
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:56 评论:0
作者?|秦晓峰 来源?|?Odaily Author of the strong? Qin Xiao Feng Qing Qing Xiao Feng / strong...



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作者?|秦晓峰 来源?|?Odaily

Author of the strong? Qin Xiao Feng Qing Qing Xiao Feng / strong strong strong



近期,历史最久、基金规模最大的「地表最强风投」红杉资本频频发出高调 All in Crypto 和 Web 3.0 的信号。

In recent times, the oldest and largest fund, "the strongest winddrops on the surface" of the Redwood, has often sent high-profile signals from All in Crypto and Web 3.0.

一方面,红杉资本及红杉印度近两日更改推特简介,围绕「DAO」、「元宇宙」、「主网水龙头」等加密关键词,并且拍卖 NFT 追赶浪潮,在社交媒体上持续发声。

On the one hand, Redwood Capital and Redwood India have changed their Twitter profile over the last two days around encrypted keywords such as "DAO", "Men Universe" and "Main Web Water tap" and auctions for NFT to catch up with the wave and make a sustained sound in social media.

另一方面,红杉资本、红杉印度、红杉中国相继加大了对加密企业的投资力度,红杉资本上个月宣布成立了新的大型开放式基金,今年宣布的融资达 30 多笔,红杉中国掌门人沈南鹏也表示在“All in Crypto”。

On the other hand, Redwood capital, Redwood India, and Redwood China have increased their investment in encryption businesses, and the Redwood capital announced the establishment of a new large open fund last month, with more than 30 funds announced this year, and the Redwood Chinese leader, Shen Nam Peng, said that he was “all in Crypto”.


However, perhaps because of the overheated discussions on the Internet, only one day after the twitter of Redwood Capital, the profile was deleted.

Image Web2.0 推手积极拥抱 Web3.0


12 月 8 日(周三),红杉资本将推特简介变更为「Mainnet faucet. We help the daring buidl legendary DAOs from idea to token airdrops. LFG」,「我们帮助有胆识的人缔造传奇 DAO,从创意到代币空投」。

On December 8th (on Wednesday), Redwood Capital changed the Twitter profile to "Mainnet faucet. We help the daring dudl uniform DAOs from ideaa to token airdrops.

短短一句简介,加密「黑话」含量爆表。「Mainnet」指区块链主网,「faucet」则是水龙头,指项目早期分发的小额空投,「DAO」是去中心化自组织, 「buidl」的拼写方式也是加密用户专属。

A short introduction to encrypt the black word content table. "Mainnet" refers to the main network of block chains, "faucets" refers to the tap, which refers to the small air drops distributed earlier in the project, "DAO" refers to a decentralised self-organization, and the spelling of "buidl" is exclusive to encryption users.

此前一天,红杉印度的推特号也修改了同款简介「红杉印度帮助印度和东南亚地区的超级程序员缔造传奇 DAO,从 discord 到 metaverse 」,还将账户定位改为:Metaverse(元宇宙)。

The day before, Redwood India Twitter also modified the same profile: "The Redwood India helped the superprogrammers in India and South-East Asia create the legend DAO, from discord to metaverse" and changed the account location to: Metaverse.


北京时间今天凌晨,红杉资本推特再次发了一条加密社区中用户互打招呼的常用的「GM」(早上好)的推文,获得超过 3000 人次的点赞。

In the early morning hours of Beijing time, Redwood Capital Twitter again posted a popular "GM" (good morning) tweet from users in an encrypted community, which received over 3000 praises.

频频的 Crypto Native 发言让加密社区的人调侃「有种看蔡明在春晚上说网络流行语的感觉」,「好像早上起床你爷爷跟你说今天真是 YYDS」。

More often, Crypto Native talks to people in the encryption community about "the feeling of watching Choi Ming speak the language of the Internet at spring night," "as if your grandfather woke up in the morning and told you today is really a YYDS."

