这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:20 评论:0
  比特币等虚拟货币大火,有人靠买卖比特币赚差价,而另外一些人,则另辟蹊径,搭建比特币交易平台,抽取服务费。一位华人程序员,通过提供虚拟货币资产交易平台服务,赚了125亿元。而他从创建平台到大富大贵,只用了6个月时间。Virtual cur...



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Virtual currency fires, such as bitcoins, have resulted in a difference between buying and selling bitcoins, and others in setting up bitcoins trading platforms and collecting service fees. A Chinese programmer, by providing virtual money asset trading platforms, has earned $12.5 billion.


Currency for a day, ten years.


A little boy asked his father for a bitcoin as a birthday present.


"What do you want for $9678? $7345 is a lot of money. I don't think children can afford $6297."


Virtual currency rises and falls hundreds of times more crazy than the stock market. This is a second of a big, falling trend that attracts a lot of gold-diggers to take risks.


Some try to obtain virtual currency through hard mining, but find that the cost of electricity alone and the cost of maintenance in the engine room are heavy burdens; others want to buy and sell bitcoin for the price difference, as if it were stock.


When people are digging for gold with madness, selling mineral water and shovels at the edge of the mine becomes a steady trade.


Each editor noted that a well-informed Chinese fellow had accumulated $2 billion (approximately RMB12.5 billion) in wealth through the provision of virtual money asset trading platform services.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !


The country’s under-profile Zhao Chang Peng (English name CZ) has also been on the latest cover of Forbes magazine. Surprisingly, it took him 180 days to turn from a “yard farmer” to a billionaire.

  卖房All in 比特币,赵长鹏排富豪榜第三

All in Bitcoin, Chiu Chang Poon is third in line.


On 7 February, every editor-in-chief noted that Forbes magazine had published the first ever list of “Commercial Money Entrepreneurship Billionaires”.


Zhao’s wealth is estimated to be around $2 billion (as of the end of January) and is the third of the 20 top-ranked rich. The top of this list is occupied by Racson, founder of Ripon, but his home has shrunk from $20 billion at its peak to $7.5 billion.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !



At present, there are 1,500 virtual currency assets around the globe, with a total value of $550 billion, 31 times higher than at the beginning of 2017.


Forbes, in its cover article, lamented that, “in this most insane gold-rich mine last year, speed is the lifeline.


Zhao Chang Peng, a Chinese programmer, took only six months from the creation of the Binance platform to the great fortunes.”

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !

  赵长鹏简历 图片来源:币界网截图


Every editor-in-chief noted that Chiu Chang Peng, who was born in Jiangsu and who was educated in Vancouver, was a standard programmer, favoured drilling techniques and generally enjoyed recreational costumes as well as Zuckerberg, Jobs and others.

  根据公开资料,赵长鹏早年主业是为交易所搭建网络交易系统。2014年,赵长鹏卖掉了在上海的住房,拿全部资金押注比特币。他随后成为了当时中国最大比特币交易平台OK Coin的联合创始人和首席技术官(CTO)。

According to public sources, Zhao Jang Peng’s early business was to set up a network trading system for the exchange. In 2014, Zhao Chang Peng sold his house in Shanghai and put all his money on Bitcoin. He became a co-founder and chief technical officer of the then largest Bitcoin trading platform in China, OK Coin.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !

  2014年赵长鹏参加芝加哥比特币峰会 图片来源:赵长鹏微博

  随后由于一系列争议事件,赵长鹏离开了OK Coin。

As a result of a series of contentious events, Zhao Chang Peng left OK Coin.


In July 2017, Zhao Jang Peng led a group of digital asset lovers to create a currency security platform, which truly opened his path to violent wealth.


platform explodes, with 1.4 million transactions per second


According to the information, the currency net is a platform for digital asset dealers, where users can trade more than 200 virtual currencies and convert them into bitcoins or dollars.


The net has also issued its own block-chain currency, the BNB, which claims a constant total of 200 million and guarantees that it will never increase. According to the network, the founding team, including Zhao Chang Peng, holds 40% of the amount.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !


In the early hours of 8 February, a currency worth approximately $8.76 is convertible to 0.000106 bits.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !


In each case, it is noted that the profit model of the money net depends mainly on the platform’s transactions and current fees.


Surprisingly, the money net currently handles 1.4 million transactions every second, and on the busiest trading day it handles 3.5 billion transactions a day. According to statistics, on 10 January this year, the money net was worth $6.1 billion, with 240,000 people entering the register within an hour, making it impossible to suspend new users’ registration.


At present, the currency net has 6 million users and serves as the world's largest virtual consolidated currency trading platform, with about 30 per cent of the United States dollar players using the currency net.


As the income of the net depends on the dynamism of virtual currency transactions, Zhao Chang Peng is also frequently appearing in the media to “call” digitally encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !


For example, the day before yesterday (on February 6th), Zhao Chang Peng “deeply” relayed a state on his own Twitter. The original text reads, “The US stock market evaporated $1 trillion last week, which is higher than the total value of all virtual currencies.”


Zhao Chang Ping relayed the comment, "That's why there are those who preach "bitcoin is bubble." The real question I think is, "The stock market and bitcoin, who is bubble?"



In recent months, the price of Bitcoin has fallen by about 56 per cent, the price of Ripoon has fallen by 65 per cent, while the price of the currency has fallen from $13 to around $8.


Given the strong regulation by the Central Bank of China of virtual currency transactions and the recent collapse in the value of various virtual currencies in the past month, it remains doubtful whether Zhao Chang Peng’s wealth will be sustained in the long term.


On 1 February of this year, the Bulletin “To Chinese Users” was issued by the Network, with only a few words: “In accordance with China's relevant policy and regulations, it no longer serves users in mainland China”.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !



According to industry sources, this shocking news and the central bank of China are related to the increased regulation of virtual currency asset transactions.


On 20 January, the Department of Operations Management of the Central Bank issued a circular on the conduct of self-censorship and restructuring of payment services for illegal virtual currency transactions, requiring the payment agencies of the legal entities under its jurisdiction to carry out self-censorship and restructuring, strictly prohibiting the provision of services for virtual currency transactions and taking effective measures to prevent payment channels from being used for virtual currency transactions.


As soon as the message came out, both the payment treasure and the outlet indicated that an inventory would be conducted, adhering to the principle of not providing services for transactions involving virtual currency assets.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !


On 26 January, the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA) issued a Notice on Protection against the Risk of ICO and “virtual currency” Transactions Abroad, informing that “in accordance with the relevant national regulatory policy, domestic investors may be affected in terms of network access, payment channels, etc., and investors will suffer losses”.


In response to growing domestic regulation, the currency security team relocated people and servers abroad and dispersed them to more than a dozen different countries and regions.


According to BitcoinNews, “Cho Chang Peng has the same frequency as others to change her clothes.” In response, Zhao Chang Peng explained that “I do not want to place a team in a given country because there is great uncertainty about the future regulation of virtual money”.

  不过crypto news注意到,对数字货币监管最松散的日本,似乎在最近成了赵长鹏偏爱的办公地点。

Crypto news notes, however, that Japan, which has the most looser regulation of digital currency, appears to have recently become a preferred office location for Zhao Chang Peng.

这位中国小伙 6个月用比特币攒了125个亿 !



According to the Forbes magazine, since the currency net does not have tax records in Japan, they are severely restricted in renting office space.


At present, the Tokyo office of Yuan An is a narrow compartment close to the toilet, and the hours of work appear to be very crowded.


“I'm going around the office and I'm going to have to rub four people.”




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