Giants Protocol:基于UTXO的BTC资产发行协议,扩大Web3应用场景

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:23 评论:0
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作为“数字黄金”,比特币的价值存储属性广受市场认可,但其市场应用场景始终没有得到拓展。更多的项目还是在以太坊以及 Solana 等区块链进行大规模开发,并推向市场。

as `digit gold', the value-storage properties of Bitcoin are widely recognized by the market, but its market application has never been expanded.

虽然去年的铭文和今年减半后兴起的符文,让比特币链上资产发行获得一定的关注度,但仅限于 meme 文化。当前比特币生态的资产协议,很难满足开发者、创建者提出的更复杂的功能和需求,这也是比特币链上生态并没有大规模爆发的核心原因。

, although last year's motto and the symbols that emerged after the halving of this year have given some attention to the distribution of assets on the Bitcoin chain, it is limited to meme culture. The current Bitcoin asset agreement is difficult to meet the more complex functions and needs of developers and creators, which are also central to the fact that there are no large-scale outbreaks of ecology on the Bitcoin chain.

Giants Protocol 应运而生,正在为比特币生态带来更多的可能性。Giants Protocol 是 Giants Planet 开发的利用 UTXO 的比特币资产创建协议,通过灵活、可扩展和可定制的比特币系统框架来创建、升级和管理数字和物理资产。

Giants Protocol was born and is creating more possibilities for Bitcoin ecology. Giants Protocol is a Bitcoin asset creation protocol developed by Giants Planet using UTXO to create, upgrade and manage digital and physical assets through a flexible, scalable and customized Bitcoin framework.

“Giants Protocol 代表着一次重大飞跃,是整个比特币和 Web3 生态系统的先驱。使用 UTXO 重建比特币的基础,Giants Protocol 释放了比特币上各种数字资产的潜力,不仅限于游戏,还包括人工智能和现实世界资产(RWA)创建。”在白皮书中,Giants Planet 对 Web3 的未来进行无限的畅想。

“Giants Protocol, representing a major leap forward for the entire Bitcoin and Web3 ecosystems. Using UTXO to rebuild the foundations of Bitcoin, Giants Protocol has released the potential of digital assets on bitcoin, not just games, but also the creation of artificial intelligence and real world assets (RWA). In the White Paper, Giants Plant has given unlimited thought to the future of Web3.

一、技术革新,Giants Protocol 推动 BTC 从价值存储转向多元应用

i. Technological innovation, GiantsProtocol drives BTC from value storage to multiple applications


After more than a decade of development since its birth, Bitcoin has long been a high-profile “digital gold” worldwide. Its decentralized and inexorable character has earned it wide recognition in global financial markets, especially in terms of anti-inflation and asset preservation.

尽管比特币在交易深度和资本追捧方面遥遥领先,但其主要被视为一种价值存储的商品,关于比特币的市场应用价值始终没有被充分发掘。一直以来,无论是加密原生项目还是传统链改项目,在 Web3 世界中首选的便是以太坊以及 Solana 等支持更复杂应用的公链方案。

, although bitcoin is well advanced in terms of trade depth and capital recognition, is mainly considered a value-storage commodity, and the market application value for bitcoin has never been fully exploited. Whether it is the encryption original or the traditional chain modification project, the preferred option in the Web3 world is the public chain programme that supports more complex applications, such as Ether and Solana.

但实际上,比特币无论是市值还是市场知名度,都远超其他区块链网络。特别是随着比特币现货 ETF 的问世,越来越多的传统金融机构开始增持比特币,也为其带来更多的资金以及更高的市场关注度。并且对众多 Web2 世界的资产来说,比特币网络的接受度也更高。因此,拓展比特币网络的应用价值显得更加刻不容缓。

, but in reality, bitcoin is far more than any other block chain network, both market value and market visibility. Especially with the advent of bitcoin spot ETF, more and more traditional financial institutions have begun to hold bitcoin, which also brings more money and higher market attention. And for many Web2 assets in the world, bitcoin is more acceptable.

但比特币网络原生限制却难以满足市场需求。在中本聪创立比特币网络时,为了考虑网络的稳定性,弱化了比特币网络的智能合约属性。Taproot 升级的出现让市场发现比特币新的价值,该升级旨在提升比特币的隐私性、可扩展性和智能合约功能。具体来说,Taproot 通过引入 Schnorr 签名和 Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tree (MAST) 技术,使得交易数据的处理更加高效,并且允许更复杂的交易脚本在隐私性上得到显著提升。Taproot 升级的优势在于:

, but Bitcoin’s original limitations are difficult to meet market demand. When Bint was creating the Bitcoin network, the intelligent contractual attributes of the Bitcoin network were weakened to take account of its stability. The advent of the Taproot upgrade allowed the market to discover new values of Bitcoin, which was designed to enhance Bitcoin’s privacy, scalability and intellectual contract functions. Specifically, Taproot made the processing of transaction data more efficient by introducing Schnorr signatures and Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tre (MAST) technology, and allowed for a significant increase in privacy of more complex transaction scripts. The advantage of Taprot upgrade is that:

● 隐私性增强:使得复杂的交易看起来与普通交易无异,从而提高交易隐私。

Enhanced privacy: Makes complex transactions look like ordinary transactions and thus enhances the privacy of transactions.