而后,红杉资本全球执行合伙人沈南鹏与 Dragonfly Capital 创始人合伙人冯波的聊天记录中,沈南鹏也表示正「All in cryto」。或许是有点激动,沈南鹏还将「Crypto」拼错了。

Then, in a chat between Shen Nam Peng, a global executive partner in Redwood Capital, and Von Bo, founder of Dragonfly Capital, Shen Nam Peng also said "All in Cryto." Perhaps it was a little excited that she misspelled "Crypto".

但是,全网热烈讨论了一天,正奔走相告红杉 All in Crypto 的消息,他们却已将推特简介默默从 Web 3.0 版改回了 Web 2.0版,回到了「帮助传奇企业IPO」。引得吃瓜群众笑谈「红杉为时一天的 All in 结束了」。

However, after a lively discussion of the day and running away to tell Redwood All in Crypto, they changed their Twitter profile from Web 3.0 to Web 2.0, back to "helping the Legendary Enterprise IPO".

当然,调侃归调侃,PR 收效过强让老牌资本想低调也无可厚非,无论如何效果已经达到了,而且过去一段时间,红杉真心白银的投入和积极拥抱 Web3.0 的系列动作,已经足够表明他们的决心。

Of course, the PR has worked too hard to lower the profile of old-fashioned capital, and in any case, the results have been achieved, and over the past few years, the redwoods have shown their determination by genuinely investing in and actively hugging Web3.0.

例如本月初,红杉资本试水赶了一波 NFT 潮流。

For example, at the beginning of this month, a wave of NFTs was hit by a Redwood capital test.

12 月 3 日,红杉资本发推称,将 2005 年 YouTube 投资备忘录作为 NFT 拍卖,任何人都可以竞拍,所得收益将用于 0xPARC(以太坊上密码学应用研究计划)的公共生态系统基金,获胜者将拥有 100% 的所有权。?

On December 3, Redwood Capital assumed that the 2005 YouTube investment memorandum would be auctioned for NFT, that anyone could bid and that the proceeds would be used for the public ecosystem fund of 0xPARC (the cythological application research programme in Taiku), and that the winner would have 100 per cent ownership?

该消息迅速发酵,大量加密人士参与拍卖。最终,NFT 收藏家 Panksy.eth 以 200 ETH 拍得该藏品。?

The news is rapidly fermented, with a large number of cryptographers participating in the auction. Eventually, the NFT collector Panksy.eth filmed the collection with 200 ETH?

关于这次拍卖的意义,红杉资本也专门发了长文叙述,表示这是同 Web2.0 告别,拥抱 Web3.0 新时代。

With regard to the significance of the auction, Redwood Capital also devoted a long story to saying that it was goodbye to Web 2.0 and embrace the new era of Web3.0.

“YouTube 备忘录 NFT 是一个拥有一段互联网历史的机会,这是一个很好的理由。这张 2005 年种子期投资备忘录是 Web 2.0 时代的一个时间胶囊,所以在 Web 3.0 的前夕拍卖它似乎很合适。”?

"Youtube Memorandum NFT is an opportunity to have a history of

Image 成立开放基金,重仓加密企业


Of course, propaganda is only on the one hand, not on the other hand, but on the other. According to the data, Redwood Capital is putting on a program this year in various fields of encryption.

同时,红杉资本也在上月宣布,计划在美国 SEC 成为注册投资顾问(RIA),以便更多地投资于加密货币等替代资产。

At the same time, Redwood Capital announced last month that it was planning to become a registered investment adviser (RIA) in the United States in order to invest more in alternative assets such as encrypted currency.

此外,根据红杉合伙人 Roelof Botha 发表的声明,他们正在组建一个新的开放基金,该基金将不设“人为时间范围”,这种永久开放的基金正是加密圈不少机构的选择。

In addition, according to a statement made by the Redwood partner Roelof Botha, they are in the process of forming a new open fund, which will not have a “man-made time frame”, a permanent open fund that is the choice of many agencies in the cryptosphere.

