
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:21 评论:0
比特币近一年走势 来源:CoinMarketCap华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 卢梦雪 冉学东 北京报道Reporter of the Summer Times (ww...



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比特币近一年走势 来源:CoinMarketCap

华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 卢梦雪 冉学东 北京报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


After crossing the $40,000 mark, Bitcoin continued to stoop up, showing that, in the early hours of 6 December, the price of Bitcoin had exceeded $44,000 and was now reported at $44091.54, a round-the-clock increase of 5.39 per cent.

8 marketcap最新数据显示,比特币以8623亿美元的市值重返了全球市值资产第9位,超过了Meta Platforms (原Facebook)、伯克希尔(Berkshire Hathaway)和特斯拉。

According to the latest data from Marketcap, Bitcoin returned to the ninth place of global market value assets at a market value of $86.23 billion, exceeding Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), Berkshire Hathaway and Tesla.


比特币市值排名 来源:8marketcap

上涨行情下的加密货币圈一片欢腾。曾因投资比特币亏损而受到“群嘲”的萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele在社交平台发文表示,比特币投资已浮盈360万美元,但将继续长期持有。

El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele, who had been “grouply mocked” for his investment in bitcoin losses, wrote on social platforms that bitcoin investment had floated by $3.6 million, but would continue to hold it for a long time.


Several agencies indicated that the post-bitcoin city was optimistic.



“萨尔瓦多的比特币投资已经实现盈利。尽管之前有无数的报道和批评来嘲笑萨尔瓦多的‘亏损’,但这些所谓的亏损都是基于当时币价来计算的。根据当前的币价,如果萨尔瓦多出售持有的比特币,不仅可以回本,还能获得362万美元的收益。”12月4日,萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele在社交平台上发文表示。

Despite numerous previous reports and criticisms to mock El Salvador’s ‘deficit’, these so-called losses were calculated on the basis of current currency prices. According to current currency prices, if El Salvador sells its holdings of bitcoins, it will be able not only to pay back, but also to earn $3.62 million.” On 4 December, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele wrote on social platforms.


As the first country in the world to use Bitcoin as a legal currency, El Salvador has come up against a number of questions and criticisms. In 2022, in the context of the lowness of Bitcoin, El Salvador’s bank accounts have been shrouded and there has been a significant loss of over $67 million. Many media reports say that El Salvador may have defaulted on $800 million in bonds due to the loss of Bitcoin’s investments.

而批评与嘲笑之下,Nayib Bukele不为所动,坚持加仓,并宣布2022年11月18日起每天都购买一枚BTC。截至目前,萨尔瓦多政府账户上已经拥有了价值1.3亿美元的比特币,其被外界担忧违约的债券也已于年初全额偿还。

In response to criticism and scoffing, Nayib Bukele insisted on siloing and announced that he would buy a BTC every day from 18 November 2022. To date, El Salvador’s government accounts have been valued at $130 million in bitcoins, and its default bonds, which are feared by the outside world, have been fully repaid at the beginning of the year.

伴随着比特币价格反弹,Nayib Bukele也终于扬眉吐气。11月,BTC从34656美元上涨至37732美元,全月实现上涨8.88%。12月4日,比特币价格突破4万美元关口,达到2022年4月以来新高。12月6日凌晨,比特币价格突破44000美元,再次刷新记录。

In November, the BTC rose from $34,656 to $37,732, a monthly increase of 8.88%. On December 4, the price of Bitcoin crossed the $40,000 mark, reaching a new high since April 2022. In the early hours of December 6, the price of Bitcoin rose by $44,000, refreshing its record.

Nayib Bukele在社交平台写道,萨尔瓦多还将继续长期持有比特币,未来的价格波动也不会影响其长期战略,“尽管如此,曾经的批评者和质疑者应该收回他们的言论,为质疑萨尔瓦多投资的行为道歉。”

Nayib Bukele wrote on social platforms that El Salvador would continue to hold bitcoin for a long time and that future price fluctuations would not affect its long-term strategy “albeit so, former critics and challengers should retract their statements and apologize for challenging Salvadoran investment”.

币价助推之下,比特币市值也重返高位。8 marketcap 12月6日数据显示,比特币以8623亿美元的市值超越了Meta Platforms (原Facebook)、伯克希尔(Berkshire Hathaway)和特斯拉,重返全球市值资产第9位,第8名是英伟达(NVIDIA)。

Bitcoin’s market value has returned to a higher position with currency prices. 8 Marketcap, 6 December, shows that Bitcoin outpaced Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), Berkshire Hathaway and Tesla with a market value of $86.23 billion.

