
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:20 评论:0



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Unilateral rises, always exhilarating, easy-to-exist, and the world of recurrent shocks, are always filled with misery, love and love, and the right and the left, and are settled in peace, persistence and strength. When tears come down, let them dry as much as they please, the way will be clearer, and if the heart is hard to control, open their arms and touch the warmth and the distant expectations around them.



Net ETH inflows in the last 10 hours exceeded $359 million:


At 10 p.m. today, the top three rankings are: ETH (+359 million), BTC (+247 million), BNB (+42.184 million); the bottom line is that when someone has a big deal and gets information, it's simple that the big money is working, that the traditional market is small, that it's no match for the United States share, so that if you don't move hundreds of millions of dollars, it's gonna be a big blow, so everybody's dealings have to be cut off at any time, even if you earn 10 times and go back to the pre-liberation period.


4.26 bitcoin with analytical and trade-like thinking:


Since dawn, bitcoin has recovered and, from the hour line, the base of the hour line has formed a double-bottom rebound, accompanied by a re-attack of the shooting star, a 51,500-week counter-attack, a strong break, and as far as 53800 is concerned, the sights are still rising, but I do not recommend that you be up and up and up, since this morning, more than 6,000 points, and although the rise is strong, there are obvious obstacles in the vicinity of 53800, and this is also a change from the top of the upper end of the upper zone, which we will be looking at. Otherwise, it cannot be so arbitrary. Today, the movement is so arbitrary that it is not forbidden to continue at night, it is not to cut vegetables, it is to uproot the scattered house, so it is too awkward to do so much, it is not appropriate to do so, and the steady person can consider observing.


Business thinking: Radicals can do it around 54,000, look around 52,000, look at 54500. More around 52000, look at 54500. If we turn back 51,500, we'll have to change our thinking and make it empty.


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Business thinking: Radicals can do it around 53500, watch the 52000 strip, stop the damage by 54,000. Retrievals around 52000, look at 55,000. If retweeting 51,500 falls unexpectedly, then we have to change our thinking and make it empty.


The whole of the Etherm is a high-profile sensation, with no sign of strength or weakness, a serious back-to-back washing plate, a two-day change, a slight loss of attention, a short line that does not see any pressure support, and a steady person who can consider waiting empty.

  交易参考:回调在2450附近做多,止损2420,目标2550。 做空关注点位2550-2600,止损50点,目标2450。

Transaction reference: More round-ups around 2450, with 2420, target 2550, and a focus of 2550-2600, 50 points, target 2450.


♪ Things are changing fast, I'm just saying ♪ ♪ Take the risk ♪ ♪ Take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk


You're always the one who's losing the money line.


Investment requires an analysis and diagnosis of trends, and not a misperception of trends, but it is often you who judge against behaviors without making any money. That is why one of the most critical factors is the oscillation of the dynamics, the static analysis and the absence of any obsessive analysis, and I summarize some of the mistakes that investors often make in the market.


One, likes to copy the bottom: especially at historically low prices. Seeing yourself at a lower cost than anyone else, it's just too much fun.


2 - Do not want to stop loss: There are a lot of articles about this issue, some days after the breakup, and not days after the breakup, and the next time you'll have a chance not to stop. For me, no loss of more than 10% can be allowed. “Close the loss, let the profit run” is a good word. But then again, if you do not have your own profit model, you end up buying, stopping, buying, then stopping.


Three, fear of highness: many scattered households are afraid of rising prices, and what if they are trapped? Indeed, there is no automatic link between price increases and falling prices, the key is “tightness”, the security of intervention is high after rising trends have taken place, and the profits are high in the short term, and the central question is how to judge whether rising trends have taken place, which are different standards in different market environments, where currency market fluctuations are unmatched by other markets, 5,000-6,000 points per day are normal, and when you are in a position to do so, and when you are in a position to be in a position to do so, you must be in a position to do so.


Four, self-doubt: A lot of friends who analyze yesterday's scenes are saying, judging today's ambivalence, devising good strategies not to be implemented, and fearing the tiger. The old Don often says: A person without a goal is sad, but a person without an execution is ridiculous. A man without a goal will achieve for others in this market, and a person without a plan will be planned one day.


Five, the trade has no rhythm: there is no system of knowledge of the master's methods of play, the coins are like a blind person, they're like a blind person, they feel like the whole market is against themselves, they win two times when they're lucky, and they lose when they're not. So they always sing, "Why am I the one who's always hurt?"


6. Stalking and killing have become a disease: not wanting to miss every opportunity in a transaction, having seen a small upturn, rushing into it, not knowing how well you can win, and being trapped again, because of low levels, lack of self-confidence, and if you can have a couple of profit models that apply to different environmental markets, you have a solid profit formula, regardless of whether the value of the gold rises, falls or falls, and if you have a flat profit formula, then you can step back and minimize the risk by waiting for the inevitable trend to become clear.


7. I don't know how it works in cattle and bear cities. The farmers always think a lot of things, they always think about the next day, they think about the sun, they think about the sun, they think about the sun, they think about the market, they beat him a thousand times, and he wants the market to be the first to fall.



Summing up: The simplest way for a person to really survive in a market is to find his own fatal mistakes to correct it, a person who does not know about self-discovery and scrutiny, the elimination of which is only a matter of time, a market that will never eliminate the “remain” of learning people and write down the problem in paper, and your problem is half solved; the deal is a human map, far from the environment and people that cause you to lose, and the human being is always the product of the environment.


Man/Tang championship




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