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If you want to start paying for a product, or if you want to do something about it, you can choose to start with a concept and build up a complete system of knowledge about payment. In this article, the authors summarize, in a relatively complete way, a framework of knowledge about payment systems.


The first words of a lot of friends and my letters are, "Miss Chen, I'm paying White. How should I start paying?"


This chapter is a systematic step-by-step transition from a conceptual approach to an overall framework for payment, helping a pay-for-white fast-track understanding of a pay-for-payments system to build a whole, and finally building a pay-for-mortality macro-building to provide a knowledge framework for further learning at a step-by-step level.


If you're interested in paying and you don't know how to do it, read it as a “knowledge framework for payment systems”...


The essence of the payments is that the currency is transferred between the payors, and why it is transferred because economic activity is traded.


Just as we were thirsty to go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of water, that is economic activity, we used the bank card “payment tool” to complete the payment on the supermarket's posse; this process transferred the money from the electronic account, that is, our bank settlement account, to the bank settlement account of the merchant.


Payments are therefore made in economic activities, dependent on money (exchange media), using payment instruments to exchange the value of goods and currencies through currency transfers, a process that is the process of payment.


The purchase of household goods in our daily lives, inter-firm purchases, the settlement of debts between banks and banks, the sale and sale of State debt between the State and the State, etc. are all dependent on payment.


Thus, payments are made primarily by means of transactions under certain economic activities, and then by means of payment instruments, the payment orders are transmitted through the payment system, which facilitates the transfer of funds between accounts.


To have a very deep understanding of one thing and to be flexible in its grasp; then understanding the underlying concepts can play a very critical role at the bottom; and to recognize these important concepts of payment.


The payment system is an organic combination of systems and technical arrangements for the transfer of funds. In accordance with the transfer process, the four basic concepts of the payment system are, in turn, the settlement of accounts, payment instruments, payment clearance systems and the liquidation of funds.


Settlement Account: is a clearing account opened in the name of the paying entity, the function of which is to store funds, record their receipt and disbursement, and is the basis for the transfer of funds. At present, the main settlement account types include personal settlement accounts that are the subject of a bank card, unit bank settlement accounts that are the subject of a demand deposit, virtual accounts opened by individuals in a third-party paying institution and prepaid card accounts.


Payment Tool: is the carrier of payment instructions. Payment instructions are intended to mean payment (receipt) of funds by the payee.


Payment Clearing System : An infrastructure for the transmission of payment instructions between the receiving bank and the various clearing entities.


The two types of funds that are most commonly used in the various payment clearing systems are: full-time, written and volume-by-volume settlements. At the same time, there is a combination of different financial liquidation modalities for different operations.


The first thing to know about a thing is the concept it involves.


Payment is a modern enterprise's bid capacity, unless the enterprise only receives cash or offline bank transfers.


With the continued development of payments and the improvement of our electronic payment infrastructure system, it is now very easy for an enterprise to access capacity to pay and achieve online electronic trading models; to build its own basic system that takes into account the need to pay for products, or to access a more accessible payment for SaaS platform to complete the transformation; and, in general, to achieve a simple payment system that is essentially linked to the “line trading framework” as shown in figure 1-2.



1) Payment application


It's the web pages or mobile software that we can use directly to operate payments, most commonly: micro-apps, pay-a-vapps, Silver Union flash APPs.




2) Payment scene


Under what circumstances is the payment transaction to be made:

  • 线上场景:在线购物,手机电话充值,购买水电费,会员购买等;
  • 线下场景:线下扫码付款,pos机刷卡支付等。


3) transaction type

  • 支付:购买商品或者服务进行付款;
  • 退款:已经购买的订单进行逆向的退回;
  • 充值:将银行卡里的钱充到账户余额里;
  • 提现:将账户里的余额提到银行卡里;
  • 打款:特指利用付款通道给商家结算,将资金付给商家的结算卡;
  • 打款退回:原打款的逆向退回,一般因为打款失败;
  • 转账:指将银行账户的钱转给另一个银行账户,泛指账户之间余额的转移;
  • 调拨:公司将一个银行账户里的钱转到另一个银行账户用于付款业务;
  • 归集:公司将众多的收款账户里收的钱全部转到一个账户进行统一管理。


4) Type of payment (by channel type)

  • 快捷支付:在当前应用直接绑定银行卡即可支付;
  • 网关支付:从当前应用跳转到银行的网上银行进行支付;
  • 代扣:授权对方按照协议定期直接扣除账户里的资金,如会员自动续费;
  • 认证支付:是指付款人提交银行卡相关信息(如卡号、密码、CVN2、有效期、预留手机号等要素),由第三方支付平台经过付款人发卡行进行验证,使用第三方支付平台短信验证或发卡行手机短信验证等辅助认证以完成支付交易的支付方式。


5) Type of payment (by type of business)

  • B2C:个人与企业之间的收付;
  • B2B:企业与企业对公户之间的收付;
  • 跨境:不同国家之间的用户之间的收付。


6) Method of payment


Mainly, they refer to the means of payment available at the cashier at the time of payment from the user's point of view, such as the usual micro-mail payments, payment of treasures, and other means of payment of bank cards: payments are made using fast-track payments or gateways, and bank cards are tied up for payment.

