虚拟货币监管加码 “挖矿”或将在中国成历史

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:21 评论:0



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With the tightening of domestic regulations, virtual currencies such as Bitcoin & & & & rdquo; may become history in China, mostly & & & & & & & ; miners & & & & ; will be transferred to other countries, but some & & & & quo; miners & & &, may go underground. Some of them are in & & & & & rdquo; and young people who lose and lose in China are still hoping that the myths of wealth will happen to themselves.



& & & ldquo; originally tried to copy it, but didn't think it was possible to get rid of it. & rdquo; in several & & ldquo; coins & rdquo; microscopic group, Liu & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, as a mediaman, he has been following the virtual money market for a long time, and he has invested some money in his spare time & & & & & & & & rdquao;, in his view, the virtual money market is no longer attractive to himself but full of lies and & & & & ldquao; air currency & & & & ;


On the night of May 23, the virtual currency collapsed once again, with bitcoin falling by more than 16 per cent, and Letco and Etheria falling by a lot. A month ago, Bitcoin was more than $60,000 and fell to more than $30,000 in the eye.


On May 19, the virtual currency market also collapsed almost on a full-line basis, with a peak of more than 30% in Bitcoin, a one-time drop of 30,000 dollars, and nearly 55% in dogs with fast price hikes since this year, as well as a sharp fall of more than 40% in the platform currency of the three major exchanges – the currency, the gun, and the OKEx. This has led to a large number of traders & ldquao; the explosion of the warehouse & the rdquao; and a loss of more than $46 billion.


On May 18, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Payment Settlement Association jointly issued a bulletin to protect against the risk of virtual currency transactions. On May 21, the State Council Committee on Financial Stability and Development made a clear proposal to combat Bitcoin mining and trading.


Industry sources point out that, as domestic regulation becomes tighter, &ldquo of virtual currency such as Bitcoin; mining & rdquao; most & & & rdquao; miners & & rdquao; will be transferred to other countries, but some & & & & rdquao; miners & & rdquao; may go underground from here. Some of them are & & & & & & rdquao; and young people who are still losing and losing are still looking for their own rich myths to happen.


&ldquao; a single sentence controls the direction of the currency price & rdquao;

  在虚拟货币界,比特币、以太坊的价值备受公认,市值和流通性也位居前列,紧随其后的是各种小币种。从年初开始,狗狗币(DOGE Coin)异军突起,此前,这个原本只是程序员玩笑的小币种的价格一直都没有大幅波动。

In the virtual currency world, the values of Bitcoin and Etheria are well recognized, and market value and liquidity are at the forefront, followed by a variety of small currencies. Since the beginning of the year, the price of the Doge Coin has not fluctuated significantly since the beginning of the year.


At the beginning of February, Tesla’s founder, Iron & Middot; and Muskeh, who, on a number of occasions in social media, raised the price of the dog price by 60%. Since this year, the price of the dog price has been innovative, rising more than 200 times in a few months, with a market value of about $92 billion at one time.


The & & & & & rdquo; & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & Quo; & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & &, & & & & & & &, & & & & & &, & & & & &,, & &, & & &. & & &. & &. & & &. & & &.. & & & &.


Liu argued that the institution represented by Mask was the winner behind the virtual currency curtain, judging by the surge in market dynamics. For example, when Musk claimed that Tesla could be bought in bitcoin, Bitcoin rose by $1,000; when he announced that Tesla would suspend the use of bitcoin, the price fell by 10 per cent.


Liu, who once saw Mask as an idol, changed his mind: & ldquo; he was the leader, and he was the leader, and he was the leader, and he was the leader, so that a word could control the price of the currency. & & rdquo; as an authority, he now hopes only that institutions and capital can & ldquao; take the lead in pulling the plate & rdquao; and maintain the price of mainstream tokens, such as bitcoin, properly.


William, researcher at the EuiOKEx Institute, analyzes this & ldquo; 5· 19-dollar collapse & & rdquao; both because of the accumulation of large bubbles in the virtual currency market and because of negative statements by Musk et al. that have shaken the market’s confidence in the price of the foreign currency.


By the beginning of February, bitcoin prices had been hovering around $30,000 per unit, but market sentiment had been driven back to about $60,000 as Musk announced Tesla’s purchase of bitcoins and frequent billings. But, on the eve of “ 5· 19” and on the eve, Musk made frequent statements against bitcoins, including Tesla’s cessation of its acceptance of Bitcoin payments, which had shaken market confidence. William argued that most of the animal coins that the market pursued in the past few weeks had been a complete manifestation of the market’s irrational behaviour and reflected the market’s huge bubble.


funds&ldquao; access routes&rdquao; blocked, &ldquao; mining & rdquao; or will become history in China


On May 18, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the Chinese Payments Clearing Association issued a joint announcement demanding that member institutions should not engage in virtual currency exchange and other related financial operations, firmly boycotting illicit financial activities related to virtual currency, and failing to provide account and payment settlements, publicity and other services for virtual currency transactions.


According to some insiders, these regulatory measures are tantamount to blocking channels for the withdrawal of the renminbi and virtual currency, and can protect many small white investors. William agrees that they are equivalent to blocking the & ldquo between the virtual and the statutory currency; the access route & rdquo; and that the virtual currency of the user’s investment cannot be realized and is a deadly blow to new users.


