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I've had many years of experience, and I've been working with a private recruitment agency. After years of learning and personal bargaining, I have developed a set of stock-selection ideas and game styles, hoping to bring some of the methods and techniques to a large group of shareholders, and to protect more scattered households from the sickle.

  我们知道,目前A属于自主竞价T 1的交易模式,当日买的,需要第二个交易才能挂单卖出,那么风险就存在了。交易制度实行T 1和涨跌幅限制制度,在操作的时候为了让资金更快更好的转动起来,发挥资金的增值率,日内做T技巧将T 1变成了T 0。做T能够实现资金更快的增值,看似很诱人,但是风险也不小,一不小心很可能就将做T变成了加仓,抑或将筹码T飞。

We know that there is a risk that now A is an autonomous trading model for T1, which takes a second transaction to be sold. The trading system uses the T1 and the drop-and-drop-restriction regime, operating to make the money more quickly and better, using the value-added of the money, and making T1 a T0 out of T1 in the day. T can achieve faster value-added, which may seem attractive, but it is not too risky, and it is likely that it will turn T into a silo, or it will fly the chips.


As the saying goes, “The soldiers do not move ahead.” To do the T and achieve the high returns at the same time, it is first necessary to find out what trends are appropriate for those units, and which ones are appropriate. These assumptions are divided into three elements: a large environment, a single equity, and a single stock trend. On these three points, listen to this great master.


More specifically:


(1) Large-scale environment: While it is commonly said that the stockholding of the cow market is not moving, it is not suitable for T; the bear market cannot hold it for too long, it is not for T to be able to do it. The real rich man is not rich in the cow market, but in the bear market, using the swings of the big plate to create a high-yielding profit through T. While many believe that T. can be ignored, my master believes that T. requires light and heavy shares, but that the environment of the big plate cannot be completely ignored, especially if I go to A, and I can make a drop every day, and everything can be worked out.


(2) Unit size. What kind of unit is suitable for T, what trend is appropriate for that type of T mode, which is pre-T preparation, which is also a crucial link, as is the advance knowledge of the terrain of the battlefield. The active unit is suitable for T, so what kind of unit is active.


If you want to be active here, first of all, the plate must not be too big, it must be small or medium-sized, preferably one with less than 100 million shares in circulation, and the fool knows that four rows and two barrels of oil are not going to make you a T-earner. In addition to the small plate, there is a need to observe up and down from time to time.


(iii) Unit trends. Based on years of experience, the trend in each unit is divided into three categories using the 5-day average line and the 60-day average line, which are short-term robusts and medium-term weaknesses below the 60-day mean line, and the choice of making T under different trends.


These are the three elements of the premise to make T. They are issues that require focused thinking before doing T. After analysing the macro and the trends of the units, it is possible to better capture the shares.


Method of operation:


1, .

  (1)理论上, 当投资者持有一定数量股票后,某天该股低开或急跌,可以乘这个机会,买入同等数量同一股票,待其反抽到一定高度之后,将原来的同一品种的股票的底仓当日卖出,从而在一个交易日内实现低吸高抛,来获取差价利润,或待其涨升到一定高度之后,可以在大幅涨升的当天通过卖出双倍筹码来获取双倍的收益,争取利润的最大化。股价背离均线(黄线)之下,为T+0的买入时机。

(1) Theoretically, when an investor holds a certain amount of stock, the unit falls low or falls sharply one day and takes the opportunity to buy the same stock in equal quantities and sell the same stock on the same day after the same stock is pumped to a certain height, so as to achieve a low inflated margin within a trading day, or when it rises to a certain height, to obtain a double profit on a substantially higher day by selling double chips and maximizing the profit.


(2) The question is: there is a problem of continuing to fall after buying, which makes it easier to consume profits or to be encumbered. How can one judge whether buying increases or continues to fall? Where it is more difficult, how can it be less likely to fall after buying, and what can be done?

  2.急拉减仓进行T 0的高抛低吸操作

2. . > .