  • 余额支付:商户平台为用户开通的虚拟账户,用户使用账户里的预充值余额付款;
  • 白条支付:使用预授权的额度进行付款;
  • 分期支付:按照约定定期分多次进行付款。


7) Payment for products


The payment product is that the paying company packaged the bank's payment route to a better payment product in accordance with industry or business characteristics, and it is easier to meet the payment scenes of particular types of businesses.

  • 快捷支付:支付公司将银行的快捷支付通道包装成的产品,无需跳转网银直接绑卡支付;
  • 网关支付:通过第三方机构跳转到对应银行的网上银行完成支付的方式;
  • 红包:这是很有用户场景的支付产品,像微信红包,本质是将转账进行的包装;
  • 平安见证宝:平安银行推出了用于解决“二清”问题的分账产品。







Aggregation payments: Quadripartite payers package the payment products of multiple tripartite payers together as a payment product.





8) Type of cashier


The cashier is the on-line location where payments are made directly to the user.

  • PC收银台:在电脑上完成支付的收银台;
  • H5收银台:手机内的H5网页上完成支付的收银台;
  • API收银台:提供给商户商户自己进行包装成自己收银台的收银台底层接口;
  • 硬件收银台:pos机,mpos机等硬件设备,支付卡牌;
  • SDK收银台:( Software Development Kit,软件开发工具包)也叫做支付SDK,指由商业银行或者第三方支付机构提供的具有收银台功能集合的软件工具包,接入者可以集成到自己的支付平台中完成收银台的建设。


9) pays for the channel


The payment channel is a collection of payment interfaces used to complete all types of payments.

  • 三方支付通道:由三方支付公司向商户提供的支付接口或者三方支付本身,像微信通道,支付宝通道;
  • 银行支付通:银行直接提供的支付接口;像快捷支付通道,网关支付通道,代扣通道,垫资通道;
  • 其他类通道:广义来说能够作为支付手段使交易完成的都可以成为通道,比如卡,券,余额支付。


10) Channel Type


In terms of banking channels alone, the following categories are found, depending on the characteristics of payments and operations:

  • 收单类通道:专门用来收款的银行通道;
  • 打款类通道:专门用来打款的银行通道;
  • 垫资类通道:使用信用备付金账户进行付款的付款通道;
  • 跨境类通道:进行跨境支付的银行通道;
  • 预授权类通道:可以实现持卡人在宾馆、酒店或出租公司消费,消费与结算不在同一时间完成,特约单位通过POS预先向发卡机构索要授权的行为的通道。


11) corridor cost (rate)


This refers to access fees paid by the user of the channel for the channel on the basis of the scale of the transaction, such as, as we often say, a charge of six per thousand for the transaction.


12) Access to the channel


Direct connection: direct access to the channel provider, e.g. direct access to micro-mail, access to the payment bond: access to the other channel through one intermediary, e.g., a three-way payment to the bank through the network.




Silver Direct Association: refers specifically to the direct access of enterprises to the opening of public accounts, the management of their own public accounts, balance inquiries, transfers, etc.


13) payment route


When initiating a request for payment, the user selects an optimal payment channel from the cash register through pre-positioned rules; the main purpose of the channel is to save costs, enhance user experience and ensure access.




14) Payment limit


The main purpose of the limits is risk protection; if a single limit is available, the cumulative limit for the day and the cumulative limit for the month.


On-line transactions are pre-payments, and only when buyers and sellers have completed the purchase of goods or services and the negotiation of prices has the contract actually reached the point of paying their claims; thus, the prerequisites for payment also require a good transaction process, an excellent online procurement experience for users, a well-established transaction process, and a seamless link between the transaction and the payment.


As shown in figure 1-8, an out-of-sale transaction process, from procurement to billing to payment, is a typical model of the business framework that finalizes the billing settlement.



15) Shopping car


Online shopping management tools used in the shopping process for the temporary management of selected pending commodities.


16) Prices


It is the process of calculating the final amount payable for the goods selected by the user, which is generally done by a separate pricing system.


17 Order >/strang >


Users purchase records generated by services or goods, record transactions such as user information, commodity information, etc.


18) Compliance


The user completes the process by which the Platform delivers goods or services as agreed after payment.


19) Bills


The bill is a document created on the basis of order information for collection purposes, which records mainly order information, user information, amount information; one order can be matched to multiple bills.


20) payment details


It is the payment record of the user's statements, such as a $100 bill, that the user paid $60 with a micromail, used a $20 coupon and reduced it by $20, so that there were three payment details.


21) Triangular Stream (External Stream)


After the payment has been successful, the only single successful payment from the channel has been successful.


22) Payment Agreement


The payment agreement is the agreed payment parameters between the platform and the payment route, which are transmitted when the request for payment is initiated.


23) Agreement encapsulation


Because of the incompleteness of payment information submitted by pre-channel users at the cashier's counter, all other information, such as equipment information, and some of the other mandatory parameters, would need to be solicited; all information obtained would need to be combined in a clean-up and then submitted to the payment channel to complete the submission of the payment request; this process would be called the seal of the agreement.


24) Payment status


Outstanding payments, successful payments, failed payments, irregular payments.


The moment the transaction begins, the interests of the parties are bound, the customers who bring it, the customers who provide the goods, the providers who provide the services, which is a coordinated commercial society, and which inevitably leads to the entanglement of the benefits; the division and delivery of the final benefits will necessarily require a large, independent system, which is a clearing, accounting, and financial settlement of the interests of the parties.


