nearly a hundred groups with key words such as “bitcoin off-site transactions” and “OTC transactions” on the search pages of the micro-message and the QQ group. Behind these active groups are the off-site trading “large forces” that survive in the dark.

  无KYC政策 交易纠纷需自行消解

no KYC policy transaction disputes need to be resolved on their own


With thousands of bitcoins in hand, what is the process? How is the risk handled? An investor in Zhao's Uttar Pradesh told journalists: “The transaction process is particularly simple, it's on the line, who buys it, direct transfers.” For such a “simple” process how to avoid risk, the investor said, “It's no big deal, a big deal can be secured by Dong-go in order to prevent the other party's `runway'.” The journalist asked, “How can he prevent `run'?” The investor did not answer.


Viewing the Local Bitcoins.com website, it can be seen that the trading platform provides simple credit rating services for users, and that each user's transaction records are publicly disclosed on the platform, which is somewhat similar to the information broker service provided on websites such as “58-Same City” in China. The platform also provides a hosting service for accounts similar to the secured transactions function of payment treasures. The hosting account is, however, only for bitcoins or other virtual tokens, not for national legal currencies.

  有业内人士对记者表示,从LocalBitcoins.com的交易流程可以看出,其与场内交易的明显区别是,场外交易不需要严格的KYC(Know your customer,充分了解你的客户),用户仅需提供简单的资料,就可以快速注册成为一个场外交易平台合格用户,并利用该未经KYC的账号,进行额度不限的交易。

According to journalists, as can be seen from the Local Bitcoins.com transaction process, the obvious difference between it and the in-house transactions is that the off-site transactions do not require a strict KYC (Know your customer, fully aware of your client), that users simply need to provide simple information to quickly register as a qualified user of an off-site trading platform, and that they can make an open-ended transaction using an account that has not been signed by KYC.


The difference between intra- and off-site transactions, in addition to whether or not to implement the full KYC policy, is known to focus on the following three points: first, the credit base is different. The OTC approach is based on the creditworthiness of the parties to the transaction, with credit risk being borne by the parties themselves, which requires bilateral letters to be established before transactions can take place; second, the trading centre bears the credit risk of market traders, based on the trust of the parties to the transaction in the trading centre. Second, the mechanism for price formation is different. Out-of-site transactions are based on bilateral solicitations between buyers and sellers; intra-office transactions are based on a combination of computer algorithms.

  “重生的丝绸之路” 暗藏巨大犯罪风险

"The Silk Road of Reborn" harbours a huge crime risk


The Silk Road website, which was closed down in 2013, has given rise to global excitement and has inspired many people's knowledge of the dark web. Crimes based on the dark web include drug trafficking, homicides, illegal documents, and so on.


Off-site transactions in China typically involve large amounts of bitcoin for renminbi. One-off “large-list” transactions of as much as 1,000 and 2,000 bitcoins are the feature of off-site transactions. Users with demand for such transactions expect a more “simplified and fast” transaction process and are willing to pay a high transaction fee of between 0.2 and 5 per cent to meet such special needs, indirectly bearing some of the unusual transaction risks arising from the transaction.


In April 2017, Washington politicians agreed on and set regulatory provisions for the Bitcoin exchange. These regulations state that anyone operating an encrypted currency exchange in Washington state must apply for a licence issued by the state and must implement a strict KYC policy. They must cooperate with a third-party auditing agency to disclose their systems and be supervised. On 1 July 2017, Japan’s new version of the excise tax came into force, eliminating the need for 8% consumption tax on currency transactions.


On the domestic front, on 3 December 2013, the Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued by the five joint ministries and departments of the People's Bank of China, stated that Bitcoin should by its nature be a specific virtual commodity with no legal status equivalent to that of a currency and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market. Moreover, according to media reports, on 11 January 2017, the Working Group of the Beijing Operations Management Department of the People's Bank of China undertook on-site inspections of several platforms, including the Currency Bank, the Currency Network, and the Bitcoin China, and proposed changes to the Platform's innovative financial services, investor education operations, anti-money-laundering systems, and KYC policies.


Despite differences in national circumstances, entrepreneurs are required to follow different policies, laws and regulations, and there is an extraordinaryly consistent regulatory demand for currency transactions at the regulatory level around the world – the implementation of a rigorous KYC policy. Journalists know that this stems from the anonymity of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a random number. These random numbers are the Bitcoin anonymity of scholars who typically criticize disease.


Second-tier market exchange transactions are an important link in the Bitcoin ecological chain, and are always known for the number of users involved and the scale of the transactions. A domestic Bitcoin transaction monitoring report disclosed by the National Commission for the Exchange in July showed that between 1 July and 31 July 2017, domestic Bitcoins traded at 30.17 billion yuan a month, or 30% of the total global trade. It is hard to imagine how the capital security of investment users could be secured if the market stock of more than 30 billion yuan went to an untraceable, dispersed and off-the-ground market.


This should also be the main reason why regulators are considering policies to limit Bitcoins. At the same time, it is important to prevent the flow of more than 30 billion yuan worth of bitcoins to untraceable, dispersed and off-the-shelf markets.




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