In the days that Guangzhou’s investor Sun wanted to continue buying virtual currency through virtual money trading platforms such as a gun price, but was stopped at the payment chain. & ldquo; payment tips were a dangerous transaction, and I didn’t want to pay. ” in his impression, this happened very little, taking into account the recent surge and collapse of the currency market, & & ldquo; simply not buying & rdquo;


Xiao Xiao, a partner in Beijing and member of the Law Research Council of the Bank of China, stated that regulatory supervision of encrypted digital tokens, such as bitcoin, had never been relaxed, particularly at the meetings of the State Council Committee on Financial Stability and Development, which had clearly proposed & ldquao; the fight against bitcoin mining and trading & & rdquao; which meant & ldquao of bitcoin and other encrypted tokens; the mining & rdquao; and the conduct of which had been determined to be history in our country.


On 18 May, the Office of the Energy Employable Double Emergency Command of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a bulletin on the establishment of a virtual currency & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; enterprise reporting platform, which comprehensively handles information on virtual currency & ldquo; mining & rdquo; business fact-finding reports, mainly covering four types of enterprises: virtual currency & ldquo; mining & rdquo; enterprises; virtual currency disguised as data centres enjoying preferential policies in the areas of taxation, land, electricity prices, etc.; mining & & rdquo; enterprises engaged in mining; enterprises engaged in virtual currency & & & ldquo; mining & & rdquo; providing services such as site leasing; obtaining electricity through illegal means; virtual currency & & ldquo; mining & & & dquo; businesses operating.


& ldquo, a computer and graphic card; a pond & rdquo; and a virtual currency industry. In April of this year, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Qinghua University scholars produced a paper entitled “Policy assessment of carbon emissions and sustainability in the operation of the sector chain in Bitcoin, China” which estimated that ponds in China account for about 78% of global computing power.


Such a large number of “ mining & rdquo; equipment, which not only caused price hikes in products such as graphic cards, hard drives, etc., consumes large amounts of electricity. The above-mentioned scholars have analysed that, without any policy intervention, China’s annual energy consumption in the Bitcoin sector chain is expected to peak at 296.59 tWh in 2024, generating 130.5 million metric tons of carbon emissions, or 5.41 per cent of China’s carbon emissions from electricity generation. This size exceeds the total annual greenhouse gas emissions of the Czech Republic and Qatar.


There are “ mining & & rdquo; according to some sources, the above-mentioned policy in Inner Mongolia is a signal that mine owners in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, etc. will move further overseas. There are already a number of mine owners publishing information on overseas mining outlets in Africa, Western Asia, Eastern Europe, etc.



Indeed, strict regulation of virtual currencies has become a global consensus in many regulatory sectors.


In the United States, where virtual currency transactions are most active, the Department of the Treasury recently released a report that states that virtual currency facilitates illegal activities, including tax evasion, by developing a new financial account reporting system. In the future, virtual currency and encrypted asset transaction accounts, as well as payment services accounts that receive virtual currency, will be subject to government monitoring, and transactions related to encrypted assets with a market value of over $10,000 will have to be reported to the US IRS.


In Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc., industry-related regulatory policies have been put in place, for example, on investor thresholds, exchange license plates, and KYC recognition (a real-name certification mechanism). India is prepared to ban people directly from trading and holding encrypted digital money.


In its policy document, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) proposes to regulate compliance by virtual asset service providers in the area of combating money-laundering and terrorist financing. The HKSAR Government also plans to submit to the Hong Kong Legislative Council, by the end of 2022, a draft law on a mandatory licensing system for the establishment of a virtual currency exchange. This means that in the future only licensed exchanges can legally provide virtual currency trading services in Hong Kong.


According to Shaw, strict regulation is now widely agreed, but many challenges remain. For example, there are difficulties in using technology to identify targets for currency speculation, mining, etc., precise regulation and control, and there is a regulatory vacuum in virtual currency transactions characterized by de-mediatedization, de-borderization, de-faceability, anonymity, and speed of transactions.


It is also difficult to regulate small-scale and small-scale mining. And it is difficult to determine the regulatory effects of the presence of institutions in the country that are merely their technical companies, and whose owners are overseas and are unable to establish effective regulation or are outside the control of the country, which already poses a threat to our financial security.


However, countries have not strengthened their regulations to keep some people from getting excited. Liu has noticed that in the days following the collapse of the currency market, many people in the currency ring are “ copying &rdquao; or & & & rdquao; off-site & & rdquao; arguing. Some & & & & & ldquao; releasing & ldquao; copying & rdquao; signaling that some young people are still & & & & & rdquao; adhering to faith & & & rdquao; & transferring & & & & rdquao through the purchase of cloud computing; mining & & rdquao; and, by way of circumventing regulation, some are trying to prove that bitco is a more valuable asset than the dollar.


Over time in the currency circle, Liu Quan has come to understand one thing: a crash may be only the beginning of the next campaign, and a group of young people may be preparing & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & quo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Quo; this may not stop as long as the myth of wealth is still in place. & & rdquo;

  中青报·中青网记者 王林 来源:中国青年报

China Youth Journal & Middot; Chinese Youth Network Reporter Wang Lin Source: China Youth News




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