For a typical settlement, we can simply say that the minimum standard is to achieve “arithmetic, remembering, and sorting” that is qualified, can't we? As shown in figure 1-9); under operations, the form of the system is the best option at the moment.



25) Liquidation


The process of data collection, identification and transmission of payment instructions.




It is clear who should be charged how much, and the process of calculating the accounts receivable from each object.


27) fee item


It refers to the creation of a unique name for content payments that occur in different trading scenes, such as transaction fees, merchant settlement income, salaried maids, etc.


28) Rule of entry


Set rules for the recording of accounts for different items of costs incurred under different operations, which accounts to enter and which directions need to be frozen, etc.




The process of recording the results in the accounts of the counterpart.




One fund was split into multiple parts to counterparts in accordance with the contract rules, and the reconciliation process was completed.


31) Business accounts


Calculates the fees to be charged for each transaction received by the comptoir.


32) Charge mode


It is an agreement with the merchants as to the manner in which the fees are collected, when and how; there are modes of collection, after-collection, advance payment, advance deduction, etc.


33) costing strategy


Models for calculating household fees are common: single fixed rates, single fixed rates, fixed rates + fixed rates, single block rates/rates, accumulated staircases A, accumulated staircases B, single splits.


34) Settlement


As agreed, the process of delivering funds on the basis of the outcome of the transaction may be the recording of the funds in the corresponding account or the payment of the true funds to the bank account of the addressee.


35) Settlement cycle


The settlement time agreed with the comptoir, the real-time settlement, the next day the settlement, the settlement mode of next month's settlement, etc.: is a question of how to settle the settlement, such as when the user initiates the settlement request itself, the platform takes the initiative to settle it regularly, and the platform settles it on a case-by-case basis according to the transaction.


36) Reconciliation


The process of completing the reconciliation of data between the parties in accordance with certain rules generally involves cross-checking between confirmations of accounts to ensure consistency.




Types of reconciliations where the reconciliations are consistent and do not differ during the reconciliation process.


38) Unilateral


On one side, there is no type of data reconciliation between the two parties, such as the platform and the micro-mail, where micro-side data exist, and the platform does not exist.


39) Error processing


is the process by which differences are eliminated in accordance with the actual causes and treatment of variances after reconciliations have been found.


40) error processing type


It is the classification of how to deal with errors; for example, when the platform falls out of line with the bank, when the bank has a platform, the type of mishandling is the Platform Bill.


41) transaction reconciliation


This is a reconciliation of transactional information data, or a check of payment instructions.


42) Fund reconciliation


It is the reconciliation of the bank account to which the payment relates or of the actual movements of funds to which the payment relates, or the reconciliation of the flow of funds.


43) Long term


It is the difference between the accounts receivable and payments received from the Platform and the banks, which is either long or short.


44) liquidation document


An itemized record of transactions during a trading cycle provided to the business by a bank or a tripartite paying agency.


45) Settlement file


A breakdown of the actual movements of funds in a bank account or payment account provided by a bank or a tripartite paying agency to a merchant during a transaction cycle.


46) Account Type


It is the type of account that is accounted for according to the type of operation; for example, the channel receipt account, the channel receipt processing fee account, etc.


47) The flow of accounts


An account breakdown of an account type based on the business occurrence record.


48) Account Type


There are no substantive differences in the accounts themselves based on business needs that divide accounts into different types for ease of management; such as clearing accounts, payment accounts, operating accounts, marketing accounts, revenue accounts, etc.


49) account privileges


Compatibility requires functional availability of a certain type or account; overdraftability; collectability; and paymentability.


50) account balance


The amount of funds in the account flows into the account: a breakdown of the changes in the account balance.


51 >


The opposite of positive-and-negative changes in the accounts is the processing of a lump-sum amount in the direction of a flow, such as a collection of $100 and a handling fee of $6, resulting in a net collection of $96 after the fall.


52) carry-over


This refers to the transfer of balances or differences from one account to another at the closing of the accounts at the end of the period.




In general terms, this is when the system is replaced; the system is switched from the current working day to the following working day.


54) Try balancing

是指根据借贷记账法的记账规则和资产与权益(负债和所有者权益) 的恒等关系,通过对所有账户的发生额和余额的汇总计算和比较,来检查账户记录是否正确的一种方法。

is a method of checking the correctness of the account records through the aggregate calculation and comparison of the amounts and balances incurred for all accounts, in accordance with the rules of accounting for borrowing and the constant relationship between assets and equity (liability and owner's interests).


55) Closing of accounts


The closing of accounts represents the process of closing or carrying forward account balances at the end of the accounting period so that the records of the accounts are disclosed for the time being. This includes the closing of a false account and the closing of an actual account.


56) type of bank card


debit cards, credit cards, financial management cards.


57) Bank clearing account classification


One household, two households, three households.


58) allowance account


The paying agency or bank has a holding account with the central bank; the deposit account with the bank with the original paying institution is divided into depositors, payers and remitters.