● 可扩展性提升:通过更高效的数据处理机制,减少区块链上的数据负载。

Extension enhancement: Reduction of data loads on block chains through more efficient data-processing mechanisms.

● 智能合约功能:支持更复杂的交易和合约逻辑,拓展比特币的应用场景。

Smart contract function: supports more complex transaction and contract logic and expands the bitcoin application landscape.

Taproot 的引入为比特币网络带来了新的可能性,后续 Ordinals 和 BRC-20 标准的引入使得在比特币上创建数字资产成为可能,但也带来了挑战。尤其是在管理铭文资产时,产生了大量低效和冗余的 UTXOs(未花费交易输出),引发了关于在比特币上创建数字资产实际可行性的担忧。后续的 Runes,虽然采用了更简单和高效的方法,即用 UTXO 创建数字资产,但仍然无法满足多样性资产的需求。

The introduction of Taproot has created new possibilities for the Bitcoin network, and the subsequent introduction of the Ordinals and BRC-20 standards has made it possible to create digital assets on bitcoin, but it has also posed challenges. In particular, the management of the obscurantized assets has produced a large number of inefficient and redundant UTXOs (without spending on transactional output), raising concerns about the practical feasibility of creating digital assets on bitcoin. The subsequent Runs, while using a simpler and more efficient method of creating digital assets using UTXO, still cannot meet the needs of diverse assets.

随着比特币生态关注度提升,市场对新资产协议的需求愈发迫切,Giants Protocol 吸取了此前行业发展的经验,推出了基于 UTXO 的数字资产创建协议。UTXO 模型可以更好的和比特币主网相兼容,继承主网的安全性。

With the increased ecological interest in Bitcoin, market demand for new asset agreements became more pressing, and Giants Protocol, drawing on previous industry developments, launched a digital asset creation protocol based on UTXO. The UTXO model can be better compatible with the Bitcoin main network and inherits the safety of the main network.

通过提供一个强大的框架来创建和管理比特币上的数字和实物资产,Giants Protocol 解决了管理 Satoshis (SAT)、铭文和 UTXO 的挑战,支持数字和物理资产的创建、管理和升级。

supports the creation, management and upgrading of digital and physical assets by providing a strong framework for creating and managing digital and physical assets on Bitcoin, and Giants Protocol addresses the challenges of managing Satoshis (SAT), mottos and UTXO.

更关键的是,Giants Planet 获得了新加坡主权财富基金支持,这也是加密行业为数不多得到主权基金强力背书的项目。在新加坡主权财富基金的支持下,Giants Planet 将释放各种数字资产的潜力,创造一个全新的亚洲数字经济环境,树立亚洲为全球经济的中心。

Even more crucially, Giants Planet has been supported by Singapore's SWF, which is also a project in which few encryption industries have been strongly endorsed by SWF. With the support of Singapore's SWF, Giants Planet will unlock the potential of digital assets to create a new digital economy environment in Asia and place Asia at the centre of the global economy.

二、Giants Protocol 开创性提供可扩展、可定制的资产管理系统

II. Giants Protocol seminal offer scalable, customized asset management systems

Giants Planet 处于比特币生态系统的最前沿,通过全套比特币基础设施创造资产和游戏化的真实世界资产 (RWA) 体验。 Giants Planet 利用其创新的 Giants Protocol 来提供可扩展、可定制的资产管理系统,支持物理和数字资产的创建和游戏化。这种方法不仅通过奖励活动增强用户参与度,而且还确保进入去中心化领域的企业绝佳的便利性和安全性。

Giants Planet is at the forefront of the Bitcoin ecosystem, creating real world assets (RWA) of assets and games through a full set of bitcoins infrastructure. Giants Planet uses its innovative Giants Protocol to provide scalable, customized asset management systems to support the creation and play of physical and digital assets. This approach not only enhances user participation through incentive activities, but also ensures excellent ease and security for businesses entering the field of decentralisation.

通过利用元数据和 Meta Protocol,Giants Protocol 开启了有史以来第一个动态用户体验,并扩展了整个 Web3 生态系统中各种应用的创新可能性。借助 Giants Protocol 创新的比特币索引器搜索引擎,它通过简化资产管理和探索,为资产创建者和用户提供可扩展性。

opens the first dynamic user experience in history by using metadata and Meta Protocol, Giants Protocol, and expands the possibilities for innovation in a variety of applications across the Web3 ecosystem. With Giants Protocol's innovative bitcoin indexer search engine, it provides scalability to asset creators and users by simplifying asset management and exploration.

