白月城“月陆 MoOnLand”平台正式上线,开启Web3数字 IP探索之旅

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:29 评论:0
来源:都市财经Source: Urban Finance.引导语:月陆MoOnLand 平台上线,深挖数字 IP价值,探索数实融合新场景,引领共创共建共享新纪元 guide: Moonland Moonland platform onlin...



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Source: Urban Finance.

引导语:月陆MoOnLand 平台上线,深挖数字 IP价值,探索数实融合新场景,引领共创共建共享新纪元

guide: Moonland Moonland platform online, dig deep into digital IP values, explore digital convergence of new scenes, lead to a new era of shared creation


, in the context of an era of deep integration between the digital economy and the individual economy, with its unique Web3 concept of shared sharing, is gradually becoming a star in digital art. As a science fiction epic IP creation involving the development of stereos such as games, animations, novels, music, video, digital hymns, underline study halls, the physical industry of the application scenes continues to provide quality service and experience to community members.


, following the strategic development plan of “Pocket-and-Sharing”, has successfully completed the first generation of digital hyphens (i.e., NFTs) and has successfully built dozens of co-founders' communities. In the near future, the city will launch a number of projects that carry digital IPs and digital integration, including the launch of the Moon MoonLand online platform, the science fiction AI short play, the Underline Infiltration Hall, the implementation of the co-founder scheme, etc. .


i. The Moon MoonMoonLand platform is officially online


, the upcoming launch of the Moonland platform, which is an important vehicle for content and digital assets on White Moon City's IP line, marks an important step towards a stereo multidimensional digital IP in White Moon City.


The MoonLand platform aims to achieve a range of applications, including digital role enabling, online play and social experience, business town services, collection casting and upgrading mechanisms, digital economy system construction and virtual landscape hub development. During the first phase of the platform's construction, the primary focus will be on the basic framework for building the platform, supported by core functions. The initial launch feature will cover the digital world architecture of individual users, the three-dimensional display and suiting functions of digital roles, the carrying and state of digital assets, space competitive experiences, encumbrance mechanisms and props synthesis functions.


As the platform continues to improve and develop, more innovative functions will be introduced, such as the creation of the White Moon City economic system, the deepening of the digital role and animal breeding system, the introduction of the pledge function, the improvement of the collection casting and upgrading system, the up-to-date digital and physical marketplaces, plans for the renewal of cultural content and the enrichment of social functions.

与此同时,“无尽诡市”首赛季活动与平台首期功能同步上线。“无尽诡市”是白月城推出的首款链上3D竞技空间,用户可通过持有的指定藏品兑换“通行证”进入,并使用所持有的白月城角色藏品进行竞技体验。未来“无尽诡市”会逐渐推出对战、组队积分等具有更强社交属性的玩法,在奖励上也将进一步秉承“Play to Earn”的Web3理念,向玩家匹配更具备价值的奖品。

At the same time, the first season of Unfinished Cirque coincides with the platform's first function. The Unfinished Cirque is a 3D playing space in the first chain of White Moon City, which allows users to enter through the use of designated collections for the exchange of “passports” and the use of the role collections of White Moon City for competitive experiences. In the future, the Unfinished Cirque will gradually roll out a game with a stronger social attributes, such as battles, formations, etc., and will be rewarded with a further “Play to Earth” Web3 concept to match players with more valuable prizes.


II, "Sci-fi shorts, immersion parks, co-creation schemes" continue to strike at .


the science-fashion AI short play in White Moon City will be based on IP content and will tell a story about the back of the Moon, a treacherous and treacherous exterior civilization, using the best international AI technology to build a world of wonders with a living role.



the White Moon's Creativity Project gives super-individuals the ability to explore the value of content flows and explore the path of digital IP development. Initially, it started with the Mountain Clouds, with the aim of creating a special memo protection association (ARCP), which will be shared with users in the future in the context of business mandates. The aim is to allow everyone's imagination to bloom and each idea to achieve commercial value under the hatching of White Moon City.


Summary: White Moon City, with its forward-looking development planning and strong innovation capabilities, is gradually leading Web3 to create a new era of shared co-construction. Work is being done to explore the digital integration of a new generation of business scenes, dig deep into digital IP values, form a “digital translator” hub, immersion of subline connectivity nodes, and achieve co-creation, co-construction and shared value goals with users.


We believe that, in the near future, the city of the White Moon will be a leader in the country's Web3 digital IP, leading the digital arts industry towards a more prosperous and better future. The city of the White Moon, a digital world full of imagination and creativity, looks forward to exploring, creating and sharing with you!




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