It refers to the number of specific commodities, securities, currencies, etc. held or owned by an individual or entity.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Absolutely clear {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


It refers to two liquidations, the first of which was a liquidation by a tripartite payment company, in which the funds entered into the owner's account; the second of which was the settlement of the funds to the bank account of the owner's own platform; and the second of which was a “two clean-up violation” because the dealer did not have a financial licence plate and could not carry out a surrogate business.


61) centralization of the provision


It is the transfer of transactional funds received by tripartite payers to designated bank accounts for supervision; the opening of equipment payment accounts by banks until 2019/January, the opening of many reserve accounts by a paying agency, the proportion of which is based on the classification of the paying agency; and the subsequent opening of only one centralized deposit account at the central bank, at 100 per cent.




After the break-up, the network and the silver union established a virtual line account for the tripartite paying agency, in which the virtual gold is distributed by the tripartite paying agency autonomously from the actual funds held in the centralized custodians.





From the beginning of the linguistic term, we all go from ignorance to intellectual wisdom; the same is true of learning payments, which are paid from the macro level of general awareness and which can provide a very solid basis for better control of payments, and today we talk about the “pay view” in general.


Currency is the basis for payments, with different functions and patterns of money at different stages of society, ranging from the most primitive specific object to the exchange of material generated under the currency, to the intermediate payment of silver and silver coins after the creation of the technology; to the near-term payment of paper currency and instruments under the credit endorsement of recent countries; and the modern payment of Internet payments, digital money, etc., in the digital currency form of the current digital age.


The change in the timing of payments from the point of view of historical development allows us to foresee the future in terms of how payments have changed over time.


1) Evolution of the definition of payment


Differences in social development, changes in the form of money and manufacturing technology; and consequent changes in the definition of payments, although to date there has been no uniform understanding that the definition of payments is being enriched and updated as economic activity flourishes and technology changes, from the exchange of goods to the transfer of funds now.


2) Evolution of payment technology


The technology for payment relies on transport technology from the time of the physical gold and silver money era, on paper currency manufacturing and forgery-proof technology, and on digital currency storage encryption and data transmission technology from the time of the Internet.


3) Evolution of payment instruments


From previous material exchange tools, gold and silver coin tools, to modern, diverse payment instruments such as bank cards, notes, prepaid cards, Internet payments, mobile payments, etc.


4) Evolution of payment participants


From the original one-to-one participants, to the subsequent money darts, to more participants such as the current central bank, payment services, etc.


5) Evolution of payment systems


The most obvious are complex payment systems, which range from the formerly unsystemic to modern-day simple systems, to the participation of modern-day multi-tier service organizations, such as the current Chinese liquidation system, the bank payment system, the settlement and payment system, and the payment system of the sponsors of the transaction.


6) Evolution of the payment age


Different social periods have given rise to different payment times, and we might divide them into old payment times where the payment was based on the exchange of goods, the traditional payment era of recent times when the payment was based on silver and gold notes, and the digital payment age, which is now based on more monetary forms, such as the Internet.


The occurrence of economic activity has led to the creation of payments, each of which, in spatial terms, has been made in coordination with a large number of participants.


1) User


Consumers and sponsors of payment transactions are those who, based on their needs for life and social activities, purchase goods and purchase services to initiate payment actions.


2) Businesses


It is a provider of goods and services and provides a place for individuals as well as business users to trade in goods under or on the line, as well as payment services.


3) Non-financial payment agencies


They are payment service providers, including payment agents, quadripartite payment agencies and non-financial payment agencies, such as tripartite payment agencies, that provide businesses with more efficient and experienced payment service solutions.


4) Clearing house


It is an important participant in cross-line liquidation in the payment process, the transfer of liquidation instructions between banks and banks and the initiation of segregation of points in the bank payment system.


Bank 5


Financial base providers, providing the most basic settlement services and other financial services for individuals as well as enterprises.


6) Central Bank


Compellers of money issuance, payment policies, funds regulation, provision of the most basic legal and policy support to society and payment infrastructure, including basic capabilities such as large and small payment systems and the basis for clearing accounts.


In terms of process, each transaction can be described in terms of the dimensions of each payment action.


1) Awareness flow of payments


This is the basis for the transaction, the impulse of people to consume and the change in their willingness to pay; from seeing a fine commodity to creating a desire to buy, choosing the best payment to do it manually.


2) The flow of information for payments


The process of this transaction is facilitated by the generation and recording of documents throughout the course of the transaction, the generation and transmission of data; the purchase by the user of the order, the bill of payment, the authentication of the identity, the initiation of the payment order and the flow of information such as the transmission.


3) Financial flows disbursed


The liquidation of the final bond relationship, the payment of funds by the consumer, the acquisition of funds by the seller, the completion of the final transfer of funds between the various accounts of the different participants, is not a stand-alone, but an interlinkage between the different flows of the entire payment process and the connection of awareness, information and funds.


We divide payments into three phases in time and space, transactions, liquidations and settlements; this is also the core constituent framework for all payments.


1) Transactions


That is, the user performs a series of actions such as the initiation of payments, identification, document generation, etc.


2) Liquidation


It is a process of data exchange, aggregation and segregation based on the generated transaction documents; this process completes the calculation of the transaction principal and fees and generates the amounts due and payable according to the aggregate of the objects and sends the payments to the liquidator.


3) Settlement


It is the process of completing the final actual transfer of funds based on the results of the classification.


The relationships between transactions, liquidations and settlements are shown in figure 1-9.