Giants Protocol 有四大核心功能,分别是:

GiantsProtocol has four core functions:

● 用户定义的资产创建:使用元数据设计和定义具有特定属性的唯一资产;

User-defined asset creation: using metadata to design and define the only asset with specific attributes;

● 可扩展的资产管理:通过蚀刻进行批量部署可简化资产创建,消除重复流程;

Extensible asset management: Simplified asset creation and elimination of duplicate processes through bulk deployment by etching;

● 可互操作的资产集成:促进了与各种数字和物理资产的无缝连接和集成;

Interoperable asset integration: facilitating seamless connectivity and integration with various digital and physical assets;

● 灵活的资产可升级性:利用委托 ID 动态管理和升级具有新属性的资产。

Flexible assets upgradeability: use commission ID dynamic management and upgrade of assets with new attributes.

(1)什么是 Meta Protocol?

What's Meta Protocol?

Meta Protocol 是一个通过有效地管理和处理元数据来帮助更有效地分类和利用比特币生态系统的系统。Giants Planet 支持此协议,确保无缝集成和组织良好的信息。用户可以填写元数据,提供有关每个符文的其他上下文和详细信息,例如创建日期和创建者信息。Giants Meta Protocol

Meta Protocol is a system that helps to classify and use Bitcoin ecosystems more efficiently by effectively managing and processing metadata.

● 创建游戏内或代币化资产:建造者可以自定义和存储具有特定参数或属性的单个符文代币。

Creates an asset in a game or a monetized asset: the builder can customize and store a single token coin with a specific parameter or attribute.

● 永久存储:资产被蚀刻到 Meta Protocol 中,并永久存储在比特币区块链上。开发人员可以通过搜索用户的连接地址来验证资产所有权。

Permanent storage: assets are carved into Meta Protocol and stored permanently on the Bitcoin block chain. Developers can verify asset ownership by searching the user's connection address.

● 市场集成:这些资产可以在市场上架、出售或交易。Meta Protocol 支持更具可扩展性的比特币资产,使使用 CBOR 或来源更快、更高效地搜索游戏内资产。

Market integration: these assets can be racked, sold or traded on the market. Meta Protocol supports a more scalable bitcoin asset that allows faster and more efficient searches of the game's assets using CBOR or source.

(2)解析 Giants Protocol 应用场景

(2) parsing GiantsProtocol application

Giants Protocol 的灵活性和可扩展性使其在多个领域都有广泛的应用前景。以下是几个具体的应用场景:

The flexibility and scalability of

在 AI 领域,符文资产可以用于管理和验证训练数据。

in the AI field, acoustic assets can be used to manage and validate training data.

AI 开发者可以创建包含数据来源、创建日期和标签等元数据的数据集符文,用于训练模型,并在训练和验证过程中记录关键步骤,确保过程的透明度和可追溯性。

AI developers can create data set symbols containing metadata such as data sources, creation dates and labels for use in training models and record key steps in the training and validation process to ensure transparency and traceability of the process.

此外,符文资产还可以证明和交易 AI 模型的所有权和使用权,保护开发者的知识产权。通过这种方式,数据集符文用于记录详细信息,符文资产用于模型交易和授权使用。

In addition, a symbolic asset can prove and trade the ownership and use rights of the AI model and protect the developers' intellectual property rights. In this way, the dataset symbol is used to record detailed information, and the symbolic asset is used for model transactions and authorized use.

在 RWA 领域,符文资产可用于代表实际的物理资产,从而实现资产的数字化和流通。

In the RWA field, a symbolic asset can be used to represent actual physical assets, thereby digitizing and circulating the asset.


, for example, real estate can record the ownership of the property, the history of the transaction and the relevant legal documents by means of a symbolic asset; art can record the history of creation, ownership and the transaction by means of a symbolic asset; financial assets, such as bonds and shares, can be traded and managed on the block chain by means of a token asset.


In the specific course of


in the field of play, acoustic assets can be used to create and manage virtual objects and roles in the game and to enhance the depth of the game experience and the economic system.


, for example, players can create and customize game roles, record their properties and developments, and game developers can create and manage items in bulk, such as weapons, equipment, and distribute and trade through token assets.


At the same time, the market in a game based on a symmetrical asset allows players to freely trade in and manage virtual objects, thus forming an interactive, high-valued economic system in a game.

