
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:17 评论:0
每经编辑 赵庆 作为快的打车创始人,泛城控股集团有限公司董事长陈伟星最近在区块链方面布局连连,堪...



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每经编辑 赵庆


As the founder of the fast-tracking, the Chairman of Pancities Holdings Ltd., Chen Weissung, has recently made a series of investments in the block chain, which has invested in several block chain projects, such as currency security, quantum chains, coins and wave fields.



During the Spring Festival, the battle between Chen Wei-xing and the famous investor, Zhu Xiao-ho, over the chain of blocks, triggered a debate in the industry. It is worth mentioning that Taki acquired Chen's fast taxi, while Zhu was the investor.


On 26 February, at 22:30, until late night, the founder of the Blue Harbour Interactive Group (HK 8267) and the Founding Partner of the Great Tourist Group, Wang Feng, was in the microscopic group & ldquao; ten questions were asked about Chen Weising & rdquao.


Daily economic news (microsigns: nbdnews) journalists also witnessed a dialogue between the two.


During the Spring Festival, Chen Wei-Sung presented & ldquo; after the success of the block chain at , the biggest losers were the bank &rdquao; & & & & ldquao; & rdquao; et cetera.


The dialogue has not yet begun, but discussions in the community are already on the rise. Some people wonder if Chen's block chain project, which he has invested in, is on the ground, and some wonder that some of the statements made these days are very much in response to their appetite and look forward to this dialogue.


On 26 February, the People’s Daily also published a full version of the article on the topic of the block chain, and on 27 February it was placed on the block chain channel.



On the other hand, the block chain project has a low survival rate. According to the East Futures Review, the current ICO project has a high rate of failure, with the block chain project surviving for an average of only one year.


Against this background, the battles and games in the block chain have gained greater attention.


First question:


Are you sure that this is not your language when you say that the encoded currency is never available and that it is never cut? (Ten Weissung wrote a message in his circle of friends & ldquo; true believers do not cut the vegetables, nor do they cut them properly. Only those who sell them are the chords.)




I'm telling you the truth, because there's no money for non-encrypted money in the future, there's no new or old interests between me and Joo-ho, and I'm from old times, and I'm better-looking than him.


He added that more than 60 per cent of the total profits in the United States were capital gains and China was higher, but real wealth was created by workers, creators and organizers.



Chen's high profile raised the profile of block chains among the Internet elites during the Spring Festival, calling a large number of people, while adding to the anxiety of another large number of people. Why are so many people still watching, even indignant and skepticism?




I'm excited about block chains because the confusion I've been unable to solve before has found the technical means to solve them. And the people can't understand complex things, and what they need is experience, with the inspiration of experience, to change their behaviour. They don't need to understand, they need to create what they like, let them use it, and slowly understand it. And this is the same as when I hit a cab, and when I first started to do it, a lot of people object to, mock and strike at us.


King Peak asks:


And the third question is, why are the people who focus on Chen Weissung & ldquo, who are being watched by the outside world? Why do you have to be such a man at once because you don't know what you're talking about? Is it because you believe in a narrow path, or because you believe in Bitcoin?




I think the first thing is because of faith in the chain of blocks. You look at me and Zhang's relationship. He sent a circle of friends or a micro-letter, and I object to his point of view and try to explain to him the value of the chain of blocks.


After three hotspots, Wang Peak casts a fourth question:


Did spring of the block chain really come?


Chen Weising responded:


It's not surprising to say that the block chain is spring for humans. The great opportunity to see now is actually becoming clearer.


In Chen's view, the first wave of opportunity, there's nothing missing on the block chain, there's technology needs to see; the next wave of major technological breakthroughs, not seen yet. There'll be enough players in the next six months. After that, we'll have to do something about it in these communities, and then we'll have to do something about it, and we'll need new technology breakthroughs.


Chen Weising mentioned that & & ldquo; the number of people who believe in and hold bitcoin for a long time and the size of the currency, large bubbles with wave-like heights, robust infrastructure, continuously chained assets & & rdquao; are the four main points of the block chain.