The current payment system, which cannot be achieved by a single enterprise, depends on a large number of participants, so that transactions, settlements and settlements are linked to multiple participants, which is the link to the so-called “flow of information”, as shown in figure 1-10.




In a broad sense, modern payments go beyond the system, because they are ubiquitous in the “concept” that, in the narrow sense of the term, modern payments are or are system-based, centred on a pedestrian payment system, based on a payment system for participating organizations, such as commercial banks, based on an enterprise payment system for commercial activities, starting with a user payment application... Through such a coordinated network of payments that spans time, space, subject, consciousness, etc., the prosperity of modern payments has been achieved.


Orange is an orange, and it is an orange; it may not be appropriate to be born in the North; but it is clear that the same thing will behave and end in different platforms or places. We often say that people are different, more so because of their character, profession, ideas, achievements; but, as organisms, we are all “two eyes with one nose and two legs with two arms” that are not fundamentally different. So, we “humans” can divide individuals or groups from different dimensions.


First, at the systemic level, we are all part of society, in synergy, competition and dependence; at the identity level, “We are human”.


Secondly, in terms of roles, we have different roles. The same individual “person” can be a husband, a teacher, a son, or a friend of another man's or woman; different people have different beliefs or beliefs about different roles, as in the case of fathers, some of whom promote separation and some of whom promote fine upbringing. Different ideas are shaped so that we choose to develop different abilities, do different things, adapt to different circumstances.


So we have to learn to understand the same thing from different levels, which can be spatial, or temporal, or conceptual, just as we understand and understand accounts from several different levels.


We are always confused about what accounts are, and I think we are confused about the different players in the accounts, because they fail to grasp the nature of the accounts.


Like the bank's clearing account and the micro-money account, which appears to be different, because it assumes different roles and has different credit and social functions; but by its very nature, it is all accounts, no different; there is a balance, there is a flow of water, there is a flow of water to update the balance, such as figure 1-11; so what is the nature of the account?





First, we look at the meaning of the existence of an account: the carrier of an electronic currency, the recording of payment information generated by an economic activity; the essence of an account, the storage of electronic money, and payment information; the meaning of the existence of a currency is “equivalency”, that is, the medium of payment; and, as a payment medium, the current currency or electronic currency itself has no value.





Second, why can they be traded as equivalents? That is its own “credit”, where the issuers of different currencies give different kinds of credit to different currencies, and where the storage of different types of currency produces different types of accounts, as shown in figure 1-13; this is the difference between accounts, as opposed to the stored currency, as opposed to the currency depositor, as opposed to the currency credit.





Given the nature of the accounts, we know how to understand different types of accounts, and we should distinguish them from their issuers, from their monetary assets, from their monetary credit, so that we can classify and stratification the accounts as follows.


1) Blank liquidation account


This is a country-credited account with central bank monetary assets; it can also be divided into reserve accounts and reserve accounts; reserve accounts should be known to be “guaranties” deposited by banks on the side bank to ensure that banks have a certain countervailing capacity, and the “reduce” we often hear is a reduction in the percentage of contributions to this reserve account; and reserve accounts, as I think you all know, are used for the liquidation of payments between banks or between other payment service organizations, and the bank-based supervisory account of the paying agency is a reserve account, which is currently held at 100 per cent.




2) Bank clearing account


This is a bank credit account in which the monetary assets of the bank deposits are stored; it can also be divided into personal settlement accounts and business clearing accounts; it is an account in which the individual accounts are owned by the individual and the individual deposits are stored, which can be divided into one or two types of accounts depending on the channel of the opening and the conditions of verification.


That being said, all interested parties can search for themselves; the business clearing account is an enterprise-owned account in which business deposits are stored, which can be divided into basic accounts, general accounts, exclusive accounts and four temporary accounts.





3) Payment account


It is an account with the credit of the paying agency and is stored in a virtual monetary asset of the paying agency; it can also be divided into an individual payment account and an enterprise payment account; the individual payment account can be divided into one or two types of accounts, depending on the channel of opening and the elements of authentication, and this does not differ in any detail.




4) Business Virtual Account


This is an account with the credit of the enterprise, which is stored in the account records of the enterprise's own virtual account system; this is more flexible but does not in itself have a high level of credit; the credit of the enterprise is too weak in relation to the above types of accounts.




What is meant by the existence of electronic accounts is in itself to serve payments, significantly improve the efficiency of payment for socio-economic activities and reduce the transaction costs of society; different electronic accounts form the basis for payment; and different account bases serve different payment scenarios, so what are the different accounts used to support payment behaviour? And what is the basis for payment behaviour?


At the same time that payment behaviour depends on the account, it also depends on payment instruments, on different payment clearance systems, such as bank cards, cheques, bills of exchange, prepaid cards, etc., we will elaborate on payment instruments in the next article; and on payment clearance systems such as the bank's petty payment system, the bank's payment system, etc.


1) Blank liquidation account


It is used to regulate funds of different organizations and to settle funds with each other, such as between banks and banks, and between the paying agency and the bank; the execution of this settlement of payments depends on debits and the crediting of different liquidation accounts; similarly, liquidating organizations, such as the Bank, can initiate instantaneous transfers to facilitate the liquidation of accounts between organizations.