从上述使用案例角度出发,Giants Protocol 将应用场景放在首位,团队也坚信没有应用场景的二层,注定只能是“空中楼阁”。

From the point of view of the above-mentioned usage, Giants Protocol placed the application scene first, and the team was convinced that the second floor of the application did not exist and was destined to be only an ark.

(3)Giants Protocol 提供 Runes 搜索引擎

(3)GiantsProtocol provides Runes search engine

Runes 搜索引擎是一个创新工具,旨在通过提供一种强大且高效的方式来查询和管理 Giants Protocol 框架内的资产,以提升用户体验。它利用元数据和 Meta Protocol 功能,允许用户动态地与他们的数字和物理资产交互。

The Runes search engine is an innovative tool designed to enhance user experience by providing a powerful and efficient way to query and manage assets within the Giants Protocol framework. It allows users to interact dynamically with their digital and physical assets using metadata and Meta Protocol functions.

具体来说,搜索条件定义了处理数字资产或智能合约等对象的参数和方法,GP Meta Protocol 则定义了一组可用于处理对象的操作或方法。这些操作分为标准操作和可扩展操作。

Specifically, search conditions define parameters and methods for handling objects such as digital assets or smart contracts, and GP Meta Protocol defines a set of operations or methods that can be used to process objects. These operations are divided into standard and scalable operations.


standard operations include:

● gpp(部署操作,用于发布或初始化对象);

gpp (deployment operation for the release or initialization of objects);

● gpp(刻录操作,用于销毁或移除对象)。

gpp (writing operation for destruction or removal of objects).


extensions include:

● gpp(反汇编操作,用于将复杂对象分解为多个部分)

gpp (recording operation for dissecting complex objects into multiple parts)

● gpp(装配操作,用于将多个零件组合成一个复杂的对象)

gpp (assembly operation, used to combine multiple parts into a complex object)

● gpp(增强操作,用于升级或增强对象的属性或功能)。

gpp (enhanced operation for upgrading or enhancing object properties or functions).


In addition, search dimensions include the name, type, source (platform or tissue information expressed by Hashi), random information (used to generate random properties or verify random Hashi values) and other properties.

此外,Giants Protocol 还有随机数据的应用,通过指定公共数据源和使用多个哈希层来确保不可预测的数据生成,这些数据可用于各种应用,如数字资产、智能合约等。

In addition, Giants Protocol also uses random data to ensure unpredictable data generation through the designation of public data sources and the use of multiple Hashi layers, which can be used for various applications such as digital assets, smart contracts, etc.

三、Giants Protocol 即将掀起比特币链上活动新风潮

III, Giants Protocol is about to launch a new wave of activity on the Bitcoin chain .

自 2024 年第二季度以来,Giants Planet 社区 Beta 测试一直在进行。

Since the second quarter of 2024, the Giants Planet Community Beta test has been under way.

根据官方消息,Giants Planet 将于 2024 年第三季度初推出其游戏化和 GPS 游戏,旨在通过为各种活动提供奖励来增强用户在 Giants Protocol 生态系统中的参与度。用户可以通过铸造和蚀刻等活动赚取积分,积分可兑换战利品箱等奖品以及参加每周抽奖活动,其中包括 DOG、RSIC 和 PUPS 等符文。

, according to official sources, Giants Planet will launch its games and GPS games at the beginning of the third quarter of 2024, with the aim of increasing user participation in the Giants Protocol ecosystem by providing incentives for a variety of activities. Users can earn credits through such activities as casting and etching, credits, trophies, etc., and participation in weekly prizes, including DOG, RSIC and PUPS.

如今的比特币生态需要一个真正从应用场景出发的资产发行协议,从需求入手,Giants Protocol 利用 UTXO 这种颇具难度的构建方式,不但满足用户对于安全性的要求,更满足了对后续游戏、AI 以及 RWA 等极具想象空间的憧憬。

Today's bitcoin ecology requires a real asset-distribution protocol based on the application landscape. From the point of view of demand, Giants Protocol uses UTXO as a difficult way to construct, not only to meet the user's safety requirements, but also to meet the most imaginative visions of follow-up games, AI and RWA.

通过提供一个多功能、可扩展和可定制的系统,Giants Protocol 使用户和开发者能够在比特币区块链上创建、管理和升级数字资产,从而推动了比特币和 Web3 生态系统的创新与发展。

promotes innovation and development in the Bitcoin and Web3 ecosystems by providing a multifunctional, scalable and customized system that will enable users and developers to create, manage and upgrade digital assets on the Bitcoin block chain.

未来,随着更多开发者和用户的参与,Giants Protocol 有望成为比特币生态系统中不可或缺的一部分,赋予比特币新的生命力和更广阔的应用前景。

In the future, with the participation of more developers and users, Giants Protocol is expected to become an integral part of the Bitcoin ecosystem, giving Bitcoin new life and wider application prospects.




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    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...