实际上,红杉早在 2014 年就开始了加密领域投资的布局。2017、2018 年也曾参与不少加密项目的投资,但是,随着 18 年泡沫破裂,传统 VC集体退潮,接下来的 2 年,红杉在加密领域的投资步伐也相对慢了下来,虽然仍有投一些项目,但多为大型基础设施类别。

In fact, Redwood began to invest in encryption as early as 2014. In 2017 and 2018, it was also involved in a number of encryption projects, but with the bursting of the 18-year bubble and the collapse of traditional VC collectives, the next two years also saw a relatively slow pace of investment in encryption, although some projects were still under way, mostly in large infrastructure categories.

2021 年却不同了,自 4 月 Coinbase 成功在纳斯达克挂牌上市后,对加密行业合规性存疑的 VC 再次对加密项目的投资燃起热情,多只基金表明过这样的倾向,传奇 VC a16z 年中成立了史上最大 22 亿美元的加密基金,也让全球资本无法忽略。

The year 2021 was different, and since April, when Coinbase succeeded in putting on the market

于是在即将过去的 2021 年,红杉资本在全球开启「买买买」的模式,持续布局公链、交易所、Layer2、NFT 等赛道。据公开信息,包括红杉资本(美国)、红杉中国、红杉印度在内的三家投资机构,今年公布的投资的项目超过 30 个(含追投),包括:

So, in the coming 2021, Redwood capital began a "buy-and-buy" model around the world, continuing to set up public chains, exchanges, Layer 2, NFT, and so on. According to public information, three investment agencies, including Redwood Capital (United States), Redwood China, Redwood India, have announced more than 30 investment projects this year, including:

加密衍生品平台 FTX;数字资产托管平台 Fireblocks ;以太坊 Layer 2 解决方案 StarkWare;以太坊 Layer 2 解决方案 Polygon;加密货币指数协议 Index Coop;加密初创公司 Iron Fish。

Encrypted derivative platform FTX; Digital asset hosting platform Fireblocks; Ether Layer 2 solution StarkWare; Ether Layer 2 solution Polygon; Encryption Currency Index Protocol Index Cooper; Encryption Starter Iron Fish.

区块链安全公司 CertiK;波卡 DeFi 协议 Parallel Finance;元宇宙交互平台 Gather;游戏初创工作室 Faraway;板球 NFT 平台 Faze Technologies;去中心化固定收益交易平台 Strips Finance。

Block Chain Security Company CertiK; Poca DeFi Agreement Parallel Finance; Meta-Cosmos Interactive Platform Gather; Game Studio Faraway; Cricket NFT Platform Faze Technologies; Decentralized Fixed Gain Trading Platform Strips Finance.

社交区块链平台 DeSo;非洲移动支付平台 OPay;亚洲最大加密金融机构贝宝金融;公共资源交易平台标信智链;数字支付公司 Stripe;股票与加密货币交易平台 Robinhood;Cosmos 生态流动性质押协议 pSTAKE。

Social block chain platform DeSo; Africa mobile payment platform OPay; Asia's largest encrypted financial institution, Babao Finance; public resource trading platform puncture chain; digital payment company Stripe; stock and encrypted currency trading platform Robinhood; Cosmos eco-mobility pledge agreement pSTAKE.

DeFi 平台 Beta Finance;加密资管平台 Coinshift;数字银行 Tonik Financial;加密货币交易平台 CoinSwitch Kuber。

DeFi platform Beta Finance; encryption platform Coinshift; numberTonik Financial; encryption currency trading platform CoinSwitch Kuber.

从数据看,红杉资本在全球重押注了加密金融领域和区块链生态的基础设施平台,从加密交易所、资管平台、支付工具,到底层公链、技术中间件、安全公司,同时,他们也少量地尝试了新的领域探索,如波卡生态的 DeFi 协议、NFT 项目。?

In terms of data, Redwood capital retraces global infrastructure platforms in the area of encryption finance and block-chain ecology, ranging from encryption exchanges, capital platforms, payment tools, to bottom public chains, technology intermediates, and safety companies, and at the same time they have made a few attempts to explore new areas, such as the DeFi protocol for Poca Ecology, the NFT project?


In general, Redwood capital is more in favour of defined maturity targets based on the size of the funds.