2) Bank clearing account


The settlement of funds between the individual and the subject of the enterprise is also achieved by crediting or debiting the corresponding account; for example, when an enterprise pays its employees, the bank may borrow the payment of wages from the enterprise to the public account credited to the individual settlement account, as shown in figures 1-19.




3) Payment account by paying agency


As with other types of accounts, the principle that they can be used for personal consumption payments, surcharges from enterprises and indemnities carries with them different social functions, together with the capacity to pay and the basis of the accounts required to support the economic activities of the society.


Different accounts do not exist independently, but they work in tandem with each other and in layers; it is as if I had raised the balance of my account in a payment bond to my merchant bank card.


First, it is the payment bond that initiates a request for payment to the Federation, which forwards the payment information from the transfer to the requisitioning bank and deducts the balance of the payment account that I have opened for payment.


Secondly, it is the firm that has been credited to me to complete the recording of the balance of the accounts in the accounts of the applicant's personal settlement account and finally the association is about to initiate the liquidation of the payment of the treasures and the funds called for; the People's Bank is required to borrow the reserve account for the payment of the treasures, credit the reserve account for the requisitions, and complete the transfer of the funds in the bank's reserve deposits of the two organizations, as shown in figures 1-20.





It is only now that the whole story is truly complete.


We always have to look at things from different angles. Likewise, we need to learn to understand the different dimensions of the same thing; he can't drink at the table, you may think he's out of time, but he just wants to be sick because he's having stomach fever, he's sick, he worries his wife because he's sick, because his wife's fear affects his wife's judicial exam, it affects his wife's dreams of justice for the rural workers...


Life is different and it's the same; the world is different from one angle to another!


In the middle of the day, sweat was shed; the invention of hoes had greatly improved the efficiency of farmers'farming and productivity; the greatest difference between humans and other animals was that we would invent and use tools that were meant to increase productivity and significantly accelerate the process of society.


Economic activity in the same society depends on market transactions, which require payment behaviour, which, as in the case of farming, requires different instruments; different payment instruments arise at different times, the meaning of which is that of the instrument itself, which exists in order to increase productivity; and payment instruments that arise in order to increase the efficiency, security, etc. of payments.


We know that money is the medium for payment and the equivalent for exchange of different credits, and that the currency itself is changing as history unfolds; from the earliest in kind as the currency medium, to the more recent forms of casting, paper, silver, to modern paper, account currency; and that different currency forms of payment require different payment instruments, such as the use of the bank's personal settlement account currency for the purchase of goods.


It would then be necessary to rely on payment instruments, such as bank cards, credit cards, that can transfer money from the clearing account to the designated person with a bank card that is being brushed on a commercial posse.


Modern payment instruments make payments very easy and do not require you to go to the bank counter, fill out a list, take out the money with your identity card, and then go to the mall and give the cash to the merchants; similarly, the merchants do not have to exchange much of the change for the purpose of finding a change, collect the money at the end of the day, and then regularly go to the bank and deposit it with the bank's clearing account.


Thus, the invention of bank card payment instruments has greatly improved the efficiency of bank currency payments and the security of the payment process and of the currency, since in the absence of a bank card, there is a risk of loss, loss, etc., of currency access.


How do we define the instruments of payment, as defined in China's report on the development of the payment system: the instruments of payment are the vehicles through which the payee's payment instructions are passed and the debt relationship is settled and the funds transferred.


Thus, a payment instrument is a vehicle for the transmission of payment instructions, and a bank card, as mentioned above, is a payment tool and is not a currency in itself, since the currency is stored in digital form in the bank's settlement account, whereas a bank card is merely a payment tool for the purpose of initiating a transfer of monetary funds in the settlement account for different scenarios or for payment needs in the trading market.


We can invent different payment instruments, such as our bus cards, which are instruments of payment, replacing artificially delivered banknotes, which greatly improves the efficiency of transport payments, and we can recall how many times we encountered inconveniences due to lack of change or waiting to buy tickets prior to the absence of the bus cards.


Payment instruments, which have been reformed for decades or are based on and quoted from the world's most advanced instruments, are already full of current types of payment instruments, and greatly satisfy the fact that payment needs instruments in different markets of society can be divided into cash payment instruments and non-cash payment instruments; cash payment instruments are our banknotes, and non-cash payment instruments can be called new payment instruments, more based on account currencies, for the efficient transfer of account money.


We know of kaki payment instruments “bank cards, credit cards, prepaid cards”, paper instruments “checks, bills of exchange, promissory notes” and so on, such as the current common payment instruments listed in table 1-1.





The payment system in our country is composed of a large number of participants, including the People's Bank, commercial banks, liquidation agencies, tripartite payment agencies and quadripartite payment agencies. This section describes only the tripartite payment agencies. It is important to understand that payments are the result of a combination of organizations, systems, systems and relationships between the organizations involved.





For so many years, the tripartite payment agencies have become more familiar than any other, especially the companies with the head; today we speak from a few dimensions about some aspects of the payment agencies, and it is enough to understand that there is no need for overexploitation.


A non-financial institution provides, as an intermediary between payers, some or all of the following money transfer services:


1) Internet payment


This refers to the transfer of monetary funds between payors on the basis of public or specialized networks, including currency exchange, Internet payments, payments for mobile phones, fixed phone payments, digital television payments, etc.