(1) Theoretically, when investors hold a certain amount of stock, one day the unit is stimulated by unexpected good news and the stock price is substantially high or surged, they can take the opportunity to sell the chips in their hands first and, once the stock balance returns, to buy all the same types of stock that were originally thrown, thereby achieving high sales and low purchases within a trading day in order to earn the difference and maximize the profit.


The share price deviates from the average line to the timing of T+0 sales.


(2) The question is: there is a problem of keeping up after selling, which makes it easier to reduce profits or to vacate. How can one judge whether selling increases or continues to fall? Where it is more difficult, how can it be less likely to increase after buying, and what can be done?


In short, both low- and high-sort and low-smoking methods have to be done on a large-scale upward trend, with high probability of success and only one error in the trend, followed at the top, and the trend was only one right down and bought at the bottom.


about buying points:


1. Purchase of the next track in the ascending corridor;


2. Purchased along the lower body of the box;


3. Double buy-in;


4. Top-down swaps;


5. Buying close to the average price line;


Six. Break-through buy-in.


Note: One to five buys low-sort and six pick-up buys.


Technology Sharing:


Makes a T based on the average line within the day. Opens the inside plate and clicks on the right mouse button. Multi-day time frames - the last five days. By observing the stock price movement for five days, you can see whether the share ratio is on the upward or the downward trend.


Real-hand T: When the stock price rises away from the mean line and the volume can no longer be magnified, it is bought back when the stock price returns to the mean line or below the mean line.


T: On the basis of the trend of the previous few days and the index of the day and the opening of the opening, the stock falls on the day it is sold within a few minutes of the opening and then bought back at a low point.


In view of the angle of the average line in the day, when tilted upwards, the probability of stock price increases is high; when tilted downwards, the probability of stock price falls is high; and when the mean line is straight, it is the balanced market, with a small concussion.

  2. 根据大盘环境做T。大盘在下跌,而手中个股是翻红的,可以卖出,等这只个股也随大盘下跌了再买回来。大盘在上涨,而手中的个股却在跌,手中有现金的话买入等量,等上涨了再把T部分卖掉。

2. To do T according to the big deal. The big deal is falling, while the shares in hand are red and can be sold, and the same shares fall with the big plate and buy it back. The big deal is rising, while the shares in hand are falling, and the cash in hand is buying the same amount, and then the T part is sold.


In addition, a combination of indicators such as MACD, KDJ, BOLL are used. Success is more likely. If you can always keep some T-cash in your hand, it's safer to keep the bottom of your hand, to do new business every day, to roll it.


about bottom form:

  在实际的盘中操作中,重点是考虑盘中三要素:价格、形态、即时成交量。其中,盘中的买入操作重点 是根据盘中的形态进行分析和参与的。T 0盘中底部的五种形态第一种:盘中圆弧底圆弧底是指股价运行轨迹呈圆弧型的底部型态。这种型态的形成原因,是由于有部分做多资金正在少量的逐级温和建仓造成,显示股价已经探明阶段性底部的支撑。它的理论上涨幅度通常是最低价到颈线位的涨幅的一倍。需要注意的是盘中圆弧底在用于对个股分析时比较有效,但指数出现圆弧底往往未必有象样的涨升。

In practical exercises, the focus is on considering three elements of the disk: price, form, instant flow. Among them, the focus of buying in the disk is analysis and participation based on the pattern in the disk. The first of the five forms of the bottom of the T0 disk: the bottom of the circle arc refers to the bottom type of arc in which the track of the stock price runs. This pattern is created by the fact that part of the multi-fund effort is being made with a small amount of temperature and warehousing, showing that stock prices have been identified as supporting the bottom of the stage. Its theoretical increase is usually double the lowest price to the neck position. It needs to be noted that the bottom of the round arc is more effective when used to analyse a unit, but the bottom of the index is not always the same.