例如红杉中国在今年 10 月参投 Animoca Brands,后者在 NFT 及元宇宙游戏赛道投资和孵化了诸多头部生态项目,今年前三个季度的收入近 5.3 亿美元,并持有超过 6 亿美元的流动数字资产。

For example, Redwood China joined Animoca Brands in October this year, who invested in and hatched many head ecological projects in the NFT and Woncos game track, earning nearly $530 million in the first three quarters of this year and holding more than $600 million in mobile digital assets.

Image 风险投资的范式转移

风险投资在上世纪 60 年代在美国硅谷出现,在过去的几十年里,风险投资机构一直是引领科技进步、商业创新的先驱者,他们通过资金和资源陪伴创新者和企业家,崇尚冒险、自由开放,让灵光一现的想法照进现实。

Risk investments emerged in the 1960s in Silicon Valley in the United States of America. Over the past decades, venture capital institutions have been pioneers in leading technological advances and business innovations, accompanying innovators and entrepreneurs through money and resources, embracing adventures, liberal openings and giving light to emerging ideas.

帮助投资组合持续壮大,并走向 IPO(首次公开发售股票)是其理想的退出方式。

Helping the portfolio continue to grow and move towards IPO (the first public offer of stocks) is the ideal way to exit.

但是,随着时间的推移和市场的变化,今天的风投已经不再是冒险者的代表,资金资源不断头部靠拢,他们的策略也趋于保守,甚至规避创新风险,只重仓押注确定性机会,从早期投资变成了晚期投资,从创新者变成了高高在上的「Old Money」。

However, with the passage of time and changes in the market, today’s windfall is no longer representative of the venturers, and the financial resources are increasingly focused, and their strategies tend to be conservative, even avoiding the risks of innovation, and they simply keep up with certainty, moving from early to late investment, from innovators to high-profile “Old Money”.

大多 VC 的运作模式已经不再是曾经的“研究和数据驱动的大胆创新”,除了资金,他们能提供给创业者的价值也变得十分有限。

Most VC modes of operation are no longer once “research and data-driven bold innovations” and, in addition to financial resources, the value they can provide to has become very limited.

不过,随着人们对 Web 3.0 开放互联网的探讨,对 DAO 去中心化商业形态的探讨,项目的资金募集方式、投资者的退出方式、投资者和创业者的关系也在加密领域率先发生了变化。

However, with the exploration of Web 3.0 access to the Internet and the exploration of DAO's decentralised business patterns, the ways in which the project's funds are raised, the way investors withdraw, and the relationship between investors and entrepreneurs have also taken the lead in the area of encryption.

1CO 的尝试存在很多问题,但它确实给全球的创业者、投资人展示了初创项目募集资金的新形式。而经过几年的发展,今天的代币锁仓期限、经济模型、和对投资者贡献的要求已经有了新的体系。

The attempt by 1CO is problematic, but it does show new forms of fund-raising for start-up projects for entrepreneurs and investors around the world. After several years, today’s currency lock-ups, economic models, and requirements for investors’ contributions are new.


In the world of encryption, we commend technological innovation, risk-taking investment decisions and even becoming part of the project, participating in governance, disseminating consensus and sharing communication.

因此我们认为:风险投资不会消失,但它的范式在 Web 3.0 时代必须发生变化。

We therefore believe that venture capital will not disappear, but its paradigm must change in the age of Web 3.0.


Not to destabilize themselves, but to be subverted by others, allowing Redwood capital to embrace new trends, while the status of kings in the old world is still a cause for hesitation.


Finally, I would like to ask a very interesting question: do you want to have an impact on the world or do you want to participate in a financial game?

也许今天很多人想当然地、不屑地认为加密世界的属性是后者,但少数聪明的人知道,通过加密世界的工具和设施走向 Web 3.0,这和当初计算机的诞生,互联网的出现一样令人兴奋。 Image

Perhaps a lot of people today want to assume, of course, that the properties of the encrypted world are the latter, but a few smart people know that the path to Web 3.0 is going through the tools and facilities of the encrypted world, as exciting as the birth of the original . image


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