2) Distribution and acceptance of prepaid cards


is the pre-paid value of goods or services purchased outside the issuing agency for profit, including pre-paid cards issued in the form of cards, passwords, etc. using magnets, chips, etc.


3) Bank card receipt


This refers to the collection of monetary funds for banks such as Carter Yorker through the sales point (POS) terminal.


4) Other payment services identified by the People's Bank of China.


Non-financial institutions shall provide payment services in accordance with the provisions of this scheme and shall obtain a payment business permit and become a payment agency. The paying institutions shall be subject to the supervision and control of the People's Bank of China in accordance with the law. No non-financial institutions or individuals shall engage in or be disguised to perform payment operations without the approval of the People's Bank of China.


This refers to management activities such as deposit, collection, use, transfer, etc. of clients'reserves.


Customer provisions are monetary funds actually received in advance and awaiting payment by the paying agency in order to perform payment operations commissioned by the client.


A reserve bank is a banking institution in the country that enters into an agreement with the paying agency and provides the customer's reserve deposit management service, including the reserve deposit holding bank and the reserve cooperating bank.




Special-purpose deposit accounts are the demand deposit accounts where the paying agency maintains a separate account with a reserve bank for the deposit of a client's allowance, including the reserve deposit management account, the reserve collection account and the reserve transfer account.


Payment corridors, the conduits for the transfer of funds, are also known as money channels, payment channels, and all payment systems are built first.


A payer often has access to the type of channel that supports the various payment types to meet the user’s payment scenario.


The payment account is not overdrafted, cannot be loaned, rented or sold, and cannot be used to carry out or assist another person in carrying out illegal activities.


Payment accounts are divided into one, two, three levels, determined by the number of validation elements at the time of opening.





The payment product is a product that the paying agency or bank provides to the enterprise that needs to do the payment business and that can be used to achieve the payment business, such as collection or borrowing; the payment product is a collection of payment services, his application scene, the relevant specifications and access methods; e.g., the payment of micro-h5 from our access, the payment of Internet money, the payment of scavenging, etc., is a detailed payment of the product.




Looking at the position of the paying agency in the payment system from a holistic perspective, we can see figures 1-22 to understand.




The organizational composition of a paying agency is generally based on different lines of business functions, such as the Ministry of Banking Cooperation, the Department of Compliance, the Department of Access, the Refund Centre, the Fundation Centre, the Accounting Centre, the Open Platform Department, the lines of industry (air travel, small loans, insurance, utilities, etc.), the Business Management Centre, the general sector of the enterprise (administration, finance, president office, etc.).


The composition of product lines often depends on the company's product system planning, or product architecture; the division of responsibilities among systems across sectors; and the interaction of collaboration.


If you plan to go to a paying agency to become a product manager in the future, would you probably have the following options?

  • 通道管理产品经理,主要做收单通道的接入,路由的设计、通道管理的设计、等等,核心职责就是与内外部对接,是支付机构与内外部的桥梁部门;
  • 出款产品经理,出款通道的接入和管理,出款产品的设计,为出款性能、准确性、安全性负责;
  • 退款产品经理,管理收单逆向业务,负责退款中心的设计和规划,为退款业务负责商户后台产品经理,负责商户后台的规划和设计商户管理产品经理,入网产品经理,工单系统产品经理等负责基础性产品;
  • 资金管理产品经理或者清结算产品经理,包含了核算产品经理,账务账务产品经理,计费产品经理,财务处理产品经理,备付金管理产品经理等;
  • 开放平台产品经理,主要负责对上游商户对接,输出基础能力的规划和设计;
  • 基础支付产品产品经理,主要负责不同支付场景的挖掘以及支付产品的包装和设计,提供具有更好用户体验以及市场竞争力的支付产品解决方案,比如二清合规,快捷支付类,打款类;
  • 行业产品经理,针对某垂直领域进行支付场景挖掘和解决方案设计,比如水电煤气领域,保险领域,教育领域等。


This section focuses on the “pay product” of a core application based on payments, our choice of payment options being, more so, payment options, whereby payment services organizations package their capacity to pay into “pay products” that can be accessed directly by other organizations, such as the capacity to pay provided to the internal line of operations when we do payment systems, or a “pay product”.


When we design payment systems, we often need to access a payment service provider, so what we get is a payment product provided by the provider; the payment product itself is a payment solution, and in this subsection we talk about the payment product.


The payment product is the one that the paying agency or bank provides to the enterprise that needs to do the payment business and that can be used to achieve the payment business, such as collection or payment; the payment product is a collection of payment services, his application scene, the relevant regulations and access methods; e.g., the payment of micro-h5 of our access, the payment of Internet silver, the payment of scavenging, etc., is the payment product.


Payments are a special area in which the State regulates and requires the relevant qualifications in order to be able to perform payment operations, such as receipt of bills, disbursement of funds, first deposit, etc.; the institutions that can provide payment products are often referred to as tripartite payment agencies, such as micro-letters, payment treasures, payment of treasures, etc., as well as banks, such as banking companies, financial supervision programmes, etc.; and some quadripartite aggregate payments, which we may also consider to be providing aggregate payments to small businesses.


So, when you have to make payments, you can look for appropriate payment product access based on your own business model; the following are some of the payment products offered by micro-trust and quilombo payments; as we can see, the payment products have a clear use scene, which is also the product-based packaging of the underlying capacity to pay by the paying agencies in order to achieve differentiated competition.