CoinShares数据显示,11月27日至12月3日一周,数字资产投资产品的资金净流入1.76亿美元,达到了自2021年10月美国推出期货ETF以来的最高水平。其中比特币流入1.33亿美元,以太坊流入3100万美元,而区块链股票则连续第七周流入,11月27日至12月3日流入 1740 万美元,创2022年7月以来最大流入量。

CoinShares data show that, during the week of 27 November to 3 December, net inflows of digital asset investment products reached $176 million, the highest level since the introduction of futures ETFs in the United States in October 2021. Bitcoin inflowed $133 million, reaching $31 million in the Pacific, while block chain equities in the seventh consecutive week, reaching $17.4 million between 27 November and 3 December, the largest since July 2022.


In addition, Bloomberg data show that the unprecedented high in November of the Bitcoin futures unwinding contracts listed on the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) may indicate an increase in institutional activity in the market.

与此同时,交易所交易产品(ETP),包括美国的期货产品和海外的现货产品,11月实现净流入。灰度(Grayscale Research)估计,11月份全球加密货币ETP净流入总额为13亿美元,全年达22亿美元。

At the same time, exchange-trading products (ETPs), including futures products from the United States and off-shore spot products, achieved net inflows in November. Grayscales (Grayscale Research) estimated that global net inflows of encrypted currency ETPs totalled $1.3 billion in November, amounting to $2.2 billion a year.


According to Zhao Wei, a senior researcher at the OkX Institute, the Fed's suspension of interest hikes, the positive expectation that the Bitcoin ETF application would be approved, the growing prosperity of the Bitcoin ecology, and the expectation that the market would halve the fourth bitcoin, contributed to the current round of price increases in bitcoin.


“Policy changes, as well as the Black Swan incident, have always been important factors affecting asset price trends, and at any time we have advised investors to manage risks and invest prudently.” Zhao Wei told the Washington Times reporter.


Markets have positive expectations


Under successive increases, the market has tended to be more positive in the post-bitcoin market.


An encrypt currency dealer conveyed to the press his optimism that “this year's performance is somewhat more than anticipated, but it is estimated that it will rise to at least $50,000 this time, not excluding the possibility of a return”.


In a report, the crypto-currency investment service provider Matrixport noted that Bitcoin had a high premium for permanent futures relative to spot prices, suggesting that traders were rushing into bitcoins for fear of missing the opportunity to increase. “Bitcoin is expected to reach $63140 in April 2024, and $125,000 by the end of 2024.” The agency said.

数字资产投资公司Galaxy Digital首席执行官Michael Novogratz近日在接受媒体采访时预测,当现货比特币ETF推出的公告切实宣布时,贝莱德、Ark、富达以及他自己的公司将“利用他们的销售力量说服人们购买比特币”。比特币价格将会大幅上涨,尤其是在美联储可能降息的情况下,他认为到明年这个时候,比特币可能达到历史高点。

In a recent media interview with the Chief Executive Officer of the digital asset investment company Galaxy Digital, Michael Novogratz, he predicted that when the spot Bitcoin ETF announcement was actually announced, Belede, Ark, Fuda, and his own companies would “use their sales power to persuade people to buy bitcoins.” Bitcoin prices would rise significantly, especially in the case of a possible interest reduction by the Fed, and he believed that Bitcoin could reach an all-time high by that time next year.


“With regard to price trends, feedback has been received from the current market, as well as an indication of investors' optimism. Despite the uncertainties in the capital market, we see a generally positive attitude towards future price trends in the current industry.” Zhao Wei pointed out to the Washington Times reporter.


It is worth mentioning that Koreans are becoming more active in the exchange of currency. According to data compiled by CIData, a market data provider, the Korean won for the first time exceeded the United States dollar in November, making it the largest legal-currency transaction in an encrypted currency (excluding stable currency and other transactions).


“In bitcoin transactions, 42.8% of French currency transactions are related to Korean Won. Since September this year, the market share of Korean Won has increased by about 17% to 41%, while the market share of the dollar has fallen by 11% to 40%.” CCData says.


In recent years, Korea has become one of the global hotspots for investment in encrypted money, with Coinhills showing that the won has been one of the top three national currencies traded in bitcoin. The Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) reported in September this year that there are nearly 7 million encrypted money investors in Korea, accounting for about 14% of the country’s total population.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:张志伟

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Zhiwei


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