  T 0盘中底部的五种形态之第二种:盘中V型底俗称“尖底”,型态走势象V型。其形成时间最短,是研判最困难,参与风险最大的一种型态。但是这种型态的爆发力最强,把握的好,可以迅速获取利润。它的形成往往是由于主力刻意打压造成的,使得股价暂时性的过度超跌,从而产生盘中的报复性上攻行情。这属于短线高手最青睐的一种盘中形态。

The second of the five forms of the bottom of the T0 plate: the V-type is commonly called the “fronty bottom” and the V-type pattern. The shortest form is one of the most difficult and risky forms of participation. But the type is the most powerful and well-controlled and quickly profitable. It is often formed as a result of deliberate pressure from the main forces, which causes excessive temporary stock prices to fall, thus generating retaliatory upswings on the plate. This is one of the most popular patterns of the short-line players.

  T 0盘中底部的五种形态之第三种:盘中双底股价走势象W字母,又称W型底。是一种较为可靠的盘中反转型态,对这种型态的研判重点是股价在走右边的底部 时,即时成交量是否会出现底背离特征,如果,即时成交量不产生背离,W型底就可能向其它型态转化,如:多重底。转化后的形态即使出现涨升,其上攻动能也会 较弱。这类盘中底部形态研判比较容易,形态构成时间长,可操作性强,适用于短线爱好者操作或普通投资者选择买点时使用。

The third of the five forms of the bottom of the T0 plate: double bottom stock price moves like W letters, or W type bottom. It is a more reliable counter-transitional state on the plate, where the focus is on whether the stock price is at the bottom of the right and whether there is a bottom-down deviation feature in the instant yield, and if there is no current trade-off, the bottom of the W may shift to other patterns, such as multiple bottoms. Even if the converted pattern rises, the upper edge is weaker. The bottom form of the plate is easier, the form is long-constituted, is more operational, applies to short-line fans or to ordinary investors when they choose to buy points.

  T 0盘中底部的五种形态之第四 种:盘中头肩底其型状呈现三个明显的低谷,其中位于中间的一个低谷比其他两个低谷的低位更底。对头肩底的研判重点是量比和颈线,量比要处于温和放大状态,右肩的量要明显 大于左肩的量。如果在有量配合的基础上,股价成功突破颈线,则是该型态在盘中的最佳买点。参与这种形态的炒作要注意股价所处位置的高低,偏低的位置往往会 有较好的参与价值。

The fourth of the five forms of the bottom of the T0 plate: the shape of the upper shoulder of the plate displays three distinct lows, one of which is located in the middle below the lower of the other two. The emphasis on the bottom of the head is on volume ratios and neck lines, which are more moderate and magnified than on the right shoulder, which is significantly larger than on the left shoulder. If the stock price breaks through the neck line on a quantitative basis, it is the best purchase point in the plate.

  T 0盘中底部的五种形态之第五种:盘中平底这是一种只有在盘中才特有的形态。其经常能演变为“平台起飞”形态。具体表现形式是:某些个股开盘后,走势一直显得十分沉闷,股价几乎沿着一条直线做横向 近似水平移动,股价波动范围极小,有时甚至上下相差仅几分钱。但是,当运行到午后开盘或临近收盘时,这类个股会突然爆发出盘中井喷行情,如果投资者平时注 意观察,密切跟踪,并在交易软件上设置好盘中预警功能,一旦发现即时成交量突然急剧放大,可以准确及时出击,获取盘中可观的短线收益。

The fifth of the five forms of the bottom of the T0 plate: the bottom of the plate is a form that is unique only in the disk. It often evolves into a "platform take-off" form. This is manifested in the fact that, after the opening of certain shares, the movement appears to be very depressing, the stock price moves almost horizontally along a straight line, and the stock price fluctuations are minimal, and sometimes even slightly different. But, when running after noon, when open or close to close, the shares suddenly burst out, and if investors are interested in observing, closely followed up, and have an early warning function in the trade software, it is possible to strike in a timely and significant short-line return on the plate, in a timely manner, once it is discovered that there is a sudden surge in turnover.





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