In order to package a payment product, the core raw material is two, one is a channel and the other is an account; after all, the essence of the payment can be considered to be an electronic currency transfer; then the most central problem to be solved is the storage of electronic currency and the channel needed for the transfer; so one of the payment products that we have signed must have solved these two problems, the account problem and the payment route problem.


So a payout product typically includes the following:

  • 产品介绍:介绍产品适用的业务,产品的特点的信息。
  • 接入指引:告你你要想接入应该怎么做。
  • API列表:就是产品的实质性内容,接口定义,以及调用方法,这是最核心的内容。
  • 其他的文档:一些辅助内容。

上面的内容基本就是一款支付产品所包含的东西了,这些内容一般机构的开放平台都会提供,所以访问相应的官网就可以找到;拿到产品说明文档之后,我们可以从下面三个层次去阅读 。

The contents are basically what is contained in a payment product, which is usually available on the open platform of the institution, so that access to the appropriate network can be found; once the product description file is available, we can read from the following three levels.


First, to learn about his programme's introduction to the “product dimension”, you can basically see if it can be used, how it can be used and how it does not work.


Secondly, if you have the energy to look at the technical files, see mainly the interfaces he has, and interact with his own flow chart, it will help you design the logical process.


Thirdly, if you have more energy, look at the references and requirements of each of his interfaces, which will make your design more precise and detailed.


No matter how complex a payment product may be, it is based on a landscaped packaging of the types of corridors that we look at the bottom route type, which provides the five types of “agreement payments, commercial commission payments, gateway payments, authentication payments, payment”.


1) Collection category


The billing-type payment product is by definition used to collect money, i.e., to pay for the bill; for example, we buy things in Kyoto and pay in micromails, and then we use the message to pay for the product.


2) Payment class


The payment type is actually a loan product; the payment type is a money-taking product; the payment type is a money-out; for example, the balance in a merchant's settlement account is to be removed, then what is needed is a payment product in the form of a payment product in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment; the payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in the form of a payment in which the payment of a payment in which the payment is a payment or payment in the payment in the payment in the payment in the form of a payment.


3) Substitution


The commercial commissioning, that is, the signing of a surrogate agreement by the user, whereby the platform periodically actively withholds the user's money in accordance with the agreed cycle; the automatic renewal fee for our usual members, where the Fund's scheduled placement is used for the payment product; there is no detailed presentation here; there is no much difference between the basic and the billing categories and the payment categories.


4) Cross-border payments of products


Cross-border payments would have a very distinct character of the transaction, that is, “cross-border payments”, so that cross-border payments would be different from domestic payments, which would also determine the characteristics of cross-border payments, whether in terms of qualifications, liquidation patterns, information flows and financial flows; but there would be no fundamental differences between payments, or currency transfers, but rather different currency issues.




The Bank's direct association is a product provided to an enterprise by a bank that directly connects to the bank and manages the bank accounts opened at the bank through its own platform; the capacity realized by the product is essentially to search account balances, search account streams, apply for payment, etc. for basic account operations; is similar to the receiving product; first to the product description, access patterns, interface documents, etc.; and completes the docking access.


6) Wallet Products


The wallets have been used by everyone, such as the usual micro-fiche wallets; their greatest feature is the account balance, the core of which is to open a bankable account for users, and the account can be charged, cashed, paid for, etc.; unlike simple billing channels, they are simply collected; and their core function is to manage the money.


7) Digital Wallet


The digital wallet, which has recently become relatively hot, is also, in the final analysis, a wallet product whose form and technology are not fundamentally different from traditional wallets; the biggest difference is the property of the money in the wallet; interested people can look for the information themselves.


8) amortization of products


The phasing is a clear scenario in which a transaction is not the end of a one-time payment, but rather the completion of several subsequent payments; as in the case of consumer instalments; as in the case of micro-letters, where payment treasures are matched by products; and as in the case of essentially one bill-based payment product, it is a distinct feature of multiple instalments.


9) Classification


The split products are more likely to solve the problem of clearing; once a receipt is completed, there is a need to split the amounts according to the agreed scale or pattern, with micro-letters with standard splits; and there are mature documents, which you can look at carefully.


10) Pay solution class


Industry-based payment products are better suited to business characteristics in this area, better user experience than universal payment products, and more consistent with business scenes; what is needed to achieve this is the interaction or functionality of packaging some industry characteristics on the basis of payment products.


11) Second Clearing Up Programme


Without going into detail, you can see in this article the “two clears” — the “cleansing rules” that must be known to pay for the product.


12) Affiliation to the payment of products


Of course, the availability of a payment product is not only through the portal itself, but also through additional capabilities, such as user registration on the net, chaining of cards, trade notices, etc., which I believe can be summarized by reading the specific payment cases mentioned in the text.




Chen Tian cosmopolitan, Weibo Public: Chen Tian cosmos, everyone is a columnist for product managers. Multi-platform columnist in the field of payments, a decade-long senior product; dedicated to providing in-depth payment content and services to 100,000 pay managers and payers and companies!


It was originally published as a product manager.


The map is from Unsplash and is based on the CC0 agreement.


It represents only the author himself, and everyone is a product manager platform that provides only information storage space services.




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