1、为什么每次都要有战后复盘这个环节?也不是为了水字数,而是战斗过程不说精心设计,至少也是经过一定设计的。上一章里至少描写过了三次,满大人的手臂在颤抖,然后才有原力脱下戒指这个情节,这也算是一个小小伏笔吧,我要不说,绝大多数读者可能也就一目十行扫过去了,那可不行。 2、漫威的设定是真的烂,比战锤40K烂得多得多,各种胡乱吹逼。比如:全人类的历史才六百万年,瓦坎达的历史一百万年?还有十戒也是,设定秒天秒地毁灭世界,一打起来又被狂扁狂揍,为了给十戒设定打补丁,绞尽我的脑汁。
1. Why does it have to be repeated every time after the war? It is not for the number of words, but for the course of the battle not to be carefully designed, at least with some design. The last chapter describes, at least three times, the fact that the arm of an adult is shaking, and then there is the force to take off the ring, which is a little pen. Without saying it, the vast majority of readers may have been wiped out by a single eye.
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