Faced with the magnitude of the continuing spread of the new crown, the digital currency market has experienced unprecedented volatility. Against this background, we have taken an inventory of the top 10 digital currencies currently ranked in the market value.
As the leader of the digital currency, Bitcoin is indisputably at the top of the list. Especially as this year is about to halve the number of bitcoins generated by each block, this is certainly good news for investors.
Current value: $8,000 to $9,000
以太坊(ETH)以太坊是一个具有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。它的亮点在于提供了去中心化的虚拟机处理点对点合约。 以太坊的概念最初由程序员维塔利克·布特林在受到比特币启发后提出,被誉为"下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台"。
Ether is a public block chain platform with smart contracts. Its highlight is that it provides decentralised virtual processing point-to-point contracts.
Recently, Etheria is preparing for a major upgrade of 2.0.
Current value: $200 - $250
Ripple is the core currency of the Ripple network, which circulates throughout the Ripple network in a total amount of 100 billion dollars and decreases as transactions increase. Ripple’s emergence has made it easier and more efficient for money to move around the globe. Unlike Bitcoin, however, it is not a virtual currency, but an Internet deal that allows users to pay in any currency.
Current value: $0.2 to 0.3 United States dollars
比特币现金(BCH)BCH是由中国比特币挖矿机公司比特大陆(Bitmain)最先提出的,由一小部分比特币开发者推出的不同配置的新版比特币。BCH 修改了比特币的代码,支持大区块,从而提高了交易速度。
BCH was first proposed by Bitmain, a Chinese Bitcoin miner, and a new version of Bitcoin was introduced by a small number of bitcoin developers with different configurations. The BCH modified the bitcoin code to support large blocks, thus increasing the speed of transactions.
Current value: $300-350
泰达币(USDT)泰达币(USDT)是数字货币世界中的"美元",一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币。 USDT 是 Tether 公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元 (USD) 的代币 Tether USD,1 USDT=1 美元,用户可以随时使用 USDT 与 USD 进行 1:1 兑换。
The United States dollar (USDT) is a virtual currency in the digital currency world that pegs an encrypted currency to a legal currency, the United States dollar. The USDT is a token introduced by Tether based on a stable value currency, the United States dollar (USD).
Bitcoin SVBitcoin SV 即原始的比特币,旨在恢复原始的比特币设计理念,由部分早期 bitcoin 参与者在维护。
Bitcoin SV, the original bitcoin, was designed to restore the original bitcoin design concept, which was maintained by some of the early bitcoin participants.
Current value: $200-250
莱特币(LTC)莱特币被戏称为低配版比特币,由李启威(Charlie Lee)在2011年修改了部分比特币代码生成。近期币值:50-60美元
Lightcoin is known as the low-end bitcoin, which was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, who modified some bitcoin codes.
EOSEOS.IO 是一个区块链操作平台,基于 EOS.IO 软件上所发行的加密货币名为 EOS。由 Block.one 开发。虽然 EOS 在初期募集了高达40亿美元的资金,但后续的发展似乎并未达到预期的效果。尽管如此,EOS仍处于区块链领域的重要地位。
EOS.IO is a block chain operating platform based on the encrypted currency called EOS on the EOS.IO software. Developed by Block.one. Although EOS raised up to $4 billion in initial funding, subsequent developments do not seem to have achieved the desired results. Nevertheless, EOS is still important in the area of block chains.
Current value: $3-4
币安币(BNB)BNB 是由币安交易所发行的平台代币,币安是全球三大场内交易所之一,拥有超过300万的注册用户。BNB 发行总量为2亿枚,对外发售1亿枚(总量50%),基于以太坊的去中心化数字资产。
BNB is a platform currency issued by the currency exchange, one of the world’s three in-house exchanges with more than 3 million registered users. BNB issues 200 million copies and sells 100 million (50% of the total) externally, based on decentralized digital assets in Ethio.
Current value: $18-22
Tezos(XTZ)Tezos 是一个能够自我修复并随时间自我升级的区块链。它允许利益相关者针对协议的修正案进行投票,这不仅限于对提案达成共识的任何因素。 Tezos 和以太坊类似,都支持智能合约,并提供一个平台供其他人在其上建立去中心化的应用程序(DApps)。
Tezos is a chain of blocks that can be self-repaired and upgraded over time. It allows stakeholders to vote on amendments to agreements, which are not limited to any element of consensus on proposals.
Current value: US$ 2.5-3
It is worth noting that digital currency markets are highly volatile and investors need to be treated with caution.
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