At the end of the tenth question, the conversation between the two men ushered in a new & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & the two years when they sold fast? & & & rdqua? ;


This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011.


I couldn't do it, lost it. So I was happy to drink and drink. I didn't talk to the public, I didn't talk to the public, so I almost refused all media interviews. These two years of boredom, made me meet a lot of elites, learned a lot, drank a lot of good wine, and it was good. I changed when I figured out the chain.


After the pain of reminiscent selling quick & & ldquo; drinking & & rdquo; and after Chen Wei-Sung had again made a generous gesture against Zhu, he mentioned that Zhu was more concerned about the valuation and timing of the company in which he had invested than about the social problems, and that there was a lack of motivation to think about those issues.


& ldquo; if you don't care about others, you lose the first chance to serve others, and every entrepreneur needs the first to discover the pain of others and the first to serve them. ” Chen Weising says.



The direction and size of Chen's block chain investment has been of concern to the outside world. Wang Feng asks & ldquo; how many digital money exchanges did you put in? How many public chains did you put in? How did you find investment opportunities? & rdquo;


Interestingly, the answer to Chen Wei-xing is,


I'm a blind pitcher, old people in the currency, and I'm a good pitcher, and I say ten minutes to talk.


Chen Wei-Sung also talks about the well-known investors in the industry.


Mr. Seo Xiaoping is a teacher who likes to be a teacher, who has unlimited confidence in young people, and who sees the handsome ones vote for them.


Speaking of Tsai Wen-sung, he said,


Wen Sheng is an intuitive genius, and I think he's never been full of things, but he's a intuitive genius.


What do young entrepreneurs do in the face of today's environment?


Because our capital markets are too powerful, capital is growing in entrepreneurial advantage, celebrity platforms can attract investors more easily than ordinary entrepreneurs, and valuations are much higher, as is the case in capital markets.


In addition, Chen Wei Xing mentioned that opportunities for young people are always based on two things, new technologies and a new culture. To create a good business, it is important to keep an eye on the development of new technologies and the formation of a new culture.


Chen Weising also cautioned that traditional equity is the same, that the pace of financing is too fast and capital is too strong, so entrepreneurs now have to be careful to gather their strength and rapidly raise the capital threshold at the moment of opportunity.


After the tenth question after the nine rounds of the game, Wang Feng casts a series of gossip questions:

10.1 如果没有区块链,今天的你最想做什么?

10.1 What do you want to do today if there's no block chain?

10.2 投资人和创业者,只给你一个选,你要哪一个?

10.2 Investors and entrepreneurs, one choice only. Which one do you want?

10.3 还有,有人悄悄地问我,你有女朋友了吗,或者说你想换一个女朋友吗?

Also, someone whispered to me, "Do you have a girlfriend, or do you want a girlfriend?"

10.4 最后,严肃地问一句,你有比特币理想吗?怎么为我们描述你的区块链理想?

Finally, seriously, do you have a bitcoin ideal? How do you describe your block chain ideal?


The answers to the first three small questions are as follows:


"Strong" drinks when you're free at night, read the book and find a chance to live.


Entrepreneur, it's boring to invest, but I'm willing to be a back-up supporter.


I don't even know where my girlfriend is.


In addition, Chen Wei-sung mentioned that, having initially understood only bitcoin and dropped a block chain, it became more and more aware of the speed of the block chain. & ldquo; my first block chain projects were mostly made up of drinking and decision-making. Ever since I found the block chain, the wine stopped, and the girlfriend stopped. & rdquao;


Turning to the idea of a fast-chained zone, he mentioned that, in the age of a block chain, changing the world was not a job for one, but a permanent bitcoin for all. At the same time, the physicality of bitcoin was to be protected (without artificial control) through mechanisms such as hard fork and community games.

每经记者 张虹蕾

Every reporter, Zhang Rainbow Rei.

每经编辑 王嘉琦

Every editor, Wang Jia Qi.




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